March 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! A quiet enough day in the HYIP industry today, typical for Sunday I suppose, but there are always a couple of updates and I’ll be getting to them in just a few moments. Before that however I’d like to take a look at a medium term investment program that came my way during the week and was added to my monitoring list just two days ago. To give them their full and proper name they are called Bunder & Joshy Investment Fund after the admins but are more commonly referred to by the moniker BJInvestment.

There’s four plans in total to choose from here with BJInvestment making daily payments for all of them. Not all of them would be described as affordable to the majority of investors, but there are some reasonably priced options as well. Take the first plan for example. It requires a minimum deposit of just $10 with the maximum set to $500. The plan runs for 27 days and during that time BJInvestment will pay you 5.1% interest per day. That would see you break even after 20 days and be in pure profit after that. The home page says your total profit will be 137% although my calculator says 137.7%. Whatever, we won’t argue over a couple of cents and it’s still a decent profit for a relatively short period. Your principal is already counted as part of the payments so will not be returned.

Plan 2 sees BJInvestment offer a somewhat improved return of 5.9% per day on larger deposits ranging from a minimum of $501 to a maximum of $3000. The investment term is also extended slightly to 30 days. All of which means that you can expect to break even after 17 days and finish the plan with a total return of 177%. Again your principal is already counted there so will not be returned.

The third plan is I think for the braver investor as it’s going to cost you at least $1500 to join with the maximum amount set to $10,000. The investment term is still 30 days but the daily interest payment takes a massive hike to 7% per day. Assuming everything works out according to plan that will see you break even after 15 days and finish the plan with a total of 210%, principal included.

For Plan Four BJInvestment shake things up a bit and it’s a little different from the others. For one thing the term is a little longer at 40 days. The minimum spend is $500 and the maximum is $10,000. Interest payments are still made by the day and this time they are a little bit lower at 3.3% per day. The real difference with this plan however is that BJInvestment will return your principal on expiry. That will mean a final return of 232% on your investment, with your actual profit amounting to 132%.

An odd combination of payment options are accepted by the admin here with AlertPay joining the usual suspects of LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Something for everyone there I guess. Payments to LibertyReserve I know for a fact are instant because that’s where I have my own deposit. I can’t personally confirm that about the other two (I’m not using them here) but to the best of my knowledge they are also instant. So says the admin anyway so feel free to ask him if you need to.

BJInvestment has many nice features going for it and does have a very nice design. It’s running off a licensed script from GoldCoders and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server. The hosting provider is DdoSWiz. And most encouraging is the addition of a secure SSL encryption certificate as verified by Comodo.

Customer support and communication comes in a couple of different formats. First of all is the Live Chat feature if you want to deal with an operator in real time. If that’s not for you, then you can use the more traditional e-mail support ticket submission system. This will open a new window in your browser and allow you to check the status of any existing tickets as well so overall it’s a much better and more professional looking system than many similar HYIPs offer.

The outside business activities of BJInvestment, or what little they tell us about them, is very vague to say the least. A fleeting mention of ForEx along with “online investments” which could mean absolutely anything. So as per usual everything points to a regular online HYIP, but it isn’t a bad one at all. And knowing as I do how popular games like this one are with most of you there is a pretty good chance this one is going to be a hit, and soon. If the stats are anything to go by then this is already well underway.


The GeniusFunds website (reviewed here) has been down all day today and access was very intermittent yesterday as well. However, when I managed to get into my account last night I was paid instantly to LibertyReserve. I think that would be some encouraging news for those still waiting and hoping for the best. I’m not sure why the site continues to experience such difficulties and if you know about that please let me know. I know I promised to consider placing GeniusFunds to Problem status at the end of the week. However taking into consideration that many of the investors with pending cashouts reported to me that they had finally received their payouts and the fact that the website is not accessible now with the anticipated update from the admin of GeniusFunds tomorrow about the status of withdrawal requests and the site accessibility I have made up my mind to leave GeniusFunds on Paying status until tomorrow. In 24 hours I will place GeniusFunds on Problem status if the access to the site is not restored or leave it on Paying status if the site is back online and the payouts are back to normal. At this moment I have no idea what caused this serious downtime but if you have any information about this I would appreciate if you could submit it to my email address Also I would like you to report me about the status of your pending cashouts, especially I’m interested to hear those of you who complained to me before about the pending withdrawals from GeniusFunds.

Unfortunately I have to move two programs tonight to Problem status on my monitoring page. They are: FxPetroleum and CSMFinance. I already reported last night that FxPetroleum would be moved to Problem if the admin doesn’t reply to my request (he didn’t). As for CSMFinance I have three unpaid withdrawals from them for the last two days and a few MNO readers reported to me that they had the same. So there is no doubt that the program is experiencing some cashflow issues and the latest update which you can read in your members’ area is the best indicator of this. I suggest you not to invest in CSMFinance anymore as there were many unpaid withdrawals reported to me already and definitely this update is just an attempt from the admin to get more money from the unsuspecting public. If you’re still interested here is the latest update from CSMFinance:
Dear members! Since March 13th CSMFinance switches to five-day interest payments (Monday-Friday). Changes are not applied to investment period and it will keep containing 200 calendar days in spite of interest payments will be done five days a week. This decision doesn’t mean we have some losses in trading or problems in business. As everyone knows, we have dozens of competitors that’s why our marketing director offered an idea to provide investors with Monday-Sunday interest payments until we have at least 10000 active members. The funds we save on switching to five-day interest payments will be forwarded to exploration of new investment opportunities. Most likely we will present the new investment plan within a month. It really gave us dynamical growth of popularity on the market. Withdrawals will be instant as before. Recent trade report confirms our professionalism in intraday stock trading on Nasdaq market. We will keep improving CSMFinance every week to make everyone happy. First of all, we have added Chinese and Portugese languages today. We are a bit late with CSM Planet launch, but it’s almost done and will be started within a few days. As we said before, CSM planet is a unique and innovatively styled regional representative portal. Every member will be able to participate in CSM Planet by promoting CSM in his country, in the blog and in major social networks like Facebook. Each CSM Planet member will receive 20% bonus to our basic referral commission which will increase it to 6%.
Upcoming events:
– CSM Planet launch (March 16th – 18th)
– Polish & Russian languages (March 29th – April 2nd)

One more program investments in which are currently not recommended is XagaEnterprise. I will give the admin of XagaEnterprise the benefit of the doubt regarding this but he’s been behaving really strangely recently. Here is the most recent update I received from him today:
The majority has chosen automatic payouts. But I try to satisfy both sides. So I will delete the fee. 0 fee!
XagaEnterprise is converting the database right now to Goldcoders. Give me 10 days as my programmer will seal all backdoors and modify the script.
The cashout button has been disable for temporary. 10 days. After that you can cashout and all pending withdrawals will be paid.
The new script will be scheduled to run in March 24, 2010.
Regarding our new script :
– Min. cash out is $1 (Automatic)
– Withdrawal less than $1 can be requested manually. Will be paid upto 48 hours.
As you can see, I try to satisfy all members. Please support me.
Thank you. Regards, Kevin

Well, everything was fine about this update except the small matter of the cashout button being disabled for the next 10 (!) days because of the alleged changes to the script. However, I found some very serious discrepancies in this email from Kevin which made me question his motivation here and even suspect that he’s being economical with the truth. So here are my points:
1) As far as I remember all the members that contacted me voted for the option of leaving the script the same and the payouts being done manually within 48 hours. So why does Kevin keep telling us that people want the program to migrate to another script? There are always issues with that and nobody wants them anymore – everybody wants to be paid in time, especially after announcing that XagaEnterprise was going private, news which was not taken well by many experienced players.
2) If the cashout button is disabled for 10 days to change the script why does the deposit button remains open? Wouldn’t it be easier to first go private and disable all the deposits and only after that convert the database and change to another script? This first way would be a really unreasonable and irresponsible decision to say the least.

So after receiving this email from Kevin I sent him an ultimatum about the impossibility of keeping XagaEnterprise on MNO with a good Paying status if payouts are not going to be processed for the next 10 days while continuing to accept deposits. To that I received a short answer that the cashout button is enabled again as if nothing happened. I really think that the situation should be more clear to the investors and urge Kevin to send a follow-up update in his latest newsletter to calm down the investors. I believe if he’s going to do it the program will still be able to continue well, but if not it just makes me wonder what the hell it was all about. So I would consider today’s update not very good for the future of XagaEnterprise and would recommend you to hold off from further depositing until the matter about the withdrawals and the new script is cleared up. Also please report to me tomorrow if the payouts are still processed to everybody which will help me to decide on the further status of XagaEnterprise on my blog.

The admin of HarmonicMarket program gave me his official response on the warning that was published on the official site of the International Financial Services Commission of Belize. It appears that to comply with the Belizean regulations HarmonicMarket has been sold and therefore is no longer a part of the Belizean registered company called “Clover Projects LTD”. I guess that fact has successfully removed the HarmonicMarket site from the jurisdiction of the Belize authorities. According to the admin of HarmonicMarlet the program is still doing well and the payouts are still being processed fast. I remind you that HarmonicMarket offers you 3.7%-5.1% daily payouts for 30 days depending on the amount of blocks purchased. More about blocks and the unique concept of HarmonicMarket can be read in the detailed review of the program published here. This is the admin’s response:
HarmonicMarket, a division of Belize registered “Clove Projects LTD”, has been sold following announcement from the government of Belize that marketing your investment program as an HYIP requires licenses we did not originally anticipate needing.
A private investor, in fact one of our top investors, has bought the division whole and is now in the process of spinning it off as its own company. We will have more news as the situation progresses.
Apparently, the government of Belize believes that if you market your real investment program as an HYIP, even without doing the usual of in- and out-exchanging of digital currency, this makes you an HYIP. So rather than cease our current successful marketing campaign, Clover Projects LTD has agree to restructure, and sell the HarmonicMarket division to a private investor.
Please do not be alarmed. All our traders, from Paulo S to James Z. to Paul A., are still onboard. Our support staff and office still exists in Panama City. Our program is still running, in fact better than ever! This is just a necessary restructuring in order to comply with the laws of our country of origin.
We’d like to thank all of our current investors, and we will be announcing the new corporate structure shortly, as well as announcing our new owner

The payouts in INSPremiumAds are delayed a bit and despite that the admin usually pays monthly payments within two weeks after the withdrawal request submitted this time it will take him longer to pay to everybody. He promised to get more funds to his account and process the remaining cashouts on the following week. Here is the latest update from the admin of INSPremiumAds (reviewed here):
Hello everyone, i hope everyone is fine and in good health sorry for this late communication i was busy in trading that is why was unable to send email i have paid few payouts waiting for more funds from my broker as soon as i receive i will start payouts again thanks for all of you patience please remember cashout term i will try to pay everyone in next week. Forex trading is going good it is a opportunity time for investors Eur and Pound is on low and we are expecting both to be up in next 2-4 months around 2000-3000 points which will be a big move and big money if anyone interested please email me for more details
Thanks and have a good day. Ub. Admin. INSPremiumAds

OneDailyPro (reviewed here) is performing very good having been online for over 5 months. The program actually exceeded my expectations already however the seven accepted payment processors including all the popular choices and quite sustainable plans offering 1%-1.3% for 30 days and 1.6% for 60 days with principal returned on expiry makes me think it might be popular eventually. Well, the new improvements are on the way and the admin of OneDailyPro announced them in the latest newsletter sent to the members of the program today. Here it is:
This is broadcast e-mail to all clients of OneDailyPro project.
Peter is here (Admin of OneDailyPro project). Everything is working fine, of course with your support.
OneDailyPro is online over 159 days already and has now over 1800 members and this number is counting up every day. It’s a very good sign for us;
– I want to remind OneDailyPro accept 7 payment processors at the moment (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, StrictPay, SolidTrustPay, ECUmoney and GlobalDigitalPay);
– to members who has deposits in SolidTrustPay and AlertPay – minimum for AlertPay payout is $1 (this is restriction set by AlertPay), minimum for SolidTrustPay payout is $0.50 (this is restriction set by SolidTrustPay). I remind to you that payouts for these payment systems are processing by batch. You can save your money by requesting several payouts, bcoz payment processor fee less for batch payout than for single payout;
– new more attractive banners 468×60 and 728×90 ready. 125×125, 120×120 banners will be ready very soon;
– we are constantly working to improve our site. Countdown of expiration of your deposits has been added, “Referral links” section updated. New version of X-HYIP script will be installed on next week. This version will give you a “magic” button which will allow you to request all daily profits (for all active deposits) by ONE click. No more clicks for each request!
– the daily limits of payouts requests is set to 30 instead of 15. Need more? Contact us;
– very good news for promoters! As we promised we have increased bonus for each active referral you have. Now +0.05% (old value is +0.03%) to basic rate of 4% (see animated sample on main page).
Thank you for attention.
Best regards, OneDailyPro Admin

The admin of Xcelsus (reviewed here) sent out another Sunday update which was really difficult for me to read with the almost complete lack of proper punctuation and very poor English grammar. I hope anybody will be able to understand this message which is somehow connected with the brewing business as I have some difficulties in deciphering it. Here is the newsletter from Xcelsus:
Welcome to all new members and investors.
Dear , i hope you are all fine, a great week already we got the 2 last winners of the contest, investor #48 “onlinearner” got his deposit doubled $25 in Micro Test Plan, and investor #50 “tnttiezo” got his $250 deposit doubled, also for the Micro Test Plan, Congratulations, this last member got his strategy right i got to chat with him he told me he use to visit the page several times a day waiting for us to hit investor #49 he knew he was going to hit investor #50, and he did it great, well this contest is over, for now we will think of next contest.
This way also we have hit the $10 000 in investments mark, so we will allocate the second $5000 lot during this week, we are looking for a more reliable Forex broker since with the last one we use to get a lot of Invalid Price quotes when trying to close or open an order when market made breakout so we are not happy with them, once we find the broker we want to work with, we will open the new Forex account.
We have a client for the second beer micro brewery, will be a small project of 1700 liters a week, with a salvaged equipment we found at Los Angeles Ca.. We need an investment of $75 000 usd, the total value of the project is $120 000, which is put as a credit letter at the bank by our client, so we turn in the project we cash the total amount, but mean while we need the working capital, the main company will put half of it that is $37.5 k so the other half we have to come up with, thru out side investments. So here is where Xcelsus can come into play, we are 267 members up to date, from those take out 10% which are monitors review sites which do not invest and some members that probably just sign up to beat boredom or do not care about the program, then that leaves us with 240 members which probably are interested in investing in to this, so to share the earnings with the main company 50% 50% we would need to come up with $37.5 k usd to invest in to this project which at the end will become $60 000 around a 35% earnings, not bad if we consider the project has to be turned in less than 6 months, so i ask you and invite you to support Xcelsus so we can get in to this project, funds must be in by the end of this month to start with so if you can invest and are willing to, if we want the whole 50% of the project each member can invest around $150 usd. some members probably want to invest more some probably invest less, but i think union makes force and this is a nice almost 0% risk project we can get in to, support Xcelsus now is the time, i hope we all get in.
If for any reason we do not go for the 50% of the project we will allocate all new investment funds from now until the end of March to this project, after the st of April funds will be allocated as usual.
If you are interest in investing at this project just do it as usual in any of the plans, then send a note to us put your username and 2nd BMB, that way we know you where one of the supporters of this project and after the normal payout of the investments we will all share the rest of the earnings in proportional parts to your investment, do not know how much that can be right now but is a plus to the normal earnings, and depends directly on how much you invest, so invest now invest BIG and earn BIG, after investing remember to put a note your username and 2nd BMB, it can be by support ticket and once you will receive our confirmation.
No limit in the amount, if you want to go for more that is great, if you have any doubts contact us, if you want to know more about beer micro breweries pubs, contact us or goggle it out, Thank you in advance for your support in this. And for of course beer is on us.
For investor members we will appreciate if you want to support us at the forums, Thank you.
Well this is a special note for the monitors and review sites, if when we agree to be listed by you, you offered to support at the forums we expect you deliver, so make a balance, if you do not send traffic we are measuring if you do not refer, and when paid do not even support, well what is the use, think about it…
Also There have been changes in the plans and minimum amount for Micro Test Plan, i ask again to sites that have not updated the info. please update, thank you.
Thank you for reading, have a nice and productive week.
Best regards. Boss. Proud Xcelsus Admin

Despite the quiet Sunday I was still paid by many programs over the last 24 hours. The list includes:
HugMoney, HighYieldClub, PTVPartner, BiotechInvFund, GloboFunds, NasMos, Verifield, MandarinInvest, GeneralIncome, BJInvestment, 10000Dollars, HarmonicMarket, WestFinance, Super12Arbitrage, ForexNetClub, TheKapital, FinanceNova, DepositPalace, Aballong, WWFD, AtlantisMutual, YesInvestment, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, PrimaryPool, InvestProxy, ExceptionalFunds, WeeklyDividend, SmartTradersInv, UmaxFunds, AvaInvestment, WaterInvestment, and Oico (the first payment received).

That’s it for today, guys! I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow when the next business week begins.

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