March 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi everyone! First of all let me just apologize to anybody waiting for last night’s news. It took me a lot longer than I expected to get to Israel after my trip to France. Having went to France in the first place on the train (my favorite mode of transport by the way and the greenest way to travel other than walking) I had kinda forgotten just how many problems can occur when you go to airports! Anyway, normal service is resumed today on MNO and I have all the important news stories for you again today so thanks for your patience.

In recent weeks it’s pretty obvious (though regrettable) that some of the longest running programs in the HYIP industry have collapsed which is never good news for anyone. So before today’s news I want to take a look at one online program that one regular MNO reader put me on to that may fill the gap left by some of those. It’s called Oico and almost unbelievably they have been running since the end of 2008.

That’s a pretty impressive record for any program. Even if Oico is a low rate of interest HYIP which generally tend to last longer anyway, that’s still a pretty impressive track record. So I guess some of you will know all about them already but for the benefit of those who do not, let me give a description of how it all works here.

There’s essentially just the one investment plan available from Oico, though it’s broken down into four different sections depending on how much exactly you are looking to spend. The investment term runs for 150 business days, which is 30 weeks, and payments are made on a daily basis based on trading days i.e. five days per week from Monday to Friday.

Firstly, and I guess of most interest to the majority of you, is what Oico call The Starter Plan. It’s open to deposits from a minimum of just $10 up to a maximum of $1000. By joining you are offered an interest payment of 1.8% per business day for 150 days. Your principal is already factored into the payments so if you were to join with $100 you would get paid $1.80 per day 5 days per week ($9), up to a total and final amount of $270. You will break even after 56 payment days so everything after that is pure profit.

Next is The Serious Plan and it’s open to deposits between $1001 and $5000. As an investment strategy it’s not really all that more profitable than the last plan in terns of percentages. Oico offers 1.9% this time for every business day for 150 business days. That means you would break even after 53 days and start collecting pure profit after that. On expiry you will end up with a total of 285% of your initial investment, principal included.

Oico then has The Advanced Plan and this is where things start to get altogether more serious. The minimum deposit is $5001 so you know it’s not for everybody. If that’s what you are interested in doing however, then Oico offers daily payments of 2% per day for 150 business days. After expiry that effectively triples your money with you haven broken even after 50 days.

Finally, and I guess I’m really just including this for information purposes, Oico offers the professional plan. Deposits are upwards of $10,000 and and interest payments are 2.2% per business day for the same term as the others. Principal is as usual included.

A couple of other things you need to keep in mind before joining include the fact that compounding is accepted here so fans of that will be pleased enough. Personally I’d be pleased enough with 170% pure profit after 30 weeks without taking unnecessary risks, but that choice is up to you. Your payment options include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. That’s an average enough selection, but it’s interesting that AlertPay and SolidTrustPay had both been previously accepted by Oico but have both since been dropped due to some problems. If this is an issue for you then contact the admin for clarification.

Anyway, withdrawals need to be requested and you are asked to allow up to 24 hours for this to be processed. There is no minimum amount to withdraw. Withdrawals to LibertyReserve are instant by the way, from my own experience at least.

The Oico website itself is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server protected and supported by DdosLock. The best testimonial for all of that is obviously their own track record. As I said they’ve been online since late 2008 so that should tell you what you need to know about their stability and just how much you can rely on them. You can contact their support team by submitting a ticket on the contacts page.

The business and investment side of things sees Oico claiming to participate (mostly) in the ForEx market with other interests in various unspecified financial services. I remain as ever skeptical about any such claims from any online HYIP but the fact is that Oico have been paying their members successfully for a simply amazing 16 months now, so who am I to argue? I certainly can’t verify their own claims as no proof is provided but it’s not outside the realms of possibility that there is some form of outside business interest here. Which still doesn’t mean you should ever treat any online based HYIP like a real company of course, but as online HYIPs go, they don’t get much more stable and dependable than Oico.


Unfortunately GeniusFunds has a very slim chance of survival. The site is still not available for me or most of the investors and it’s impossible to make a withdrawal anymore. Definitely the cashflow suffered and despite some answers being delivered to some people yesterday I don’t believe GeniusFunds will survive. We should all really be prepared for the worst. The program has been online for over 18 months but the recent developments are killing it. I have already warned about that on my blog over week ago but gave them one more chance to prove themselves despite the problem with the Canadian authorities and the delayed payouts. So it’s Tuesday now and there is nothing positive about GeniusFunds to be reported. So with a heavy heart I have to move it to On Hold status on my monitoring page. I received some update from my readers that tried to contact support and received a reply which I’m republishing here:
Dear Investor, Due to the massive volume of chat traffic being experienced today, it has made it difficult for us attend to everyone individually. However, we have tried to answer all your queries and concerns below:
1) Our website is down due to extensive maintenance work that is being conducted to enhance the security level of our website. Since we deal with sensitive content, it is pivotal for us to maintain a secure website to safeguard the investments.
2) The maintenance work has been delayed due to the unexpected circumstances that our technical team is dealing with. We are trying our best to overcome them asap and restore a fully operational service.
3) Please do not get concerned with the rumours and reports you read online about us shutting down or being a scam. They are completely false and baseless.
4) We can not issue a confirmed timeframe but rest assured, our technical team is working round the clock to get the website up and running for you. We will be back online soon.
We understand your concerns and would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation during these testing times.
With best regards, GeniusFunds Support Team.

The remarks of the GeniusFunds regarding supposedly false rumors are looking beginning to look remarkably like the truth however as it was confirmed by the authorities in Cyprus that they had never been authorized by the Securities and Exchange Commission there to manage any investment activities and that the certificate that GeniusFunds presented to the investors a few weeks ago was a forgery. Here is the link where you can read all the necessary info taken from the CSEC site:

This document just further reiterates my point that GeniusFunds is (or was) a very well organized ponzi HYIP with returns to old members being financed at the expense of new ones. Hence the strange new weekly plan that was introduced by them last week and that I didn’t recommend to deposit in Anyway, the damage is done already and I would not recommend anybody to invest in GeniusFunds, even in case they will ever get back online to accept more deposits. Even if this happens GeniusFunds will be shut down by authorities in a very short time due to its fraudulent activities. For the future I would suggest you to treat all programs as games. Even if they last for years that doesn’t mean they are not going to collapse one day. GeniusFunds was good while it lasted but it’s time to move on now I guess.

The same applies to XagaEnterprise. Withdrawals are disabled despite the fact that deposits are still accepted. Clever trick, eh? It’s really weird that he didn’t explain this discrepancy in his latest update for some reason. No word about that or about the private status either. Why the sudden change of heart? In the end of his long newsletter the admin asks for more patience and promises to pay to everybody on March 24th when the new script is due to be installed while comparing his program with recently collapsed ones like NanoMoneyCorp and InvestmentForge. That’s funny because I think that XagaEnterprise itself is also now on the verge of collapse.

So if you have any common sense left you will not be investing there again simply because of their past (admittedly excellent) history or some vague promise not backed up with anything rational or even remotely resembling the truth. I will give the admin the benefit of the doubt and will leave XagaEnterprise on On Hold status on my monitoring page for another week. But I’m not doing it because I believe they will start paying then. I will do this simply because he asked me to give him more time to prove himself and after so long online I can give him that. But I will not hesitate to move the program to Not Paying status in case the payouts will not resume in 8 days as promised:
Listen folks, The reason I switch to goldcoders because I was hacked when using Neversay masspayment long time ago. I was hacked around 2K at that moment. After that, I never use masspayment again. You can clarify this with neversay himself or koddos. They know precisely what happened long time ago.
So, the best choice at this moment is to switch to GC as this will give me more time to generate money for you. GC has automatic payment system and masspayment. I promise all pending withdrawal will be paid in March 24.
The cashout button will remain open but you will have to wait until March 24 as I will use the GC masspayment to pay all of you.
8-9 months ago, I revived XagaEnterprise from the death twice!
First, STP shut me down because I was against their policy. But I chose to refund all the STP account holders even I had to lose thousands.
Second, when I had problem with hushhosting. XagaEnterprise was offline about 1 month but still revived from the death.
Now, it’s up to you. If you want to bring me down, I will be very disappointed but if you want to support me, then stand behind me. I will honor and appreciate it. I will fight for XagaEnterprise.
YOU, members, are my family. I know you’re panic but please have faith on me. I had worse situations in the past and this is nothing compare to that. All I want is 10 days! 10 damn days!
Please ignore the naysayers on the forums. the naysayers! I don’t care what they say. All I want is reviving XagaEnterprise again. Back on track as usual.
I believe when XagaEnterprise revives, we will become number 1 as the giants were collapsed already. Genius, Nano, Investment Forge, and many more.
Are u with me??? Then stand up and we will fight this together!
I will defend Xaga no matter what happen.
XagaEnterprise is my blood and I shall not give up!
Regards, Kevin

Another warning is about CSMFinance. I was paid all the pending payouts which, coupled with some payment reports received from MNO readers, made me put it back to Paying status on my site. However today I found out that the payouts are made on a selective basis. Due to which I have no choice but to move CSMFinance back to Waiting status on my monitoring page.

I noticed also that the admin of 10000Dollars removed all the monitoring links from his home page and switched off the instant payouts. I think it’s a warning sign as I can see on forums that the payouts are being processed selectively. I will be moving them to Paying Selectively status on my monitoring page tonight and urge you not to invest there anymore as it’s on its way to scam.

Some update about the refunding process for the members of GoldNuggetInvest was issued recently. If you were not in profit in GNI and applied or are going to apply for a refund please read the following update carefully:
Greetings GNI Customers:
This mini-update will attempt to address some of the current issues and concerns you may have about the refund requests….
I have been working with Debbie to try to set this up properly over the last few days and now think its getting close to being correct.
1. The link that was specified in the previous newsletter to access the Ticket System for Refunds was incorrect. The correct link is….
Be sure to include all the characters
2. If you have not cut and paste a fully completed Application for Refund, one will be provided to you when you receive an automated (system generated) response to your initial opening request. If you have already completed, by means of Cut & Paste, a Refund Request Form, please edit out the form contained within the ticket.
Included in this response which is forwarded to your email will be your new ticket number. This ticket number stays with you throughout the duration of your claim.
3. Be clear with all your responses. The clearer you are the faster this will go.
4. These refunds have to be confirmed, verified and then approved. This is a tedious, brain-draining process so please have some patience.
5. The first several hundred (somewhere between seven hundred and eight hundred) refund requests, due to a programming glitch, did not send, in the automated response, your ticket number. Do not be concerned, we received it, and a number was assigned to it….Please do not send a follow up ticket asking what your ticket number is. If you need to add additional supporting information, go to the forum and send a PM to GNIChyk who will ask your name and other confidential information you supplied in the refund application. She will then give you your ticket number.
6. If you do not understand some aspect of the process, go to the forum where it is discussed in detail FIRST. If the issue you ask is easily and readily available on the forum and it is clear you have not attempted to find this information out for yourself….there will be no choice but to return your ticket….This is out of consideration for your fellow member. If it’s not clear or if several members seem to be having a similar issue, a mini-newsletter will be forwarded to the community, such as this.
Thank you for your support….

Let’s move on to more positive news now from some good Paying programs starting with another short-term sensation called GeneralIncome. The program is doing very well and after over 2 weeks online the payments are still instant (except to STP) in all plans: 110% after 3 days, 120% after 5 days and 150% after 10 days. GeneralIncome program has been reviewed (here) and the admin interviewed (here) by MNO already and has been welcomed by investors with great enthusiasm. Some of them already consider GeneralIncome as the next big hit among short-term programs which with the help good management can run for months. In my opinion the admin Sebastiaan is doing a great job by constantly improving the site and adding new features. From the recent updates I can tell you they have lowed the minimum to $1 to make joining GeneralIncome affordable even for smaller investors, adding their own chat room and a 5% bonus for investors with over $500 deposits. More on those plans can be read in the latest update from GeneralIncome here:
Hello to all GI members!
First of all I would like to thank you for you enormous support. In just 15 days online we have almost 2,000 registered members. Keep posting your payments and vote in forums and we’ll do everything to make your stay at GI more comfortable!
I would like to start with congratulating our first referral contest winners!
1st – money-news, 2nd – huncmam1, 3rd – gsmonitor[dot]org
Next I would like to tell you about GI future plans and changes.
1. From now not only Active members but Non-Active members can receive our 5% referral Commission.
2. The minimum amount you can withdraw now is $1 because of STP and AP minimum transfer amount requirements.
3. Few changes for the first plan. The minimum deposit now is $1 – the others remain unchanged!
4. On our home page now you can see the Last deposit & Last withdrawal statistics.
5. News box has been substituted by linked images to the latest activities like referral contest and our extra page!
These were the things that has been already done, the next list will contain things that will be done this week.
1. We’ll open forum where you will be able to discuss about GI, participate in poll’s, see payment proofs and post you payment screens.
2. For those who already doesn’t know GI have it’s own Chat room where you can talk with the other members, participate in contests and quiz. Exact contest date will be announced till Wednesday.
3. After the user’s request, from now on we’ll add 5% deposit bonus to all members who deposit amount will excess $500. It will be done till Wednesday as well.
There is a lot of other things that will be added in future, but let’s leave them for later…
I would like to personally thank to all who send suggestions to my e-mail, without you GI wouldn’t be like it is now. If you have any suggestion or advice feel free to contact me!
Sincerely, Sebastiaan.

The fact that such programs like GeneralIncome can run without any problems for months has been successfully proven by the admin of HugMoney (interviewed here) who managed to run their program for over three months already. They offer three very attractive and profitable plans for short-term players: 122% after 5 days, 135% after 7 days and 200% after 20 days. If you’re interested to know more about the program I suggest you to wait for my next interview with the admin who promised to answer my questions by tomorrow. Or else just read my revised review of HugMoney published here.

The admin of FinanceNova Mitja (interviewed here) introduced a new investment plan for investors starting from $1 and paying 141% after 30 days. The new plan came as promided by the admin last week. I remind you that FinanceNova is a low-ROI program that has been online for over 6 months offering two other plans of 2.15% for 365 days and 11% for 53 weeks with the principal returned on expiry. More can be read in my review published here. Already having achieved quite a good level of success they promised do their best in future as well as including some more innovations which the investors of FinanceNova should expect pretty soon. Here is the latest newsletter:
Do you remember we promised a surprise for you last week? Well, it is time to unveil it now. We have a new plan for you!
Since we started working online, more then a half year ago, we received a number of mails from our users that said the same thing. They like the program, but it was much too long term for them. A short term plan seemed to be on the wish list of many.
We worked diligently and we are finally able to offer you a new plan.
So, how does the new plan work? Well, it is 41% after 31 days plus principal back.
The old plans are, as expected, still here, active and yield stable profits.
By the way, as you can probably notice, we are getting better and better as each day goes by. Our expectations to become the leading online investment program by the end of this year do not seem so unreal anymore.
We are preparing many other innovations, but we will unveil those when the time is right.
Thank you all for your support!
Best Regards, Mitja Majerle. CEO at FinanceNova

Today was the last day for making weekly withdrawals from BioEnergyFunds (the withdrawals can only be requested on Mondays and Tuesdays). Please note that one of the investment plans was changed and instead of paying 8% for 2 weeks with the principal back on expiry which is now closed (all the remaining deposits into this plan will be paid as usual) BioEnergyFunds is now offering another quite lucrative plan. For a minimum of $25 (the price of 1 Green share) you will be paid 7.5% weekly for 4 weeks and your principal will be returned on expiry (so your total profit will be 30% after 4 weeks). If you prefer some long-term plans you can still invest in the 8.5%-12% for 30 weeks plan which is still open for making an investment (please be aware that your principal is already factored in the weekly payments for this plan). If you want to read more about this rather original program BioEnergyFunds please do not hesitate to refer to my review published here. And this the latest news about the new plan from BioEnergyFunds itself:
We are proud to inform all our members of the increasing success we are experiencing at BioEnergyFunds. All payouts have been prompt and all support tickets have been answered in a timely manner.
The management of BioEnergyFunds have decided to put an end to the Two weeks short term Investors plan. All members with actives shares on this plan will be paid as their two weeks shares expires but further investment on the two weeks plan is no longer available.
Rather, we now have a new Monthly investors plan that pays 7.5% weekly dividends for 4 weeks and at the expiration of this plan, you get back 100% of your principal. This plan pays a total 30% net profit on your Shares.
BioEnergyFunds have created the perfect opportunity for you.
All you’ve got to do to earn is to purchase some active green shares.
The more Green Shares you own, the more dividends you will be able earn weekly. You can start today with one active share that cost just $20.00 and continue to earn your steady weekly dividends.
You May Click The link below and purchase more active Green Shares.
Once Again, THANK YOU for being a member of BioEnergyFunds and if you have any questions, need any help, or see something that needs attention, by all means, let us know and we will jump right on it for you.
Warmest Greetings, Jessica. Support team Member

The admin of Aballong Alrea (interviewed here) who is supposedly involved in sports arbitrage betting reported yesterday that the program is still accepting new deposits but will stop as soon as the second pool will reach the $100K as originally planned. Then Aballong will go private for a while and stop accepting new members until there will be more room. I will let you know when this happens on my blog. Here is the latest news them (reviewed here):
Aballong is doing great, and you might realize we did pay a little higher return in the last few days, I even expect to have them higher by next week. Martin joined a few more bookies, so we have greater arbitration situations. We got a few members who wired some great amounts, so once these wires hitting our bank, it could be that we reach the second pool. We got many requests about reinvesting and investing for existing members once the second pool is closed. Martin and I look into this request and try to find a good solution for our existing members to gain their initial investments. But as mentioned so far it is really planned not to accept new amounts or deposits once the second and last pool is reached. There is still a little room to invest if you want to increase your existing deposit or invite one of your friends.
Regards Alrea

A funny thing happened today when the admin of CottonFunds actually gave us some prices for cotton as if they are really trading it, lol. The information is taken from BusinessWeek website and of course it reflects real events in the cotton market but somehow I have a feeling that CottonFunds doesn’t have any involvement with that. Just treat it like any other HYIP. They pay 0.8%-1% daily for 200 days, 6%-8% weekly for 245 days, 30%-40% monthly for 270 days. Here is the latest news from CottonFunds program including a mention of my recent review of them published here:
Hello to all business partners and investors,
Cotton prices in New York rose to 84.6 cents a pound on March 1, the highest price in two years, on rising demand from textile mills. The contract for May delivery fell 1.3% to 81.86 cents a pound on ICE Futures U.S.
The index may average 74 cents a pound this season, 21% higher than the previous year and up from a February estimate of 72 cents, the International Cotton Advisory Committee, a group of governments of countries producing, consuming and trading the fiber, said in a March 1 report.
Global demand for cotton was forecast to rise to 24.8 million metric tons in the year that starts Aug. 1, compared with the 24.5 million tons estimated last month and 24.1 million tons in the current marketing year, the committee said.
What does this mean for you as a partner and investor?
CottonFunds are doing finer as expected, and we are establishing a very stable fill-in fund, so even in a time with not that great cotton prices, we will be able to pay you the promised returns.
Please read also a very interesting review, published by the famous Money-News-Online Blog, the highest rated blog in the investment industry
Sincerely, Gilbert

The admin of BJInvestment which was also recently reviewed on MNO (here) also mentioned the review in his latest update. He promised not to disappoint investors joining one of the offered investment plans: 5.1% for 27 days, 5.9%-7% for 30 days or 3.3% for 40 days. He also announced that he bought a sticky topic on the TalkGold forum and listed it on some monitoring sites. Also mentioned was that other monitors would not be accepted and suggested that they not waste their time by contacting him with monitoring offers. Here is the newsletter from BJInvestment:
Hi dear users! First of all i want to thank you all the interest for our program, I can assure you that we will try our best not to disappoint you! This is the first time I am addressing to the whole community this way, you should get used to it we will send out periodically newsletters.
Our first week’s most important news are that we came online and we got higher popularity in these 4 days than we expected.
I also want to let you know that we are trying the best to promote our programs so from now on TalkGold you should find our thread within the Stickies today we have bought Sticky listing there here is the link to the thread: If we are talking about promotions i must say that we will continue to buy banners spaces on forums too.
Recently we have been reviewed by two important blogs MNO and HNR, the link to these you should find on our home page, also more reviews are coming.
At the moment we are listed in more than 15 monitors all of them showing that we are paying regularly, this fact you should follow on our payouts page too.
I don’t want to be too long so i think now i finish my words. See you next time with important news about our program.
Regards, Adam
P.S. Monitor admins please don’t mail us your offers more than once, if we will be interested we will contact you!

Another short-term program advertised quite heavily despite being launched just yesterday is ProsperityWallet. The program is quite simple in its core and offers 125% paid after 5 days. The deposit starts from a $5 minimum and can be invested via five payment processors: AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay. Since ProsperityWallet is running off a licensed GoldCoders script the payouts should be requested, however, the good thing is that all payouts not exceeding $500 will be processed instantly. ProsperityWallet has quite an attractive layout and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DdoS-protection from Koddos which is quite a reliable provider for HYIPs. Another good thing is that to avoid hit-n-runner the admin of ProsperityWallet limited the maximum deposit by $1,000 in one go and $5,000 in total deposits running simultaneously. It could be a part of a good strategy which will allow the program to grow little by little and ensure its longevity. A full review of ProsperityWallet will be published on MNO by tomorrow so stay tuned for that.

Payments received by me over the last 48 hours include:
GeneralIncome, HugMoney, Aballong, BioEnergyFunds, DepositPalace, PanaMoney, SmartTradersInv, OneDailyPro, WaterInvestment, DynFxTrade, RedOrchidInvest, BJInvestment, FinanceNova, TheKapital, CottonFunds, NasMos, MandarinInvest, BiotechInvFund, WestFinance, PTVPartner, UmaxFunds, WeeklyDividend, WWFD, PrimaryPool, ScootFx, Verifield, Oico, InvestAward, IncoForex, BVBC, GloboFunds, EuroNanoInvest, ExceptionalFunds, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, YesInvestment, MoneyPlus, AvaInvestment, HighYieldClub, HarmonicMarket, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, Dragadox, Plents, Eternidex, and ProsperityWallet (the first instant payments received).

That’s about all for today guys! I hope to see you on MNO again tomorrow when I will have a review of ProsperityWallet and all the latest news from the industry.

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