Apr 12th, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! After a fairly quiet weekend (which is ok sometimes!) I’m glad that things seem to be getting back to normal work-wise today so I’ll be making two updates. All the regular news updates will be along a little later this evening so remember to check back here for that. First though I am pleased to have the following interview with Scott, who many of you will no doubt already know as the admin of TrueEarn, one of the most successful of the new crop of short term HYIPs we’ve seen recently. And though they’ve only been online for the last eight days TrueEarn is also one of the hottest.

Payments on expiry have already been made completing two cycles of their first plan and will shortly be made on the second plan, so on the back of so many recent failures it’s easy see why investors get so excited if they believe a program to be a bit more genuine that the competition. So fingers crossed TrueEarn will live up to the initial high expectations. Before we start let me just remind you that TrueEarn is a short term HYIP game offering 116% after 4 days, 145% after 10 days, and 210% after 20 days. For further details please refer back to my original review published here.

1. Hi Scott, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within TrueEarn. What are your own duties within the program? How would you describe a typical working day for you as an admin of an online investment project?

Hello MNO readers and all my dear members. I’m Scott, the leading manager of TrueEarn. As the leading manager, I myself do have a lot of work and responsibilities, in managing and running the program without any flaws. Some of the responsibilities I take care of are the money transactions, which include both deposits and withdrawals, support requests and, of course, the security of the website.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on TrueEarn?

TrueEarn has been online for 8 days as of now, and I really don’t have words to describe the success of TrueEarn. I’m highly excited with the member support and growth TrueEarn is having, right from its beginning. And this was exactly what I was trying to achieve by starting TrueEarn. I’m really thankful to all my members for showing such a great support, and I promise they are not going to regret their decision, because, TrueEarn is here to stay. And apart from me, I have 3other people who assist me in processing the payments and handling the support requests.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?

TrueEarn offers its members 3 investment plans to choose from, and we don’t have any specific names for the plans. The first investment plan is a 3 days plan, whose investment term is 4 calendar days, and offers a total ROI (Return on Investment) of 116%, which includes the principal. The minimum amount required to make a deposit in this plan is $5 and the maximum deposit allowed is $14000. The second one is a 10 days plan, whose investment term is 10 calendar days, and offers a total ROI of 145%, which includes the principal amount. The minimum amount required to make a deposit in this plan is $50 and the maximum allowed is $20000. The third and the last investment plan, is a 20 days plan, whose investment term is 20 calendar days, and offers a total ROI of 210%, which includes the principal. The minimum amount required to make a deposit in this plan is $100 and the maximum allowed is $26000.

For example, if you invest $100 in the first plan, you will be returned a total of $116 on the 4th day, which includes your principal amount, after you give the withdrawal request.

We also offer a referral commission of 5% for all members, both free and active, so that, members can also earn without having to make a deposit.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from TrueEarn. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?

TrueEarn accepts five payment processors, which I believe is indeed a wide range for members to choose from. The ones we accept are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay. Members have their own right to choose the payment processors they wish to deposit with, but all payments/withdrawals will be made only to the payment processor with which the deposit was made.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

TrueEarn is hosted on a dedicated server, provided by DDoSWiz, who are the same people who provide us protection from DDoS attacks. As far as the ability and efficiency of DDoSWiz is concerned, I believe they are at the top. In addition to these, we also have a 256-bit SSL encryption from Comodo.

6. What about your script? Who is the provider and what do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors? Explain in simple terms the benefits of using SSL encryption to the readers who may not understand.

TrueEarn is using the most popularly used script from GoldCoders, which indeed is a licensed one. I believe GoldCoders script provides the best security features, when compared to other similar scripts. Its ease of use and navigability is 100% for both the admin and the members.

SSL is the short form used for Secure Sockets Layer, and when a website uses such an encryption, all the sensitive information is encrypted, during an online transaction. Since TrueEarn has a 256-bit SSL encryption provided by Comodo, all sensitive information associated with the transactions made from your payment processor to your TrueEarn account, and vice-versa, are encrypted and extremely secure.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? What is the most common question or support issue that you have to deal with?

As of the moment, TrueEarn offers e-mail support. Members and visitors who wish to have their doubts and inquiries cleared, can contact us by completing and submitting the support form given in the customer support page of the website.

The most common question I have to deal with is regarding whether the investment term is calculated based on calendar days or business days. I take the privilege to clear that doubt once again here. The investment term is calculated based on calendar days, which means, both weekdays and weekends are counted.

8. Can you give us any statistics about the program regarding the number of members, the amounts deposited and paid out, and the popularity of the individual plans?

TrueEarn started attracting the big investors from day one itself, and I have to say I was really impressed with such a start. At the moment, we have over 1800 members, gathered a total of more than $60,000 in deposits and, have paid out close to $12,000. As far as the popularity of the individual plans is considered, the first plan is the most popular, and I believe that’s because it’s the plan with the shortest investment term, which at the same time offers a good return.

9. What other outside business and investment activities are TrueEarn involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such profits? Can we see any proof of your activities here?

TrueEarn generates its profits mainly from foreign exchange trading. We use our members’ money to trade in FOREX. That doesn’t mean we rely only on FOREX to generate the profits. We do have other sources of income, like offline ventures, to generate such good profits we are offering. Since we are an online investment firm offering good returns, we cannot disclose and share our profit generating secrets with everyone.

10. I’m not aware that the values of any internationally traded currency ever fluctuating by so much as to generate a profit like you offer. If a currency’s value doesn’t go up or down by more than 0.3% in a week, how can you make 16% profit in four days?

That is of course a good question, Paul, and I’m sure most of my members would like to hear an answer from me for the same question. Those currency values and fluctuations you mentioned are associated only with FOREX trading. As I said earlier, we do not rely only on FOREX trading activities to generate the profits we are offering. We indeed have other income generating ventures, both online and offline, as a result of which we are able to pay such good returns, when compared to other investment firms.

11. Are there any plans to develop TrueEarn further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?

As you all know, TrueEarn is at its infancy now. The growth and member support of TrueEarn has been amazing so far, and so itself, I feel that all members are satisfied with the current conditions of TrueEarn. The investment plans will definitely remain unchanged. Competitiveness really does matter now-a-days to make any program successful. I believe the plans we offer, the fast payments we make, and the incredible support we offer, do keep us at the top, separating us from every single existing program. In addition to these, sooner or later, we will be purchasing banners and sticky threads in the most popular forums and monitors, to give more exposure to our program.

I wish you all an enjoyable stay ahead with us.

Thanks a lot to Scott for taking the time to answer my questions. And of course good luck to all the investors willing to take the risk and get involved. Of course, as it only costs $5 to join then the size of the actual risk is really entirely up to you.

That’s about it for the moment guys, but don’t go too far as I’m going to be back a little later this evening with a review of a brand new and very promising investment program and also all the day’s main news stories from all the programs covered on MNO monitoring. So stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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