March 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi everyone! Hope your weekend is going well so far. Things have been busy enough for me today (can’t complain about that!) and again I have two updates for you. You may have seen this morning’s interview already and now I have all the main news stories too. But before we get to that I’d like to talk about one of the long term low ROI programs added to my monitoring list recently called StereaFunds. They’ve been running for about the last ten days or so now and with a program like this that can still be called very new. StereaFunds is also uncomplicated and easy enough to find your way round compared to a lot of their competitors.

To start with there are two investment plans to choose from. Both are quite lucrative and highly profitable but at the same time not outrageously so. If managed correctly they have the potential for quite a long time. Now I know that potential by itself doesn’t add up to a whole lot but in this business it’s where you have to start. All I can say for sure right now is that there are numerous examples of other programs that offered similar returns did quite well. Whether or not StereaFunds joins that list remains to be seen. One of the plans makes daily payments (on business days only) and the other one makes them weekly. Deposits in both however are subject to the same lock-in period of 120 business days, which is 24 weeks.

The first plan makes daily payments and your profit will be based on the size of your investment. The minimum amount to invest is $10 and deposits between that and $499 are paid 1.5% interest per business day. That will add up to 7.5% per week and a total of 180% by the time the plan expires. So a simple example of an investment of let’s say $100 would give you $1.50 per day, 5 days per week, up to a total of $180. After the 120 day term expires you are free to request your principal back or re-invest as you see fit.

For more serious players an investment of between $500 and $2999 there is an increased rate of 1.7% interest per business day for 120 business day. That works out at 8.5% per week becoming a total of 204% on expiry, after which you may request your principal back.

And for the really big spenders prepared to risk $3000 or more (though I doubt there’s many) you are offered the maximum rate of 1.9% per business day for the same duration. That would bring you 9.5% interest per week adding up to 228% in total by the end when you can again request your principal. The maximum spend is $6000.

If you are looking for a little extra and are prepared to take a bigger risk in order to get it then StereaFunds have a weekly payment plan. It’s not more expensive to join but obviously you can all understand the difference between giving up the peace of mind that goes with daily payments. So if you are willing to forgo that then consider this option. The minimum to spend is still $10 and anything up to $499 will bring in a weekly payment of 8.5%. That’s just an extra dollar for every hundred you would earn for the same size deposit in the daily plan, so consider if you think it’s worth it before continuing. The final amount (of profit) received should add up to 204%.

Likewise with the larger deposits. Join with anything from $500 to $2999 and you will be paid 9.5% interest every week for 24 weeks. Again you can ask for your principal back on expiry. The total profit paid out should be 228%.

The biggest paying option sees StereaFunds offer 10.5% interest per week for 24 weeks on deposits ranging from $3000 to $6000. In that event you would expect to finish the term with a total profit of 252% in addition to your principal being returned.

The only payment processors being accepted by StereaFunds at the moment are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and unfortunately this does tend to limit their appeal right now. It’s always better to have a choice, even if that choice was going to be LibertyReserve anyway. You are asked to allow 24 hours to get your payment completed.

On the plus side however StereaFunds is well up to standard when it comes to security. The first thing I noticed was their use of SSL encryption so you can use a secure https connection to sign in. They are also hosted on a dedicated Staminus server protected and supported by DdoSWiz. And their script is licensed from GoldCoders. You can relay any further questions about that or any other feature to the admin via their online e-mail support ticketing system.

There’s plenty of content on the business activities of StereaFunds for you to consider, which in this case is the old HYIP favorite of ForEx trading. Entirely up to you whether you wish to believe a word of it or not of course but as far as I can see it is at least original and gives some information on their trading strategies. Personally I’d prefer to let a program (any program!) establish itself as a consistent and dependable performer before giving a second thought to any of this, but I wouldn’t let it be a deciding factor in whether or not I’d join it either. The people who profit most from even the very best online HYIPs are the ones who join at the start, and the success of any of them stems largely from the support that follows. However when deciding how much to invest you may just wish to remember the lengthy lock-in period so be sure not to spend anything you may need to get back in a hurry in the next six months or so. Other than that you should just treat StereaFunds like a regular online based HYIP game until proven otherwise. And if you like it then enjoy the experience.


Let’s start today’s news with some encouraging updates from PTVPartner (reviewed here). First, as you might know the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) continues to inform us about their interest in silica mines in every investor’s meeting and in the newsletters as well. However he refused to give any details of his business by reminding us of a non-disclosure agreement by which he is bound. So now you can see the pictures from that area where the silica deposits are allegedly situated. The second important news story, and of a bit more practical use to investors, is that the option of paying by bank wire should be in place by the end of next week and the integration of this into the script is under way. I remind you that at the present time you can invest in PTVPartner via four payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay) and choose from four different plans with payouts on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days. Please stay tuned for the second interview with Garrett which is going to be published on my blog on Monday and meanwhile read the latest news from PTVPartner which has already reached #2 on MNO ranking below:
Silica Mine Photos
We have posted all the approved photos in the PTVPartner Gallery for your viewing. The photos show the various features we have previously mentioned such as the Outcroppings, the 2 to 4 inch thick Overburden (made of grasses, lichen and other vegetation), the Forested areas with Silica directly below, the Mountain Ranges, the Valley below, the Silica Rubble or boulders and the fact that this is a Milk White Hard Rock Silica Formation.
We are continuing to modify the Gallery in an effort to make it even easier to view the photos and you will see those changes soon as well.
For those who haven’t yet heard our financial account is now approved and ready to go.
What isn’t quite ready yet is the integration of the website to accept the transactions. Our IT guys are working very hard to get this done. They have advised me that it should be completed by the end of next week. They’ve been offered a “bonus” to get it done sooner but at the same time we have to get it done right. The last thing we want is for us to put it in and then create a nightmare of support issues, tickets, and frustrations for you and for us if we do it quickly but it isn’t done right. We will let you know as soon as it is ready to go as we know many are anxious to have this capability.
As announced in a previous newsletter, the minimum deposit via bankwire will be 2% on both incoming and outgoing wires. This is a fee the bank imposes and not one that is placed there by PTVPartner.
Blog Articles of the Day:
Obama, Netanyahu seek to defuse US-Israel tensions
Israel and the USA are in discussions to try to ease tensions both between them and to help chart a course for the future. “American and Israeli officials have sought to get relations back on track after the housing dispute touched off the worst diplomatic rift between Washington and its close ally since Obama took office last year.” Read the rest on the blog.
Obamacare Blockade Begins, Beck Burned Again, Albrecht Exposes Mark
“Franchi takes on Obamacare and reveals its true purpose in the Rant and he reports on the blockade against the Federal Government being mounted by the States. Glenn Beck is proved a liar again and another unnecessary tasering is exposed. Katherine Albrecht returns to breakdown the RFID invasion of America for the viewers. A new enemy of the State is branded and the mailbag sifted”. You will link to the commentary here. It’s a youtube video. Even if you disagree you should be informed of the other side’s point of view on things. Find out now.
Computer or Cyber Crimes
“Examples of crimes that primarily target computer networks or devices would include:
Malware (malicious code)
Denial-of-service attacks (DDOS)
Computer viruses
Examples of crimes that merely use computer networks or devices would include:
Cyber stalking
Fraud and identity theft
Phishing scams
Information warfare”
Ever wanted to know more about all the various ways in which cyber-crime exists?
The above list is only a small example of the ways in which cyber crime is comitted. There’s much, much more and if you read on our blog this article will give you much more information. It will show you some things you may not have even thought about.
Joke of the Day:
Dear Internal Revenue Service:
Enclosed you will find my 2005 tax return showing that I owe $3,407.00 in taxes. Please note the attached article from the USA Today newspaper, dated 12 November, wherein you will see the Pentagon (Department of Defense) is paying $171.50 per hammer and NASA has paid $600.00 per toilet seat. I am enclosing four (4) toilet seats (valued @ $2,400) and six (6) hammers valued @ $1,029), which I secured at Home Depot, bringing my total remittance to $3,429.00.
Please apply the overpayment of $22.00 to the “Presidential Election Fund,” as noted on my return. You can do this inexpensively by sending them one (1) 1.5 ” Phillips Head screw (see aforementioned article from USA Today newspaper detailing how H.U.D. pays $22.00 each for 1.5″ Phillips Head Screws). One screw is enclosed for your convenience.
It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.
Sincerely, A Satisfied Taxpayer
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

I was not aware that NasMos program (reviewed here) has been online for a year now. I started monitoring it just two and a half months ago and so far I was pleased with the instant payouts they process to all the payment processors accepted (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay) for the plan that pays you 4%-6% for 40 days (principal included). So to celebrate the first anniversary which is truly an amazing event the admin of NasMos (interviewed here) opened a referral contest that will run for a week with five lucky winners which will receive $700 prize money in total. Please don’t worry about the monitors by they way stealing your victory. In my opinion they should not be allowed to participate in any of these contests anyway and it seems that the NasMos admin agrees. So start promoting NasMos for your chance to earn some money as there’s nothing bad in promoting such a good and long-lasting program at all. In the latest newsletter they also mentioned that though the payouts are usually instant sometimes the admin needs some time to replenish the funds in the accounts and so your withdrawals might go to Pending status. Usually they will still be paid fast after requesting them so you shouldn’t be worried about that. Finally at the end of the newsletter the admin gave some stats which I think are too inflated and unrealistic. So it was reported that the total deposits reached over $5 million dollars which simply cannot be true. Anyway, it’s up to you what statements from any admin you believe as many of them simply like to exaggerate in hope of attracting bigger investors tin future. Here is the latest newsletter from NasMos:
Hello NasMos members!
I’m not sure how many of you are aware of this but we have a little birthday celebration coming up that we at NasMos would like to share with you. Next Monday will see NasMos celebrate one year in business so Happy Birthday to us! As a slightly early celebration we will now be running a referral contest and I hope as many of you as possible will participate and try to win one of the many prizes we have to offer you. I hope you agree that they are generous and well worth competing for:
1st Winner will win : $ 300, 2nd Winner will win : $ 200, 3rd Winner will win : $ 100, 4th Winner will win : $ 50, 5th Winner will win : $ 50 (Monitoring Sites Not Included).
We have also been added to The GoldPoll Hot List which is another reason to celebrate I think. The contest will run from today March 26 and will finish on April 3. Good luck to all of you!
And now for some updates:
Withdrawals as you should all have realised by now are instant. However this is not without its share of problems as well and occasionally you may have seen your go to the Pending List. There is nothing to get alarmed about as the situation is always corrected very quickly. What happens is that the withdrawal account (eventually) gets emptied and you need to wait for us to replenish it. This usually takes no more than 10 hours so what you need to do is cancel your pending payout and request it again.
Another possible reason for this happening is that you have not correctly set up your LibertyReserve, StrictPay, or PerfectMoney accounts. If this is the case then send us your account details and we will send it to you like that. For LR and PM your account should be the number that’s preceeded by the letter U. For SP it will be a 5 digit number.
Once your payment has been completed it would be a huge help to us if you post proof of your withdrawal in the major forums and monitoring websites. Please don’t forget this as it will be very beneficial to us all in the long run and help us to manage NasMos better in the future.
And finally for those of you interested in the statistics I’m delighted to tell you that NasMos continues to grow all the time. Sometimes we have welcomed as many as 200 new members in a single day. We now have +25000 members with a combined deposit of $5,426,012.53 To date we have paid out a total of $3,889,225.96
So try your luck in the referral contest and who knows? You may be one of the winners!
We will have a surprise for all NasMos members and will publish it in next newsletter.
Until next time, good luck and best wishes to all of you!

It looks almost unbelievable but it seems that InvestAward came back from the grave which means the site that was inaccessible for many days already and listed as Not Paying on every monitoring site managed to survive somehow and return back online. Moreover, I requested my payout to LibertyReserve account and was paid shortly after that. I would not like to list the program though as Paying if the payouts are selective. I didn’t get any confirmation from my readers that InvestAward is paying not only to monitoring sites but to regular investors as well. So please help me with the decision whether or not I should list InvestAward as a Paying program by submitting your emails to my address I would really appreciate your input on this matter. If you are a member of InvestAward please be aware that the site is back online and you’re welcome to request your payouts from it. Here is the today’s surprising newsletter from the admin:
We apologize for recently problems about website that caused some inconvenience. We had to move the website to better and stronger server for security reasons. Everything is great now but only the SSL certificate has not been updated yet. Please be patient, it takes time for a few days. But our trades are working and you can work with your account with earning.
Kindly Regards, InvestAward Inc.

There was something akin to a detective story told by the admin of PrivateDiamondClub to the investors in their last newsletter about the dangers of diamond trading in Africa. He also invited some investors to complete a trip to Africa and visit their office and even participate in trading diamonds. I immediately remembered the movie Blood Diamond starring Leonardo di Caprio, lol. Honestly if it’s so dangerous I admire the program that still earns money despite all these obstacles. In addition to this you should be aware that the deposits made via StrictPay to any of the plans offered by PrivateDiamondClub (1% for 120-365 days, 5.5% for 12-24 weeks, 26% for 6-12 months) are temporarily being added manually before the script is fixed. But the most shocking news is that PrivateDiamondClub (reviewed here) temporarily closes its doors to new investors next Tuesday two days from now. So if you want to secure your spot in the program join it now. I guess it’s worth it just because of such original newsletters complete with an mp3 file which you can download and listen on your favorite music player for your own amusement. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of PrivateDiamondClub Lars:
Dear members and followers of the PrivateDiamondClub,
Today we have already the 27th of March. I like to update all members and followers of the PrivateDiamondClub with our latest news update like every two weeks. Maybe you remember that our next trading journey was planed for next weekend (starting on the 1st of April). We planed a bigger trade in the Central African Republic. But after a busy week our head of trading and me made the decision to change the plan. We will work together with an old partner from the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), who spend almost 18 month in Angola. He returned 2 month ago to the DRC after fighting’s between local militias and the Government ended. He contacted us that he started to operate in his old area and is controlling his own local exploration pit. Last week we made sure that everything is safe and secure and decided to work with him again. In the DRC small cities often have a chief. The chief of a nearby village assured us that everything is back under Government control and our head of trading knows the DRC, the risks and the situation long enough and we start a small diamond test trade (valued between US$100k-150k). The journey will start this Monday on the 29th of March. Our head of trading will travel together with one other diamond expert. As I always say it is all about about people, power and numbers. Because of the well known trading area and the small trading amount the journey will take no longer than 5-7 days.
We had some PrivateDiamondClub members who asked if they can join a trading journey. The answer is: YES! But just 2-3 members for one journey. We do not issue Visa’s or other documents. A trading journey to the DRC or the CAR is not a bus safari to Masai Mara to watch the animals… We can held our members to get all documents, flights or recommend Hotels. But trust me there is no Hilton Hotel waiting in the area’s where the main trades are taking place. A trading journey is different from a simple visit to our office or a meeting. Kenya is safe and a tourist country. So if you just want to visit our office you just need an appointment.
Anyway, let’s pray for the best and hope that our head of trading wins a new long time trading partner next week.
Since we introduced Fax and Phone account management, some VIP members already using it successfully.
I also got some news I did not like. A few days ago our webmaster informed me that we had a script error with SP. The error will be solved latest on Monday but all SP deposits are added manual. Sorry for that. Since yesterday Pecunix deposits are added automatically to the members account.
Me and the PrivateDiamondClub stuff decided to close the doors for new members starting from Tuesday (the 30th of March) until we have positive feedback from our head of trading that the trades are under control, the quality of the rough diamonds is our standard and everything is successful. We are a small team who needs to focus on many issues next week, so after Tuesday the club does not allow new members for the time of the journey. All of this will not effect our existing members at any time. But we think all of our member want a secured and profitable trading result. Some members asked for the direct download link for our radio advert. All members or followers can download the advert direct as .mp3 file.
Just click here
Download the PrivateDiamondClub Radio Advert…
Our old members still ask why I decided to open the PrivateDiamondClub to investors worldwide and introduced an online membership account. The answers remain the same.
– We have already 30% less expenses. (Target is and was 45%)
– Due to new laws we can offer our service worldwide
– The fact that we save expenses made the club already more profitable
I am back with the latest news and updates as soon as our head of trading is back or I get a feedback from him. I am thankful for the support of all
PrivateDiamondClub members and say thank you for now.
Lars von Olberg (27/03/2010)

If you want to get a 10% bonus on a $500 or more deposit via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney into any of the plans offered by SotInvest then you have 24 hours to do so. If you want to try your luck here is the latest announcement about the limited bonus offer from SotInvest (reviewed here):
Get 10% deposit bonus if you invest more than $500 use LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney on March 27th-28th.
Bonus will be automatic invest to 35% daily plan 24 hours after you made deposit.
Made deposit now on SotInvest.
Best Regards, Admin

It came to my attention that the admin of WestFinance made some restrictions about the size of your withdrawals. Now it says you can only withdraw not more than $100 in 48 hours. I was told about this by MNO readers and I can’t confirm or deny it as I have only smaller amounts to withdraw myself so obviously this rule doesn’t apply to me. However, such restrictions usually make me think that the program could have some cashflow issues and might be collapsing soon. I would advise you therefore to hold off from depositing big amounts into WestFinance (reviewed here). My cashouts are processed fast as usual but such signals from bigger investors cannot be ignored and should be treated as some kind of warning signal.

I wonder why StrictPay is allowing checks via mail as a funding option while other withdrawal options are taking so much longer than usual now (up to 7 business days). There was absolutely no mention of this in the latest newsletter from them. I wish they could at least update us on these delays with their Bank wires and Debit cards. I know that StrictPay is still working fine but any update on the situation with withdrawing options would be more than welcome by all their clients. I hope to hear on that in the next update than in this latest one I received to my mailbox last night:
StrictPay Customers, We are happy to announce that we will once again be offering fundings via Check by Mail. We have contracted a new company that will be processing the Check Fundings for us, so please be sure to check our updated funding instructions before mailing your check.
There are a few small changes to our Check Funding option as well. First, there is no limit on the amount of a check funding. Checks may be mailed for any amount over $25 for the same low fee of just $2. The processing time for Check Fundings is now 7-10 business days for all checks under $7,500. For all checks $7,500 or more the processing time is 14-17 business days.
As always, we thank you for choosing StrictPay as your internet payment processing solution.
Thank you. Team StrictPay. The Best Payment Solution

I have been paid today from the following programs: ArbsTeam, NasMos, PrivateDiamondClub, PTVPartner, Aballong, FinanceNova, RichesToTheMax, Verifield, XZFinance, EuroNanoInvest, Cashift, Oico, ProsperityWallet, SureBetInv, WestFinance, EmperorFunds, BVBC, GarantMoney, SotInvest, SmartTradersInv, WaterInvestment, RedOrchidInvest, WWFD, OneDailyPro, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, ForexNetClub, InvestProxy, StereaFunds, Eternidex, ScootFx, TheKapital, InvestAward, AimTrust, AvaInvestment, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, ExceptionalFunds, MoneyPlus and Plents.

I will see you on my blog tomorrow, guys! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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