March 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! You know it occurs to me sometimes that one of the most undervalued and underutilized assets an online investment program has can often be its admin. Certainly a program is nothing without its members but the role of a good organizer can’t be stressed enough either. But in the case of Garrett Rainier, the admin from PTVPartner, I think it fair to say he’s a lot more than just that. So it’s with great delight that I introduce my second interview with him today.

It’s almost seven months to the day since I first reviewed PTVPartner on MNO (which you can read here) and this is one of the rare cases when the personality of the admin truly sparkles and plays a pivotal role in making his program the runaway success that it is today. Despite being a very ambitious, driven, and goal oriented man, in my personal dealings with him Garrett has always remained above all else a very affable and approachable sort. And often humorous in fact which you will have noticed if you are a member in receipt of his frequent news updates.

But enough about the admin. This business isn’t all about personalities, it’s about community, and at it’s best that is the real strength of PTVPartner. Their ability to bring individual people from all over the globe and from all walks of life together in the same “virtual” room and working towards the common same goal, ie the betterment of each other, has been on one hand very simple and yet on the other hand truly astounding.

Anyway, enough from me. I think Garrett can speak for himself and do a much more eloquent job than I in explaining how his own investment program works. And God knows, the man loves to talk almost as much as I do! You can read my last interview with Garrett here and my review of PTVPartner here.

1. Hi Garrett, for the benefit of the few remaining readers that may not know who you are perhaps you could re-introduce yourself to everybody and tell us what it is that you personally do on a day to day basis with PTVPartner.

My name is Garrett Rainier and I am the Admin of PTVPartner.

PTVPartner is the result of a three year endeavor to bring to the world of HYIP, an unprecedented opportunity. PTVPartner was designed to, firstly, rally investors and provide for them a wealth building tool and, secondly, to build a global community that will assist in stabilizing e-currency via the sheer numbers of members we are amassing as well as the overall volume of business we will do over the coming years. PTVPartner is the opportunity that will provide stability to a seemingly corrupt market. E-currency needs restructuring. E-currency needs to be brought into the mainstream. E-currency is a freedom opportunity whose time will soon come, but it is being restricted by those that initially brought it to life.

On a daily basis I am constantly working to ensure the success of PTVPartner, as well as consult with principals of our Silica Mining Expansion projects.

2. We can all see that you seem to have an impressive little network of support operators and moderators as well, so maybe you could also introduce your immediate team.

We have several teams of individuals behind the scenes.

Our Moderator team provides 24 hour support via our chat room as well as our forum, support tickets, email and numerous sticky threads around the internet. I very much appreciate the opportunity to introduce them to you here. Thank you.

Our Moderator management team consists of: (in the interest of privacy, pseudonyms are used)

KB, Quicksilver, and Lightening – These three tirelessly monitor the moderators, handle the chat room, support tickets, emails, handle payroll tallies and create processes to ensure the overall support of our 10,000+ members. These three easily work 40 to 60 hours each per week.

Our Moderator Staff (pseudonyms again of course)
Mew, Indo, Aneel, Indo, Bluesky, Cool, Dave, StreetSmart, Sunshine, Kee, Val, Cetta, Lovejoy, Yecheve, Olyana, Faroind, Polaks, Initmaster, and VanHogan.

These mods handle every task assigned without question. They are tirelessly supporting the members with any issue that arises. They continually monitor all the forums we support as well as each work numerous hours in the chat room, some even coming to help on their own time.

The Moderators are the PTVPartner backbone and are very much deserving of their positions. Their efficiency absolutely amazes me.

We also have a team created to handle our Blog. Our Blog is growing in popularity daily and is already getting over a thousand hits per day. Those that contribute to, and handle our blog have a much more important job than they realize, and they too are doing a fantastic job.

Our Blog staff consist of:
Dorothy, Carlos, StoneAge, and JahWarrior

Last, but by no means least, is our IT Staff.
These guys put in 50 hours per week minimum and most of them put in 60 to 70. They are working on the never ending evolution of our site. They are an invaluable part of the whole process.

We have Sid, Justin and Vijay as well as other part time consultants.

3. Before we get to the program itself, a number of readers have commented on the live presentations you have made and saying that the sound of your voice is electronically masked and subject to change. What do you have to say about that?

It is true. The microphone system that I use does disguise my voice.

PTVPartner exists only as the result of extremely strict Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality agreements installed for the protection of both the PTV Group and the PTV Partners and members here. Without the NDA and CA, PTVPartner would never have existed, primarily because of the unstable nature of the HYIP arena and ecurrency as a whole. We are working with governments around the world, numerous entities and investors that we are not willing to expose to the often erratic and cruel world of HYIP. Our reputation is not at stake, and we plan on keeping it that way. There is no doubt in my mind that anyone who is reading this knows exactly what I am talking about, when I say that if we exposed everything at this point in time and allowed the world of HYIP to intermingle with that of the PTV Group and other principals, their reputations would indeed be challenged. Therefore we will continue to protect them and our members at all costs.

Since I have spoken in the media and my voice could be recognized, I chose not to take any risk and therefore utilize the voice changer.

4. Can you now recap on the plans your program is offering investors? Explain how they work and the payment methods in use. Over the last seven months which ones have proved the most popular and why?

We have four plans to choose from. The Principal is included in the return with all four plans.

Introductory Plan pays 110% after 10 days.
Advantage Plan pays 125% after 20 days.
Leverage Plan pays 145% after 30 days.
Prestige Plan pays 190% after 40 days.

Each plan has their individual minimums and maximums. That information is available on our website. Each plan pays in full, principal and interest, upon expiry. We do not have daily interest or daily interest payouts for plans. This ensures greater stability and the time to move our profits to maintain payouts. The Prestige plan is by far the most popular and accounts for about 70% of the investments running.

We accept Liberty Reserve (LR), Global Digital Pay (GDP), Strict Pay (SP) and Perfect Money (PM). That is the order of their popularity as well. GDP has recently surpassed Strict Pay in regards to volume of activity. You may ask why. I think it has a lot to do with the previous delays incurred at StrictPay and the fact StrictPay is too restrictive. They really make things too difficult for their members when it comes to moving their funds and seemingly for no apparent reason. They have a no return policy but you can only request 10K bank wires, 5 days for funds to populate their debit cards, 48 hours for an exchanger to receive funds, and 48 hours for support replies. This is just not good enough. I really like Strict Pay, but I am afraid that member interest in GDP is increasing, and SP is losing its market share because of the policies they have, which are of no benefit to members.

5. A lot of people have been asking about the introduction of bank wires. Are you still going ahead with that? If so can you explain what the delay is?

The delay is almost over. Here is the latest info regarding the bank wire option.

We have established our structure, opened the accounts and are diligently working to integrate the script into our website. The Bank Wire feature will be available within a few more days.

Once the Bank Wire option is online you will be able to ‘Register’ your bank account inside your member area. From that point forward you will be able to deposit and withdraw with Bank Wire as an option.

The minimum deposit or withdrawal via Bank Wire will be $1000 USD.

The bank itself imposes a 2% fee for incoming and outgoing wire transfers.

We will be adding, very shortly, a Euro Option and a Canadian Dollar Option. Other currencies will follow in due time.

If you initially deposit with USD you will be able to withdraw in any currency we offer based on the current available rate of exchange.

We will announce the bank information in the coming days.

Members do have the option of opening accounts via this fiduciary which will open the doors to additional options such as Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Offshore structure assistance and many other services.

We look forward to being able to open this option and make it available to the members who have patiently anticipated it.

6. When PTVPartner was first reviewed on MNO all those months ago, much was made about your activities in providing finance for companies deemed too much of a risk by regular banking channels. We hear very little about that anymore and more about the Silica trade. So what exactly is it that PTVPartner as a company does?

Let me start by commenting on the first part of your question. The PTV Group still participates in private placement funding. PTVPartner went ‘full speed ahead’ when the silica mine opportunity became available. We believe we are now vindicated, and the silica mining project has been highly successful. This has been a 3 year evolution.

PTVPartner is an arms length entity. It rallies investor funds for participation and works diligently to create prosperity for those that participate. Through prosperity and knowledge, we know we can change lives. As we change, the lives of our members change. As we change member levels of knowledge, we customize our intentions. As we customize our intentions we change actions, and as our actions change, we can create true freedom for our members. That is our creed or philosophy as PTers … to create freedom.

7. If you are really involved in what could potentially be a multi-billion dollar business, why do you need the almost insignificant (by comparison) amounts deposited by online investors?

The truth is Paul, we don’t. PTVPartner was not created simply to fund the project. The silica mine or any other projects we are involved in would not miss a beat without PTVPartner.

PTVPartner was created because the opportunity existed to support its financial structure. Yes, I do receive commissions from the participated funds, but ultimately the agenda is much grander than that. As I said in earlier answers above… freedom is the ultimate goal. Not just freedom for you or freedom for me, or even financial freedom for all PTVPartner members, but freedom, period! Now don’t get me wrong, we are not out to save the world, nor do we think we could, but thin threads bind everything. If we can amass a large enough community, we can, over time, have a serious impact on a true financial freedom endeavor, which is e-currency.

8. “Your principal is guaranteed” is a very bold statement for any online based business to make. Guaranteed by who? How do I get a refund in the event of any problems?

First, the current Principal Guarantee is backed by the PTV Group. As stated on the website, several long term and stable investments were allocated to assist us in the event assistance was ever needed. However, as we earn more than the return being delivered to the members, portions of that return are being allocated to a reserve pool that is growing daily. This reserve pool is now our own and is not administered by the PTV Group. At some point in the future, we will be able to provide fully for our own guarantee and possibly utilize the reserve pool to pursue other endeavors.

9. The level of communication and interaction between members and management is as good as I’ve ever seen with any online program. Tell us about that and what is involved. Do you deliberately try to foster a sense of community amongst your members? How important is that?

Support and communication is essential to the building of any endeavor, especially one with the agenda of forming a community of like-minded individuals, as we are. There is power in numbers. We are endeavoring to become a community focused on empowering the rights and privileges afforded to us by our creator. Freedom is a right that has been stolen from us all too some degree or another, and if that is not changed then we are destined for a global socialist regime. PTVPartner is one vehicle we are using in an effort to foster change. Don’t get me wrong. I am money-driven just as much as the next guy. We have developed this system or protocol of utilizing our wealth building talents to effect change. It is a true win-win scenario for all of us.

10. How would you rate the experience of running PTVPartner over the last seven months? What have been the high and low points? Has the success of the program been a surprise to you or were you realistically expecting things to work out the way they did?

I never had any doubts that PTVPartner would work out as it has. I did not expect popularity to happen as quickly as it did, but I certainly expected it to happen nonetheless. We haven’t experienced the highs as of yet. We are just getting started. There is so much more that we are going to accomplish. So many things that are in store for our members. The evolution is rolling faster than anticipated. The low points would be the minor frustrations we experience as we wait for things to happen. eg. The Bank Wires. Other than that, all is good. Even naysayers support us by unintentionally sending the inquisitive to look at our opportunity. When these new people see what we have to offer, they usually sign up to participate.

11. It seems to me that PTVPartner is in an almost permanent state of development and improvement. What changes can we expect to see from the program in the future? Do you have any ambitions about where you would like to take it in the longer term?

Undoubtedly we will become the top online investment opportunity. As we evolve we will continue to expand and at some point we will be instrumental in assisting e-currency to evolve as well.

12. And finally, where do you find those God-Awful jokes? Are you Bob Hope in disguise?

You have to keep it light. Everything is not meant to be taken so seriously. Life isn’t meant to be so sterile. At least that’s my opinion. The jokes are contributions and the need for a smile or laughter is as essential as oxygen or water. Without them we simply waste away.

In closing this, let me say this again.
HYIP and e-currency are wealth driven communities.
Currently, they are overly corrupt and bastardized but still communities.

What they need is 1) a true opportunity, 2) organization, 3) direction, 4) reality, 5) a destination, 6) freedom, 7) a voice…

With these, e-currency can and will fulfill its destined role.

PTVPartner is building a community.

PTVPartner is the just the road… it is not the destination!

Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and… Free your Life!!!

Thanks a lot to Garrett for taking the time from what must clearly be an arduous and grueling work schedule to answer these questions and sincerely I hope you all found that as interesting and insightful as I. Without boasting about it it was quite obvious to me clear back in August of last year when I first came into contact with him that he was a man of great clarity of vision. A man that could create an opportunity if he felt it didn’t exist and then lead like minded people to where we find PTVPartner today – one of the leading online investment programs of the last year. Arguably one of the top five programs from the last two years even.

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