March 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! Or should I say Salut! Because this evening Money-News-Online comes to you from Paris where I came on the train just this morning. Already it seems to have a much more laid back and relaxed atmosphere to London despite being almost as big. But anyway, MNO will as always continue with no interruptions so you can still depend on getting all the important news updates right here.

So for today the first thing I’d like to do is take a look at a new short term program that to be honest has surprised me by how fast it’s getting so popular. It’s called SteadyRoi and it just opened for business a week ago. If you are prepared to take some risks in return for some fast profits then it may be the right place for you. Just don’t lose sight of the fact that you are taking a gamble. Keep that in mind and you may even enjoy the experience.

SteadyRoi has three plans available, all of which are best described as very short term. They run for just one, two, and three days respectively and pay on expiry. The first of these is called The Bronze Plan and you can join it for just $5. It expires after 1 day. Deposits between $5 and $100 will receive a total repayment of 108%. Amounts from $101 to $500 are rewarded with a 109% repayment. And bigger investors willing to risk $501 up to the maximum allowed amount of $1000 will receive 110% interest. Obviously all of these payments include your principal.

The second available option is called The Silver Plan. It runs for 2 days and again SteadyRoi will reward you according to how much you invest. Minimum investmets this time increase to $10 and everything between that and $100 will receive 121% in total paid back on expiry. Amounts between $101 and $500 will receive 123% interest on expiry. And bigger investments from $501 up to the maximum allowed amount of $2000 will get 125%, also on expiry.

The third and final investment plan is called The Gold Plan and it runs for 3 days. It will also pay you on expiry according to how much you invested and includes your principal in the payments. The minimum to deposit in this one goes up to $30 and for amounts between that and $100 SteadyRoi offer you 134% interest. Amounts from $101 to $500 are paid 137% interest. And the biggest investors willing to pay from $501 up to the maximum allowed amount of $3000 will be given 140% interest on expiry.

The page that describes the investment plans on the SteadyRoi website also comes with a handy little profit calculator to help you work out how much you should expect to earn from deposit. The list of payment options is pretty standard for an online HYIP like this one. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay are the processors available for you here and I don’t imagine that’s going to change anytime soon. One marked advantage that SteadyRoi has over the competition though is that they are using instant payouts. All payments of $250 or less will be made instantly to either LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. If you’re using StrictPay then you are asked to allow them a bit more time, though in my own short experience with them payments there have been fast by industry standards.

The overall design of the program is nothing all that spectacular. SteadyRoi is pretty much straight to the point and just about what you might expect from a program like this. But it is easy to navigate and there’s no excess baggage to go with it. It’s a very uncomplicated program and there is no need to confuse the issue. SteadyRoi is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server protected and supported by Koddos. If you need to contact the admin for any support related issues then you may do so through the support ticketing system on the contacts page.

As for the business and investment activities of SteadyRoi – there aren’t any. And that’s fine by me. The admin isn’t wasting anybody’s time by making up any stories so remember to take this program exactly as it’s presented to you. This is an online game with high rewards. Too many people fail to see past that however and prefer to ignore the fact that high rewards only come with high risks. There are no guarantees in this program but to the admin’s credit he never offered any. So if you’re looking for a fast profit and are prepared to take a gamble in order to get it then SteadyRoi is a reasonable place to try your luck. If the stats are to be believed then almost 900 of you already think so.


First of all is coming some exciting news from PTVPartner (reviewed here) which is celebrating its sixth month online. That’s a fantastic achievement and along the way the program has developed into one of the best medium-term investment platforms around. I would like to send my sincere congratulations to Garrett, the admin of PTVPartner (interviewed here). They never stoped surprising investors during this long time by adding many new features to the old site and modifying it into something new. There is now a chat room, a blog, PTV Video and Radio portals, etc. The most important thing though are the profitable investment plans offering the opportunity to earn 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days via the four accepted payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay. PTVPartner has gotten much praise and accolades from among the investment community by offering not only the best investment services but their commitment to a high level of communication by chat rooms, public forums, blogs and regular newsletter updates. The last newsletter is published below and includes beside some news on the program’s anniversary also online blog highlight, PTVPartner blog article of the day and joke of the day. Here’s the newsletter:
Tomorrow’s News Today!
Happy Birthday to Us! Tomorrow we are celebrating our 6th month Anniversary online. We have surpassed our own goals and we have a consistent record of support and payouts. Our growth has the internet arena sitting up and taking notice. We hope you are as pleased as we are. There will be many new and exciting things for us in the coming months. Stay tuned as we continue to take the online world by storm.
Online Blog Highlight:
PTVPartner pays out again…
For some months I’ve been extolling the virtues of PTVPartner as one investment that has proved itself time after time. And yet again this weekend my investments have matured and funds are available for re-investing or withdrawing.
One other highlight with PTVPartner is the regular communication that members get. In some ways they almost communicate too much and you get a guilty feeling if you don’t visit the chat room and forum on a regular basis. They also have a blog that they encourage members to contribute to so there is a definite aim to create a real spirit of community.
Given many other opportunities that promise much but deliver little it’s great to report that PTVPartner really do appear to be the real thing.”
PTV Blog Article of the Day:
First, before we get into the blog articles, we wanted to see if you knew that you can now find PTVPartner on both Facebook and Twitter!
Check out our blog today and we’ll point you in the right direction.
Heal Yourself in 15 days (Part 10)
“Continuing with our 15-day self healing series, today we focus on cleaning up your skin exposures. By “skin exposures,” I mean all the things your skin comes into contact with… and the sheer quantity of those things will probably surprise you. ”
Catch up with all the great articles we have for you on our blog today!
What Manner of PERSON are you? (Part 3 of 4)
Feudal tendency is discussed in this section.
News from around the World today:
We do not often feature news from around the world. Today is a bit different. Things are happening around the world in dramatic sequence. It was a very short time ago we were all taken back by the earthquake that devastated Haiti. While that is still fresh in our minds, we now have had an earthquake in Chile. It registered an 8.8 on the Richter scale. There were casualties and the property damage estimates are mind staggering. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the members here and their families and to all those affected by this natural disaster.
Fortunately, the earthquake centered near Japan with a Richter scale rating of 7.0 was centered in the water and only minor reports of damage and few if any injuries were reported.
And while we just had heard of that, there were Tsunami warnings posted that affect many, many countries as an after affect of the quake. Hawaii escaped with very little to no damage. Other countries were put on alert and some have been downgraded or ended now and others have been raised. Let’s trust that things will soon settle down everywhere and life can get back to normal as quickly as possible.
Joke of the Day:
An insect that makes you like flies better.
Grape with a sunburn.
Something you tell to one person at a time.
A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.
The pain that drives you to extraction.
One of the greatest labor saving devices of today.
An honest opinion openly expressed.
Something other people have. You have character lines. Ha!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) has achieved even more incredible results and will be celebrating one year online in less than a month. On this occasion the admin of the program Kevin is offering some bonuses which will be credited to members accounts on condition they deposit over $20 into some plans participating in this promo. The offer is valid only for new deposits made after the announcement into the perpetual plans offering 1.2% on every business day forever and 8%-10% weekly forever plan. I remind you that some other plans offered by XagaEnterprise where you will receive your principal back on expiry include: 0.5% for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days. The uniqueness of XagaEnterprise comes from an original concept of making the money on casino comps which was thoroughly discussed by the admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin who was interviewed here. The interview is really worth reading if you consider investing in XagaEnterprise so don’t miss it. The most recent newsletter with the rules about receiving the bonuses and more info on the program can be read below:
To celebrate our first anniversary, for the first time, XagaEnterprise is going to give lots of cash to its members. Please notice that XagaEnterprise will celebrate its 1 year online on March 28, 2010.
Spend :
$20 – $500 : receive extra 4% balance
$501 – $1000 : receive extra 5% balance
$1001 – $5000 : receive extra 7% balance
$5001 – $10,000 : receive extra 10% balance
$10,001 – $100,000 : receive extra 15% balance
Rules :
– These offers are valid only for the Ultimate plan and Xaga Star plan
– After you made a spend, send email to support and your extra balance will be credited 7 days after you made a deposit.
– These offers are valid only for new deposit not from reinvestment feature. So I suggest you to withdraw your money and make a new deposit.
– If you made a spend before u receive this newsletter, you will not be able to receive your extra balance for that deposit. You have to spend again to receive it.
This promotion ends in March 31, 2009. I will not make any promotions again after this. I make this promotion to celebrate XagaEnterprise’s victory in this industry. Many people underestimated XagaEnterprise, but now I can shut their mouth down. LOL.
I proud that XagaEnterprise has become the longest perpetual (no expiration time) investment program that pays up to 10% weekly. My competitors collapsed one by one but XagaEnterprise is still here serving its thousand members.
Btw, please whitelist this email address:
This is to make sure that the newsletters will not go into your SPAM folder.
Thanks. Xaga Rocks!
Regards, Kevin. Admin

It seems that Dragadox (reviewed here) experienced some issues with accepting AlertPay deposits and making AlertPay withdrawals yesterday. However by now according to the admin this issue has been resolved and you are able to use AlertPay as usual along with the other payment processors and deposit into the investment plan offering 1.6%-2.4% for 150 business days. Here are the two latest updates I received from the Dragadox admin with the strange and obviously made-up name of Bear (I hope he doesn’t look like one in real life, lol):
Hi Dear Member, Our Alertpay account has been Some problem without any reason, we did contact with them but they didn’t answer yet, please be patient, Please utill problem AlertPay solve send request withdraw from AlertPay profits with LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney or StrictPay or SolidTrustPay. We soon solve problem AlertPay.
Best Regards, Dragadox Inc. Bear Stearns
Hi Dear, Now AlertPay problem solve, Now you can do deposit or withdraw from AlertPay.
Best Regards, Dragadox Inc. Bear Stearns

The admin of CelexProfit (interviewed here) reported today that the site had been moved to a more powerful server recently and if you still can’t access you can send an e-mail to the admin at the address provided. CelexProfit is a program which offers different low-ROI plans with the principal returned on expiry: 1% for 30 days, 1.5%-2% for 90 days and 2.5% for 150 days. More on CelexProfit can be read in my detailed review of the program published here. And this is the latest news:
We would like you to let you know that we have moved to new more secured server yesterday. For few members site were not accessible for a few hours but now everything must work fine. If you still can’t access to CelexProfit website please email us at and we will help you to fix this up.
Best regards, Andy
CelexProfit Administration

If you’re a member of INSPremiumAds don’t forget that the cashout button is open for one day only (on the first of each month). So you have to request your monthly cashout within the next few hours. Here is the reminder about that from the admin of the program Ubaid:
Cashout Button is enabled all members can withdraw their earnings. Thanks for all of you who participate in 10% bonus contest. Cashout button will be disabled by tomorrow. Ub”.

I haven’t received anything from the admin of NanoMoneyCorp yet regarding the mess in the script. However thanks to one of my readers who sent me a reply that was received today by one of the members of NanoMoneyCorp when he inquired to the support regarding the recent script issues and delayed payouts. Here is the answer he got:
Sorry for the payment delay. You might now, we are under massive DDOS attack lately. Because of that a serious bug occured. Users could see other customers’ accounts when trying to login.
Due to that we are forced to make inspection of all accounts, which really takes some time.
Without the proper inspection we can’t be sure the accounts of our clients are safe and secured.
The bug itself has been eliminated. And the payments will be processed as soon as the inspection is over. It won’t take longer than 48 hours.
In our turn, we do hope for your understanding and look forward to successful cooperation in the future.
Thanks in advance and please stay patient.
We are always glad to answer any queries possible.

Let’s keep the faith that NanoMoneyCorp will get their problems fixed up eventually and will be paying again soon. Anyway, it has been running for 4 years already and I don’t believe that even the huge DdoS-attack that NanoMoneyCorp experienced recently could put them out of the business.

The admin of an increasingly popular sport arbitrage program Aballong Alrea (interviewed here) reacted to (probably) many emails from investors asking when the investment pool will be open again. I remind you that currently the program was closed for new signups and new deposits from the existing members. From now on though the solution for the opening of the second investment pool with an allowance of $100,000 has been found and Alrea reported about the opening for new signups and allowing new deposits for the time being. More about Aballong can be read in my originsl review here. And now is the perfect time to join Aballong if you were too late to join the first investment pool. Here is the good news:
I get many tickets and emails encouraging us to launch the second pool. We are aware that more than 400 New Members joined us 24 hours before we closed the first pool. As we explained we did not accept new registrations, or fundings until we find a quicker and better way to move money between our account, the e-currencies and the bookies. We were trying a few exchangers and found a quite good solution. Martin and I are not sure how much we can handle, but we both feel comfortable enough to launch a second pool with a maximum of $ 100000, so from now until this $ 100000 are reached we allow new registrations and investments. We also credited our Top 3 referrals with a small thank you amount into the second pool.

Skinex (reviewed here) was offline for several hours last night and I guess their hosting provider experienced some issues then. At this moment the site is working fine and all the payouts for both investment plans (11% for 12 days and 144% after 12 days) are back to instant processing (except SolidTrustPay which is still processed manually). The administration of Skinex announced a new contest aimed at raising the popularity of the program. So anybody who will write and submit a review of the program has a chance to win a cash prize 9 days from when the results will be drawn. There is some good news for the promoters of Skinex as for the duration of the contest the referral commissions have been raised to 7%. Here is the latest newsletter from them:
With this newsletter starts a new contest, that might get you up to $100 paid directly to your payment processor account of choice! The conditions are very simple:
– Write a review of our program.
– Submit it using our support form.
– Wait to the 10th of March.
– Win! If your review is good of course.
Five lucky members will get the prize money which will be distributed as follows:
1st place – $100, 2nd place – $50, 3rd place – $30, 4th place – $10, 5th place – $10
Referral commissions are raised to 7% for the duration of the contest, so if you are a rather bad writer, but a good promoter, you can earn too! Winning reviews will be published on our website for all active and potential members to read.
Good Luck! Skinex staff

I would like to finish the news section for today with another newsletter from the admin of HugMoney (interviewed here). I can’t stop wondering how this program offering 122% after 5 days, 135% after 7 days and 200% after 20 days managed to survive over 80 days online and is still paying so fast. I don’t know what the secret is but definitely it’s considered by many as the biggest hit among short-term programs. I don’t know how long it will last but we should enjoy it while it’s still paying. In the latest newsletter sent to the members of HugMoney today the admin especially emphasized the importance of the promotion of the program. I agree with the admin that the success of the program not only depends on one man administrating the program but it’s rather the collective effort of all the investment community. The promotional efforts can be fruitful not only by receiving an extra referral commissions but also in cash prizes that everybody was able to win and which the admin distributed today among the top 5 best promoters. I’m proud to be one of them as it’s definitely a pleasure to promote such a program like HugMoney that continues to deliver good profits to investors day after day. Here is the latest quite extensive newsletter from the HugMoney administration:
Greetings HugMoney members!
Today is the final day of the referral contest that we announced recently (please check your records for our last mail) and I must say we were absolutely thrilled with the results! On behalf of the entire HugMoney team let me express my sincere thanks to everybody who participated. But before I announce the winners let me remind you that if you personally are not in the list then don’t be disappointed. Ultimately if HugMoney benefits from this promotion then so do all of the members. There is a “trickle down” effect so really if we can all succeed together in promoting the program then we all benefit together as well. Remember that HugMoney belongs to the members, so if we help each other then we all win!
The prizes are as follows:
1st Prize – $500 won by hyipexplorer
2nd Prize – $300 won by money-news
3rd Prize – $200 won by gsmonitor
4th Prize – $100won by goldpoll
5th Prize – $50 hyipbanker
The overall results of this contest were better than anyone could have anticipated so again, thank you not only to the winners but to everyone who made an effort. HugMoney will try its best to reward you!
Following the success of this contest it has become obvious to us that the popular appeal of HugMoney to an international audience is simply enormous. Therefore we have decided to expand our advertising campaign. Many of you will have already noticed us on some of the leading investment related blogs such as MNO and also on the popular discussion forums like MMG where our threads have been moved to “sticky”. This simply reflects our popularity among the members but there’s probably no need to tell you that. If you are receiving this mail then you are already a member so you already know this! But you will soon be seeing or banners displayed as well, not just on blogs like MNO and forums like MMG but also on TG and DTM.
How does that benefit you? Well we hope each individual member of HugMoney will continue to support us by using these platforms to inform fellow investors about our performance. Remember that we never ask anybody to lie for us. HugMoney has no “paid posters” and does not make promises we can not keep. We simply ask that you give an honest and realistic description of your experience with us. Have we paid you? Yes! Of course we have! So please support us by sharing this information on all the forums and monitors that you use.
We would also appreciate it if you would continue to support us and to vote for us in all the main forums and monitors. And if you are satisfied with our performance we hope you will add our name (and your own referral link!) to your signature on the forums. You can also do a lot more than just that – you can put your ref link as a default signature in your e-mails to your friends and work colleagues. And if you are currently using autosurf and PTC (Paid To Click) websites then place HugMoney there too. It’s not just for us – it’s for all of us!
Considering the success of this contest by the way, I think you can expect another one very soon. So please participate! Watch out for our updates on the main forums and blogs, as well as our e-mail updates to existing members for news about that. All I will say for now though is that I hope the next contest is even more successful than the last.
As always if you have any further questions you may send them to me or to any of my colleagues working in HugMoney support. One of us will always be on call for you.
With warmest regards, HugMoney administration team

I have been paid today from the following programs:
HugMoney, ProfitSeason, ACEEntertainments, PTVPartner, FxPetroleum, AimTrust, PanaMoney, SteadyRoi, WestFinance, Skinex, GeniusFunds, Verifield, MandarinInvest, WaterInvestment, XciteInvest, UmaxFunds, BioEnergyFunds, SmartTradersInv, RedOrchidInvest, WWFD, CelexProfit, InvestoFin, IncoForex, CSMFinance, BiotechInvFund, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, AsiaInv, OneDailyPro, ForexNetClub, NasMos, 21stCenturyArb, InvestProxy, XagaEnterprise, MoneyPlus, SantiVentures, IntraTraders, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, WeeklyDividend, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, FinanceNova, Aballong and GeneralIncome (the first payment received).

As you can see GeneralIncome is a new short-term program that was added to my monitoring page last night. It offers three simple investment plans with the payouts processed on expiry: 110% after 3 days, 120% after 5 days and 150% after 10 days. The minimum to deposit in each plan is different but it’s still affordable to everyone as it varies from $5 to $20 in every plan. GeneralIncome is currently running for one day only and accepts four payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay. AlertPay should be added as well in a couple of days. GeneralIncome has a nice looking website, is SSL-encrypted, is running off a licensed GolddCoders script, and is hosted on a dedicated server with Koddos protection. More about the program can be read in the detailed review which will be published on my blog soon. Stay tuned for that, guys!

That’s about all the news for today guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow for the latest news from the industry and another review!

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