March 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! After this afternoon’s interview (which I hope you found helpful) I think it’s time for a slight change of pace. Something a little faster this time I think. One of the most recent short term programs to be added to my monitoring page is called GeneralIncome and that’s the one I’d like to look at tonight.

A pretty straight forward name for a pretty straight forward program, GeneralIncome has been online for the last three days and has already attracted a fair bit of interest from the online investors who prefer short term games like this one. Membership is already well over 300 though the program does have a number of features to set it apart from a lot of the newer HYIPs. It’s more secure than many of them for example and it has a better selection of payment processors. But we’ll get to all that in just a moment. How about we start with the plans first.

GeneralIncome has 3 short term plans for you to chose from. All of them pay you on expiry and all of them are quite affordable. The first of these is called The General Plan and it runs for 3 days. It will cost you a minimum of just $5 to join and will make one single payment of 110% interest after expiry. Your principal will not be returned as that’s already been counted in the payment.

The second plan is called The Starter Plan. It runs for 5 days and will cost a minimum of $20 to join. In return you are then offered a once off payment that includes your principal of 120% after expiry.

And finally GeneralIncome has what they call The Advanced Plan. This will require a minimum investment of $50 and will run for 10 days. Upon expiry you will receive a payment of 150% of your initial deposit, which is again included in there.

So overall nothing too complicated there. Easy to understand, but at the same time all very affordable compared to many other HYIPs. And the list of payment processors is pretty good too for a short term program with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay all in use. They also display a button for AlertPay though that processor isn’t currently accepted. As I’m sure most of you are aware AlertPay has a pretty lengthy verification process so I’m assuming the GeneralIncome admin is working on it. Most withdrawals are instant by the way, though with SolidTrustPay you’re asked to allow 12 hours to have it processed manually.

The GeneralIncome website is decent enough in terms of security, even though I must admit the very first thing that struck about it was the graphics. It features a photograph of that same bespectacled blonde woman whose image has adorned so many other HYI sites in the past. It’s not important of course, (in fact it’s irrelevant) I just mention it because it amused me. What looks a bit more serious however is the use of SSL encryption to protect the member’s account information which GeneralIncome is implementing. They are also hosted on a dedicated server which is supported and protected from DDoS attacks by Koddos. The script being used is licensed from GoldCoders.

There are a number of different ways to contact customer support which I have to say is quite uncommon for a short term HYIP. What’s also uncommon for HYIPs of any length is the fact that they make Live Chat support available on a 24 hour basis. Other than that you can always just submit a support ticket if you prefer or try them on the telephone number they supply.

All the favorite HYIP admin activities get a mention on the GeneralIncome home page, from ForEx to arbitrage betting. Needless to say none of it gets proven and no examples are offered. So skip all of that until something more substantial is offered, which my guess would be never. A nice touch however is the screen shots displaying the payments made to members complete with batch numbers. The more cynical ones will eventually no doubt wonder where are the payments not made, but then that’s a whole other story. For now you can just take GeneralIncome as a game, but to be fair to them it’s a well organized one and one that seems to have a lot more effort put into it than many others around now.


Yesterday the admin of SteadyRoi (reviewed here) announced that the program stopped accepting deposits and instantly process withdrawals due to the script failure caused by unknown hackers who changed some files. This resulted in lost deposits and missing withdrawal requests. The thing that the admin of SteadyRoi switched off not only the withdrawal but also the deposit option shows his integrity and the fact that he didn’t want to compromise the members who believed in his game and deposited into one of the following plans: 108%-110% after 1 day, 121%-125% after 2 days, 134%-140% after 3 days. Fortunately this didn’t last for long and at the time of writing the issues were fixed and the admin enabled both deposit and withdrawal features once more. So now you can successfully make your deposits and request withdrawals as well. Just remember that the withdrawals became non-instant due to the security issues but you can still expect them to be paid manually within 24 hours (usually much faster). The admin also asked to report to him all the missing deposits that took place during the trouble with the script (especially it applies to those made deposits via StrictPay). So if you made a deposit into SteadyRoi and it wasn’t credited please don’t panic. Just send a support ticket to the admin via the site and I’m sure he will take care of everything as soon as possible. I thank the admin of SteadyRoi for being upfront with the investors which happens quite rarely in this Industry and hope this will earn him the trust of new members and more new deposits. Here is the most recent update addressing the current issues and announcing the withdrawals returning to normal (which I can confirm myself):
Dear SteadyRoi members, I am glad to announce that we are finally back to business!
I have been working hard for the latest 24 hours to solve the issues with server and script. Please take your time and read this message as there were some adjustments done in order to ensure the security at best level.
From now on, all withdrawals will be processed manually, but they should not take more than 24 hours. However, in reality they might be processed even within minutes, if I am online at that moment. I have decided to turn the auto-pay feature off for security purposes only.
Yesterday I had turned a “hold” feature for all current deposits. Now they are released to normal and you should be able to request your withdrawal or re-deposit from the account balance.
Also you may now finally do a new deposits at SteadyRoi! Rates for the investment plans are the same, nothing changed on this point. You may still make as many deposits you wish using LibertyReserve, StrictPay and PerfectMoney.
For those who experienced a missing deposit to their SteadyRoi account, please send a support ticket using this link:
Don’t forget to include the following information: receipt from your payment processor and which plan did you selected. Your funds will be credited as soon as possible, but once again, please do not send more entries.
There are tons of non-credited deposits so it will take some time to credit them all since I need to verify them as well.
If for some case your new SP deposit was not credited, please use the previously mentioned support form and send the details. Your deposit should be credited as soon as possible. I am working on this and SP deposits is the latest and only issue to fix now!
To sum this newsletter, I ask you to please support the program now. Tell your referrals that we are back to business stronger than ever. I have worked hard to make it rock again. 1000 members can’t go wrong, we’re the leading high-yield program and let’s keep it that way.
Best regards, SteadyRoi Admin

The latest update from PTVPartner (reviewed here) featured an important change which was made in your member’s area to make the experience with the program more comprehensive. Probably after some consideration it was decided to rename one of the tabs to make it clearer what the investors are dealing with. So please don’t be surprised to see a different wording in your member’s area. Anyway, everything else remains the same including the plans giving you an opportunity to earn 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days on expiry of your deposit which is allowed to make via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and StrictPay. Here is the short update from PTVPartner:
In an effort to improve our members online experience and to assist our members in their comprehension of the functions within the website, we have implemented the following change.
On your overview page you will see that the “Current Balance” has been reworded to “Investment Account”. The “Withdraw-able Money” wording is still the same. Now, when you see the Investment Account term you will know that that is the money available to invest in a plan. Once in the Investment Account, you will still need to deposit to a plan and allow it to mature in order to withdraw those funds, just as before.
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

The most recent regular newsletter which is issued by Garrett, the admin of PTVPartner (interviewed here) on a regular basis has been also sent tonight. It contains a reminder of the upcoming investors meeting which will be held in the chat room tomorrow, warning about the danger of downloading any files to your computer from outside sources claiming to be the PTVPartner administration (I remind you that such phishing emails are appearing on an almost daily basis), and also the regular blog articles of the day, support comment of the day and the joke of the day. Below are the whole most recent newsletter from PTVPartner:
March 4 at 4PM GMT (that’s 8am PST, 10AM CST and 11AM EST)
While we have sent out a warning previously by email and newsletter and posted it also in our forum, there may be some who have not seen this. There may also be some new members who didn’t read this on the first round, but it appears that there has been a second round of phishing emails that have been sent out to some members asking you to download a form. It claims to be necessary to receive further documentation from us. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN OR DOWNLOAD ANY FILE THAT CLAIMS TO BE FROM PTV IN AN EMAIL. If we were to need you to sign something we would post it in our forum and refer you to it to download.
Smoke and Mirrors?
Blog Articles of the Day:
Why are we so USA focused? There are several answers to that question. For one, half the membership of PTVPartner, or more, is from the USA. For another the roots of many behind the program are USA based and last but certainly NOT least, The USA has been one of, if not THE premier country for more then a decade. That reign is slipping. Why? Let’s just say, massive debt, socialistic policies, government divisions and much more have taken their tole on the countries rating. Many are comparing the US to Rome even. For those who understand history, Rome was “too big to fail” as well.
What never seems to amaze me is that there are some who will always be pro-government even, and maybe especially, when the government is falling. Has anyone remembered the rise of Hitler for his time there. It was meteoric and many were taken in by his charisma and promises. Take a look, wake up and see that we have much at stake in the US if good people do not wake up and take up the call to action.
Take a look at the articles on the blog today. Read them, no, really read them, slowly and with some thought. See how the miriad of articles on the blog do not join together with somewhat a cohesive theme even though they were not chosen for that reason. The articles include:
Socialized Medicine and the US. This includes a broadcast that would be well worth your time of Ronald Reagan Speaking.
Teachers Were Fired Why? What did they do? The answer will amaze you! You really need to check this one out. The theory behind it is nice but are we “throwing the baby out with the bathwater”?
Is Europe Finally Ready to Pull the Plug on US Rogue Government? I’m sure the title of this one alone will send you to read, at least it should! The impact of this would have far reaching effects and you may need to prepare yourself.
While I know there are some controversial things on the blog these are all reputable and non-conspircy theory articles. Please visit and start to become informed on these things. Even the ones that fall under the label of “conpiracy theory” are often not wrong completely though the scenarios are on the extreme side sometimes.
Support Comment of the Day.
Some of you may have noticed that the website was inaccessible for a short period of time yesterday. This may happen from time to time but if you become concerned you can always visit our chatroom or blog (click PTVPartner News). Both are on a separate server and normally we will have information posted there or our moderators will be available to advise you of the situation as needed.
Meanwhile, we decided, due to the nature of the unanticipated maintenance to have a mini “Panic Party” in the chatroom for those who were there complete with prizes. Now, we’re not saying this will be the case every time but it was kind of a fun impromptu happening for the 36 people in the room at the time. Congratulations go to LifeFreedom and joanahw for being the winners of our $20 prizes.
Joke of the Day:
Spell Checker
I halve a spelling checker, It came with my pea see.
It plainly marks four my revue Mistakes I dew knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait aweigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the era rite Its rarely ever wrong.
I’ve scent this massage threw it, And I’m shore your pleased too no
Its letter prefect in every weigh; My checker tolled me sew.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!

The administration of an increasingly popular program BioEnergyFunds (reviewed here) launched a referral contest with some great prizes which will be distributed among the best promoters of the program by the end of March. I remind you that BioEnergyFunds is claiming to invest your money into greener renewable sources of energy and offering two major investment plans: 8% for 2 weeks (with the principal returned on expiry) and 8.5% to 12% weekly for 30 weeks (with the principal already factored into the weekly payouts). The interesting investment concept and all the major payment processors being accepted by BioEnergyFunds already attracted many investors and I’m sure many more will join soon due to the referral contest as well as the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day contest that will happen soon. I’ll have details on that one as soon as they are announced. Please read the whole update from BioEnergyFunds below:
Here it is, friends!
Starts today, March 2nd and ends March 31st:
BioEnergy’s $1000.00 MARCH TO A GREENER WORLD Contest
We offer 4 Categories of Prizes:
A. Bring in 10 – 25 members; earn up to $100 in prizes; at least 2 of your members must upgrade before the end of the contest.
B. Bring in 26-50 members; earn up to $200 in prizes; at least 5 of your members must be upgraded.
C. Bring in 51 to 100 members; earn up to $300 in prizes; at least 10 of your members must be upgraded.
D. Bring in 101 + members; earn up to $400 in prizes; at least 12 of your members must be upgraded.
First and second place prizes in each category! ( If there are no qualified sponsors in any category, the prizes will be added to the higher categories.) ALL WINNERS MUST BE UPGRADED MEMBERS TO RECEIVE A PRIZE!
You may view live result of the Contest here at:
Conditions Applies: Any member abusing the contest will be automatically disqualified from the contest. Admin reserves the right to determine who are cheaters. Please promote and refer interested affiliates responsibly without spamming.
St. Pat’s Day Go For The Green PIC CONTEST. Win prizes for a photo of you or your family taken near any green energy project, anywhere in the world! Details later!
Best Regards, Jessica. Support Team

MandarinInvest (reviewed here) added some new features to its website including the flash banners which can be used for advertising and the new spring flowers touch in the design that might draw more attention from some layout loving members. MandarinInvest has been paying to its investors for over 4 months accepting 8 payment processors in the following plans: 1.1% for 30 days, 1.3% for 100 days, 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days with the principal returned back on expiry of your investment. Please note that unlike many other programs MandarinInvest pays you instantly to all the major processors which makes the program even more attractive (please read more of that in my interview with the admin published here). Here is the latest news from the program:
We have some news for you:
1. New flash banners have been added to our website. You can get the banner codes in the “Referrals” section under the “Get banners” link in the upper right corner.
2. As it’s springtime already, we gave our website an appropriate look.
3. We apologize if you had problems accessing our website or interest was not credited for the past two days. The reason for that is our recent server move. Now the website should be loading faster and work more stable.
Sincerely, Robbyn Hart

As I can see many established programs are updating their design nowadays. Today one of the most popular short-term programs DepositPalace (reviewed here) also changed things round a bit and made it a bit more user-friendly. It’s really a good achievement that the program has been running successfully for almost three months with such high-paying plans offering 103% after 1 day, 107% after 2 days, 112% after 3 days, 127% after 6 days, 143% after 10 days and 310% after 30 days. I can think only of one program that can be compared with DepositPalace in terms of success – it’s HugMoney (reviewed here). By the way, today one of my readers was so impressed by HugMoney‘s performance which paid him profit from 122% after 5 days, 135% after 7 days, 200% after 20 days plans for deposits over $8K that he asked me to ask for a second interview with the admin of the program. I believe an updated review will be more appropriate in this case since it was almost three months since the first one was published. So I’m seriously considering that and see it it helps the program run even longer. So what do you think about that, guys?

The admin of NasMos (reviewed here) which has also been completely redesigned recently made up a whole newsletter explaining to everybody how unique their design is and how wonderful it serves the investment purposes. In my opinion it’s the performance that counts and NasMos doesn’t disappoint us – stable payouts for many months with instantly paying 4%-6% for 40 days profit to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors (the StrictPay withdrawals are processed manually within 24 hours of requesting). The design does matter as well and let’s hope it will be appealing to the new investors looking to join NasMos in the near future. Here is the latest newsletter from them:
Dear NasMos members!We have changed the design!
We made a deep restructure of our site because we thought that there should be another interface in order to attract and give the right energy state of mind to our users! The blue that is all around the site has been chosen because Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity. Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness. Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness. And, as you can see, we mixed the light and the dark because we want you be wealthy, healthy and confident in our services!
The site has now 4 main frames, the up one and the 3 columns. This gives the idea of compactness, almost like a design of site that has been online for years! And we intend to be one of them, so why not beginning by being viewed like one? Yes, some of you may say that nowadays the design can be made with money, you just find a designer and he makes it all for you! You are right, but this is not our case! We have our own designer, our own IT team which is with us 24/7. Also, we have put in some images in order to give the site a very lively appearance. Those images were bought with license, we didn’t browse for them.
Our awesome new design has included in it a completely new option – a page with people who have been paid! We have a feeling that this is something unique in the online investment universe, as we didn’t yet see something that could be a match for it! Respecting the same blue color, which means prosperity, the page with paid outs is made very simple, so that everybody could access and use it. You can see also the names of all the user names who have been paid out, so this is the most obvious proof of the fact that we are a real company, paying huge and stable profits to our users!
As you can see, the withdrawal amounts varies from very low to very how, this is another proof to our diversity and our mix of social investors. We hope that you will highly appreciate our effort to make our business transparent and to bring it closer to you! Better design for better profits!
We hope that you will find very appealing this design as it took as a while to have it done. If you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know. And, also, don’t get upset if we didn’t include you in the selecting of the website. We wanted to be a surprise for you!
Your Job is our Business”

GeneralIncome, the program just reviewed above, just issued some updates today which you can read below:
It’s been two days since GeneralIncome started it’s work and I would like to thank you for joining.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us 24/7 through Live Chat or call our Phone support +1 (423) 299-0310, you can call any time and receive individual customer service.
Don’t miss your chance to be first who receive our VIP package! For more information go to:
The big Chat Party event is getting closer every day and I’m looking forward to see you there! To see flyer go to:
Don’t forget to post your payments in forums.

Xcelsus (reviewed here) is changing their hosting provider to install SSL protection so the site might be unavailable temporarily in some areas. So not to make members panic about that the admin issued another update informing about the possible downtime due to the hosting change:
Dear members we are performing a hosting company change to BlueHost to install SSL since so many of you have asked for and dragonara dont have SSL so site might be unavailable for a couple of days while ISP propagation takes place, thank you for your patience payments will be done as scheduled. Best Regards. Boss Proud Xcelsus Admin. Contact any issues.

Please note that the admin of XciteInvest (interviewed here) also received some blackmailing emails from the address who is threatening several admins with fake bad votes from different IP addresses on popular monitoring sites if they don’t pay some cash ransom. So I hope that the refusal of XciteInvest to pay to will not affect its performance and the members will support the program which is paying 5% daily for 30 days and 160% after 16 days (more on that in my review published here) by submitting their votes every time they receive their payout from the program. Here is the latest email from XciteInvest (I skipped on the content of the blackmailing email because I have published it on my blog last night):
Dear members, please be warned. We have just received a mail from a blackmailer threatening to blackmail XciteInvest The content of the mail goes like this:-
XciteInvest strongly advise members and potential members to disregard any form of information,which is out to frustrate XciteInvest.
Regards, Simone Pirmin

Many members of GNI received another email from the admin Robert today where he stated that he would not give up and will be fighting to get the program back on track. However he also conceded that due to their funds being frozen in Yesilada bank this would not be an easy thing to do. He also stated that the program was not a ponzi and that the sports arbitrage was a risk-free business to be involved with. No other promises were made as to when the members that were not paid in February are going to receive their cashouts which was the most anticipated part. That part would be of utmost importance to the unpaid members who are many according to the emails I keep receiving on a daily basis.

So at the risk of being badly misunderstood I would still make a suggestion which would be fully supported by those not in profit which is to close the program and issue the refunds to the members not in profit. I understand that those who made a lot of money from GNI want it to continue no matter what as they don’t want to lose their profits and their downlines which they earned with such hard work. They obviously don’t care much about their fellow members but I can’t blame them as sometimes it’s the only way to survive in these investment jungles. However who will think about the members not in profit who joined GNI during the last months of stable payouts and which are relying on this money to make ends meet? Personally I would prefer them to be refunded in some way instead of the hope described by Robert who wants to struggle on and still make the program run which is obviously not going to happen without fresh funds (the receipt of which is made less likely since it’s not paying to everybody). So once more I would like to offer my personal opinion: stop accepting new deposits at least temporarily, stop accepting new sign-ups, and try to figure out how to compensate those people not in profit. Then start again. That would be a noble way in which Robert could show (yet again) that he really cares about his members.

I would support it as well and after the members from GNI not in profit are paid Robert could open another arbitrage pool which would definitely be a success. Since no new funds are available now I think GNI is just stuck in limbo. Robert should make a hard decision on what to do next as the current position is getting us nowhere. This is the last newsletter from GoldNuggetInvest and after reading this I hope you will also support my point of view and see all the hopeless situation GNI put itself in:
To the Loyal Members of GNI:
It has been brought to my attention that many have become quite concerned of late because of the limited posting and corresponding in which I have engaged. To you, I apologize. I am taking every reasonable step to preserve the integrity of GNI, myself and my team as we face these obstacles which, frankly, are very difficult to overcome.
I wish now to address a couple of the most common and forceful objections you have made against the GNI team. That of course is the “guarantee” that is made on our website with regards to sports arbitrage (trading). Arbitrage trading, is in of itself, foolproof. I stand by this! What is not foolproof is current, past and future market conditions. These include things such as the political environment, natural disasters, current events, global trade and recession, regulatory interference and so forth.
Those who dislike us will never accept us for anything but a PONZI. Got news for them: We’re not a PONZI! They say that we will have an end some time soon…. I have very pragmatic news for everyone: At some point in time, there isn’t a business venture that will, at some point, end. Whether its this year, next year, one hundred years or a thousand, EVERYTHING has an ending. We just happen to feel ours is not yet there!
Equally so, If I am anything, I am honest; so I have to acknowledge, our backs are against the wall. That which has hurt us the most is:
The freezing of our assets by our bank’s (Yesilada) intermediary bank.
This, more than anything, has put us into the situation we are currently struggling to overcome. Market conditions are something we have no control over, could never plan for and are well beyond our control. Indeed, but for this matter in of itself, we would be continuing status quo, and all would be happy.
Many feel i have no compassion because I can’t respond to each and every member’s concerns or personal struggles. Rest assured, this situation we face is harder on me than all of you combined. While the project has been profitable, of late it has not! The personal assets I have put into GNI are substantial but that is not the point of this response.
I see what the naysayers are posting. I have eyes and I care, not what the neggies say, but what our members say. Those who have supported us through good and bad times. Those who are not in profit, have a special place in my heart! Some may laugh at this, those who know me best will not. They know how important all members are to me, rich or poor, whatever part of the world they may reside.
What is the point of this is? I want all of our members to recognize the level of effort put into the success (and yes, failure(s)) we have experienced over the last few years and that we are not quitting! We ARE struggling, but as much as we struggle, we ARE fighting for our customers, the employees, the principles and for the respect we feel we deserve.
Thank you, Robert and your GNI Team

AsiaInv has been offline for more than a day already with their account having been suspended by their hosting provider. I therefore have to move them to Problem status until they are back online (if this ever happens). Other programs seem to be performing quite well and I was paid today from the following:
PanaMoney, XagaEnterprise, FxPetroleum, GeniusFunds, Aballong, PTVPartner, BiotechInvFund, HugMoney, MandarinInvest, SteadyRoi, ForexNetClub, AlphaInvestments, XciteInvest, GeneralIncome, Verifield, Skinex, AtoxFinance, InvestAward, DepositPalace, WestFinance, AimTrust, MoneyPlus, UmaxFunds, WWFD, SmartTradersInv, Dragadox, TheKapital, FinanceNova, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, GlobalFund, Plents, WeeklyDividend, BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, ExceptionalFunds, SantiVentures, IncoForex, EuroNanoInvest, ACEEntertainments, CelexProfit, AtlantisMutual and CSMFinance.

I have added YesInvestment to my monitoring today. The program is hosted on a dedicated server by DdoSWiz with the domain registered for five years. They claim to be operating offline since 2007 and give a postal address in “Cyprus, Cayman Islands”. No, I’m not kidding! So please disregard totally their claims of being involved in Gold, ForEx, Bonds, Stocks trading. For a program that doesn’t have an idea about its own location it does seem strange that they manage to trade successfully in anything. Just take them as a regular HYIP with all the risks that go with it (and disregard their claims about 100% safety of your principal). YesInvestment disappointingly accepts only LibertyReserve (with Bank wires available to investors depositing $100K – must be lots of them, lol!). The plans are very low-ROI though and are sustainable in the long run in my opinion. The first plan will offer you 0.8%-2% daily forever (depending on the amount of your deposit) – this is the plan I joined with. The second plan offers a more enticing 3.5%-6% for 30 days with the principal included in the monthly payments. The 5% monthly profit is not worth the risk in my opinion if joining with less than $500. If you join with more than $500 at least then you will be in 20% profit after expiry. The script YesInvestment is running off is quite original, however it’s exactly the same as that used by GoldenInvestment and EzProfit programs (I’m not excluding the possibility that those program could be run by the same person). In order to invest in any of the plans you first should fund your account by clicking the Deposit tab and being redirected to your LibertyReserve account. After the payment is made you will be able to invest in your chosen plan. More on that will be in my upcoming review published soon.

That’s it for today. I would like to let you know that tomorrow we’ll have another interesting interview, this time with the admin of EuroNanoInvest (reviewed here). I remind you that the program is paying 1.4% for 160 business days, 1.6% for 140 business days, 1.8% for 120 business days with the principal returned on expiry. If you want to know more from the admin himself please check out my blog tomorrow. If you wish to be updated on the current news from the HYIP industry you’re also welcome to visit. See you tomorrow, guys!

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