Hi everyone! Hope you found this mornings interview in some way useful or interesting. Back to business now and before we get to the day’s news stories I want first to take a look at a new long term HYIP that’s recently been added to my monitoring page called FxCrudeOil. It’s difficult to say how longer term HYIPs are being perceived at the moment. It was always a tricky one to establish yourself in anyway but there does appear to be a lot more caution out there these last couple of weeks and not without good reason. But based on the FxCrudeOil website the program looks OK on its own merits. Whether the investors go for it or not is a completely separate matter. Interest on the forums has been slow enough, which doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing and is really only to be expected for a program like this.
FxCrudeOil has three investment plans for you to choose from. They run for a variety of terms but all have one thing in common – they only pay you on a weekly basis. Not everyone’s favorite option I know but a lot of great programs did this very successfully in the past so it can work. The first plan, called The Transport Plan, is open to deposits starting from $20 and up to a maximum of $2000. The interest rate is 10% per week and the term runs for 15 weeks. Meaning that it takes 10 weeks to break even and your total return on expiry will be 150% of your principal. Compounding is allowed up to a 20% maximum.
Next is The Machine Plan. At $50 the minimum investment is a bit more of a commitment for some but it’s a plan that’s substantially more profitable than the previous one. It runs for a term of 20 weeks and makes a weekly payment of 11%. So it still takes you 10 weeks to break even but the payments will all add up to 220% of your principal on expiry. Maximum spend is $10,000. Compounding is allowed, but this time up to a maximum of 40%.
For a minimum deposit of $100 which isn’t outrageously expensive FxCrudeOil then offer you The Industry Plan. It may sound like a lot but in fact how many programs out there would have a similar plan only to charge several thousand dollars to join, rendering it utterly pointless to 99.9% of their own members? With this one at least FxCrudeOil are being realistic and keeping it accessible to a much broader range of investor. So it might catch on. Anyway, the term lasts for 30 weeks and you are offered a weekly payment of 12%. It takes 9 weeks to break even which is only a marginal advantage over the other two, but once you do you should finish the term with payments totaling 360%. Maximum spend is $50,000 and compounding up to a maximum level of 80% is permitted.
No complaints whatsoever with the list of payment options. FxCrudeOil takes all the most popular ones, including the ones that may be interested in assisting you in the event of you suffering a loss. The list is made up of AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Payments are made manually so you’re going to have to request them. The admin asks for 24 hours to get everything processed, though I believe he’s usually a bit faster.
The security of the FxCrudeOil website is up to a pretty decent standard. The first thing I noticed was the script. It looks a bit unusual and at first I didn’t recognize it. But on closer inspection it’s from Neversay. It’s just one of the newer versions, which reminds me it’s not compatible with certain web browsers so remember that if you have any problems logging in. It’s bound to cause a few headaches for the members logging in for the first time as well as for the admin if the support tickets start piling up, so just bear it in mind if there’s a problem. On the plus side however, and kudos to the admin for this, FxCrudeOil have made a little step-by-step guide on how to use the program, i.e how to join, how to deposit, how to withdraw, and so on. It’s all very well explained in plain and basic terms so there’s no reason for confusion.
Other that that the members area is protected by SSL encryption and is hosted on a dedicated server supported and protected by the ever popular HushHosting. Customer support if you have any further questions or support related issues is available through either submitting a support ticket or through Live Chat. Please note however that despite the banner stating that this is a 24 hour service, it isn’t. At least it’s not online while I’m writing this. Maybe it will be later, but for now you can always leave a message if you don’t catch them online.
Typically for an online HYIP the outside business and investment activities of the program are at best vague. Some sort of cross between ForEx trading and crude oil trading it seems, with neither activity really being elaborated on. I can only suspect there’s little substance to either claim, but that decision is yours and feel free to pursue it with the admin to your heart’s content.
No matter what evidence is presented I’d still treat them like any other online HYIP for a long time to come, but that’s not to say you can’t make a few bucks out of it either. Of course you can. And you can also lose a few. So you know what to do, right? Keep it sensible, keep it affordable, and if you are joining then remember that FxCrudeOil would probably be better as part of a wider more diverse portfolio. But between the security and the good choice of payment processors everything seems to be in place for this to be a success. The only thing that remains is to see how the investors view it, and that could take some weeks. But I’ll be watching.
Starting with the good news today (as usual) SolidTrader (reviewed here) added another popular payment processor – SolidTrustPay. It’s already the sixth payment processor and the last one recommended by MNO. There is no room for improvement left by SolidTrader as you can now invest via all the six most popular options. The five investment plans are thoroughly described in my review of SolidTrader published here: 110% after 3 days, 140% after 8 days, 200% after 15 days, 16% for 8 days, 12% for 15 days. Please note that if you have an account in SolidTrader and would like to make a deposit into one of the plans via SolidTrustPay you can add your account manually by yourself. To increase the security of the members accounts the admin (interviewed here) disabled the feature that allowed you to change or add the new payment processor accounts so you will have to send him an email with a request to add STP. He will then add it manually and only after that can you deposit via STP. It might seem like a complicated process but actually if you think about it it’s not. The instant payouts which somebody can request due to the instant nature of withdrawals could easily be manipulated if your account got hacked, so this is ok.. Since GDP site is still down the admin of SolidTrader allowed to request withdrawals to other payment processors as well. It could be done with 7% fee and to take advantage of it you should contact the admin as well. For the full newsletter from SolidTrader see below:
“As we all have noticed, GlobalDigitalPay website has been down for couple days due to emergency maintenance of their website. At this moment all GDP withdrawal request will remain pending until their website back to normal.
Being a friendly project we like to offer alternative solution for our investors who made investment with GDP payment system and wish to receives their return of investment immediately. You may request to receive your withdrawal into other payment system with 7% fee (average exchanger fee for GDP), this offer will only valid until their website back to normal again. Please contact us if you like to receive your GDP withdrawal into other payment system.
After long waiting from SolidTrustPay verification department, we are happy to inform you all that start from today we are accepting investment through SolidTrustPay payment processor. If you like to update your SolidTrustPay information, please contact us. For security reason we do not allow member to make any change on your payment system details.
We also like to inform all members that our ratings are growing rapidly proving recognition among serious investors. In this regard, we are planning to run advertising campaign for the whole month of May, if you own a website with decent number of unique visitors, you are most welcome to submit your advertising proposition to us.
Best Regards. Graham Roberts. SolidTrader Project Manager”.
Another popular short-term program is MoneyMakersGroup (reviewed here) named after a popular forum and paying 10%-12% for 12 days with daily payouts. The payouts are still being processed pretty fast and I was paid today many times before and after the interview with the admin was published on MNO (read it here). Today the admin decided to start an interesting kind of promotion where the members who decided to invest via certain payment processors would be rewarded with a 5% bonus. Today is StrictPay’s turn so if you consider investing via SP you can receive a nice bonus from MoneyMakersGroup. More about that promotion is in the latest newsletter from MoneyMakersGroup below:
“Dear Money Makers, As usual let us start with quick stats first…
Total Members: 365 Upgraded Members: 236 Total Deposits: $15376 Total Withdraw: $4696.96
This shows our quality in just 8 days…
Based on this happy occasion, we have decided to give special deposit bonus offer for one payment processor for one day. This will continue for next 5 days. Let me explain first. Read clearly. As of now we are accepting five payment processors LR, PM, SP, AP & GDP. We will decide that payment processor which is eligible for bonus and let you know everything by newsletter.
Now we have decided to give special deposit bonus for StrictPay (SP) deposits for next 24 hours. If you deposit by SP for next 24 hours we will add 5% bonus to your account with in 24 hours. You can withdraw this bonus immediately. After 24 hours we will announce the next payment processor randomly which is eligible for bonus deposit offer. It may be anything from remaining four payment processors. We will let you know after 24 hours. This offer will continue for next 5 days. If you have doubts contact our live support or mail support.
We have been interviewed by MNO..
Here is the link:http://money-news-online.com/blog/2010/04/27/27042010-interview-with-the-admin-of-moneymakersgroup/
Thanks. MoneyMakersGroup”.
The admin of IntermedInvestments Terry (interviewed here) announced that the redesigning of the website is finished and you can see the final result of that if you check out the site which should be up almost all the time. However if you can’t access the site for more than a few minutes you’re requested to submit a ticket to the admin. Unfortunately apart from the new design in IntermedInvestments (reviewed here) other news is not so encouraging. As I already said GDP is still down and all the payments to them are temporarily disabled. Plus AlertPay hasn’t replied to Terry’s inquiry about the reason for blocking his account. From my own experience with AlertPay I can confirm that it could take weeks before the situation is resolved. For your information you can request your AlertPay payouts from IntermedInvestments to LibertyReserve or StrictPay and you should contact the admin for further info. Please read the whole update from IntermedInvestments paying 1.25%-1.75% for 100 business days and 7.5%-10% for 20 weeks below:
“Quick note: Uploading of our new design will be taking place over the next 24 to 48 hours. This should NOT affect the functionality of the site for more than a few minutes at a time. What you MAY see is various pages with the old design, while others have the new design. But you should be able to login, deposit, withdraw, etc. as usual.
If the site appears down for any reason, PLEASE retry in 30 minutes. If it continues to be down, please send me an e-mail at intermedinvestments@gmail.com, or stay tuned to the forums for further updates.
Thank you!
Regards, Terry Jameson. IntermedInvestments.
P.S. GDP is still down. Payouts to this processor will resume as soon as GDP is back up.
P.P.S. AlertPay is still unavailable, and I am waiting to hear from AP support regarding this. If there is no word by the end of this week, a plan will be hatched to deal with all pending payouts and current AP deposits. Remember you do have the option to request your pending AP withdrawal with another e-currency (LR or SP). My apologies for the inconvenience.”
It seems that as so many industry giants collapse, ForexNetClub (reviewed here) goes from strength to strength. Payouts continue as usual for all the plans: 109% after 2 weeks, 128% after 4 weeks, 191% after 8 weeks. Yesterday’s downtime (as forewarned) appeared to be not so long as the site is working fine at the time of writing.. It appeared I was right back in February when I predicted ForexNetClub will become a new giant. The growth of the program was not so explosive from the beginning but rather gradual which will help the program survive during this time when so many HYIPs are going down on a daily basis. When you log into your account in ForexNetClub there will be a Due Diligence tab and by clicking on that you’ll be able to check out their certificate of incorporation and the newly uploaded document from the Marshall Islands. It states that ForexNetClub can issue up to 5 million shares at $1 per share. Does it mean that all your money is guaranteed in ForexNetClub by that capital? Well, I don’t think so and my previous experience with all HYIPs just proves this point. Always treat all HYIPs as games. However I still think that ForexNetClub will only continue to grow it’s quite safe to invest money there for the time being. We’ll see in a couple of months if my words were true or not. Here is the latest update from ForexNetClub:
“ForexNetClub Ltd. is becoming more attractive as evidenced by a comparison of last year’s first quarter to first quarter of 2010. Because of that ForexNetClub Ltd. shareholder capital has been increased with $3,000,000. Now all deposits are guarantee by the capital – up to $5,000,000. You are able to review useful ForexNetClub Ltd. documentation in Due Diligence section of your FNC account.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any question you might have.
ForexNetClub Ltd. Support Department”.
The Aballong program (reviewed here) though being private is still accepting deposits from its current members to the two plans: 40% monthly for 3 months and 15% bi-weekly for 3 months with the principal returned on expiry. Moreover, to celebrate Martin’s birthday there are now bonuses being offered to the members willing to deposit $100 or more. Although Aballong states that they don’t have to accept new deposits in order to pay to the older members I tend to doubt it as otherwise they would not accept new deposits at all and of course would not offer any bonuses to the members. It’s the nature of every HYIP (indeed the nature of every bank!) to at least partially depend on new deposits and there is nothing wrong about it if you treat them all as games just like I do. It should be done also to avoid any disappointment and if they really make some money from their arbitrage betting it’s ok with me, but to back-up a program with 100% outside income is simply impossible. Read more in the following email I received today:
“Today is Martins Birthday, and I like to ask all of you to send him a nice email, maybe post it in a forum, or on your blog, the three nicest birthday wishes get awarded with $100 in the Premium Plan One, what is our Monthly Plan.
Martin and I also give away a 5% Bonus* payment for every investment done on his birthday and the following 5 days if your investment is from $100-$1000. Even 7% if the Investment is higher as $1000, it is our way to say thank you for all of you in supporting us.
*the bonus will be placed to your existing investment
Martin is a little concerned about the GlobalDigitalPay event, as we are not able to reach any funds there, and this event also forced to delay payments in GDP, what is not our fault.
As we do real arbitration, Martin and I want to offer everyone who has invested in GDP and this is also an offer even GDP not comes back to trade the investments into any other E-Currency on the Market, we would change your invested GDP in any E-Currency supported in the system, but would also transfer the money into the Premium One Plan, as we can make our Arbitrage live easier this way.
Martin and I also like to explain why we introduce these two new Plans.
1.) Arbitration Bets need to be placed between many bookies, as more we have as easier it is for Martin to find real Arbitrage situations.
2.) In the daily Plan we were forced to send money daily between our Bank Accounts, the E-Currencies and the Bookies.
– what cost us daily exchange fees and transfer fees, and we also need to count on our exchange partners, what are not always working in same speeds.
– this caused us sometime to use the fresh money invested into our system, and we wanted to avoid this, as Aballong is based on real arbitration and not based on fresh people money, this would be a part snowball system what we do not offer
We are also offering everyone who wants to change there investments from one of the pools to a premium plan, as long the investments are higher as $250, you can chose to stay in the daily pool, as it is or move your investments into Premium Plan one, it is a way to say thank you, but also make our life easier.
Happy Birthday Martin and keep doing what you do, not only for the investors, but also for your family.
Regards. Alrea”.
As you know I’m kinda suspicious about new high intrest plans offered by low-ROI programs and consider it as a sign of pending collapse or at least some severe cashflow problems. Really, why on earth a program that is comfortable paying 1.2%-1.8% for 150 business days, 7%-10% for 20 weeks, 30%-42% for 5 months suddenly offers a plan paying 17.66%-21.66% for 6 days? The answer is obvious. I’m talking about WWFD (reviewed here) the admin introduced this plan recently and if you remember about their recent hacking issues the problems can be deeper than previously thought. Ok, do I recommend investing in this new plan? Of course not. Categorically no! Here is the email from the admin of WWFD:
“New plan has been added,
COMPOUNDING IS AVAILABLE, UP to 21.66% Daily for 6 Days.
For more information please see here:
Best Regards, WWFD Incorporated LIMITED”.
A similar program that also introduced a new plan of 20% for 6 days started paying selectively. Oico which I reviewed and decided to move back to Paying status yesterday. Unfortunately I received more complaints after moving the program back to Paying status on MNO and of course due to not answering my emails to the admin I can’t verify it. But I trust my readers more than the silent admin of Oico. So I’ve decided to move the program back to Not Paying status and this time the status will not be changed anytime soon even if some selective payouts are still processed. I just wish you told me about this before I moved the program back to Paying status.
By the way, I made up my mind that no selective payouts will be tolerated by MNO anymore. So if there is a confirmed complaint the program will go straight to Problem status and if it’s not fixed within a reasonable time – to Not Paying status. I believe that it’s not fair to list programs as Paying selectively not to mislead any investors. So for instance if WaterInvestment is paying to some monitors and members in certain payment processors it doesn’t mean everything is ok and if you invest in such program you will almost definitely not see your money again.
As is the case with PTVPartner that was moved to Not Paying status straight away after selective payouts were reported. MNO was the first to expose the truth about PTVPartner and all its plans. It was two weeks before Garrett decided to pull the plug last night by simply removing the site together with live chat and only leaving the blog with some half baked excuses about returning in May. MNO was heavily criticized for simply pointing out the obvious issues PTVPartner was experiencing all the way leading to its collapse. Despite all the lies about the gold mine and people actually threatening me for bringing down a “good” program I stoodd my ground and refuse to say that everything was ok when in reality it wasn’t. Those who listened to mes never put a dime in the Gold plan which Garrett so heavily promoted during the last days of the program. At the same time I don’t want to pretend that PTVPartner was a bad program. It was actually one of the best because to sustain payouts from four so high-paying plans was not easy and PTVPartner managed to run quite well for 8 months. If you believe to all the rumors Garrett was an experienced admin once running a FLO program back in 2004 which also lasted for 8 months approximately. Well, I don’t know anything about that program as I was not an investor back then but some people found too many similarities between the two to be ignored. Anyway, we can only guess now but I’m truly sorry for all those people who believed “Garrett” and deposited after it was clear that the game was up. PTVPartner is officially done now and those who had any trust in this “Garrett” were shown that it’s dangerous to believe anybody in this Industry. I hope the lesson was well learned this time.
I have to move ForexPaidMe to Not Paying status on my blog today as the payouts were not processed for the last 24 hours. And I saw many complaints on the public forums. It was obvious that the program was going down after the admin introduced a new plan and disabled instant withdrawals. Well, ForexPaidMe was a straightforward game from the beginning having extremely short-term hourly and daily plans. ForexPaidMe has run for over two weeks and was a very successful HYIP game considering the longest short-term plan was paying after just two days.
Now if you liked ForexPaidMe you might want to have a closer look at another similar program that was added to my blog last night. It’s called MoneyNeedWorks and I suspect it could be from the same admin. Anyway, I don’t have any significant proof of this but the similarities are too obvious and even if the admin is different he was definitely heavily influenced by ForexPaidMe. Judge for yourself. The investment plans are pretty similar (10.1%-11.2% for 10 hours, 102%-130% after 1 dayand 27%-55% for 4 days), no referral commissions offered, the same hosting provider DdosWiz which hosts MoneyNeedWorks on its dedicated server with SSL-encryption, only two payment processors accepted (LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney), etc. Such similarities simply cannot go unnoticed and I’m pretty sure that MoneyNeedWorks could be from the same admin. I cannot prove it but if I’m right than MoneyNeedWorks can also last for a couple of weeks which will enable many investors to be in profit considering that the longest plan lasts only for 4 days. Anyway, decide for yourselves but I think MoneyNeedWorks is a surefire pick while it’s still new. Please remember to keep your investments in MoneyNeedWorks sensible as such games shouldn’t be played by greedy people.
I received one complaint regarding Rags2Richness today about non-payments to LibertyReserve. Unfortunately I cannot verify this complaint and the admin didn’t reply to my email yet. I suspect some delivery issues as I don’t receive any newsletters from Rags2Richness despite getting paid regularly and daily. At this moment I would not recommend to invest in Rags2Richness until I get a confirmation from the admin or more complaints. So if you were not paid by Rags2Richness please submit your complaint to abramsonp@gmail.com Thanks a lot for your feedback in advance, guys!
By the way, I finished accepting questions to Stella, one of the administrators of SolidTrustPay. Thanks to everybody who took part in making the Q & A session with STP. I will be compiling them with my own ones and sending it to Stella tomorrow. The lines are closed now but tomorrow you will have a surprise as another payment processor is also ready to answer the questions of MNO readers. What payment processor will it be? It’s a surprise for now which will be revealed on MNO tomorrow. So stay tuned for that! As for SolidTrustPay interview it will be published on MNO as soon as I get the answers from Stella.
Unfortunately another program moved to Problem status on MNO today is InvestProxy. Despite promises made yesterday by the admin not only payments were not processed but the Payment Proof page was taken down as well. So now the payments cannot be verified and on those grounds I have to remove InvestProxy from Paying status.
Another program (used to be #1 on MNO) – PanaMoney – will be moved to Not Paying status tomorrow on MNO and all their banners will be removed if the payouts are not resumed tomorrow as was promised. Unfortunately with so many program going down PanaMoney will probably become the latest. We will wait and see anyway! At this moment I would NOT advise investing in PanaMoney.
Sometimes the admins simply can’t help but lie in order to make their sites more attractive to the investors and not to pay money for the real protection from DdoS-attacks. For instance the program which I just reviewed on MNO yesterday XoboFinance has a Koddos logo on its website making everybody think that Koddos provides protection for them. However, after publishing the review I received a surprising email from the administration of Koddos stating that they also read my blog often and that they have nothing to do with XoboFinance and that the logo placed on their site is simply misleading investors. Anyway, let it be on the admin’s conscience as the program is still paying. He didn’t reply to my email to him asking to explain the situation with Koddos and didn’t remove the Koddos logo from the site. Well, that tells something about the admin’s character but I will leave it for you to judge.
The site of PrimaryPool (reviewed here) was down for me for some time and I was ready to move it to Waiting status on MNO. However it seems they had problems with their hosting provider BlackLotus which forced them to move to the more more reliable Dragonara. If the site of PrimaryPool is not accessible for you please access it via this temporary URL: The update that was published on PrimaryPool‘s website is pretty convincing IMHO and I think we should wait until the site is fully propagated on the new servers around the world. Here is the latest update from the administration of PrimaryPool:
“Good day! In relation to critical failures in the hosting Blacklotus.net our foundation was not available, but thanks to fast and professional work PrimaryPool Team we were able to resume work site in record time. Some investors have a profit in a few days ahead, you can safely withdraw the money, you get the following calculation for several days later (depending on the amount of charge on the day of failure robots host). Now our stock is on a dedicated server in Switzerland, hosting services ISP provides the company Dragonara.net. We bring our deepest apologies not for any convenience caused problems in the host. Now you again can enjoy the superb performance of the Fund.”
One more short-term program has been added to my monitoring today and it’s ChokoMoney paying 135% after 7 days. The name speaks for itself and I strangely fell in love with the site. It’s based on chocolate and I must admit it’s my one weakness!. So by combining money and chocolate you have a winning formula. The site is just beautifully made (maybe it just my addiction speaking now, lol?) and it accepts four popular payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and AlertPay. The minimum to invest is $5 which is the price of 1 unit (the program is based on a Neversay which allows to make investments in units). ChokoMoney is hosted on a dedicated server by HushHosting which protects it from DDoS-attacks. It seems that ChokoMoney doesn’t only look attractive to just me as after just one day online they have over 230 members. Probably that’s how many chocolate lovers are around because it’s really hard to resist the power of chocolate and ChokoMoney. Believe me as I’m an expert when it comes to money and chocolate alike!
And the first newsletter from the admin of ChokoMoney came today as well. In it the first referral contest was announced and also the admin reported on his promotional efforts to reach the widest possible audience. The newsletter can be found below and the review of the program will be published on MNO later this week:
“Dear members, This is Chris and this is the ChokoMoney‘s first newsletter. I am very excited.
ChokoMoney has been launched about a little more than 24 hours ago and in this time of writing there are 210 members with almost $20k deposited. I would like to thank you all for the enormous support. The launch of our infant was extremely successful and I am looking forward to a bright future for everyone of us. After the collapse of such giants long term programs in the HYIP arena, I hope that ChokoMoney will at least show you that there are great and honest short terms programs out there. I am up for challenges. Members just need to support the program and I will be here to do my job, and that is to provide everyone with an excellent service in terms of making payments and support. I want to make ChokoMoney break record in the lifetime of short term HYIP. However, we all need to work very hard to make this happen and achieve this. Everyday should be better and stronger than the day before. Not only in terms of deposits, but in terms of members’ support too. Only by working together (teamwork) will ChokoMoney be sustainable for the long run.
I have been receiving thousands of emails from members in a wide variety of aspects since the launch of ChokoMoney and I apologize if it takes time until I reply to some of the support requests due to overloading work. Today I started to add monitors to to the Rate Us page and also contacted Austin (Extremesurfs blog) and Paul (Money-News-Online blog) for monitoring and reviewing ChokoMoney. Both reviews will be published this week so stay tuned for that. Also I have purchased sponsorship with ITM (ItalkMoney) forum for 1 year to expand the exposure of ChokoMoney to a wider audience. I believe that everything should be done very gradually so you will see that the huge advertising campaign of ChokoMoney will be gradual for the coming months. Please never stop supporting ChokoMoney, by posting your payment proofs on MMG, TG, DTM, ITM as soon as you receive them, reinvesting and voting for ChokoMoney on the monitors. Remember that members’ support is an integral part of the program’s success!
With this said, I am proud to launch the first referral contest of ChokoMoney. The referral contest starts today, April 27th, and will end on May 10th. Prizes are $500 to the best referrer, $250 to the second and $100 to the third. I hope that everyone will take part in this referral contest to help ChokoMoney to grow and please remember that this is the only first referral contest of ChokoMoney, as it is at its infancy stage until then.
I guess that’s all for now.
Regards, Chris.”
Here’s is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
TrueEarn, ArbsTeam, CharterInvest, Rags2Richness, Aballong, BritishFinanceGroup, SolidTrader, AlphaMoney, EForexInvestment, MoneyMakersGroup, HighYieldClub, FxCrudeOil, StaunchFinances, InvestAward, EuroNanoInvest, RedOrchidInvest, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, MoneyPlus, XoboFinance, IntermedInvestments, DollarTime, DorealCapital, WestFinance, PenninesFunds, YesInvestment, WWFD, Plents and StarxInvest.
That’s all for today, guys! I will see you all on MNO tomorrow with another review and more news from the industry!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Apr 28th, 2010. 4 Comments.
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