March 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! Before tonight’s main news updates I’d like to take a quick look at one of the latest new programs to be added to my monitoring page. They are called YesInvestment and it has an interesting selection of plans.

I’m going to call this one a mid term HYIP because the plans can be broken into two sections: one that runs for 30 days and the other that has no expiry date, paying you for as long as the program runs from the one single deposit. But let’s start first with the fixed term plan. This has five different options to choose from, paying you based on how much you invest. Unfortunately most of these options are a bit too expensive for most of the players I know, but let’s take a look anyway.

The first plan runs for 30 days. During that time you will earn daily interest payments. Your original principal will be counted as part of these payments so will not be returned. The interest rates are as follows: Deposits from $5 to $499 will earn 3.5% per day adding up to 105% in total. Think about that for just a second. 5% profit for a month? It hardly seems worth the risk to me. I mean it might be ok for a test plan, but for 30 days? I can’t see them getting many takers. But those who can afford something bigger might fare better. $500 to $4999for instance gets you 4% interest per day, adding up to 120% in total. $5000 to $14,999 will earn 4.5% interest per day adding up to 135% in total. Larger investments are offered 5% and 6% interest per day up to a maximum of $100,000.

The second option you might like sees YesInvestment offer you a perpetual investment plan that will pay you interest on your deposit every day until the program closes – no information is given on the members being allowed to withdraw their principals early and leave. The majority of the choices here are even more intended for the bigger investors than the previous plan by the way, but as it’s up to the admin to attract the investors and not the other way around then I guess I’ll leave him get on with it. Anyway, the interest rates you can expect to earn here include 0.8% per day on deposits from $5 to $4999. At that rate it will take you 125 days to earn back the equivalent of your deposit. Should you feel the need to invest $5000 or more then YesInvestments will pay increased rates of from 1.1% to 2% on deposits up to a maximum of $100,000.

The payment options in use by YesInvestments are a little disappointing to say the least. Only LibertyReserve is in use here. It’s even the first HYIP I remember for a while now not even taking PerfectMoney. It doesn’t really matter that LR are usually the single biggest processor, it’s the lack of choice that’s going to severely limit their appeal here. That and the fact that we all know about LibertyReserve’s “let the buyer beware” policy when it comes to scams then go into this with your eyes open. You have a chance to win some money and you have a chance to lose some. Just don’t tell LR about it as they’re not that interested. As I mentioned already, no information is offered on you ever being allowed to withdraw your principal, so until that is cleared up assume it’s not allowed. By the way, YesInvestment do say that they will accept Bank Wires. If you’re wondering why I didn’t mention it it’s because it’s only for $100,000. Wonder if there’s a long queue?

YesInvestment is hosted on a dedicated server supported and protected by DdoSWiz. The script is pretty good. Very original but not unique. I’ve seen it used by a couple of others recently and there wasn’t any serious problems with it that I am aware of. And there isn’t anything too complicated about it either. In order to invest in any of the plans you first should fund your account by clicking the Deposit tab and being redirected to your LibertyReserve account. After the payment is made you will be able to invest in your chosen plan. Unfortunately SSL encryption is not currently in place to protect member’s accounts.

Any further questions or support related issues can be directed towards the admin through the support ticketing system you’ll find on the contacts page. A postal address in the Cayman Islands is also published, though it’s just a box number. Overall I can’t help but get the feeling that YesInvestment looks a bit thrown together in a rush and hastily planned. It’s not always that well explained, and I’m not all that convinced of the wisdom of combining these particular fixed short term plans with such low ROI no expiry plans. Though I’ll gladly be proved wrong on that.

Not a whole lot of information is provided on the outside business activities of YesInvestment beyond the mention of the usual HYIP buzz words – gold, ForEx, stocks, bonds, etc. No proof or no information is provided for anything of course so just take it like a regular HYIP. I would especially urge to to ignore all mentions of “100% guarantees” and “no risk investments”. No risk to the admin perhaps, but not for you. High yield brings high risk, so keep that in mind and don’t get into anything with sums of money you can’t afford. But such games are relentlessly popular no matter what anybody has to say about them.


Let’s start with the most discussed news for today – the admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) announced today that his program is going to become private soon meaning that new deposits including re-investments will be disallowed. The current goal to be reached is $150,000. I know that some investors will consider this a warning sign before a possible collapse (in order to stimulate more deposits). However, I don’t think so. In my humble opinion XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) is quite a stable and sustainable program offering different investment plans of 1.2% on every business day forever, 8%-10% weekly forever, 0.5% for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days (the last two will return your principal on expiry). In his latest update Kevin emphasized that since XagaEnterprise is not a ForEx based company but rather is based on obtaining profits from casinos a maximum cap on investments will be absolutely necessary to maintain the stability and longevity of the program. So if you are considering joining XagaEnterprise this might be your last chance as soon the program will be closed for new deposits. For more on that read today’s newsletter from the admin of XagaEnterprise:
Due to the fact the baccarat gaming tables have maximum betting limit (around 25K each hand) and the amazing growth of XagaEnterprise (around 4K members), I decide to go private soon. The total amount accepted for investing in XagaEnterprise is limited to $150,000 only! As soon it reaches the target, the investment button will be closed.
So you may consider to add some investment here. It’s an option. Not a must. When it hits $150,000, members and visitors can’t invest anymore and the reinvestment feature will be disabled as well.
Please notice that XagaEnterprise is not a forex based company. XagaEnterprise is a legitimate business run by the pros. Comps trading model. I can’t handle any larger amount above $150,000.
XagaEnterprise will go private soon. Let’s make some money guys!
Thank you. Xaga Rocks!
Regards. Kevin and Team

Another program that is very soon be closed for new deposits is Aballong (reviewed here). As you might remember the program is offering variable weekly returns based on the results of their sports arbitrage pool that the admin of the program Alrea is running together with her husband (read more on that in my detailed interview with Alrea published here). In the latest newsletter from Aballong the admin gave some more practical examples of how the profits are being generated and what the members receive after the results of a particular football match is announced. Please also note that the inactive accounts that were created in Aballong but the owners of which haven’t made a deposit yet will be deleted very soon and the new deposits will be disallowed as soon as the second pool reaches $100,000. Remember that there are very many different options to invest in Aballong including Credit cards via AlertPay and Bank wires. Here is the latest news from the admin of Aballong:
Many people ask me how we can find matches where we can always win since the odds need to be in all 3 outcomes over 3, but this is not the case in arbitration or Surebet. It actually works like this:
Let’s take a great soccer match, Juventus Turin – Ac Milan
Bwin may give For a Juventus win 2.20 for a Draw 3.40 and for an AC Milan Win 3.50
Bet365 may give For a Juventus win 2.30 for a Draw 3.10 and for an Ac Milan win 3.20
SkyBet may give For a Juventus win 2.15 for a Draw 4.00 and for an Ac Milan win 3.00
Now we would bet:
$448 at a Juventus win on Bet365
$257.60 on a Draw with SkyBet
$294.40 on a AC Milan win at Bwin
We would receive:
$448 x 2.30 = $1030.40 if Juventus Wins
$257.60 x 4.00 = $1030.40 if this two teams draw
$294.40 x 3.50 = $ 1030.40 if Ac Milan wins
So as you see, it does not matter how the match ends, you or we all just made 3.04% or $30.40
Martin and I also receiving a few tickets, that LibertyReserve did not show up immediately, it looks, LibertyReserve, was facing some problems with there API yesterday and it looks like fixed now. Everything should be already updated in your account.
We want to remind you that we are closing the second and last pool once we reached 100k in this pool. We also starting this weekend to delete every inactive account, as we want to have only investors once we closing our site indefinitely for investments and registration. Please send also no ticket about giving an extra time, we will not accept more money once reached our Pool amount. As it looks at the moment, this will be reached around middle of next week.
Regards. Alrea

SantiVentures (reviewed here) is celebrating 100 days online with over 1,000 members and due to this is offering 10% on all deposits made by March 11th. In addition to that the most active members voting for SantiVentures on different monitors or writing about the program on their blogs can earn some extra cash as well. There were different prizes announced by the admin (interviewed here) which will be paid according to the rules of the contest in a week. I remind you that SantiVentures is a low-ROI program offering 1.3%-2.8% for 150 business days and accepting such popular payment processors as AlertPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The latest newsletter from SantiVentures can be read below:
We promised this year SantiVentures will be more actively promoted to become more famous and rewarding to our members. 100 days online have successfully passed, more than 1000 members have joined and we want to see more growth and activity in future.
This week we announce the biggest rewarding promotional pack of additional services to our active members. The same pack will repeat only in July 2010 so if you don’t want to wait until summer read this newsletter carefully.
** We offer 10% bonus on all new deposits made during this week from March 4 until March 11. But you have to remember that this is a one time bonus. If you make more than 1 deposit the bonus will be credited only to your first investment.
** Bloggers and monitor admins have incredible opportunity to earn more with SantiVentures this week! Write a review or a testimonial about our program on your website and receive $15 to your account. Please remember the minimum length is 100 words and you have to be active member of SantiVentures to have some experience before posting about us!
All publications will take part in a weekly competition and at the end of it on March 11 the 3 best authors will be rewarded with $50, $30 and $15 prizes in cash! The winners and their websites will be mentioned in our next newsletter.
Kindly send your username and article url to us for review.
** If you don’t have a website you still can earn extra money.
Vote for SantiVentures on 3 different monitors. is a must!
Post on Talkgold, Dreamteammoney and Moneymakergroup in our threads.
If you do this you will be rewarded with $1 cash bonus. You have to have a deposit with us and be active on forums if you want to qualify for this offer. Otherwise no bonus for you. Kindly send us your username, forum nicknames, information of your votes on monitors.
All bonuses will be credited once a day after our admin reviews each of them. Please don’t post nonsense or SPAM! We don’t tolerate paid posters or voters so please don’t disturb with such proposals.
We are sure that you will enjoy this weekly pack. More earnings and more fun for you with SantiVentures!
100 days online now.
Best regards, Info department. SantiVentures.

GeneralIncome (reviewed here) paid me on expiry today from my investment made into the 110% after 3 days (the program also offers 120% after 5 days and 150% after 10 day plans). The payment was instant as usual to LibertyReserve. There was some more good from them today. The long-awaited addition of AlertPay and also GlobalDigitalPay means they now accept all the six most popular e-currencies. Here is the latest good news from the admin of GeneralIncome:
Hello! Great news! You can now deposit trough AlertPay and GlobalDigitalPay.
Don’t forget to post payments in forums!
If you have any questions contact us trough Live Support 24/7 or Phone support also 24/7.
GeneralIncome Support.

Unfortunately another short-term program unexpectedly closed today. I’m talking about ACEEntertainments which website disappeared today from the Net leaving the members only with this message:
Program is closed.
Congrats to all who made profit with us!
Will be refunded members: sleepw4lker, Willyede, Chardyme, archu7, JK1984, elrobertingo, privateinfo, Joke2010, sinbad, jambutty, devallier, vero62fr.

Despite the program only has been online for 2 weeks I can say that it’s much better to remove the site and stop accepting the payouts then keep it up and accept the payouts. Apparently some of the members of ACEEntertainments were refunded which could be also considered as a good sign.

At least this approach is more honest than that used by SteadyRoi who are still accepting new deposits and leaving the site open while the withdrawals are pending for over 24 hours. Some of the monitors have placed SteadyRoi to Problem status already including mine and I believe that the program will be gone very soon. I was very surprised that the admin allowed to make withdrawals after the script issues yesterday but perhaps it was just a part of some shrewd scam tactic in order to gain members’ trust before disappearing. I can tell you that I was fooled as well because I believed that after solving that script issue and was still paying had every good intention of running his program for longer. Well, I can admit now I was mistaken. It’s not recommended to invest in SteadyRoi at this moment and I have already removed their banner. SteadyRoi has been paying for 9 days only which was enough to be in profit only if you deposited into the program during the first days online and didn’t make redeposits. Well, with few exceptions such a hit-n-run strategy should be applied to any short-term game like SteadyRoi. I just wish more admins were more honest by admitting the issue and closing their programs before actually stopping payments and relying on the deposits from unsuspecting members.

Some other problematic programs that I’m going just to mention briefly on my blog today are:

SazaInvestments – their website is gone today which proved that the program that lasted for many months eventually ran out of funds due to many unplanned issues. Obviously at this moment would be unreasonable to hope that the admin will be issuing any refunds.

InvestoFin – the site is down and I assume they have some issues with the database or the script. There is no news from the admin yet as to when the program is back online so I’m afraid this downtime will affect the program in a very negative way even if it’s back online. Investing is not currently recommended!

AsiaInv – for several days already the website is not available and there is little hope that it will be back anytime soon. Anyway, over three months for such a program is a pretty good achievement in my book.

21stCenturyArb – I have received some reports about delayed payouts forcing me to move the program to Waiting status on my monitoring page. Investing in this program is not recommended at the moment and I will update you on MNO if the program resumes the payouts.

NanoMoneyCorp – unfortunately there are no payouts getting processed at the moment. I received several reports about the payments that are pending for over a week. Many monitoring sites also put NanoMoneyCorp to Problem status so the chances for recovery get slimmer and slimmer with every passing day. I would not recommend you to invest in this program under any circumstances at the moment. You will be further updated on the status of that program on MNO.

GoldNuggetInvest – I received some emails from my readers supporting my point of view regarding the refunding to the members not in profit and closing the program since the cashouts are not getting processed. Random payouts where members already long since in profit continue to get paid while those who invested thousands and didn’t make a single withdrawal are left waiting. I expected some negative reactions to my proposal on the official GNI forum (and I can well understand people who are afraid to lose their profits and referral downlines) but I will stand over my own opinion as I believe it’s absolutely ridiculous situation while members in profit are paid at the expense of others that weren’t. If you think that it’s fair that it will be on your own conscience but I will always speak my mind no matter what. At this point, I believe that it will be fair to pay first to the members not in profit before resuming the payouts to anybody else. You’re entitled to your own opinion of course and the admin Robert is free to make his own choice for sure. At this moment GNI is On Hold status on my monitoring page and I would not recommend to invest there until this situation which seems to be so convenient to members that are in profit continues.

Let’s get back to some more short news from the currently paying programs.

Some of the investors of MandarinInvest (reviewed here) noticed that the site of the program was slow to load and sometimes almost impossible. The admin Robbyn (interviewed here) confirmed in the latest newsletter that it was due to a DDoS-attack that was targeted the site of MandarinInvest today. There were some measures taken that would hopefully prevent the website from such issues in the future. More on that in the following update from MandarinInvest:
Our website experienced a massive DDoS attack recently and was loading slowly or not at all. We have installed a special traffic filter combined with captcha access protection in order to prevent further downtimes. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this outage and hope for your understanding.
Sincerely, Robbyn Hart

The admin of RedOrchidInvest (reviewed here) asked the members not to request more than one cashout per 24 hours. It will significantly reduce his work load and allow him to manage the funds and his time more efficiently. Here is the latest news from RedOrchidInvest:
Dear members, please withdraw only once every 24. Many of you withdraw a couple times per day in amounts of cents. This is very time consuming, and we would need to limit the amount of the daily withdrawals. It is also necessary to remind you, to write the account number in the appropriate column with each withdrawal. Thank you for your cooperation. Nathan”.

BostonVenturesBillionairesClub, or simply BVBC (reviewed here) announced that the payouts would resume on Monday due to some kind of office party they are having at their office on Friday. I wonder if it’s a birthday party and what type of cake they will have, lol. Anyway, please be aware that the payouts from BVBC will resume on the coming Monday as it’s explained in the latest update:
Thank you all for your trust. We hope you are satisfied with our efforts. This will be our first office party, This Friday since we started everyone has been working hard, We are growing steadily. We will start all payouts this coming Monday. Have a good weekend. Todd Savage.

I have added another low-ROI program to my blog tonight. It’s called GloboFunds and it has a professionally made website and has been online for several months already. The payment processors accepted are: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. The investment plans on offer are: 1.8% for 120 business days, 2% for 150 business days, 2.3% for 180 business days, 2.6% for 200 business days. The minimum deposit is different for each plan but it starts with $50 which is higher than usual in HYIPs. Obviously GloboFunds is aimed at more serious investors. A beautifully made website, a completely customized script (probably based on a licensed GoldCoders script), the domain registered for 5 years and the dedicated server with DdoS-protection by Dragonara will all help. There are also many other unique and rare features on offer but I’m going to discuss that in the upcoming review which you will be able to read on my blog soon. Stay tuned for that, guys!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
HugMoney, GeneralIncome, CelexProfit, BiotechInvFund, NasMos, Verifield, FinanceNova, Skinex, InvestProxy, FxPetroleum, Dragadox, XciteInvest, Aballong, TheKapital, WaterInvestment, OneDailyPro, SmartTradersInv, XagaEnterprise, IntraTraders, DepositPalace, RedOrchidInvest, MandarinInvest, CSMFinance, AtoxFinance, AtlantisMutual, BioEnergyFunds, PTVPartner, Eternidex, WestFinance, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, AimTrust, UmaxFunds, BVBC, PanaMoney, AlphaInvestments, WeeklyDividend, MoneyPlus, StarkFund, ScootFx, ForexNetClub, Plents, IncoForex, GeniusFunds, EuroNanoInvest and YesInvestment (the first payment received).

That’s it for today, guys! See you on my blog tomorrow with another review and more news from the Industry!

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