March 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.



Hi guys! I hope you all found the interview from earlier today in some way helpful. But now, as an old TV show used to say, for something completely different! One of the longest term investment programs added to my monitoring list recently, and also one of the most interesting, is called PrivateDiamondClub and they are claiming to be operating in the worldwide diamond trade. Now I don’t know if the money spent by the average HYIP player would get you very far in that game but at least it’s original.

There are three plans available to choose from that offer you the option of getting paid by the day, by the week, or by the month. The plans don’t necessarily have to be as long as they first appear however, because your principal is subject to a lock-in period (depending on the plan) after which it’s really up to you how much longer you wish to stay involved.

So the first one we come to is called The Daily Diamond Plan and it’s open to deposits ranging from a fairly hefty minimum of $50 up to a maximum of $5,000. The plan runs for 365 days and will pay you 1% interest per day. The principal in this case is already included in your payments but is still subject to a 120 day lock-in period so your potential earnings can be anything between 120% and 365%.

PrivateDiamondClub then has The Weekly Diamond Plan. The minimum deposit is $100 but the maximum remains $5000. The rate of interest paid is 5.5% per week and the plan runs for 24 weeks. The lock in period for your principal is 12 weeks so your total profit will be between 66% and 132% on top of that depending on how long you wish your deposit to stay active.

Then there is The Diamond Monthly Plan. It’s not only the riskiest plan but also quite expensive to join. At a $1,999 minimum it is to be honest hard to see this one getting a lot of takers. But it’s your money and your choice so if you wish to participate it runs for 12 months with a lock-in period of 6 months. During that time PrivateDiamondClub offer you a monthly return of 26%. Assuming everything goes according to plan that should get you a minimum profit of 156% and up to a maximum profit of 212% depending on whether you choose to leave or not. Those figures do not include your principal so you can add that in there as well. There is no maximum to the amount you can deposit here.

Other points include to availability of compounding. You can decide for yourself what rate you wish to compound at up to a maximum value of 50%. The payment processors currently in use are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Deposits made through GlobalDigitalPay and Pecunix are also accepted but for now only for manual deposits. Expect them to be integrated into the script pretty soon. You are asked to allow up to 24 hours to have your payment completed but expect some delays at the weekend as PrivateDiamondClub does not work on Sunday. You’ll still earn interest on Sunday of course, you just won’t be able to collect it.

The PrivateDiamondClub website is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection from HushHosting. They are also running off a licensed GoldCoders script though it’s barely recognizable as such due to some heavy customization.

Customer support is available through e-mail contact with the admin directly through an e-mail address, or if you prefer multi-lingual support is available through a Live Chat feature or via ICQ in either English, German, or Swahili. A postal address in Kenya is also published though obviously I can’t verify that. PrivateDiamondClub also lists an address in the UK though states explicitly that this is just for registration purposes and you will not find their representatives there. Most surprising however is the offer of telephone support. I say it’s surprising not because it’s offered (lots of HYIPs have tried this in the past) but because this time it actually works! They offer two telephone numbers, one for the general public and one only given to members. A friend of mine in London checked it out earlier today and told me that despite some intermittent connection problems he successfully got through with an inquiry he had about the plans.

As a business PrivateDiamondClub have a certificate of incorporation in the UK which of course guarantees you nothing. Less so when you consider that they make no claim to ever doing any business whatsoever in the UK. But what they are claiming is to being involved in the diamond industry. Personally I don’t go for it but then I never really do. But whether you believe it or not the fact remains that there are no guarantees that you will make a profit here so think about it first. In the two weeks the program has been online there has been little in the way of enthusiasm from the investors so far, or at least there hasn’t been much activity on the main forums about them anyway. It’s to be expected I suppose with a program with plans as long as this one, where slow growth is always the order of the day. But it’s an interesting program and we’ll wait and see how things develop.


There was another update sent to the members of PTVPartner (reviewed here) by its admin Garrett last night. Actually this update didn’t bring much news except being a reminder of the last investors’ meeting earlier this week, and its traditional columns including Blog articles and Jokes of the day. I have some good news for you though – I have received a second interview from Garrett today and so I will be publishing that on my blog on Monday. I decided to do this on Monday since PTVPartner is an extremely popular program ranking #2 on my monitoring page already and the weekend would not be a suitable time for it. If you still want to know more about them and not wait till Monday I suggest you to refer to my first interview with Garrett which has been published here. I remind you that PTVPartner is a program which has been online for about seven months now and paying on four investment plans: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. Here is the latest newsletter from PTVPartner:
Last Meeting of the Week!
Tomorrow, Thursday, March 25th, 2010
11pm GMT (4pm PDT, 5pm MDT, 6pm CDT, 7pm EDT)
Check your timezone here if not listed above.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Ressurect the Principals of ’98
Have you heard about the new Obama Care? We’ve faced this kind of situation in the past. What happened in ’98? What do you know about states rights in the US? If you disagree with what is going on with the trillion dollar deficit and you want to involve yourself in a peaceful manner with making an impact you need to read.
European royal families receive stern warning from powerful new secret group.
Ok we all know the USA is in turmoil. Those who are pro big government and those who are against being just one of the factions. Now we will turn our sites on Europe. This is an article by Benjamin Fulford. Some have found his articles to be extremely interesting?
Panama Treaty Scuttlebutt
With a fine tradition of secrecy, Panama has signed an agreement for a tax exchange of information with the OECD. However, this may not be all it appears from just hearing it. Panama is not happy to release information so you might be interested to find out the further details. We’ll get you started on your search by reading here.
Alice in Wonderland still top draw at US cinemas
For those among us who like a little entertainment news we have a bit of that for you today as well. Catch it here.
Joke of the Day:
Murphy’s Lesser Known Laws
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t.
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there’s a 90% probability you’ll get it wrong.
If you lined up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them, five or six at a time, on a hill, in the fog
The things that come to those who wait will be the things left by those who got there first.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer.
Flashlight: A case for holding dead batteries.
The shin bone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
When you go into court, you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

The admin of IntermedInvestments (reviewed here) announced that their VIP plan has closed now, just after a few days after the review of his program was published on MNO. There are still two main plans left and we already knew that the VIP opportunity would not last much longer anyway. Terry, the admin of IntermedInvestments promised to consider reviving the plan in future should there be a significant demand for it. Here is the latest news from the program:
A quick update regarding our plans. The “VIP Opportunity” has reached maximum capacity (faster than we had anticipated, actually), and therefore is no longer available for investment. Our apologies if you were interested but didn’t get in on time. We hope to be able to offer such an opportunity again in the near future. If you have an interest in such a plan, which provides higher than our usual rates of return but with increased risk, feel free to drop me a line to let me know, and I will put you on the list of interested parties. As soon as our broker notifies us of another such opportunity, we will let you know.
We still have our two main plans, the “100 business days” and the “20 weeks” plans, available.
Have a great day! Regards, Terry Jameson. IntermedInvestments.

The popular short-term program SotInvest (reviewed here) announced the introduction of a more sophisticated ref comms system when the rate of commissions paid would depend on the amount of referrals one has. Here is the new referral commissions structure for SotInvest promoters:
We have 3 level referral program
Level 1: 1-200 people = 5% 201-500 people = 7% more than 500 people = 10%, Level 2: 2%, Level 3: 1%

I would like to notice as well that the admin of SotInvest answered my questions for the interview tonight and hopefully it will be published on MNO on Saturday.

Tomorrow though I’m planning to give you a real treat and for a change interview not the admin of an HYIP but the admin of an exchanger. You will be able to find out more about another exchanger called UnblockExchange that just started and was already added to MNO as a Recommended exchange partner. I hope you will have a pleasant experience with UnblockExchange and if you want some additional info about them don’t forget to check out MNO tomorrow when the interview with Mircea (the admin) is going to be published. The latest news from him received today was concerning the referral program launched by UnblockExchange when by participating and referring others you can earn a share from the exchange fees charged by them. Here is the news:
Participate in our affiliate program and earn 10% for each exchange fee by referring customers to our site. This promotion will be available until further notice.
Regards, Mircea and the team.
Thank you for using our service
Sincerely, UnblockExchange Customer Service Department.

I have added a new program to my monitoring list today and it’s called XZFinance. This is a short-term program offering two simple investment plans: 20% daily for 7 days and 160% after 7 days paid on expiry. The minimum to invest is $5 and the maximum is $5,000. You can deposit via a multiple payment processors as LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay are all allowed. The real treat for the investors is the absence of a script so you don’t need to create an account in XZFinance in order to make a deposit. Simply click on Deposit Now tab, choose a plan suitable for you, investment amount, payment processor ID and enter your email address. That’s it and you’re done! If you invest in the daily plan (recommended!) you should expect your first payout on the following day to the same payment processor account you joined with. XZFinance just launched today and it looks like another very promising short-term HYIP to me. And a dedicated server with DDoS-protection provider by the famous Dragonara makes XZFinance even a more attractive pick. Remember the best chance to be in profit in such programs like XZFinance is to deposit early so don’t hesitate if you want to try your luck with that. I will be back with a more detailed review of the program on MNO soon so stay tuned for that, ok?

The programs that paid me today are the following:
ProsperityWallet, Cashift, OneDailyPro, Oico, PanaMoney, AtlantisMutual, BJInvestment, EuroNanoInvest, Verifield, SureBetInv, TheKapital, WestFinance, Aballong, HighYieldClub, FinanceNova, RedOrchidInvest, SotInvest, GarantMoney, PrivateDiamondClub, WWFD, SmartTradersInv, WaterInvestment, AtoxFinance, EmperorFunds, IncoForex, NasMos, PrimaryPool, AimTrust, EzProfit, BVBC, ScootFx, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, CottonFunds, InvestProxy, IntermedInvestments, Eternidex, AvaInvestment, MoneyPlus, Plents, ExceptionalFunds, StereaFunds (the first payment received) and RichesToTheMax (the first instant withdrawals received).

That’s it for today, guys! Don’t forget to check out my blog tomorrow for the review of RichesToTheMax, a new short-term HYIP with instant payouts. See you then!

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