March 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! One of the newest long term investment programs to be added to my monitoring page and also just about one of the nicest looking new websites I’ve seen in recent weeks is called PrimaryPool. I know it takes more than a good website to make a good HYIP (a lot more!) but I do think that this one shows some good potential. So before we get to this evening’s news updates I’d like to take a closer look.

PrimaryPool has four main plans available to investors with a fifth one available for larger deposits where the investor can discuss his own individual needs with the admin and together you can come to a mutual agreement on a unique tailor made designed just for you. It’s a nice touch but as it’s only open to deposits of $20,000 or more not one most of us will be taking seriously. But let’s take a look at the other options here.

To start with we have The Start Plan. Here PrimaryPool offers you 1.1% interest per business day (Monday to Friday) for a term of 30 business days, or six weeks, in total. The minimum deposit is pretty high by most standards and is set at $30. The maximum deposit is $499. Your principal gets returned at the end of the term. So in practical terms a $100 deposit would earn you $1.10 per day, five days per week, for six weeks. That will be a total of $33 (or 33% of your investment) in profit on top of your initial hundred which is then returned.

The second plan is called The Basic Plan. The minimum cost of joining here will be $500 and the maximum deposit allowed is $4999. The investment term runs for 60 business days (12 weeks) with interest payments of 1.4% being made every day from Monday to Friday. That’s 84% profit in addition to your principal which is then returned.

Strictly for the brave next, we have The Pro Plan. It costs a minimum of $5000 to join with the maximum set to $11,999 so I’m not sure there’s going to be many takers. But if there is, then they can expect PrimaryPool to pay them 1.7% interest per day, Monday to Friday, for 120 business days (24 weeks). That will come to a total of 204% profit on top of your principal which is then returned. A $5K minimum might seek like an extreme commitment to most investors and rightly so. To sweeten the deal a little the PrimaryPool admin has decided to add a 5% bonus to the value of all deposits here. Nice, but unfortunately it doesn’t make the initial $5K any more affordable in the first place.

The fourth and final conventional plan will cost you at least $12,000 to join so I’ll just mention it for your information. It’s called The VIP Plan and it also runs for 120 business days paying 2% interest per day, 5 days per week, and returns your deposit on expiry. A 10% bonus is added in order to entice members to join but again that doesn’t put the initial $12K in your pocket to start with and doesn’t make the program any more likely to pay up at the end.

There are a couple of other things you need to know about the PrimaryPool plans before getting involved. First of all fans of compounding will be pleased to hear that this is allowed here. Simply choose the amount you wish to compound (if at all) up to a maximum of 100% when joining. And one fairly unique feature is the daily bonus award where the single largest deposit made into any given plan will be rewarded with an extra 10% on top of that.

As for the choice of payment options, unfortunately most of you are going to consider the choice to be a bit limited. The only two processors traditionally associated with the HYIP world being accepted by PrimaryPool are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. A couple of other options are available though I doubt many readers here will be all that familiar with them. For instance they take WebMoney which is a very reputable company that Russian readers might be more used to using. They also accept LiqPay, which is Ukrainian. Of course that’s not necessarily the way things are going to stay with this program and it’s not a difficult thing to add more at a later date. But they’ll probably have to at some stage as the limited choice only limits their appeal, and I believe PrimaryPool is better than that. It’s a good enough program to warrant more attention but isn’t going to get it without some extra payment options.

Moving on to security, PrimaryPool is as good as anything else around at the moment. Certainly in the top 10% in that respect. They are hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus who provide them with their highest level possible of protection. As with most of the better online HYI programs PrimaryPool has opted to avoid buying any of the generic scripts available for commercial use and have had their own developed for them instead. And I must say it looks great and is easy to use. The website is also SSL encrypted so you should have no real concerns on that front.

The website is also professionally translated into five languages other than English, though I can’t say if customer support is available in any of them. Speaking of which, support is available through a direct e-mail link. So far they have proved to be quite responsive so that’s always a good start. The importance of good communications can never be overstated after all.

As for any alleged business or investment activities, it’s really hard to say. They talk a lot but say little if you know what I mean. PrimaryPool mentions things like “investment pools” and “stabilization funds” but never says what they are and never explicitly states what they are doing with members money. So don’t get too carried away with the idea that they may be any kind of an actual offline business. But even if they were, that still guarantees nothing. But I would suspect an experienced HYIP admin to be at work here and that’s fine by me.

Overall I have to say that as online HYIPs go I like this one. But that doesn’t mean I’d spend ridiculous amounts of money on them either. The only people who lose thousands of dollars are people who gamble thousands of dollars. Keep it sensible and keep it as part of a diverse portfolio and it might just turn out to be a profitable experience. Maximize your profits by joining early.


The admin of GeneralIncome (interviewed here) announced a new referral contest which will last for the next few days with a total prize fund of $400 for the best three referrals. How the prizes will be distributed can be seen in the latest newsletter from GeneralIncome published below:
Hello! Our first Referral Contest.
End date March 15!
1st Place $250, 2nd Place $100, 3rd Place $50
Winner will be the user with most active referrals.
Chat with GeneralIncome members – http://GI-CHAT.COM

As you can see the admin of GeneralIncome is very proactive and does a lot more than just process payouts (important and all as that is). He is also adding some interesting and useful features like the latest addition of their Live Chat which is hosted on a separate site. I remind you that GeneralIncome offers instant payouts on three investment plans: 110% after 3 days, 120% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days. It accepts all the MNO approved payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay and has been online for 11 days already. More about GeneralIncome can be read in my detailed review of the program here.

There was another newsletter sent today from the admin of the only recommended exchanger website called xChanger (interviewed here). A fourth payment processor has been added and from now on along with LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay you will be able to exchange to and from GlobalDigitalPay (reviewed here) as well. This is still a relatively new one but is a fast developing payment processor which has a pretty good chance of becoming a popular choice among online investors during 2010 and beyond. The special promotion direction of exchange has been announced by the admin of xChanger and to find out more about that please read the latest newsletter below:
Short update here.
1. GlobalDigitalPay. We have added GlobalDigitalPay to our list of payment processors accepted. You can now exchange from and to GlobalDigitalPay as well.
2. Special Promotion.
2.1. Exchange StrictPay to SolidTrustPay for 4%.
2.2. Exchange GlobalDigitalPay to SolidTrustPay for 2%.
2.3. Exchange GlobalDigitalPay to StrictPay for 2%.
We also still have LibertyReserve to SolidTrustPay or StrictPay at 2%.
These offers won’t last for long, so you may want to act now. Go to xChanger.
Sincerely yours, xChanger Team

I have faced the first difficulties today with processing pending cashouts from GeniusFunds (reviewed here). One of my payouts is now pending for over 24 hours which has never happened before. And in total I have two pending cashouts. The strange thing that the smallest and the newest payout was paid to LibertyReserve quite fast with two larger ones still pending. That makes me think about the safety of investing in GeniusFunds at this point. Of course it could be connected to the script and the latest connectivity issues and not to create panic I will leave GeniusFunds on Paying status on my monitoring page till the end of the week when according to GeniusFunds administration all the pending payouts should be paid. If all the payouts are not paid by the end of the week I will have to move GeniusFunds to Problem status on MNO. I think it’s a fair position as I gave them the benefit of the doubt and every chance to fix the issues and pay all the pendings like many of you asked me. Let’s hope the admin of GeniusFunds will live up to his promise.

PTVPartner (reviewed here) has been offline for the most part of the day. I think they have some issues with their database as the site was down for maintenance. When I was able to access the site today I saw the wrong history of a transaction made before yesterday. I guess the technical team will fix everything soon and I will report about that on my blog straight away after receiving an update from the admin of PTVPartner Garrett.

I have to move StarkFund to Problem status today as I noticed that my payouts have been pending for over 48 hours now. Please draw the right conclusion from that and stop all investments in StarkFund immediately which I suspect is starting to scam now.

All others seem to be paying well however and here is the list of programs monitored by MNO which paid me for the last 24 hours:
HugMoney, GeneralIncome, PanaMoney, HighYieldClub, RedOrchidInvest, 10000Dollars, BiotechInvFund, NasMos, MandarinInvest, GloboFunds, Super12Arbitrage, WestFinance, XagaEnterprise, FinanceNova, SmartTradersInv, FxPetroleum, ForexNetClub, Aballong, WaterInvestment, GeniusFunds, EuroNanoInvest, ScootFx, Plents, Verifield, PrimaryPool, IncoForex, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AvaInvestment, MoneyPlus, UmaxFunds, OneDailyPro, Dragadox, TheKapital, ExceptionalFunds, Eternidex, BVBC, WeeklyDividend, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, AimTrust and HarmonicMarket (the first payment received).

See you on MNO tomorrow for a detailed review of HarmonicMarket and more news from the industry. Stay tuned and stay on the money with Money-News-Online!

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