March 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.



Hi guys! I hope you all enjoyed the interview published earlier and found it some way useful. For this evenings second post I want to start by looking at something a bit shorter term, which I know for various reasons is often a popular choice among MNO readers. So before today’s news I want to take a closer look at Cashift, a short term HYIP recently added to my monitoring page.

The plans here are bit of a throwback to the autosurf sites that were once so popular and Cashift is is the first program I can think of for a while now offering something like this. There are two plans, both of them run for 12 days, one pays you by the day and the other pays on expiry. So I guess experienced players here will no doubt have seen similar to this a million times before. I suppose a lot of the success depends on the admin but if it is handled right then it could be pretty popular as we have seen so many times in the past. Potentially it could be anyway.

The first plan from Cashift, Plan A, is open to deposits from a minimum of $5 to a maximum of $5,000. It runs as I said for 12 days and during that time you are paid 10% interest per day. That means for a $100 deposit you would be paid $10 per day, break even after 10 days, and finish with a total of $120. Or 20% total profit as your initial deposit is already counted in the payments.

If you’d like to receive a bigger total profit and are prepared to take a bigger risk to earn it, then Cashift have Plan B. It looks a bit like the last plan, running for 12 days and open to deposits from $5 up to $5000, but this time you only get paid once. That happens on expiry and is for an amount of 135% of your principal, which is included. So in other words invest $100 and get back $135 after 12 days. That’s the intention anyway.

The plans are sustainable enough and with the right support from investors and admin alike could easily be kept running for some time. And the selection of payment processors is pretty good too and should accommodate most of you. Cashift takes AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay.

The Cashift website itself is hosted by Koddos who always seem to be a popular choice among HYIP admins. They are keeping Cashift on a dedicated Staminus server and are protecting them from DDoS attacks. The script being used is licensed from GoldCoders. SSL encryption is unfortunately not in use here. Any communication with the admin can be done by either submitting a support ticket on the form in the contacts page or else by just e-mailing him directly. Better again though is the availability of Live Chat support, but just keep in mind that that isn’t a 24 hour service.

At this point you should be aware that there is no claims being made here about any sort of outside business interests on behalf of Cashift. It’s a pure online HYIP related game and that is exactly how it’s presented to you here. And I say kudos to the admin for that. Nobody’s time gets wasted and nobody gets lied to. A number of people are going to make some money here and some will unfortunately lose. That’s the way the game is played and nobody is trying to tell you otherwise.

But as I write this I can see that over 300 people have already signed up so I guess as long as you are aware of the risks not everybody has a problem with taking them. Ok, I know stats can easily be faked but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were genuine here because programs like this can be enormously popular. And it’s a well designed program with an admin that is probably well experienced in this field. Your chances of earning are greatly enhanced by joining early (they always are) but remember you’ll enjoy the experience a lot more if you keep your deposit at a realistic level.


Some good news came from PTVPartner today which as you might remember experienced some script issues that prevented new members from registering and also caused some deposit and withdrawal issues. The update was issued last night by the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) in order to calm the investors down who may be scared by the latest collapses of such seemingly unsinkable programs like GeniusFunds and NanoMoneyCorp. Fortunately PTVPartner didn’t become join them as the script’s issues were handled successfully and at this moment all functions are working properly and you can sign-up, make news deposits and request your withdrawals successfully once again. I remind you that PTVPartner has been online for over six months offering four investment plans with payouts on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. Below are the two latest updates from PTVPartner (reviewed here):
Website Under Maintenance
We completely understand that a lot of people are nervous with the current undertow being created by the seemingly “Good” “stable” programs going down right and left.
We’re not going anywhere!
Our network is having a problem and the host and our tech are on it. It is going up and down periodically. One minute it seems “blazing fast” then the next it times out. We’re not sure how long to expect before it goes back up and 100% functional but it will. You’re welcome to check in with our moderators in our chatroom to see what the latest is at anytime. Both of these links will take you there:
Blog Articles of the Day:
Are you in the USA and have an IRA? You just might want to consider this.
There is an opportunity that is only available for this year. If you have an IRA you might want to look into it.
“With this important strategy, though, anyone’s IRA can be unchained and free to invest in whatever you see fit– physical gold and silver coins, foreign real estate, Asia/Pacific currencies, etc.
But these examples only scratch the surface.”
Care to find out more?
Now to shift perspectives on the same lines but open it to more then those in the USA.
Global Investor: Peak Oil and the Shift to Cheap Natural Gas
This will be an interesting article for those that are interested in natural resources. It’s always good to know what is going on in the outside world and what we have coming up in new energy sources for the future.
Joke of the day
The economy is so bad that:Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal.
Oh Great!! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 Trillion disappear!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

Greetings everyone; I sincerely apologize for yesterday’s downtime and glitches. The site is now back to normal and loading faster than ever! Basically; after a server upgrade at our Hosting Service, there were certain things not functioning properly, causing access delays. Since the problem was identified by our programmer during nighttime in Europe, he was not able to make contact with them till the wee hours of the morning, Central time. In the meantime, he worked throughout yesterday to do on the site whatever could be done to speed up access from our end.
If anyone had a deposit or withdrawal that did not complete properly, please submit a Support Ticket providing all relevant details and it will be addressed as soon as possible. Payouts were delayed during the site problems, and are currently being caught up, today’s payouts will follow as soon as yesterdays are completed.
I will hold a meeting tomorrow, Sunday at 11:00 AM Central Daylight time (CDT); please inform anyone who might be interested. Thank you for your patience and understanding, you members have all been just great! The future for PTVPartner is bright, our goals are being met, and future prospects look better than ever.
Garrett. PTVPartner Admin

Apparently BiotechInvFund recovered after an extensive DDoS attack on their server have improved their level of DDoS protection. Unfortunately there is some issue with withdrawals as my withdrawal to PerfectMoney is getting rejected by their system. I’m not sure what the problem is but for now I will leave BiotechInvFund on On Hold status temporarily and would not recommend you invest there at the moment. Apparently the script has not been fixed yet and the used-to-be instant payouts are not so instant anymore. Hopefully it will be fixed soon and of course I will update on my blog when/if this happens. Here is the latest update taken from BiotechInvFund explaining the reasons for their latest downtime:
Extra DDos protection has been added.
Dear members, if you experienced the problem accessing our web site this was due to the very heavy ddos attack that we fortunately manage to control to make sure our site is accessible all the time we have added extra ddos protection by GoldPoll.

The admin of BioEnergyFunds had some good news for the members of his program. They pay 7.5% for 4 weeks with the principal returned on expiry and 8.5%-12% for 30 weeks with the principal already factored into weekly payouts. You might remember from my review of BioEnergyFunds published here that the program used to open their withdrawal button only two days per week – mondays and Tuesdays. However starting next week the members will be able to request their payouts five times per week, on every business day. In the latest newsletter the admin also reminded us about the still running referral contest which will finish by the end of the month and mentioned about reaching the 1,000 members mark. Here are the latest news from BioEnergyFunds:
1,000 Members Achieved in 4 Weeks!
We are delighted to announce that today we achieved an important milestone in BioEnergyFunds, and passed the 1,000 members mark! Better yet, almost 50% of those members have upgraded. (Many thanks to members who are working hard in our Spring Referral Contest, and sharing the good news about our green, eco-friendly investments.)
Payout Days Extended to Monday – Friday!
Some of you have questioned our decision to fulfill payouts only on Mondays and Tuesdays. We listen to our members, as your opinions are important to us. Because our member satisfaction is #1, starting next Monday we will accept cashout requests every business day…..i.e. Monday to Friday inclusive.
March to a Greener World Referral Contest Reminder
It isn’t too late to jump in and begin bringing in new members. There are still 11 days to go before the contest ends, and you may win a cool $100 to $400 for your efforts ! (Please see the news in your members area for full details.)
Have a very relaxing and enjoyable Spring weekend, Your BioEnergyFunds Team

Just recently I found out that SolidTrustPay refunded everybody who invested in CottonFunds so being under no obligation to perform monitoring services to them I downgraded the program to Problem status on my monitoring page. The admin didn’t manage to get along with STP and that affected payouts which can be dangerous for the program’s cashflow. I suggest you to stay away from CottonFunds unless the STP issues are solved which is highly unlikely to happen in the near future as they already made refunds. The program’s cashflow obviously suffered because of that which makes me wonder if it will manage to continue. I’m still waiting for a response from the admin of CottonFunds regarding this so I suggest you not make any new deposits there as it might be quite risky at this time.

Another program that bit the dust this week is WeeklyDividend. It appears no withdrawals were processed for the last two days and I didn’t get any response from the admin to my queries about that situation. Please do not invest in WeeklyDividend anymore as it’s in free fall now after only two and a half months online.

Three other sites were not available for me for the whole day today and I will definitely move them to Waiting status on MNO if they don’t appear within the next 24 hours and I don’t get any reply from their admins. These programs are: DepositPalace, FinanceNova and WestFinance. I believe that FinanceNova and WestFinance could return pretty soon as I believe they might be down due to some issues with their hosting provider (they are both hosted on BlackLotus servers). As for DepositPalace program just a few minutes ago the program appeared to me online and the admin asked me to put it back to Paying status on MNO. I requested a payout and now that it’s been completed have returned them. Here is the latest from the admin of DepositPalace:
Hello all, Sorry for delay about loading our site we had a problem with our server and we are solving it.
Please continue with us. Best Regards.

With so many HYIPs collapsing this week it’s good to see that some programs are still paying perfectly well to their members. One such program is definitely Oico which has been paying since 2008 for the following investment plan: 1.8%-2.2% for 150 business days with no deposit returned on expiry. The admin of the Oico program Michael recently let investors know about the new security developments that made the site more secure than ever by introducing a captcha system to prevent some attacks on the site. It’s good to know that even after over a year online Oico keeps improving and getting better and better. Hopefully it will stay online for many months to come. Here is the latest news from Oico (reviewed here):
Recently our site has undergone some security upgrades and during that time some of you may have had difficulty accessing our website. You will be pleased to know that the upgrades have been completed and now our site is more secure than ever. You will now see an image that prompts you to enter two words into a box (Captcha box) that you will see when attempting to access your site. Please fill in the appropriate information and you will immediately be taken to your Oico site. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Oico is pleased with the growth of it’s investors and are the Fund Managers are pleased with the performance of the Oico portfolio. We look forward to experiencing a long and profitable relationship with our investors.
Thank you, Michael Drugg

The admin of EzProfit (reviewed here) announced that starting today the minimum to withdraw will increase to $1 which is probably being done to reduce the work load on the admin after many members joined. EzProfit has already reached the #4 position in my rating which you can see on my monitoring page. For your information, currently EzProfit offers two investment plans the deposits in which accepted only via LibertyReserve payment processor: 1%-2% for 999 days and 4%-5% for 30 days. Here is the latest news from them regarding the withdrawal minimum:
Start from 20 March 2010, minimum withdrawal amount change to $1 instead of $0.01. If the withdrawal less than $1, we will delete your withdrawal request and return back to your account balance.

It’s up to you if you want to believe some Forex stats that are published by some programs but the aim of those reports coming from some are pretty obvious – to instill confidence in the investors and make them deposit larger amounts. Remember that no program can be considered 100% secure even if they are really trading in ForEx. Having said that I would like to bring you some news from the admin of Plents (reviewed here). It pays 1%-2.3% for 150 business days, 6%-13.8% for 30 weeks and 27%-62.1% for 7 months with the principal returned on expiry. So far Plents failed to become all that popular but I believe that slow growth is much better that rapid for such a low-ROI program like this one. Anyway, some Forex trading history can be found on the Plents website now and you can find all the details in the latest newsletter from the program below:
Hello our dear members. We decided to publish our Forex account history on weekly base each week and you can download our Forex account history from your member area and company documents page. We’ll upload our company trading history every week here.
For start you can see the last week Forex history on your member area or download this directly by click on the link.
2010 March 12 – 2010 March 19 Plents Inc Forex trading history – Click here for download.
Sincerely yours, Plents Inc Support Team

ScootFx (reviewed here) paid me on expiry today from their 1.2% for 40 business days plan. Other plans that are offered by ScootFx are: 1.7% for 70 business days and 2.2% for 90 business days with the principal returned on expiry. Please note that to get your principal back you should make sure that your investment has a Finished status in your member’s area. Then simply select your plan id from the available plans list and click the Close button. After that you’re done and your principal will be paid back to you within the next 24 hours. I was paid today pretty fast after requesting my own principal from ScootFx and thought that information might be useful for you as well if your investment in the program expires anytime soon due to the unique character of the script they are using.

A new program that was added to my monitoring page a few days ago is GarantMoney. It’s a pretty good and SSL-secured program hosted on a DDoS protected dedicated server by Dragonara. The licensed GoldCoders script gives the program a pretty familiar look to online investors who would like to invest in any of their plans (the deposits are accepted only via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney): 1.2% for 20 days, 1.4% for 30 days, 1.6% for 60 days, 1.8% for 90 days. Please remember that on all the plans you will get your principal back on expiry and also you can set your desired compounding level for every deposit. GarantMoney has been online for over two months and so far paid like clockwork. More about that can be read in my detailed review of the program which is going to be published here soon. So stay tuned for that, guys!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
ProsperityWallet, Verifield, Oico, EuroNanoInvest, SureBetInv, BJInvestment, InvestProxy, Cashift, NasMos, ScootFx, GarantMoney, AvaInvestment, ForexNetClub, WaterInvestment, RedOrchidInvest, HighYieldClub, InvestAward, IncoForex, AtoxFinance, TheKapital, ExceptionalFunds, Plents, AimTrust, DepositPalace, SmartTradersInv, MoneyPlus, BVBC, Eternidex, GloboFunds, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, WWFD and SotInvest (the first payment received).

Stay tuned for more news on my blog tomorrow including the interview with the admin of NasMos and a review of another short-term program called SotInvest. See you then, everyone!

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