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08/04/2010. WealthyFunds Review and Other News



Hi guys! One of the most recent short term HYIPs added to my monitoring list in hope of doing something to fill the gap left by the recent high profile closures in the industry is called WealthyFunds. They have a fairly decent selection of plans (if you like short term HYIPs that is) and an OK choice of payment processor to go with it. So let’s take a look and see if you think WealthyFunds might get popular.

To start with you are offered four investment plans. Two pay on expiry and two pay you by the day. The minimum you can invest in any of them differs between plans, but they’re all quite affordable to most so that will help bring a few more into it.

The first plan is called The Introduction Plan and it pays on expiry. In fact the first payments on expiry are due to be made sometime around now, so keep an eye on the forums for news on that. It will probably help WealthyFunds a lot if it’s mostly positive news. Anyway, the plan runs for 3 days and pays 110% interest on expiry. Your principal will be included as part of the payment so it’s a straight forward 10% profit. The minimum you can spend here is just $5 and the maximum is relatively low also at “only” $1000. Actually the maximum to invest in all the plans is $1000 so one can only assume it’s a preventative measure against Hit-n-Runners. Once the program takes off a bit I wouldn’t be surprised if this maximum was raised. Not that I’d recommend spending that kind of money in any online HYIP myself, but it’s your money and yours alone to spend.

Next up is The Standard Plan. This time WealthyFunds offers you a considerably better return of 125% interest paid on expiry after a term of 7 days. The minimum to spend this time goes up to $10 but the maximum stays at a thousand. Your principal is already counted as part of the payment so the profit is 25%.

Then there are the two plans that make daily payments. The first of these is called The Advanced Plan and it’s open to deposits ranging from a minimum of $20 to a maximum of $1000. The term runs for 14 days and during this time WealthyFunds will pay you 10% interest per day. That would see you break even after 10 days and finish the plan with a total of 140%. Your principal is already counted as part of the payments so that leaves your profit at 40% in total.

The fourth and final option for you is called The VIP Promo Plan. It’s offering daily payments of 5% per day for a term of 20 days. The minimum investment is $50 and the maximum is $1000. The main difference here though is that this time WealthyFunds offer to return your principal on expiry.

Some other important points about the plans is first of all being allowed to have five additional spends with any combination of them, just in case you thought a thousand bucks at once wasn’t enough for you. The choice of payment processors is excellent however, especially for a short term game like this one. WealthyFunds are taking AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. All well and good but is there anything that would make them truly stand out? Well, the allowance of instant payouts might be what you are looking for. All payouts up to a value of $500 are instant. You still have to log in and request them of course but once you do then your profits should be in your e-currency account about as fast as you can check it. Larger payments of $500 and more are processed manually, but we assured the admin will get it done in no more than 12 hours.

A couple of other nice features in WealthyFunds include the use of SSL encryption to protect the members accounts. The script is licensed by GoldCoders and the website itself is osted on a dedicated Staminus server with support and protection provided by Koddos. Customer Support is available through Live Chat, though when that’s not open you can open a support ticket through the form available. One feature I found interesting was the daily addition of a screen-shot taken from the admins payment processor accounts detailing the payments and the batch numbers made to the members during the day (don’t worry – member’s names are blacked out).

By the way, in addition to all of that WealthyFunds are currently trying to drum up a bit more interest in the program by way of a referral contest. And there’s some nice prizes there too so if you’re in any way adept at such things you can have a go. The contest runs until April 16 but prior to that members are able to win a random $10 a few times per day just by signing up.

As for the business activities of WealthyFunds, this bit gets a little vague and I’d say deliberately so. Some mention is made of “investment strategies” but no real information is offered as to what exactly that means. The FAQ page is a bit more revealing however, so see that for yourself and let’s just say that you should be treating this one like all other online HYIP games. Nothing is guaranteed, they’re not around forever, but that’s no reason you can’t make a few bucks out of it either if you play it right. Instant payouts, profitable plans, good choice of payment processors, SSL encryption, and a couple of interesting extras would tend to suggest WealthyFunds may get pretty hot soon. Popularity among the crowd doesn’t guarantee the success of the individual, so be sensible, but it doesn’t hurt your chances either.


I have moved PTVPartner to Paying Selectively status on my monitoring today but decided to leave it on Problem status. Why? I received many e-mails stating that the investors were paid, however I had others stating that they had issues with their deposits that did not expire properly and more stating that they were not paid at all. I myself have one payment still pending from PTVPartner. And while I appreciate all the efforts made by the admin Garrett to bring the program back to life it would be unreasonable to move the program to Paying status at this point with so many issues and some unpaid withdrawals remaining. I guess Paying Selectively status would be the most appropriate at this point.

By the way, the admin of the program blamed me today for impatience and a lack of appreciation when dealing with his program. I don’t think I should be blamed for that as I was the one who supported Garrett when these issues started a couple of weeks ago and kept it on Paying status all the time though there were some obvious payment delays involved. However, seeing that PTVPartner is really going down I simply could not be silent anymore. Just tell me why would I be silent if any program, good or otherwise, has some obvious problems which are not resolved for weeks on end? Garrett said to me that I’m doing it because he removed referral commissions from and now I got too greedy and am telling lies just to distract investors from PTVPartner in hope of them to switching to other programs. Well, if PTVPartner was a stable program and paid everybody on time we would not discuss it any further here. But that’s not the case. Selective and delayed payouts are not things which MNO will tolerate and I proved it many times in the past that I do care about my downline in the programs I monitor by warning them in advance about pending collapses.

The most recent example was the warning posted about GeniusFunds and the same selective payouts which was published on my blog a few weeks ago. After that article I received so many negative responses simply for telling the truth and some of them were quite ugly to say the least. I was even told not to kill a good program and ignore what was in front of my own two eyes. But just a week after my warning which rang bells in some people’s minds GeniusFunds was really dead but I didn’t receive any apologizes from the people who blamed me for everything. Please note that I received hundreds of referral commissions from GeniusFunds on a daily basis and that didn’t stop me from posting the warning. So here we are again now: people are discussing why MNO is against PTVPartner now and what my hidden agenda is. There is none and I simply telling the things how they are. If you want some sugar-coating you’re welcome to find other blogs that will tell you what you want to hear – you will not find it on MNO. I can tell you straight – once PTVPartner is free from all the issues it will be moved back to Paying status on MNO. However I feel that it shouldn’t be done prematurely while there are still some issues which Garrett himself recognizes and on which he’s apparently working now. I would not be hiding that even after all the payouts are processed the program should stabilize itself for at least a week as the negative impact of this downtime and script problems are too big to be ignored. During that week any new deposits in PTVPartner would not be recommended by MNO but once the program is stable again I would have no hesitation in recommending them again. The most important thing for me is if a program is paying or not and there can’t be anything in the middle. And one more thing (just some friendly advice to you): don’t believe a word any program admin tells you about their earnings or their business. All HYIPs are games and those who think otherwise will realize it sooner or later as I did and I just want you to be more cautious in spending real money in what you think are real programs. Every HYIP will end sooner or later so don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. It doesn’t mean that you can’t earn from them and it does mean that PTVPartner is a very good program running for over seven months but it simply means it will collapse one day like all the others. I truly hope it will not be tomorrow or in the near future. I think I made myself clear at this point and the issues with PTVPartner admin will not make me misjudge the program and support it. One strict demand from MNO – pay in time and to everybody and there will be no problem. If you disagree with my points you can advertise your program in less strict monitors than MNO. This is the latest update from PTVPartner (reviewed here) and please by reading this be aware of what I told you here:
Wow… What is happening at PTV?
Would you like to know….?
Ok.. here’s what’s going on.
We have had the single largest one day payout in PTV History!
All payouts for April 6th and 7th have been paid completely.
All payouts pending otherwise are being done manually and are expected to be completed within the next 12 to 24 hours or so.
New membership sign ups are re-enabled.
Those that had signed up and were unable to sign in. Accounts have been fully recovered and deposits are being added.
Some deposits are being manually added still.
Also, some accounts still have double amounts and are undergoing review and processing. Please leave any excess funds in your balance.
Anything the system shows enabled inside your account you may do, deposit, withdraw, reinvest, sign ups, etc.
The changing of the ecurrency account numbers will be delayed slightly longer but will be available shortly as well.
We are working on the new site and that will be reintegrated when everything is ready.
It’s a busy few days for us but we are coming back stronger then ever.
Be ready! We are. Free Your Life!
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

The most recent example of selective payouts not tolerated by MNO is WestFinance which is going to be moved to Problem status on my monitoring page tonight due to just one reader who told me he is owed by them. I managed to log into his account and verify that he was telling the truth so now I’m sure that WestFinance is a program that pays selectively and therefore cannot be recommended for investing anymore. It has been moved to Paying selectively status on MNO and its status will not be changed until the payouts in question are processed. Please beware of that and don’t make any new investments in WestFinance!

Another program that is going to Problem status on MNO tonight is AtlantisMutual but the reason for it is more trivial – the site of the program is still down (for two days already) and despite all the promises it’s not back yet. I will leave AtlantisMutual on Waiting status on my blog until the site is back online and the payouts are back to normal.

The admin of Aballong Alrea (interviewed here) finally made a decision to close the program to for new members as promised a long time ago. The new sign-ups will be accepted till the end of the week while the accounts of the members who have not made a deposit by next Wednesday will be deleted. I don’t know know if it’s the real deal or just a smart marketing move to revive the once popular program as Aballong has really slowed down recently in terms of processed deposits. Anyway, be it one or the other such a decision will definitely make Aballong hotter within the next four remaining days when you can still sign-up. So if you consider investing in Aballong which offers you variable daily interests and allegedly is backed up with sports arbitrage you’re welcome to do so after reading the detailed review published on MNO here. This is the latest update from Aballong regarding the upcoming privatization:
As we announced in the beginning of Aballong, we want to have just a number of investors, we actually have a much larger number as we targeted, but in our believing it is still an amount of subscribers we can easily handle. At the same time we do not want much more. Therefore we will close Aballong for signups on Monday 12.04.2010, everyone who has friends or anyone to join, please tell them to do this before we remove the signup option. We will also start to remove every account what not invested starting on Wednesday 14.04.2010, please make sure you have invested before this date or Martin, and I will remove your account. Everyone who invested with will have the option after we close our second pool to reinvest or withdraw their earnings. We will also have a very small pool during the football world cup in South Africa, but we might only open this pool for selected Investors, who are here with a greater number of invested money. Please do not send us email that you need longer to load your e-currency account, Wednesday 14.04.2010 will be the last day or everyone who did not invest yet, to become an investor. We hope you are all comprehend that we can only handle a certain amount of members, we prefer quality, to quantity.
Regards Alrea

TrueEarn (reviewed here) paid me on expiry from the 116% after 4 days plan today. The payment was processed pretty fast and I can see that some members also received their payouts on expiry already. I remind you that TrueEarn now accepts five payment processors as GlobalDigitalPay has been added today to the already accepted StrictPay, AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The plans on offer include 145% after 10 days and 210% after 20 days besides the already mentioned 116% after 4 days. I am going to send some questions for an interview to the admin of TrueEarn tomorrow and hopefully the interview will be published on MNO over the weekend.

Another admin soon to be interviewed by MNO is Thomas from the above reviewed WealthyFunds. He reported that now all deposits are credited instantly (they had a PerfectMoney deposit issue) and all the withdrawals are processed instantly for all payment processors as usual on all the offered plans: 110% after 3 days, 125% after 7 days, 10% for 14 days and 5% for 20 days + principal back. Please refer to the latest newsletter from WealthyFunds to find out more about that:
This message from WealthyFunds Is Regarding Perfect Money
This message is to inform ALL members that Perfect Money is now Perfectly working! SOME members’ accounts did not reflect payment after depositing, and had to be manually added or refund investments. However, our technical team fixed the small error and Perfect Money investing is perfectly safe.
Instant withdraw worked from day one without a flaw a continues to work now.
So this means that ALL accepted payment processors (LR, PM, AP, and SP) are working instantly on both deposits and withdrawals.
If you have any questions as a member, feel free to contact our customer support. Reach Live Support by clicking customer service logo located at the top of every page on WealthyFunds.
Regards, Thomas Long – WealthyFunds
WealthyFunds – REAL Wealth Through Smarter High Yield Investments
Look Out For Our Official newsletter/update within the next 24 hours. It will contain the newest things going on with WealthyFunds.

I have added one more program to my monitoring today and it’s LiveProfits. At first glance you can see that the layout of the site has once been used by the long dead GoldenFleeceFund. That doesn’t make me think that LiveProfits is somehow connected with that program but rather that some common template was used during the creation of it. Apart from the design LiveProfits looks quite nice and is offering several investment plans with different minimums to invest. Payouts are on expiry. They are: 105% after 7 days, 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 140% after 30 days and 160% after 40 days. Four payment processors are accepted by the program: StrictPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay. LiveProfits is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server by DdoSWiz with SSL-certificate by Comodo installed. The program has already processed the first ref commissions and I’m glad to report that the payment was done instantly which enabled me to move the program to Paying status on MNO already. Please be ready for the full review of LiveProfits that will be published on MNO soon.

Apart from LiveProfits I have been paid also by the following programs today:
TrueEarn, WealthyFunds, PTVPartner, DynFxTrade, WaterInvestment, Aballong, MyGrandFunds, MoneyBreeze, ForexNetClub, EuroNanoInvest, InvestAward, InvestProxy, MasterTraderClub, WestFinance, FinitInvest, TheKapital, PanaMoney, WWFD, PrimaryPool, IncoForex, AtoxFinance, MoneyPlus, GarantMoney, AvaInvestment, IntermedInvestments, StereaFunds, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, Oico, EzProfit, OneDailyPro, Plents, Forex4Expert, Verifield and AlphaMoney (the first payments received).

That’s all for today, guys! I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow with a detailed review of AlphaMoney and more news from the industry!

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