Apr 7th, 2010 Archives

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Hi, guys! I was very busy all day long long updating my blog theme so I hope you like the final result. I decided it was long overdue due to the last version’s incompatibility with Internet Explorer. Although many people are aware that this browser cannot be considered safe for online surfing many are still using it but I respect your opinion and desire to browse my site from your chosen browser. So I’m glad to inform you that there is no more problems now. If you still find a glitch please inform me and I’ll do my best to get rid of it.

On a more personal note some other great news for me was the investors’ acknowledgment of my work resulting in the Alexa rating stats that for the first time in the history of MNO hitting the 20,000 mark as a three month average. I remind you that the smaller the Alexa rating the better the results for a particular site. So generally speaking MNO is now officially among the 20,000 most popular sites in the world. For me it’s quite an honor and I would like to thank every single reader of my blog for their support. The latest Alexa stats for MNO can be seen here.

The success of MNO doesn’t mean that you should blindly throw money at just any program that advertises here either. Do your own research, carefully weigh the risks and your chance of making a profit. It seems that today one more short-term program is going to Waiting status on MNO. I’m talking about XZFinance that paid only to monitoring sites today while ignoring the regular investors. I received at least a dozen e-mails telling me about that and I simply can’t tolerate this happening. So after giving the admin the first and last warning I had to move it to Problem status on my monitoring page. XZFinance will stay there until tomorrow and its future status will depend on whether or not the payments to investors are processed. I think there is little hope as XZFinance was simply a short-term game though with some good features including direct payouts to payment processors and high-level DDoS protection. However by a strange addition of the third plan last night offering 140% after 4 days (I just found that out after my last post had been published) it was quite clear that the program experienced some cashflow issues that apparently they were going to solve by adding a new plan. However it seems this idea failed as today only selective payouts were processed. XZFinance was an obvious game from the beginning and lasted for 13 days which was a bit less that two full cycles. I hope you made some money from it even though the program lasted for not so long.

Some good news today for the members of SureBetInv who were expecting the addition of AlertPay as a payment option. It has been added now and you can deposit in any of the offered investment plans using it. I remind you that SureBetInv is allegedly involved in sport arbitrage betting and is offering the following investment plans: 1.4%-1.8% daily and 11%-15% weekly paid to you indefinitely until you decide to withdraw your principal (but not earlier than 12 weeks). The admin of SureBetInv (read my interview with him here) also noticed that the profits from surebets exceeded his expectations and that therefore until Thursday every investor depositing over $100 into any plan will have a 5% bonus on top of their investment. Here is the latest SureBetInv (reviewed here):
Hello SureBetInv members, You certainly waited for me in your email yesterday, I told in the last newsletter we would send a report of week on Sunday. Purposely I postponed it, I’m sending today with the intention to also announce the introduction of a new payment system, AlertPay is now among our payment methods. During the weekend I considered with my team the logistics for the funds that we will receive via AlertPay, we came to decision to add this ecurrency to SureBetInv.
Members who opened threads in biggest investment forums and those who participate in these forums (MMG, DTM, TG) are asked to post a notice that SureBetInv accepts AlertPay, thank you for this. Also thanks for your patience while waiting for this ecurrency addition, we remind you that each step of our business is carefully calculated. We do not want to take unnecessary risks, we always act responsibly. Now the weekly report.
In the weekend we had very nice gains as expected, the profit of this week was around 13.7%. Very once we are paying average 11% per week to most SureBetInv members. Our net profit was around 2.5%. But we are waiting the results of this week, as I told you on Friday we should get the biggest profit since we launched SureBetInv. For this we started a promotion, until Thursday every member that deposits $100 or more will earn 5% bonus. We want to incentive more members to deposit, this is a golden week in the arbitrage market, we will have nice events like Barcelona v Arsenal (Champions League), Real Madrid v Barcelona (Spain Championship), Fiorentina v Internazionale (Italy Championship). Those 5% can be covered easily with the profits from these matches. So do not miss this chance, investing $500 today in the Weekly Plan you’ll earn $80 in your first week.
Champions League is coming to the final fixtures. Tomorrow and on Wednesday we will have Champions League return matches. A nice share of the equity stake were placed in these events, we are very sure in the end of quarter-finals we will have earned nice profits. Adding to this if Barcelona and Manchester United reach semi-finals the appeal will be even greater. We do not need hope this or that team is qualified, all bets are sure profit, but of course we can twist to see the biggest teams in the finals, so everyone wins, especially us arbiters. Good investments to everyone!
Best Regards, SureBetInv Team

One of the biggest programs PTVPartner is still struggling with database losses and though the admin Garrett promised to fix everything soon I still decided to move the program to Waiting status on my monitoring page until all the accounts are fixed, all the data is back to normal, and all the pending withdrawals are paid. Of course I would not recommend making any re-invetsments in PTVPartner just yet but since Garrett insists that their cashflow will not suffer anyway I don’t see any reason why the investors should spend with a program struggling for over a week with so many errors, delays and other stuff going on. Although Garrett wants to believe or simply try to persuade others that everything is alright in his program we should be aware that such enormous difficulties are very harmful for online HYIPs and can bring them down easily. The destiny of any program actually depends on the members’ support and I’m sure that many of you were in profit from PTVPartner over the last 7 months while it was working with stability. I will not tell you what to do as it’s your investment after all but just use your common sense, ok? PTVPartner will be moved back to Paying status on MNO only after I receive some significant proof from my readers that all the withdrawal requests are paid and missing deposits and earnings are credited. Until then they stay in Waiting status on MNO. I really hope it will happen soon, however as I said already it’s all up to the members to support the program or not. Here are two latest updates from Garrett which were sent with the interval of a few hours:
Sorry but .. IT’S OVER!!!!
In about 48 hours …the wait will be over anyway….. but I got you to look, didn’t I?
I need to bring you up to date on what has transpired and where we are.
We are BACK…. Well almost… The site is LIVE anyway!!!
Ok, let me get to the points.
Database corruptions, attempted corrections, etc. etc. etc. caused a loss of data. The losses amount to approximately 4 days.
We have pieced the database back together from what we could acquire and the uncorrupted most recent back up. There are still several things left to do.
1) We need to add the new accounts that have been created since this backup copy. This information is available and we will then manually insert the deposits from the history in our ecurrency accounts. Do not worry and please do not send a support ticket. We are working on this and should have it completed in another 24 to 48 hours. Your funds are safe and we will credit every account in full.
2) We have disabled withdraws and reinvest because the Backup used to restore is dated April 2nd. April 2nd withdraw requests have already been paid. We are manually removing the previously paid withdraw amount from those accounts. Once this is done, today, we will enable withdraw requests and reinvest. We will also re-enable auto reinvest for anyone that wants to use it. We’re aware that there are some who have had to do multiple withdrawal requests on the same funds and we apologize for the inconvenience to those members.
3) With all the problems we had earlier this week, the database corruption and loss, we have put everything back together and I applaud the efforts of those that have worked tirelessly to do so. I was very fearful that we would have a much more serious problem than we do. The end result is what you see in your accounts. Only a 4 day loss of maturity. This is spectacular in the overall view of things. We have corrected everything that we can. We are where we are. We will not be restricting withdraws after the accounting is completed. Those that feel ill at ease may freely withdraw and leave. It is your money and you are free to take it.
As most of us know, problems like this have brought down many a program. This should be demonstrative of the difference between those that are true opportunities and those that are ponzi’s. WE are NOT going anywhere! Let the forums jabber and accuse. They can and they will. While they continue to blabber on we will just continue to prove that there’s a difference between us and the rest of the pack out there.
We are working hard to complete as much as we can today but there will be some things that will most likely carry over through tomorrow. Once today’s work is handled we will allow withdraws… this most likely will be by the end of the day so that you may still request today. We will then be reinstalling the new site, adding bank wires and preparing for the release of a new debit card.
For those that feel they must leave, we wish you well, no hard feelings. You’ll be welcome to come back anytime. For those that have and will stand beside us we would like to thank you for your patience and support. In the long run, this will make us better as we continue to prepare for the future.
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

PTVPartner Withdraws Are Open Again!
Withdraws have been re-enabled.
Re-invests have been re-enabled
Auto-Reinvest has been re-enabled
We do still have some issues. And we like to solicit your participation in the solution.
Because we had to use a backup copy to restore the site, there are still some doubles posted in accounts. In order to solve this problem we are manually verifying each withdraw request. Withdraw requests that have a double posted in their account will be paid…IF…. the balance in their withdraw account is sufficient to debit the overpayment. If not, then the requested withdraw will be cancelled and the overpayment removed.
Withdraw requests that, have a double payment posted in their account, also had or has a auto reinvest or a manual reinvest then the withdraw request will be paid and the reinvest will be cancelled and the adjustment will be made.
The simplest solution for us, is if you will simply leave the over payment in your withdraw account and we will debit it. Please create a support ticket ONLY IF you see an uncorrected double payment in your account. Please make the Subject of the support ticket … Double Payment.
As you can imagine, this is a tedious process, but we can manage it with a little patience.
DO NOT attempt to withdraw the overpaid funds intentionally. Look at your accounts and determine what is right. All accounts will be verified anyway and your attempt will ONLY slow down the process and result in a cancellation of your request.
Missing Deposits.
Because the Database was restored from backup, New accounts created since the 2nd are having to be restored. But the deposits made to those new accounts are not going to be in them immediately. We will be manually crediting the deposits from ecurrency history. Again this is tedious, but we can manage again with a little patience. DO NOT create a support ticket for this. It will be completely disregarded until all manual credits have been completed. This may take 48 to 72 more hours. When we complete the manual credits we will announce that we are completed. If at that time you still have a missing deposit, which I doubt, then you may submit a support ticket.
Regarding Support Tickets: Please DO NOT create more than one! Once the Support Ticket is ‘completed’ , Please DO NOT reply with thank you or even a ^#$%#^%^%&$&%*&^ you! We have too many tedious things to deal with and the cooperation here will be fantastically appreciated.
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

Several sites experienced loading issues today including many sites hosted on HushHosting. Some of them have been successfully put back online but some are still inaccessible for me so I hope they will come back soon. From the latest ones I can name CottonFunds and AtlantisMutual. I will look carefully at their availability tomorrow and will let you know if they are back working successfully.

I would like to mention one admin who it seems to me really cares about his members and always sends an update if the site is down or there are any other significant issues or updates. The admin is Terry from IntermedInvestments and I wish there were a few more like him. Immediately after his site went down today he sent out the following update to the members and let them know that there was a temporary issue with the site’s accessibility and there was nothing to worry about. After the site was back up Terry also updated the members of IntermedInvestments (reviewed here) on that. I remind you that the program pays you 1.25%-1.75% for 100 business days and 7.5%-10% for 20 weeks and accepts five popular payment processors. Here are the updates I received from the admin of IntermedInvestments today (I think after such updates the admin deserves some positive votes on monitors after all):
Just wanted to send out a quick e-mail to all users. Hushhosting, our hosting and ddos provider, has been down for the last 12 hours or so. As a result, our website has been inaccessible to many (including myself!). I don’t know if this affected all Hush-hosted websites, but regardless, Hush tells me we should be up and running within the next few hours.
I was able to access the admin office (briefly) to process all pending payments, and to send this quick e-mail. If you had an active withdrawal request, it has been completed (as of the time of this e-mail). If you are missing a payment, or for any other concerns, please contact me. In the event the site is down, my “extra” contact address is intermedinvestments@gmail.com. Use this address only if the site and/or contact form are unavailable.
Thank you, and apologies for the inconvenience.
Best Regards, Terry Jameson. IntermedInvestments
Our site is back up now. All withdrawal requests have been processed as requested (as of the time of this e-mail). Thank you for your patience during this brief downtime (due to a problem with our host).
And now, an unabashed call for votes! As with any business, word of mouth is invaluable. In the online investment world, “word of mouth” is actually “votes and comments”. We have listings on numerous forums and monitors, most of which allow for voting and/or comments about our program. A large part of our advertising relies on the commentary of happy members.
Please, take a few minutes when you have been paid to vote and/or comment on our monitors. Links appear below for your convenience, but all are listed on our site at http://www.intermed-investments.com/rateus.php.
Thank you very much!
Regards, Terry Jameson. IntermedInvestments.

The administration of Verifield (reviewed here) announced the results of yesterday’s poker tournament and named the lucky winners. The luckiest will go on tour in Japan and I really envy him. Well, hopefully in the next contest other members could try their luck and win some prizes as well. I remind you that another contest is still running and all the details of Verifield‘s Video Contest can be read on the website. Meanwhile, let me introduce the winners of the Spring poker tournament sponsored by Verifield – a program running for over a year now and reached the #2 spot in MNO’s ranking:
Spring Poker Tournament Results
Yesterday Verifield have sponsored Spring Poker Tournament that has gathered over 50 players all existing Verifield clients, who took their chance in winning the valuable cash prizes including Grand Prize – enjoying a trip to Japan.
The competition for the prize was so extinct and most of the players did so well that the fortune was really enjoying it’s taking over the most logical and professional actions done by the players.
After numerous rounds and hours of extended play, we’ve finally have achieved our lucky winners and are happy to post their names along with an opportunity to leave their feedback right on this page, sharing their thoughts about this tournament with all Verifield customers.
Congratulations to our winners:Grand Prize Winner (Sakura Tour, Japan*)
miki2011 (151267) N.Miki Macedonia
Place Prize Name Country
2 $1000 Ahmed Badry Egypt
3 $500 Ahmed Basco Egypt
4 $250 Thomas H. Denmark
5 $150 Va’clav K. Czech Republic
6 $100 Stefania D. Italy
7 $75 Enrico Nicola Italy
8 $50 Eloi Opi Perez Spain
9 $50 Antonio Italy
10 $50 Christian Thomas Germany
Thank you all for participating in Spring Poker Tournament and looking forward to see you at next Poker Tournament in Summer!
*Sakura Tour is a travel package to Japan, including airfare, transfer to/from airport and hotel stay.
Travel package is subject to availability at the time of reservation; allow at least three weeks for processing.
Some restrictions on travel times and/or dates may apply.
We also welcome you to participate in other Verifield public event – Verifield Video Contest

The admin of MasterTraderClub (reviewed here) reported on hiring four traders and reminds us about the investment plans they offer with instant payments to your LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. Here is the latest newsletter from MasterTraderClub:
We report on the news of the company.
In this day April 5, 2010 our company we have hired 4 new traders, and a new analyzer niche markets in the area of stock markets in the U.S., our company has a staff and a lot wider experience in the markets.
Our new team will be working with our new investment plan (STOCK INVESTMENTS PLANS)
Interest payments.
PLAN A- of investment is 4.40% daily interest for a period of 30 days, principal return after-end Investment Plan.
Total profit is 100% principal + 132% profit = 232%
PLAN B- of investment is 4.70% daily interest for a period of 30 days, principal return after-end Investment Plan.
Total profit is 100% principal + 141% profit = 241%
PLAN C- of investment is 5.00% daily interest for a period of 30 days, principal return after-end Investment Plan.
Total profit is 100% principal + 150% profit = 250%
By Administrations Department
Thanks for you support

I’d like to announce a new short-term program on my blog today and it will be reviewed tomorrow. It’s called MoneyBreeze. The program is just launched today and it accepts three payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay) into four investment plans with payouts on expiry: 112% after 7 days, 133% after 14 days, 160% after 21 days and 200% after 28 days. The minimum to invest in any plan is $10. Actually I pretty like the site’s design and the fact that it’s using a licensed GoldCoders script enriched with SSL-encryption. On top of that is a dedicated server from BlockDos which is definitely the best hosting provider for HYIPs. In my opinion that only proves one thing: the admin of MoneyBreeze is quite serious about his program and hopefully it could become a popular choice among investors. Many of them prefer short-term games anyway when you have a chance to receive your profit faster that wait for months to realize that your favorite low-ROI program actually has nothing to do with stocks, bonds or ForEx stuff. Maybe it’s time to get things straight and call all HYIPs games like they actually are. MNO will soon be bringing you some articles that will open many people’s eyes on online investment programs and will teach you to treat them correctly and avoid some mistakes that are sometimes made by newbies. Anyway, MoneyBreeze looks much better that an average short-term program and I hope to bring to you the detailed review of the program tomorrow. Stay tuned for that!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
TrueEarn, Oico, SureBetInv, Aballong, EForexInvestment, ArbsTeam, MasterTraderClub, AvaInvestment, EuroNanoInvest, AtoxFinance, PrimaryPool, Verifield, MyGrandFunds, FinitInvest, Cashift, WaterInvestment, TheKapital, PrivateDiamondClub, OneDailyPro, GarantMoney, StereaFunds, RedOrchidInvest, IntermedInvestments, YesInvestment, EzProfit, Forex4Expert and Plents.

That’s all for today, guys. See you on my blog tomorrow with the review of MoneyBreeze and more news from the industry!

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