March 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend so far. After a long winter it was nice to finally see some nice spring sunshine today so I spent my Saturday exploring a couple of nice islands of the coast of Marseille. Too bad I have to leave soon.

Anyway, it’s back to business tonight and before we come to the day’s news I would like to take a closer look at a program added to my monitoring list earlier in the week called CottonFunds. Though it’s just a new addition to my list, it’s not really all that new a program itself. In fact CottonFunds is online for over six weeks now and has been something of a slow burner until now. The admin has made an effort to change that however and those of you already familiar with the program may notice a couple of changes between the version you see today and what was first presented to investors back in the end of January. Mainly what you’ll notice is that the list of plans has been extended. So let’s start with that.

CottonFunds has a total of five plans for you to choose from. Two of them pay every month, two of them pay every week, and one of them pays every day. And that’s the one I’ll begin with. It’s called simply The Daily Plan and it’s the newest of the plans to be added. This is how it works – for a deposit between a minimum of $5 and a maximum of $999 you will receive an interest payment of 0.8% every day for a term of 200 days. That means you break even after 125 days (approximately 4 months) and see your first profit after that. You should then finish the term with a total return of 160%. This is the final return as your principal is already factored into the payments. Larger deposits of $1000 and up will receive a daily payment of 1% interest.

Next is The Weekly Plan. For this CottonFunds require a minimum deposit of $10 and anything between that and the maximum of $5000 will be paid 6% interest once per week for 35 weeks. Your principal will not be returned at the end so remember that by joining here you will break even after 17 weeks and finish the term with a total return of 210%

CottonFunds then offers The Weekly Premium Plan. This works pretty much the same way except this time you get paid 8% per week on deposits starting from a minimum of $5001.

Moving on to The Monthly Plan (which I’m not sure will prove all that popular but that’s something for you the investor to decide) CottonFunds start by offering you an interest payment of 30% paid once per month for 9 months on deposits between a minimum of $50 and a maximum of $5000. Principal is included in the payments so don’t wait around expecting it to be returned. You should expect to break even on receipt of your fourth monthly payment and finish with a total return of 270%.

And finally we have The Monthly Premium Plan. Again it’s just like the regular monthly plan but pays a higher return of 40% per month on deposits starting from $5001, so strictly for the brave I’d say.

The choice of payment options is as good as anything you’ll find in the business at the moment. All the popular processors are catered for here with AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay all in use. Payments need to be requested and the admin requires you allow him up to 48 hours to process it.

I like the overall layout of the program and the security is up to quite a good standard. The site is SSL-secured which makes it safer for potential investors. CottonFunds is hosted on a dedicated server with HushHosting protection and is running off a Neversay script where you can invest in units of $1 each. Any questions can be put directly to the admin through an online support ticketing system or else by writing directly to the e-mail address provided.

As for the line of business, well I think this is the first time I’ve heard of an online HYIP investing in the cotton trade which the name CottonFunds alludes to. I was unaware of cotton being a more profitable commodity than IBM stock, but there you go! Needless to say little in the way of evidence is presented so as usual treat this like any other HYIP, remember there are no guarantees, and proceed with the usual level of caution. On the other hand remember also that it only costs five bucks to join so you don’t need to risk a hell of a lot to participate and enjoy the gamble either.


Saturday is usually a quiet day in the HYIP Industry when investors and admins alike take a day off. Investors prefer not to spend and admins prefer not to pay. Anyway, for some programs this rule seems not to apply as they are as active on the weekends as ever. For instance the admin of BioEnergyFunds found time to remind his members about the two contests which are running now: one of them is a referral contest and another one is a photo contest. If the results of the referral contest will not be known until the end of March the time to submit your photos is running out and you have only a few hours left for your chance to win up to $100 from them. MNO will update you on the results of the photo contest called “St. Pat’s Day Green Pic Contest” and meanwhile I remind you that to invest in BioEnergyFunds you will have to purchase at least one of share at a cost of $20 via LR, PM, AP, STP or SP payment processors in any of the offered investment plans: 8% for 2 weeks with the principal return on expiry or 8.5%-12% weekly for 30 weeks with the principal already factored into the payouts. More on that can be read in my detailed review of BioEnergyFunds which was published here. And this is the latest newsletter from them received today:
Hello BioEnergyFunds Friends, For the benefit of new members, here’s a quick reminder regarding our 2 current contests:
1. The St. Pat’s Day Green Pic Contest, ending March 15th at midnight server time
2. Our March To a Greener World Referral Contest, ending March 31st
Here are the details again:
Send us a photo of yourself, or your family, taken with any eco-friendly image in the picture …..and there are many! (For idea starters, check out the images on our home page). Feel free to use your imagination and to be original! The goal is to show that you are “green” conscious in any area you wish.
The top 3 photos will be awarded up to $100 cash, and will (with permission of the winners) be posted on site on St. Pat’s Day. Your photos should be sent to before midnight (server time) on March 15th. The best of Irish luck to you!
So far weve received a number of lovely photos, so come on everyone……dig out one of YOU! (Please note, that you and/or your family must be in the pic to qualify. )
BioEnergyFunds‘ MARCH TO A GREENER WORLD Contest (March 2nd to March 31st)
We offer 4 Categories of Prizes, totaling $1000:
1. Bring in 101 + members; earn up to $400 in prizes; at least 12 of your members must be upgraded.
2. Bring in 51 to 100 members; earn up to $300 in prizes; at least 10 of your members must be upgraded.
3. Bring in 26-50 members; earn up to $200 in prizes; at least 5 of your members must be upgraded
4. Bring in 10-25 members; earn up to $100 in prizes; at least 2 of your members must upgrade before the end of the contest.
First and second place prizes in each category! ( If there are no qualified sponsors in any category, the prizes will be added to the higher categories.) ALL WINNERS MUST BE UPGRADED MEMBERS TO RECEIVE A PRIZE!
** Please note that the top positions posted in your Referral Contest link (members area) are not necessarily the winners. All must qualify according to the above rules.
Have a great weekend, Your BioEnergyFunds Team

Another program that announced a referral contest today was DynFxTrade (reviewed here) which is a perpetual program paying 1% daily, 6% weekly and 25% monthly with no expiry. The rules of the new contest were announced in the latest newsletter from the admin of DynFxTrade (interviewed here) republised below:
We trust that you are enjoying a relaxing weekend.
DynFxTrade has had a profitable trading week. All payouts have been paid to date.
Today now that Spring is so close, we are pleased to announce the start of our new referral contest. In this contest, ALL your referrals will count (both free and upgraded). So all in your downline from today, March 13th to March 31st will be counted by the system.
First place winner……$100 (minimum 40 new members)
Second place winner…..$50 (minimum 30 new members)
Third place winner…….$30 (minimum 15 new members)
We have just 2 rules:
1. No Paid to Signups Please!
2. Absolutely NO Spamming permitted!
Thank you for your support in forums and on monitors when paid. This is, as always, much appreciated.
Have a good weekend, Your DynFxTrade Team

The admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) launched a poll to find the opinion of his members about the future payouts which would be either processed with a 6% fee or have the timeframe increased from 24 to 48 hours. Kevin explained this necessity because of the huge workload brought on by the ever growing numbers of people joining XagaEnterprise recently and the considerations of switching the program to GoldCoders script which will allow automatic cashouts. To vote simply send an email to specifying your opinion. Personally I would prefer not to pay any fees and allow Kevin up to 48 hours to process the payouts. Anyway, since XagaEnterprise program will go private soon new signups and deposits will not be allowed which should see the workload level out. Here are the last two updates from XagaEnterprise (reviewed here):
Since I broadcast that XagaEnterprise will go private, the membership increases so high. Now XagaEnterprise has about 4500 members.
As you know, I do payments manually. But this situation gives me headache. I can’t do all the payouts in 24 hours. I have to divide my time between generating money and processing withdrawals.
So, let’s vote. If you want me to do the payouts manually, then allow upto 48 hours, maybe more in weekends. But there’s one solution that I can give to you. Automatic payments. But there’s 6% fee because I have to upload more cash to Xaga’s PPs.
If you agree, then Xaga’s database will be converted to Goldcoders script. I have contacted Goldcoders and they need to see my cpanel.
So it’s ur choice now. Manually (upto 48 hours) or Automatic with 6% fee. Send your vote to
Thanks. Regards, Kev
1. We’re going to private soon. A couple of days from now. Total investment allowed: $9,950. So, if you consider to add some investments, this is the right time. Please notice this is only a option. Feel free to add or just stick with ur current investment.
2. I will delete all inactive members. Minimum is $1 to upgrade ur account.
3. I will announce the vote result tomorrow morning.
Thanks. Regards, Kev

The admin of 10000Dollars (reviewed here) who offers a huge variety of short-term plans sent another short update today informing his members about the interview that was published on my blog lately. Here is the latest from 10000Dollars:
INTERVIEW with 10000Dollars has been published on Money-News-Online.
Warm regards, 10000Dollars Team

I found some interesting info on yesterday’s reviewed program HarmonicMarket (read the review here). It appears the Clover Projects Ltd. which was mentioned on the HarmonicMarket website is a real company registered in Belize though which doesn’t have any license to engage in such trading or to offer HYI services. Therefore the International Financial Services Commission in Belize issued a cease and desist order for this company and defined their activities as an offense under the laws of Belize. I have already contacted the admin of HarmonicMarket program for an explanation about this and hope to get a reply from him by tomorrow. As soon as I get a response it will be published on my blog. The above-mentioned cease and desist order can be found on the official site here and is republished below for your information:
It has come to the notice of the International Financial Services Commission of Belize (IFSC) that CLOVER PROJECTS LTD., an international business company registered in Belize, is engaged in Trading in Securities and is offering a high yield investment service under the name “HarmonicMarket”, without a licence from the IFSC, as required by section 7 of the International Financial Services Commission Act, Chapter 272 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000-2003, as amended by Act No. 8 of 2007. This is an offence under the laws of Belize.
CLOVER PROJECTS LTD. is therefore directed to cease and desist from carrying on the said activities until it has applied for and obtained a licence from the IFSC.
All persons concerned are asked to take note and exercise caution.
International Financial Services Commission of Belize

I have received a complaint from one of my readers who stated that he had been waiting for over two days to receive his payout from FxPetroleum. I decided to contact the admin today for an explanation of the delayed payout and will let you know on my blog tomorrow if I receive a reply. If nothing is heard then FxPetroleum will be moved to Problem status on MNO by tomorrow night. So please be aware of that and exercise some caution. Also I would appreciate if you emailed me to let me know if you were paid from FxPetroleum for the last two days. Thanks in advance for your help, guys!

I have been paid today from the following programs listed on my monitoring page:
GeneralIncome, HugMoney, MandarinInvest, BiotechInvFund, NasMos, GloboFunds, EuroNanoInvest, BioEnergyFunds, 10000Dollars, OneDailyPro, HarmonicMarket, FinanceNova, XagaEnterprise, Aballong, GeniusFunds, DepositPalace, AvaInvestment, WestFinance, WeeklyDividend, Eternidex, HighYieldClub, ScootFx, RedOrchidInvest, Verifield, PrimaryPool, BVBC, IncoForex, AtlantisMutual, AtoxFinance, WWFD, Dragadox, TheKapital, WaterInvestment, AimTrust, ExceptionalFunds, MoneyPlus, UmaxFunds, SmartTradersInv, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, Plents, EzProfit and BJInvestment (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys! See you on my blog tomorrow with the review of BJInvestment and all the latest news from the HYIP industry!

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