March 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! With so many problems, technical and otherwise, surrounding a lot of what should have been at least promising short term HYIPs recently a lot of you might refer to start expanding a bit into longer term programs. One such program that was added to my monitoring list recently is called Forex4Expert and before we get to today’s news updates that’s the one I’d like to talk about.

To start with Forex4Expert has been online for the last month but when it comes to programs like this one you could still call that very new. It’s always an advantage to join any program in the early stages and in this case you can check up on the status of the program yourself and verify the fact that it’s been running smoothly and paying its members successfully.

Although I said Forex4Expert is a long term program there are some more medium term options open to you if you prefer. I’ll describe them all here anyway so you can decide for yourself if you think any of them are suitable for you. There are four plans in total to choose from here and the first of them is called The ForEx Plan. It runs for a term of 50 business days (10 weeks) and is open to deposits starting from a minimum of $20 to a maximum of $500. The rate of interest on your deposit is 1.2% paid per business day (Monday through Friday). That will give you 6% interest for a week and will see you finish the plan with 60% in total. That will then be your total profit as your initial principal will then be returned.

If you’re looking for a more profitable longer term option – and are prepared to pay for it – Forex4Expert offer The CFD Stocks Plan. This one runs for 180 business days (36 weeks) and takes deposits from a minimum of $501 to a maximum of $10,000. For this you are offered a payment of 2% interest per business day. That will bring you 10% per week, see you break even after 10 weeks, and finish with a total profit of 360% on top of your principal which is then returned.

There is another option similar to that but only open to big investors. It’s called The CFD Futures Plan and it too runs for 180 business days. The minimum investment here is $1000 so I guess it’s not for everybody but if you do decide to join it Forex4Expert offer you a daily payment of 3% interest per business day. That will be 15% per week breaking you even after 7 weeks and adding up to a total of 540% by the end. Your principal is then returned. At that rate it’s difficult to say just how long this plan can be sustained for. Like everything else in this business it depends largely on members support (i.e cash flow) but with a thousand dollar minimum it’s doubtful many of you will be finding out. Maximum spend is $50,000.

Perhaps a more affordable shorter term option you might like is The New Plan. This one runs for just 20 business days (4 weeks) and takes deposits from a minimum of $20 up to a maximum of $500. Forex4Expert offers you a daily interest payment of 8% per business day, however keep in mind that this time your principal is already counted in the payments and will not be returned. Your payments add up to 40% per week and a total of 160% by the end. Which of course means that your actual profit is 60%. Not a bad return for four weeks at all I’d say so this one could well be a popular pick.

Something that I know will limit the appeal of Forex4Expert for a lot of you is the limited selection of payment processors. You have a choice between just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney so in the event of any problems don’t go looking for them to do anything about it. You are requested to allow the admin up to 24 hours to complete your payment, but remember this will not be done at the weekend.

Other than that the Forex4Expert website itself is decent enough. They are using SSL encryption which is always an advantage and are hosted on a dedicated Staminus server supported and protected by DdoSWiz. Forex4Expert is also running of a script licensed from GoldCoders. Contact with the admin for any support related issues can be done through the online e-mail ticketing system on the support page. There is also an online based auto translator for the benefit of non-English speakers. Those things are never exactly accurate but they’ll give you the general idea.

As for the business side of things we are informed that the principal activity trading on the stock exchange, or more specifically, ForEx trading. Up to you as to how much of that you want to believe but as far as I can see the texts are at least original so some effort was put into setting it all up. Anyway, regardless of whether it’s true or not it still doesn’t guarantee you anything so as always (and this is the bit where everyone stops paying attention!) be aware of the risks and don’t put yourself in a situation you can’t get out of. Having said that Forex4Expert is still quite a promising site as online HYIPs go.


There is a sign of relief for all the members of FinanceNova (reviewed here). Remember I told you that adding the 150% after 7 days plan and running the older low-ROI plans was a very bad sign? Well, it seems the admin decided to scrap this weird promotional idea and get back to the remaining 2.15% for 365 days, 11% for 53 weeks and the most recent 141% after 30 days. We’ll see how FinanceNova goes in a few days when the time will come to pay to those investors who still managed to get into the 150% after 7 days plan. After the weekend we can say if FinanceNova will be able to continue as usual or if it was just a trick to get more money before closing up shop. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of FinanceNova Mitja (interviewed here):
This is just a quick update to let you know that “Happy weekend” plan is now closed for new deposits. All investors who made deposit in this plan will be paid as promised.
Our other plans are working without changes. Thank you!
Best regards, Mitja Majerle. CEO at FinanceNova

And if you think that I’m too cautious about the new programs now you should take a closer look on the many programs that are collapsing every single day due to some kind of domino effect which we can observe in the HYIP industry now. Even the most promising new short-term programs are collapsing with lightning speed. The most recent example is RichesToTheMax which surprisingly for many of us stopped paying instantly last night and it’s very unlikely it will be back on track anytime soon. Note that the program only launched 6 days ago so it was almost impossible to be in profit from it. We can only guess what made the admin to pull the plug so early but possibly it has something to do with the recent downtime on their servers which caused obvious cashflow issues which added to the HAR’s investors mood and led to this highly unpredictable and premature demise. At this moment it would be stupid to invest in the program so I have already moved RichesToTheMax to Waiting status on MNO monitoring.

By the way, have you noticed how many programs experienced downtime issues lately and even got hacked? Well, I can tell you I had my doubts about that as well because it’s very strange that they are all getting the same issues at the same time. Somebody suggested that it’s because of the GoldCoders script that had some flaws found by hackers trying to freak into many good programs – a recent example is the demise of SecureDailyFunds just after 3 days after the launch due to the hacking incident and the impossibility to logging into the accounts of such programs like SmartTradersInv and EmperorFunds that are both using a licensed GoldCoders script (I had to move the both programs to Waiting status on MNO for the time being). Others blamed a serial hacker and I even received one email to my inbox today telling me that one particular hacker made much money by hacking the databases of well-known HYIPs and stating that their security level cannot be considered safe. I don’t know if this message can be trusted but I’m just republishing it anyway to hear your feedback and discuss the issue with program admins:
Dear admin, let me describe short. In recent day you may see some programs had problem with their database. This is not a server crash. All done by me. I earned $50k in 1 day by attack to most well-know hyips. just want to notify you, never say about security in webhostings like DdosWiz, Koddos, BlackLotus or … i can hack any of them in second. If you don’t bealive, just give me your username and program name which locate in these webhostings, i will change your info as easily.

Not only small and unpopular HYIPs were targeted but even such giants as PanaMoney, PTVPartner and the newly added Oico suffered from some downtime and database issues for the last couple of days. So what is it? Undeclared war from some HYIP crusaders? I can’t say that for sure but if we deal with some organized group then even those considered to be the safest HYIPs should improve their security and be ready to defend their sites against possible hacking attacks.

Unfortunately more HYIPs were moved to Problem status on MNO monitoring. BJInvestment completely stopped the payouts to LibertyReserve payment processor meaning that my warning issued last night about them was right. BioEnergyFunds stopped paying last night as well and at the moment of writing the site is totally inaccessible for me – there is little hope they will come back. BVBC already honestly reported about their cashflow issues in the last newsletter and apparently the program finally stopped paying which obviously made me remove the program from Paying status. Please do not invest in those three programs as they are going down at the moment.

You know I always admired the proactive admins which in order to spark some interest in investors’ minds first move the program to Private status and disable the sign-ups and new deposits and then just re-open the program as usual as if nothing happened. Investors think that since the program closes and then re-opens it means they are backed-up by a real business but of course it’s not true. Usually it’s just a smart psychological trick which usually works very well. So the latest temporary closure we can see with the recently reviewed PrivateDiamondClub (read it here). Just after a few days online it was decided that PrivateDiamondClub which is allegedly involved in diamond trading in Africa had to close to assure that it could accommodate the new investors soon. There is another amusing story behind all this stuff so if you have time to read and enjoy it here it is (of course I will inform you on MNO after PrivateDiamondClub is re-open for new sign-ups):
As Lars said in the latest news update, the PrivateDiamondClub is closed for new members from today (30th of March 2010) until our head of trading gives us the feedback we like to hear (a successful and profitable trading result). Our Head of trading took off yesterday from a small private airfield in Uganda (near Mbale). He arrived soon after with his college in the DRC. As you know from our news it is a small trading journey so we chartered a small Cessna just enough for our needs. The luggage and our equipment and what was very important is that the Cessna is suitable for the remote and unprepared rough area where the trade is taking place.
You can still login and remember if you are an inactive member for 14 or more days we start deleting old inactive member accounts this week.
All the best from our team!
Contact us if you have any question.
The PrivateDiamondClub Limited

The administration of InvestProxy (reviewed here) made a decision to leave the stats page as it is after consulting the members about it. I remind you that on the stats page you have a unique opportunity to watch many types of transactions made within the program including top buyers, latest pending, and paid payouts. I think this page would be quite handy for you if you consider investing on one of the following plans offered by the program: 108% after 7 days or the plans with principal returned back on expiration (0.9% for 7 days, 1.1% for 30 days, 9% for 13 weeks, 11% for 26 weeks). There is a great choice of payment processors as well so InvestProxy is really the program that could become a part of a well-balanced investment portfolio. Here is the latest news from the program:
This is an update regarding the newsletter of March 23rd 2010. In that newsletter, we asked for your suggestions regarding the display of full usernames on the Payment Proof page found here. The previous newsletter can be found here for full details.
All responses received from you were all attended to with a promise to announce the final outcome of your vote and suggestions. We wish to thank you for your suggestions.
Majority have voiced the opinion that the page be left the way it is. Since each person can ask for their usernames to be changed to whatever names of their choice, we have decided, in concert with the majority, that for ultimate transparency the page will be left the way it is. Note that you can ask us to change your names anytime.
Thank you for your keen interest in InvestProxy and for voicing your opinion on things that will improve our services. Your participation is always appreciated.
Always remember that we will keep working to improve things and to make InvestProxy a service you will be proud of for a long time.
Have a nice day.
Regards. Admin. InvestProxy.

The admin of Cashift (reviewed here) noticed that the latest deposits made into any of the plans offered (10% for 12 days and 135% after 12 days) via StrictPay and LibertyReserve might be not credited to members’ accounts properly. So if you deposit in Cashift via those payment processors you should contact the admin and ask him to add your deposit manually. Here is the latest update from Cashift:
LR & SP Deposits
If you make a deposit using StrictPay or LibertyReserve, your deposit might not be posted automatically on your account. We are checking the reason why this is happening today but we will update you asap. If your deposit was not added automatically, please send us an email.

The admin of SotInvest (interviewed here) is cooking up new plans daily like hot cakes. They are all very attractive and delicious but let’s not forget that there are risks involved in investing in such short-term games as SotInvest and nobody can guarantee your principal as claimed in the latest update from SotInvest (reviewed here):
We launch new plan : VIP, Special, Platinum, Best, Week Plan : Pays up to 1500%
Hello All, We launch new plan : VIP, Special, Platinum, Best, Week Plan : Pays up to 1500%
All Payment And Deposit GUARANTEED
For details info you can check on member area
Best Regards, Admin SotInvest.

One more program was added to my monitoring today. It’s a recently launched brand-new program called MyGrandFunds. The program is offering two investment plans: 200% after 30 days (the principal is included and the minimum to invest is $5) and 2%-3.5% for 90 calendar days (the principal is returned on expiry and the minimum to invest starts from $10). MyGrandFunds has a beautiful design, is using a licensed but very customized GoldCoders script and is hosted on a Dragonara dedicated server with SSL-encryption. The choice of payment processors is limited though to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. But if you’re willing to risk your money in a promising low-ROI program that just launched today MyGrandFunds is the way to go in my opinion. A full review of MyGrandFunds will be published on MNO soon. Stay tuned for that!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
XZFinance, SureBetInv, Aballong, Oico, ForexNetClub, HighYieldClub, Cashift, DynFxTrade, PTVPartner, StereaFunds, SotInvest, TheKapital, CottonFunds, WaterInvestment, WestFinance, PrivateDiamondClub, PanaMoney, OneDailyPro, AimTrust, AtlantisMutual, EuroNanoInvest, GarantMoney, AvaInvestment, InvestAward, Verifield, ScootFx, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, YesInvestment, MoneyPlus, IntermedInvestments, WWFD, ExceptionalFunds, Forex4Expert (the first payment received) and EForexInvestment (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow when I will bring you a detailed review of EForexInvestment and the latest news from the industry. Stay tuned and always stay on the money with Money-News-Online!

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