March 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend so far. I have two updates for you today, we’ll get to all the news a bit later this evening but I want to start with this interview I recently received from the admin of RedOrchidInvest.

That’s a fairly long standing program at this stage, online longer than a lot of their peers in fact, and offering various plans with variable and fixed daily and weekly returns. For a bit more information on that and how they work, please refer back to my original review published here. First though, let’s hear from the admin. His name is Nathan an so far he’s been doing an outstanding job.
1. Hi Nathan, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within RedOrchidInvest. What are your own duties within the program? How would you describe a typical working day for you as an admin of an online investment project?

Hi Paul , my name is Nathan Baws and I am the founder, and administrator of RDI partnership. I am not sure how to describe my typical working day. I just do what needs to be done that day. I am trying to keep the weekends free, because I have a family and two small children. It has been very difficult to do that lately, so therefore I hired my assistant, Jane.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on RedOrchidInvest?

Up to the year 2004, I worked as an analyst in an Investment Company, and after that I went on my own, and made some money on Forex markets, just for my family and me, but my friends talked me into working also with their investments. In the summer of 2004 some of my business partners and I founded the Partnership and started to do business together. Today, our Partnership has 15 partners. Each of us has a different Investment approach and directions, and with this, we eliminate the risk of loses. Our membership is gradually growing, and we needed to make the administrative part easier. That is why we contacted Monetary Soft and asked them for a script, we would like. The MS company offered us a script with the possibility of online investing even for small Investors, and the result is our website RedOrchidInvest.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?

We offer 10 Investment Plans, to cover possibilities of all Investors, from $10 with a fast return, up until the 10th plan for VIP members.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from RedOrchidInvest. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?

We use LR and PM because we find them to be very secure, and for VIP members we offer Bank Wire Deposits and Withdrawals, as well as everybody else who has a withdrawal of $1000 or more, can use a Bank Wire. We are considering implementing a third payment processor, GDP.

5. Maybe you could also tell us why you have so many plans? Is that in any way difficult to manage? What are the most popular ones? I also said that your plans may have been a bit too complicated for some investors. Can you respond to that?

To answer your question, why we have 10 plans, I answered before. And why do you think they are too complicated? You deposit $100 and you receive $200 ($300)($400) in a period of 60 to 100/120/136 days, according to the plan of your choosing and compounding settings, what is so complicated?

6. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

We try to have our web site as secure as possible. Our Hosting is Black Lotus, and they offer a good security for their clients. Even so, we have parallel another Hosting account with another acknowledged company. In the case of a Ddos attack or another disturbance, we are able to transfer our web site there, with a downtime for the redirection of the DNS. The database is backed up regularly, so no data will be lost.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

We use a ticket support! I admit, sometimes our responses are a bit delayed, because we have hundreds of offers from monitors, as well as from “helpers” who want to vote for us, and also spam emails and others. We are not interested to pay for advertisement, there, where it has no effect, but I have to go through all those emails.

8. I mentioned in my review that the age of your program could pose a problem to some new investors. How would you comment on that yourself?

The age of our program? We work online for about 6 years and 8 month, that shouldn’t be a problem, but a virtue!

9. What other outside business and investment activities are RedOrchidInvest involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such huge profits? Can we see any proof of these activities?

In our daily statistics, you can find updated profits and loses, as well as transfers to our to our Reserve Fund.

10. Are there any plans to develop RedOrchidInvest further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?

Obviously, we have plans for the future, we already started to reward the best referrals. We will advertise them in our News (left site of the web site) as they become current. And as to, how to be successful between so many HYIPs? Most of them are like one-day-flies, because they aren’t doing anything, and are just pyramids or ponzi scams. Such programs cannot harm us. And those few, which really work for the benefit of their clients, are our competition, which makes us work harder and offer better services.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? If there was just one thing you could say to investors to get them to join your program before any other then what would it be?

I would like to ask our satisfied members to write in forums, and maybe even post a vote in monitors. As I could see most, and even the successful HYIPs, pay for voting, and a real member writes only when he is not satisfied with the services.

That’s about all for the moment, guys. Thanks a lot to Nathan for that and I hope it was helpful to anyone considering making a deposit in RedOrchidInvest. They’ve certainly got a good track record up to now. Anyway, I’ll be back later this evening with a new review as well as all the day’s important news stories, so stay tuned for that and I’ll see you all then!

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