March 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! Hope you’re all keeping well today and didn’t over indulge for the Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations yesterday. No matter where you are in the world you always seem to find a lot of hangovers on this day so commiserations to anybody suffering! Anyway, before we get to the day’s news I would like to take a look at a new HYI program that’s just been added to my monitoring list called SureBetInv. They started trading only the day before yesterday so if you like what you see then this is the best time to join.

So what’s it all about? To start with SureBetInv is the latest program to start offering perpetual “no expiry date” style investment plans. In other words once you join, that’s it. You will remain a member for as long as the program survives and they will continue to pay you interest, theoretically indefinitely, from just one deposit. There is of course an early withdrawal option which enables you to request your principal be returned if you wish to leave for some reason, but I’ll get to that in a moment.

First of all we should look at the plans. SureBetInv has two of them to choose from, one of which pays you by the day and the other which pays you by the week. Within each of these plans there are a number of options offering varying rates of interest depending on how much you are prepared to spend. Some of them are a bit expensive for the average HYIP player, but you’ll be a better judge of that.

The first of these plans is called The Daily Pack and deposits start from $25. Amounts up to a maximum of $1,000 will receive a daily payment of 1.4%. That would see you break even after 72 days and be in profit from that point on. Investments from $1,001 to $5,000 are given a rate of 1.6% (break even after 63 days) and investments between $5,001 and the maximum allowed figure of $10,000 will earn 1.8% interest per day (break even after 56 days). If you wish to withdraw your principal and leave SureBetInv then you may only do so after a lock-in period of 84 days. No matter what option you choose you are going to be well in profit by that time so personally I don’t see why you’d want to but it’s your money and your choice so remember that the option is there for you.

A more rewarding plan is The Weekly Pack. Deposits here between $25 and $1000 are paid 11% interest per week. The same size deposit in the previous plan would have gotten you 9.8% interest over seven days, but of course you are taking much less of a risk there and there is more work involved for the admin. Anyway, if you join here you will break even ad see your first profit after 10 weeks. Larger deposits of between $1,001 and $5,000 are paid 13% interest per week allowing you to break even after 8 weeks. And for the real big spenders willing to risk anything from $5,001 up to a maximum $20,000 this time, a rate of 15% interest per week is offered which should see you break even after 7 weeks. You should also note that the same lock-in period is applied to your principal in this plan and still lasts for 84 days (12 weeks).

Needless to point out that you should never be depositing money that you can’t afford to lose in any online HYIP but in this case be particularly mindful. Regardless of the success of the program you need to be aware that you can’t leave SureBetInv for 12 weeks so you should be planning your deposit with money that you are sure you are not going to need during that time. Don’t take that as a warning or anything, just a reminder to behave responsibly.

A couple of other quick points include the availability of compounding. You will be asked to set your own rate there so if you’re a fan then it’s on offer to you. As for the payment methods, SureBetInv is accepting LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. So plenty of choice there. Payments are manual and need to be requested. You are asked to allow the admin up to 48 hours to complete them.

There are a couple of other promotions lined up by the admin as well which currently include offering a 5% bonus on top of any deposit larger than $200, but you’ll have to be quick if you want to take advantage as I believe it’s only valid for the rest of today. Check the SureBetInv website yourself first to make sure of that. Another interesting little side line coming up is a game where you are asked to try and predict the score from certain football games.

As for the design and security, SureBetInv is running off a script licensed from GoldCoders and hosted on a dedicated server supported and protected by Koddos. There are a couple of nice extras thrown in as well including their own blog where you can keep yourself informed of all the latest goings-on. If used properly it should free up the admin from dealing with a lot of support related issues. Other than that SureBetInv also features Live Chat support and promise to introduce telephone support in the coming weeks. We’ll wait and see about that but in the meantime you can also contact them through the support ticketing system. Another interesting feature here is their use of social networking sites. You’ll all be familiar with at least one of them I’m sure as most people on the internet seem to use at least one of them from time to time. So you can also follow SureBetInv on the likes of Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and a couple of others.

As the name implies SureBetInv claim to be involved in the area of arbitrage betting on sports events. They certainly make an effort to sound convincing and even give a step by step guide to how the process takes place. Nice, but hardly convincing. Or at least nothing that can be taken as solid evidence anyway. They also publish a list of football fixtures which to be honest is pretty pointless beyond purely cosmetic value. I mean they give the games but not the scores, the odds, or how much they are betting and where.

So in other words just take it like any other online HYIP and proceed accordingly. But on the other hand if you like a gamble, and if you’re a regular HYIP player I suspect you do, then SureBetInv is professionally organized and well planned. It doesn’t guarantee anything of course but then that’s where the gambling part comes in. Keep it affordable and enjoy the game as part of a well diversified portfolio.


The admin of the above reviewed SureBetInv sent out the first newsletter which was pretty interesting to read. He discussed there the football betting and introduced the Guess’n’Win page where you can try to predict the results of some upcoming football matches and win some cash if you get it right. Unfortunately when trying to check it out I discovered that the page is still not active so I’m sure what the admin of SureBetInv meant to say was that it’s coming soon. Anyway, the special promotion bonus is active now and by investing $200 or more in either of the plans you will receive a nice 5% bonus on top of your investment. I guess most of the site is still in development and we still expect some more surprises within the next few days of SureBetInv‘s operation. Here is the last newsletter from them:
Hello SureBetInv members, Welcome to one of the most promising longterm Arbitrage site on the internet today. We wish to thank you for the support and positive comments we have received so far since our site was launched barely 24 hours ago. It has been very encouraging as new members are making deposits. Though minimal but very reasonable investments. We understand that members are initially apprehensive at the beginning of most investment programs but develop trust overtime.
As part of our strategy, we have earnmark growth and success as a function of time and this is how we have resolved to run SureBetInv. This only goes to show that success is by the corner. So far, members have rated our site high. Some have said our site looks very professional why others have decided to apply caution in their comments. The most important thing is that we are trying to build trust and this require time. We are in no doubt that SureBetInv is a potential success which will in return put a lot of bucks in your pocket. We are looking forward to introducing innovative ideas that will create wealth in the life of this program. Watch out for such innovations soon.
Did you watch Champions League matches today? This competition is doing great, while players do their best in the fields, arbiters from everywhere in the world make their investments”. We had nice results yesterday and today in the matches we placed bets. Barcelona won as expected, the trick was the score, those who bet Barcelona would do more than 3 goals did nice earnings. Internazionale defeated Chelsea after a very interesting match, this was not a very profitable event but we did some earnings. Let’s go with some important events of SureBetInv Portfolio today:
Chelsea 0 – 1 Internazionale
Sevilla 1 – 2 CSKA Moskva
Barcelona 4 – 0 Stuttgart
Bordeaux 2 – 1 Olympiacos
Now it’s time to focus in the national championships, especially Spain, England and France. By the way we will select one match and put in the Guessn’Win promotion, if you guess the exact score of this match you earn $100. It will be paid directly to your e-currency account. You can tell your friends because they don’t need to be a SureBetInv member to participate in this promotion. All you have to do is visit Guessn’Win page and make your guess at cost of $0.25 per guess.
This is our first day of operation, we still don’t have much to show you but be sure we are working hard to be as transparent as possible. Thank you very much for your initial support, we already can see a nice traffic coming to SureBetInv site, people are joining and investing in the program. This is very important for us, SureBetInv is just beginning and more people will join when confidence is built. Remembers deposits above $200 will earn 5% bonus, this promotion is valid for the first 48 hours.
THANK YOU for being a member of SureBetInv and if you have any questions, need any help, or see something that needs attention, by all means, let us know and we will resolve it as early as possible.
Best Regard, SureBetInv Team

Remember BioEnergyFunds program (reviewed here) held a photo contest recently? Well, today the winners have been announced. Also in the latest newsletter the admin reminded us about the recent change to the plan and instead of 8% for 2 weeks introduced a plan paying you 7.5% for 4 weeks with the principal return on expiry. Here is the latest news from BioEnergyFunds:
HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY EVERYONE ….Hope you’ve all been Going For The Green this special day!
Sorry that we are a little late in our announcement of the Go Green Pic Contest winners, but better late than never!
We received some very beautiful entries and deciding on the top three was very difficult. Additionally, those three were so good, each in its own way, that in the end we felt we should award them equally. Here are the 3 winners who will each receive $25 to their accounts:
thinkpink63…….for Dawn On the Rocks
hyipinfo …………for In The Sunset Light (taken in South Africa)
debbie…………..for Windfarm in Arlington
3 Honourable Mentions will each receive $10 to their accounts:
hyiplisterbiz………for 30 Years Ago
Oner……………… for Dolphin Ride
Premium……. for Wonderful Creature
Debbie and Oner, please send your usernames to bioenergyfunds@gmail so we can locate your accounts! All prizes will be paid into accounts tomorrow.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WINNERS, and many thanks to all who participated!
We have now closed the TWO WEEK Test Plan, and instead have added MONTHLY Investor Shares. These are $25 per unit, and pay 7.50% weekly for 4 weeks. (All present Two Week Plan owners will be honoured of course, but no new deposits into that plan will be accepted.)
Please remember that payouts are fulfilled Mondays and Tuesdays each week.
Once again, Happy St. Pat’s Day!
The BioEnergyFunds Team

The admin of WestFinance (interviewed here) announced that due to celebrating St. Patrick’s Day the daily returns would not be credited to members’ account today. I remind you that WestFinance (reviewed here) has been a pretty good and stable performer for over three months already paying 1.8% – 2.5% daily for 120 days with the principal returned back on expiry. Here is the latest update from the admin which you could see in your members’ area in WestFinance:
Wednesday 17th March was St Patrick’s Day, a No Trading Day – So No Dividends disbursed for Thursday 18th March”.

If you want to find a more transparent HYIP then you would do well to take a closer look at InvestProxy (reviewed here). Paying on different investment plans starting from 108% after 7 days and finishing with long-term weekly plans with payouts on expiry InvestProxy now introduced a special page where you can watch some program stats in real time including the Oldest 30 Pending Cashouts, 40 Latest Paid, Top 10 buyers and 50 Latest Ads Buying. So I think it will be quite an interesting tool for savvy investors that would like to try this wonderful program that is obviously still flying under the radar and not spending too much money on advertising however keeping paying for many months now. The following update from InvestProxy has been sent today to all of its members:
A page has been added to InvestProxy that displays daily activities such as the most recent withdrawals and investments.
This page is updated whenever the page is refreshed.
The link is also visible at the top-right corner of the site.
Regards, Admin. InvestProxy.

If you’re still receiving any payment notifications from GNI please be aware that the program is closed and that it was the script that did this. Please ignore these notifications. I received an email from GNI today telling that such notification had been switched off already so this would not happen in the future:
TO: All Current GNI Participants It has been brought to our attention the script has been paying earnings to GNI accounts up to and through today, March 17th, 2010. Because the current program has been closed, these were posted in error. THis error has now been corrected (there will be no further posting of earnings). Those earnings which were improperly posted cannot be honored. We are sorry for the confusion. GNI Staff”.

With heavy heart I have to move GeneralIncome to Paying Selectively status on my monitoring page due to the fact that the payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney had stopped completely while the payouts to StrictPay and AlertPay are still being processed instantly. I emailed the admin of the program Sebastiaan last night but haven’t got any reply yet regarding it. I guess he simply keeps LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and keeps paying on other payment processors before the funds are depleted. It’s quite a sneaky tactic which could be ok for the members that invested via StrictPay or AlertPay which still receive their payouts instantly, but of course it’s absolutely intolerable for the members that joined via LibertyReserve. By not updating the members about the current situation the admin of GeneralIncome is definitely doing much harm for the program which is definitely going to collapse soon enough. I would advise you to stop investing in GeneralIncome at this point. You have been warned!

It seems that another program is having issues with payouts and is not recommended to invest in anymore. I’m talking about Dragadox in which I have two pending payouts already. I have checked the forums today and it appears I’m not alone either. There were many complaints which makes me think the program might be over now. I have put it to Problem status on MNO already and suggest you to stay away from it.

The site of Super12Arbitrage was not available for me today but I have e-mailed the admin and am awaiting their reply. There might be a DDoS attack on their servers of course causing the downtime but I’m not sure about that yet. That’s why I will keep them on Paying status in hope they will be back within the next 24 hours. The program is quite new and I don’t think they are collapsing already.

Two new programs have been added to MNO tonight. The first one is an obvious game with a very short-term plans called CurrencyBasics. The site is of very good quality having SSL-encryption based on a licensed GoldCoders script and hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DdoSWiz DDoS protection. So the site is well up to very high standards in security. CurrencyBasics offers a wide variety of plans starting from hourly to monthly which should satisfy most investor’s taste. These are the plans that will be explained in more detail in the upcoming review of CurrencyBasics which will be published on MNO tomorrow: 10.25% for 10 hours, 5.2% for 20 hours, 55%-70% for 2 days, 105.2%-128% after 1 day, 114%-170% after 2 days, 280%-400% after 17 days and 500%-850% after 31 days. Unfortunately the choice of payment processors is limited to two options: LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which will somehow lessen its appeal to the wider investor audience. You might think that the plans are offering quite a high interest rate but you should consider that CurrencyBasics is quite a new program (only launched yesterday) and so the early birds get the best chance to win in this game and make some profits.

The second program which is also short-term with kind of attractive returns is Cashift. It’s quite an interesting made-up name and the website also looks quite nice with all these leaves on the black background. There is only two investment plans: 10% paid daily for a term of 12 days (120%) and 135% after 12 days with the profits paid on expiry. Cashift has just started as well and accepts four payment processors including LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and AlertPay with the minimum allowed to each plan only $5. The program uses a licensed version of GoldCoders script and is protected by Koddos which hosts them on a Staminus dedicated server. With over 200 members registered after just a few hours online I believe Cashift program will become a success soon. More about that in my detailed review which will be published soon. Stay tuned for that!

The programs that have paid me for the last 24 hours and listed on my monitoring page as Paying ones are: HugMoney, PTVPartner, NasMos, ProsperityWallet, Verifield, Oico, MandarinInvest, EuroNanoInvest, Eternidex, FinanceNova, DynFxTrade, WestFinance, BiotechInvFund, ExceptionalFunds, UmaxFunds, PanaMoney, AvaInvestment, ForexNetClub, PrimaryPool, InvestAward, IncoForex, GloboFunds, AtoxFinance, MoneyPlus, ScootFx, WaterInvestment, OneDailyPro, BJInvestment, Aballong, TheKapital, RedOrchidInvest, DepositPalace, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, Plents, BVBC, InvestProxy and SureBetInv (the first payment received).

See you tomorrow with more news from the Industry and another review! See you then, everybody!

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