March 2010 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.



Hi guys! And Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to everyone Irish and of Irish extraction. Or indeed to anyone who likes to wash down a couple of pints of Guinness with a glass or two of Jameson, today would be the day for doing it! Plenty of time for that for myself too (I used to live in Ireland for a short while) but not before we get through all the day’s news. I’d like to start however by taking a look at a brand new short term HYIP that I added to my monitoring list only yesterday. It’s called ProsperityWallet and it started trading on Monday of this week.

Despite ProsperityWallet being so new there is every chance that you may have already heard of them. They’re quite heavily advertised already so it’s kinda hard to miss them actually, their banners are everywhere. And in keeping with the best traditions of short term HYIPs, it’s almost unbelievably simple. ProsperityWallet only offers one plan so it’s pretty much a straight yes or no decision about whether you like it enough to join or not. But I do know how popular these particular games are so I suspect this is going to be a popular pick with a lot of you regardless of that. In fairness though it will probably happen on merit as they are quite well organized.

So the plan works like this – you will need a minimum of just $5 to join. The maximum deposit is $1000, however you are allowed to keep more than one account. You may have five accounts open at any given time so effectively the maximum investment is really $5,000. The investment term runs for 5 days, and on expiry you will get paid 125% of your money. That figure of course includes your principal. So for example, were you to deposit $100 you would then be paid back $125 at the end of the term.

And that’s it! There is no more to ProsperityWallet than that so it’s a pretty easy choice to make. If you want to proceed the the payment methods are AlertPay, GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Quite a good selection there by any standards, but especially for a short term HYIP I think. What’s better again though is the use of instant payouts. Payments will still need to be requested mind, but as long as they don’t exceed $500 then they will be made instantly. For larger amounts you are asked to allow the admin 24 hours.

I must say though that I quite like the idea of not allowing extra large deposits and of compelling the bigger investors to stagger their deposits between accounts. It can go a long way towards preventing hit-n-runners and also extending the programs lifespan. I guess what I should really say is that ProsperityWallet won’t actually prevent hit-n-runners, that would be impossible, but they will certainly reduce the negative impact the practice can have especially on a brand new program like this one. It should also protect the program from overheating too soon and keep growth levels at lower but ultimately more manageable and sustainable levels.

ProsperityWallet is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and has quite an attractive layout. They are hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection from Koddos which has always been quite a reliable provider for HYIPs and a popular choice. If you have any questions or support related issues then you can contact the admin through the support ticket form. Interestingly though, ProsperityWallet also have their very own forum. There’s not a great deal of activity there just yet but that’s up to the members.

As regards any kind of offline business activities, there aren’t any. At least none that are mentioned anyway so no need to waste any time on that. ProsperityWallet is presented to you purely as an online HYIP. There are no guarantees so adjust the size of your deposit accorgingly. There will be some winners and some losers but if you join early enough then your chances are vastly enhanced. But online game or not it’s still pretty well organized and I would expect a more experienced admin to be in charge.


Let’s start our update today with news from some good HYIP performers that reported some successes and new achievements over the last few days. The admin of Aballong Alrea was so nice to offer investors some help in case they would like to try sports arbitrage by themselves and actually make sure that it’s possible to make such returns that Aballong offers to its members. There were some useful suggestions made in the latest newsletter from Aballong (reviewed here) which you can read below:
Aballong is growing nicely and we are getting many great feedbacks, many questions are how people can do their own arbitration and Martin is updating the member area daily for you to have the change to do it yourself. There is a very great game this night where the single game makes you or can make you 4.76% by betting it right.
So if you are making arbitrations yourself Martin will be so nice to give you a daily match with the highest odds. Of course we are not focusing only on one game, but you might be safe by doing so.
The game with the best odds today is been played in Costa Rica
1-H2(+0.5) San Carlos v. Brujas | SportingBet 2.00 | Jazz 2.20
Total Profit is 4.76%
This would be the two bookies you need to make this arbitration work for you:
For all who catch this newsletter to late to place the bet, tomorrow is an other great game in Costa Rica
1-H2(+0.5) Perez Zeledon v. Santos | Sport-1 2.28 | Betus 1.91
Total Profit 3.93%
This would be the two bookies you need to make this arbitration work for you:
But as you might recognize you need quite pleasant amounts to make a living out of arbitrations, and usually the returns are much less than the amount what is possible today.
Martin and I are still accepting deposits, so feel free to let us do the arbitration for you, and just enjoy your account balance growing.
Regards Alrea

OneDailyPro (reviewed here) has been running successfully for over five months now offering some low-ROI plans with high profitability: 1%-1.3% for 30 days and 1.6% for 60 days with the principal returned on expiry. The admin though tries his best to surprise the investors with some new features some of which were mentioned in the latest newsletter sent to the members of OneDailyPro today:
This is broadcast e-mail to all clients of OneDailyPro project.
Peter is here (Admin of OneDailyPro project). Everything is working fine, of course with your support.
OneDailyPro is online over 160 days already and has now over 1900 members;
– I have installed a new patch. Now script has version 4.3. New features? Yes! Login into your account. New button “Withdraw all profits” has been added. Now you can withdraw all profits (from all active deposits) by one click;
– new more attractive banners 468×60, 728×90, 125×125 and 120×120 just done.
Need support:
– take a time to vote on monitors here:;
– got paid? Leave a message on forums, support us.
Thank you for attention.
Best regards, OneDailyPro Admin

It seems that just after one day after opening STP deposits the account of WaterInvestment in SolidTrustPay has been suspended already. So after careful consideration the admin of the program decided to stop accepting it but he told me that instead Bank wires will be introduced as another payment option for the members pretty soon (the timeframe is approximately 1-2 weeks from now). I remind you that WaterInvestment (reviewed here) has been listed on MNO for over two months and already managed to put itself into Top 10 best programs (actually due to many recent collapses of long-term programs). WaterInvestment can be characterized as a low-ROI program paying you weekly interest and the returning the principal back on expiry. By joining one of the investment plans offered by WaterInvestment you will have an opportunity to receive 10%-14% weekly for 20 weeks (the weekly return depends on the amount deposited and the minimum is only $15). After dropping STP WaterInvestment was left with three remaining payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. Below are the two emails I received from the admin within less than 24 hours of each other actually informing about STP addition and the second one about their discontinuation:
We are happy to announce that we start accepting SolidTrustPay as a new payment option. More information about SolidTrustPay payment system you can find at SolidTrustPay.
You are receiving this message because you have opened an account with WaterInvestment.
Warmest regards, WaterInvestment Administration
Our STP account has been temporary suspended by their staff. So we have decided to stop accepting STP.

CSMFinance is officially a scam now because it’s stopped paying to its members completely. But stealing the money is actually not enough for them. CSMFinance is going to put a dangerous trojan on your computer which will help them to empty your payment processor account if you try to download and install the software (actually it’s a very malicious type of software) they suggest. Please do NOT do it under any circumstances to keep your money safe! Why would you like to install something from scammers like CSMFinance as some MNO readers did already? I warned on my blog many times about the possible consequences of downloading any software from any HYIP but still there are people who choose to do it. Please don’t be fools and allow crooks to hack your payment processor accounts. Here is the update from CSMFinance which you should actually disregard completely as the program has been listed on Not Paying status on my monitoring page already:
Dear Members! We have completed CSM Planet development. It’s a unique software which will provides you with a lot of features you have never seen before. First of all, you will be able to manage your account from CSM Planet software. Also you will be able to participate in regional representative program. All pending withdrawals which are lost in your statement will appear in CSM Planet statement and you will be able to make them completed in just one click.

It seems that MNO is actually the only monitor that put 10000Dollars program to Paying Selectively status after many complaints from my readers about the selective payouts only to monitors and smaller investors. Today the admin of this collapsing program sent out another update where he launched two hilariously high paying plans in order to get more money from unsuspecting investors. Please do not be a victim of this fraud as their days are definitely numbered now despite their selectively processed payouts. I repeat – stay away from 10000Dollars:
We launched 2 new plan: 15% hourly for 13 hours and 120% after 3 hours! Only 5 days, join now!

It seems that HarmonicMarket site simply disappeared into thin air two days ago. First I thought there might be some issue with their website but after the admin totally disregarded all my messages (he used a different address from his server email account for communication) I believe it’s gone. There can’t be any doubt about and most possibly the trigger of this collapse was the recent warning issued by the Belize authorities regarding the program, though I believe some technical difficulties which made the site inaccessible could also have contributed. Anyway, since the website is not available I’m moving HarmonicMarket to Waiting status on my monitoring page.

Some users of HugMoney (reviewed here) have some issues today with logging in and couldn’t access the site to see their earnings. I recently received a reply from the admin regarding this and he told me that those members were suspended from HugMoney due to logging in from the same IP addresses and that they had to confirm their identity in order to proceed with their account. This issue is addressed in the latest newsletter from the admin sent earlier tonight. Also I expect to receive a second interview from him and publish it on MNO by tomorrow, so stay tuned for that. The first interview with the admin of HugMoney can be read here. I remind you that HugMoney is a short-term program offering three investment plans of 122% after 5 days, 135% after 7 days and 200% after 20 days. It has been paying for an impressive over three months now which is kind a remarkable achievement for such an HYIP. Anyway, here’s the newsletter:
Greetings HugMoney members!
For today’s newsletter I would like to start by thanking everybody who participated in our latest referral contest which has just ended. I have to say it was a great success and even better than expected. So good in fact that we will shortly be running another one. But let me announce the winners first. Holding a separate contest for regular investors proved to be very popular.
Among the monitors the winners are:
money-news Won : $500, hyipexplorer Won : $300, goldpoll Won : $150
And from the investors the winners are:
lxw002 Won : $500, 155900 Won : $300, cashptc Won : $150
Our next contest will begin very soon on March 20 and will again run for a week, ending on March 27. Again, please keep in mind that even if you don’t win a prize anything that benefits HugMoney as a program essentially benefits you the members as well. So a very big thank you to each and every one of you who made the effort. We all do well from the results.
Anybody who doubts the extreme popularity of HugMoney need only look at our growing Alexa rating.
HugMoney currently ranks number 12,903 and yesterday’s daily rank was 4739. That is a simply outstanding result for an online based investment company such as hours but make no mistake, we are aware that it was you guys who gave it to us so really, I can’t thank you enough. It should also be noted that a quick search on Google will throw up more than 100,000 results for us
It’s small wonder then that we now have more than 18,000 satisfied members and that number shows no sign of slowing down. We are sometimes getting up to 500 new members on some days so you can take that as proof of our continuing strength. We are now 97 days online and the general consensus is that HugMoney is the best place on the internet today to make a little extra money for yourselves, your friends, and your families. If you are one of those 18,000 then please don’t be shy about sharing your experience on the various forums and monitoring sites.
Now for some important news. It has come to our attention that some members are having difficulties in accessing their accounts. There are several possible causes for this, but nothing that can’t be fixed.
1: Your account has been disabled
2: You have forgotten your password
3: The security on your computer has been compromised and you have allowed someone else to access it
4: You have a technical fault with either your computer, your browser, or your internet connection.
If any of these things have occurred to you then you need to contact one of our support team immediately with the following information
A: Username B : Password C: Secret Answer
Disabled account holders must send us their password. We will do our level best to fix this for you but again I need you all to remember that due to the enormous traffic we receive you simply must be patient and allow our support team time to do their jobs. We need 48 hours to deal with everything so please do not submit more than one ticket for any particular issue. We will get around to you eventually but you are not helping the situation by bombarding us with e-mails. Everybody gets dealt with in turn and you only need to make us aware of your problem once. But before contacting us at all it might help if you took a quick look at our FAQ page as you may find your question is already answered there.
The same situation applies to your withdrawal requests. Sometimes we can pay you in as fast as one minute but that all depends on the time and the number of requests we need to deal with. So again, please allow us 48 hours to process them. We have a lot of work to do here so kindly allow our support team to handle it. You will be dealt with individually, but don’t worry, you will be dealt with.
That’s all this newsletter so let me finish by saying congratulations to the contest winners and ask you all to continue promoting us. Everybody benefits if you do. Thank you for making HugMoney the number one investment site on the net today, but we need your continued help in maintaining that position.
With warmest regards, The HugMoney Administration Team.

One of the main competitors to HugMoney in the short-term HYIP field is undoubtedly GeneralIncome (reviewed here) which is offering similar returns of 110% after 3 days, 120% after 5 days and 150% after 10 days. The payouts in GeneralIncome used to be instant until today when I was told about LibertyReserve pending cashouts. It seems the program is now having some troubles not only with LibertyReserve deposits but with withdrawals as well. The admin stated that it’s somehow connected with API LibertyReserve issues so I will give him the benefit of the doubt till tomorrow when hopefully all the pending LibertyReserve cashouts will be completed. At this moment I would not recommend to make any LibertyReserve deposits into any of GeneralIncome‘s investment plans. As far as I know all the other payment processors are not affected and the payouts to them are instant as usual. Please let me know about any issues with GeneralIncome if you have some within the next 24 hours. It will help me to assess the status of the program on MNO and report tomorrow if the problem still persists.

There was another extensive update received in my email today from GNI. I am aware that the program is closed and in the process of issuing refunds. However I can’t ignore this update simply because many MNO readers were also members of GNI and some of them are awaiting the promised refunds now. The process will take some time according to Robert but in the end everybody should be paid what they were owed. I still believe in Robert’s ability to do so and would appreciate any info from my readers who were not in profit from GoldNuggetInvest confirming their receipt of the refunds in May-June 2010. The update touched on some other topics as well including the transformation of GNI into a new program and the smear campaign against Todd that was spread online recently. The whole newsletter from the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert is being published below:
Topics to be Addressed:
1. Refund Status and Tentative Repayment Date
2. Refunds for the Deposit Repurchase Program
3. The “New” GNI
4. Smear Campaign

Greetings to all GNI Friends:
1. Refund Status and Tentative Repayment Date
We have received quite a few applications for refunds; over 1700 to date and this campaign has just begun. This is a HUGE effort requiring a very specific skill set, fair review of all applications and most of all consistency from one Refund Application to the next. Therefore Todd and Debbie will be those GNI people working diligently to get these done in a fashion described above.
To ensure fairness amongst all of our customers, an appropriate amount of time to procure the necessary funds and to take some of the pressure off of these two, I have decided that all claimants will be paid their due refund within a very few days. This should take place between May 15th and June 15th; perhaps sooner, depends on how quickly they are able to process these refunds.
This is not to avoid paying owed refunds, it is to ensure fairness to those who are owed funds, it is to ensure we have adequate time to obtain the funds while subscribing to the notion of fairness to our traders and bookies. We ARE NOT going to RUN!!!
During this process, I have asked Todd to provide to me a weekly status report which will be in my in-box on Monday morning (GMT). In this report will be:
A. The number of Refund Requests Made to Date (number of Tickets)
B. The number of Refund Requests Completed and Ready for Payment (within + or – 10% of claimants expected amount)
C, The number of Refund Requests Completed but not Ready for Payment (outside of the 10% parameters)
D. The number of New Refund Requests not previously received from the week before
E. Anything else worthy of reporting
If it appears that our self-imposed deadline will be missed, appropriate action will be taken in a timely manner to reduce the probability of any delays.
PLEASE NOTE: Refunds requests need to be posted in a support ticket at ONLY. Refund requests send to ANY of the know email addresses can not be honored and will be deleted upon receiving.
2. Refunds for the Deposit Repurchase Program
Refunds for those who submitted funds for the purchase of other member’s deposits will be refunded by weeks end. If you have not received your refund by Friday afternoon close of business (COB – GMT), please send me an email ( Please be very specific when making this request; should include ALL transaction information, the deposit information of the GNI User which you were preparing to purchase and any other relevant information you feel will help facilitate my issuing of your refund. Your assistance helping me with this It would really be appreciated.
3. The ‘New’ GNI
I am continuing putting together the New GNI, while remaining cognizant of the refund program. As you know, we cannot combine the two programs. We must, however, keep our traders busy or we jeopardize giving up their unused capacity to other Arbitrage Programs. More on this shortly.
4. Cyber-Smear Campaign
It has come to my attention that a comprehensive smear campaign has been launched against GNI, targeting Todd for he chose not to disguise his personal details. Much of the past 11 years of his on-line history is now an open book. Needless to say, none of it is presented in a positive fashion. He is receiving a constant barrage of life-threatening, evil, disgusting emails involving bodily functions and other horrendous acts.
These threats have resulted from the current state of affairs of GNI.
I am here to support and affirm some very important facts, concerning Todd and his role in GNI.
First, was Todd a member? Yes, of course he was; one of our very first. Several months ago, before our troubles, he sold his membership back to the company for a bit less than 33cents on the dollar.
The reason for this was to avoid any potential for a conflict of interest. He could not, nor could I rely on his objectivity so long as he had funds in the program
Second, did Todd receive referral commissions? Yes, for certain, until the end of Spring last year. He also offered to split the commission with his down-line, 1/2 back to the purchaser, the other to charity (on the larger amounts). None of which he was asked to do nor am I aware of any other offers made by any of our up-line referrers.
In the beginning of summer his referral base was starting to grow. It was obvious, many subscribed under him hoping to receive preferential treatment, which is not an unreasonable expectation, but not in the best interest of the program nor the non-referral customer base. Todd asked, and received my authority to split his commission amongst the staff members of GNI. He was permitted to place his user id for new members coming into the program without a sponsor, as the up-line referrer. In a couple instances, the member did not want any sponsor receiving commission. In this case, Todd removed his user ID and the commission restored to the general fund. This was a great motivating tool and cost the members and the principals zero.
In this on-going smear campaign it is alleged Todd has stolen funds from the members for his own benefit.
I am here to proclaim, Todd does not now, nor has he ever had access to GNI Payment Processor accounts (PP), E-Currency, Bank Wire, Bank, Deposit, Receipts or Withdraws of Members, Trader, Principal or anyone’s funds other than his own. Even if Todd wanted to, he couldn’t gain access to any funds that were not otherwise his and his alone.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of far too many of our trusted members who engaged in serious referral abuse or other fraudsters which continue to ‘hang around’ the GNI site, waiting to steal money, resources and most of all steal the energy out of someone so important to the success of the program.
Todd has been an asset to this program and to all of our member base as well as to me and the principals of GNI.
Those of you intending to hurt Todd, consider yourselves having been successful. Records on the internet become permanent. You have placed him in danger without knowing the facts!
Thank you, Robert

You might have noticed a new program added to my monitoring page last night and the admin of which already purchased a banner on MNO. The brand new program is called SureBetInv and as the name implies it’s another program allegedly making money on surebets which can be also called Sports Arbitrage Betting. SureBetInv offers you fixed daily and weekly plans. The daily plan offers 1.4%-1.8% daily returns (your principal has a lock-in period of 84 days after which it can be requested back at any time). The weekly plan pays you 11%-15% weekly returns (the same rule of a seven week lock-in period before you can request your original investment back applies here as well). The minimum to deposit is $25 and it can be invested via four payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay. When making a deposit you can set a compounding rate as well and receive bigger profits if you want. Since SureBetInv uses a licensed GoldCoders script the payouts should be requested from your member’s area. SureBetInv is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by Koddos so it should be free from serious issues there. More on the program will be on my blog soon. Stay tuned for that, guys!

And to finish, here is the list of programs that paid me today. They include:
ProsperityWallet, HugMoney, GeneralIncome, HighYieldClub, BiotechInvFund, BJInvestment, EuroNanoInvest, MandarinInvest, Verifield, Oico, NasMos, FinanceNova, PanaMoney, AvaInvestment, WestFinance, PrimaryPool, Aballong, DepositPalace, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, BVBC, WaterInvestment, ForexNetClub, MoneyPlus, InvestAward, IncoForex, GloboFunds, AimTrust, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, OneDailyPro, TheKapital, RedOrchidInvest, UmaxFunds, ExceptionalFunds, WeeklyDividend, Plents, ScootFx and Eternidex.

That’s all for today and I hope I didn’t miss anything. See you tomorrow, guys!

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