Apr 29th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! You know over the last couple of years on MNO I have occasionally taken some opinion polls to see what you guys think about various aspects of the HYIP industry. Results have varied widely between predictable to jaw-droppingly surprising, but you know if I were to branch out a bit and ask the question “who loves chocolate?” I think we all know it would be a landslide yes vote! Absolutely no doubt about it but tag on the question “who also likes money?” and your looking at possibly the most one sided opinion poll in history! So today I want to tell you about a brand new HYIP combining everybody’s two favorite things (well, my two favorites anyway) ChokoMoney. It’s a pretty straight forward HYIP game, but after one look I could tell from experience that it’s going to be big. I mean it’s not exactly a secret, programs like this one usually are as long as they’re run properly.

To start with ChokoMoney is a short term HYIP with just one plan to join. So at least it’s going to be an easy choice for you – take it or leave it. But I suspect a lot of you will choose to take it. In fact I’m pretty sure a lot of you have already done so judging by the site statistics which say membership is well over 400 after just two days online. OK, I know those numbers are easily falsified but in this case I tend to believe it. The one plan that they offer is the type that always attracts a lot of interest from the investing public.

So what about the details? ChokoMoney‘s plan is quite simple. The minimum to invest is just $5 and the maximum is $3000. Which is quite modest by HYIP standards but realistically when you look at other HYIPs that will take $100,000, who’s joining them? I doubt there’s more than a handful of you that would seriously consider dropping more than $3K into a game like this one anyway (I know I wouldn’t!) so that limit is fine. Anyway, the investment term runs for 7 days and in return for your deposit you will receive one single payment on expiry of 135% interest. That of course includes your principal so the total profit is 35%. Not bad for a week so fingers crossed the ChokoMoney admin can keep it running for at least a couple of cycles.

And that’s about all there is to say about it really. 135% on expiry after 7 days. If I’ve seen it once I’ve seen it a thousand times and for better or worse it’s always been popular. The choice of payment options is quite good for a short term game like this. ChokoMoney is currently accepting AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. It should however be noted that because of the script you will be required to invest in blocks of $5. In other words it’s a bit like buying shares in ChokoMoney priced at five bucks each, so you can only invest $5, $10, $15, and so on. Payments are made manually so you’re going to have to request them. The admin asks that you allow him anything up to 24 hours to have it fully processed.

Security wise the ChokoMoney website is quite stable. They’re running off a licensed Neversay script which has always been very reliable and they are hosted on a dedicated server by the ever popular HushHosting. In fact the sharks weren’t long in picking up on the enormous potential of ChokoMoney and already they have suffered a DDoS attack. It was barely even noticeable by the way, as Hush had it mitigated in no time. So kudos to them on an excellent job and it’s further proof of the quality of their service. Any further questions can be submitted to the admin either through the online support ticketing system or by e-mailing him directly at the address published. So far he’s been quite helpful and communicative.

As for any outside business activities, there isn’t any. If you like fanciful stories about ForEx trading or the international stock markets then keep looking because you won’t find them here. ChokoMoney is presented to you entirely as what it is – an online HYIP based game. And I for one have no problem with that. In fact I’m grateful the admin has opted not to waste anyone’s time with the usual barefaced lies telling us the opposite. If you are going to join then there’s really no excuse for doing so without both eyes wide open. But you know at just five bucks to join ChokoMoney is cheaper than the price of a losing lottery ticket and a hell of a lot more fun!

I can’t pass without mentioning the design by the way. My friends and family have known this for years but now my secret is finally public. I simply adore chocolate! And the chocolate themed design here is really quite wonderful. I know the design by itself proves nothing and you need a lot more to run a successful HYIP, but for me the important thing is that first impressions are crucial for any short term program. There’s a lot of competition out there so it’s important first to grab people’s attention and then to hold it. And the admin here has done an excellent job in doing that. A good start as they say is half the battle. But even if I were to be more cynical I could also say that the more time, effort, and expense an admin has to go to in order to get set up the longer he’s going to stick around in order to recoup his own money. Which reminds me, ChokoMoney currently has a referral contest going on with what I must say are some extremely generous prizes. So anyone who’s adept at these things should definitely have a go. I hope I can win something myself, but if I do I won’t be accepting payment in Hershey bars, thank you very much, lol!

Much has been said about the background of the admin here with a lot of speculation on whether or not he once ran this program or that program, and truth be told ChokoMoney undeniably shares many of the hallmarks and trademarks of a certain controversial but popular former admin. No need to mention any names here as for one thing it will never be proven but more importantly it’s irrelevant. ChokoMoney is a unique program in it’s own right and needs to be treated as such. And anyway, there are countless admins out there who run multiple programs and some of them happen to be pretty damn good! So I wouldn’t have a problem if the admin’s been around a bit. His experience will only help the project, and you all need to face up to the fact that there will be a few losers here as well as winners. If that bothers you then honestly you’re in the wrong game.

So as usual, much as I like ChokoMoney, I’ll also be the first one to tell you that it won’t last forever. Just like the chocolate, it will melt! But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make a couple of bucks for yourself out of it provided you play it smart. Join early, keep it sensible, and enjoy the game. And always be prepared to accept the losses with the same good grace that you enjoy the winnings. Not just with ChokoMoney but with all online HYIPs.


It seems that the admin of ChokoMoney which was just reviewed on MNO was highly anticipating the review and hopefully I didn’t let him down on. The program really looks good at this point with unstoppable growth even though the payouts from 135% after 7 days are yet to commence. Moreover, the admin rejected the offer made by a possible hit-n-runner about the increasing of the maximum you can deposit ($3,000) in favor of more stable growth. I honestly think it speaks volumes about the admin’s character so we could expect that if such growth continues ChokoMoney can really become a next huge hit. At the moment of writing this the program had 430+ members just after 3 days online so I hope it’s a good sign. Anyway, we can only judge if the program is successful after the first payouts on expiry are processed in a few days so let’s just leave all the judgments for now. I’m planning to interview the admin of ChokoMoney Chris on MNO once the first payouts on expiry are processed. So stay tuned for that, guys! Meanwhile here is the latest newsletter from ChokoMoney I received prior to publishing today’s review:
Dear members, First of all let me start by thanking Paul from MNO (Money-News-Online) for making efforts to publish ChokoMoney‘s review already today on his blog, I highly appreciate that. I will send a newsletter with a link to the review as soon as it is published and also announce on a very unique contest to make your experience with ChokoMoney very enjoyable and friendly and also boost your activity in the forums to the sky. Hint: it has something to do with your creativity skills!
There is something I want to share with all of you today. Since yesterday, I have been receiving 4 e-mails (probably from the same member I suppose) asking me the increase the maximum total deposit amount to $5,000 or more or letting him deposit more than the total maximum amount allowed for depositing in ChokoMoney ($3,000). Well, I am not sure what the real intention of that particular member behind this request is, but I want to make it very clear and clarify the matter that I am strongly against these admins who easily get blinded by the money and run their programs for one or two cycles and then run away. It is not the reason why ChokoMoney is here today. Moreover, I totally disallow any kind of discrimination between my members and will not accept any deposit which is over $3,000 or multiple deposits exceeding it. What’s the point of asking me to increase the maximum deposit amount already when ChokoMoney is just a baby? Sorry but ChokoMoney is not here for hit and runners or to members that see the enormous growth of the program and try to take advantage of that by requesting me to do such things so they can make big profits for themselves.
ChokoMoney was built with one main goal, and that is to show the HYIP industry that if an admin of a program doesn’t have any bad intentions and is willing to run a program in the fairest way possible, doing his utmost efforts with making payments and answering support requests, combining that with an overwhelming support from members from the very beginning, the program can reach heights and become very profitable and sustainable in the long haul. From a member’s point of view, I know that the member’s fear is that the admin would run away with the money after sometime but I can assure you that such thing will never happen with ChokoMoney because as long as the program is doing very well with a healthy growth rate which becomes stronger and better everyday and so does the level of support from members, then one should never fear of cashflow issues or him not getting paid for his deposit. Also I would like to say that I’m not going to increase the maximum deposit amount at least for a few weeks.
Ok stay tuned everyone for the review of ChokoMoney on MNO later today!
Regards, Chris

Due to the most recent issues with AlertPay who blocked the account of IntermedInvestments and the inaccessibility of GlobalDigitalPay payment processor for several days already the admin of the program decided to do the honorable thing – close the program and refund the members as much as he can. Well, we know for sure about the possible refunds which never process in 99% of the programs but sometimes there are really exceptions to this rule. I believe Terry really had good intentions in running IntermedInvestments for as long as he could and unfortunately there were other outside factors that were out of his control which hugely contributed to this collapse. Terry stated that the refunds to StrictPay had been processed already and the refunds to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney will be made within the next few days. There is still some level of uncertainty left for all AlertPay deposits that should be compensated by the payment processor itself and GlobalDigitalPay deposits the site of which is still down. However I believe it will sort itself out somehow. Of course, making the refunds doesn’t mean you will receive 100% of your investment, but at least the admin is trying his best to process how much is left in the accounts. I truly appreciate Terry’s honesty and hope that everybody not in profit from IntermedInvestments will be refunded soon. Here is the latest newsletter from IntermedInvestments discussing the order of the refunds:
IntermedInvestments is closing. I thought about explaining the reasons, but anything I say will likely not change how you feel about this. Besides, if you’ve all read ANYTHING I’ve written so far, you will likely not believe anything I say anyway. So, what’s the point. I’ve been honest till now, so I won’t be changing that policy. The program failed. End of story.
Refunds are going to be processed to the extent allowed by the e-currencies, and subject to the amounts remaining in the accounts. Obviously, this will be a partial refund – but a pretty significant “part”, in my opinion. I certainly never received much of a refund from HYIPs that closed when I was investing, anyway.
So, here’s how it’s going to work. Each processor will be handled in order, as follows:
1. AlertPay – Our account is still restricted, and won’t be opening soon due to violations of AP’s user agreement. Therefore, you must request your refund directly from AlertPay. I have spoken with them directly, and there is no other way to do this.
2. Global Digital Pay – Not looking good here. The site is still down and there have been no further announcements about coming back. Not sure if they were a scam or not, or if their technical problems are really that extensive. Either way, none of us have access to GDP funds. If the site comes back, your refunds will be processed.
3. StrictPay – Your refunds have already been processed. I did this because I know that complaints would flood SP if I closed and THEN processed refunds. So, suffice it to say, you’ve been refunded from the entire balance of the SP account. Refunds were in excess of 65% of the owed amount for all comers. Better than most HYIPs, I know from experience.
4. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – Refunds will be processed over the next few days. No need for you to do anything. You will receive at least a portion of your owed funds within the next 72 hours (hopefully sooner).
You know, it always bothered me when HYIPs closed and claimed to be processing refunds, how that process seems always so complicated. Well, it isn’t. I look at your account number, see what came in and what came out, did some simple math, and processed refunds. It might be helpful for those that have already received SP refunds to post in the forums, just so others know it is really happening. And, of course, I realize that it isn’t a 100% refund. I will work to make that right as soon as possible. That is just a matter of fund availability.
Regards, Terry Jameson. IntermedInvestments.

With one thing though I tend to disagree with the admin of IntermedInvestments. He stated that GlobalDigitalPay could turn out to be a scam payment processor due to their site still being inaccessible for a few days. I think that if that happened the site could still function properly and accept new funds but not withdrawals. The main site of GlobalDigitalPay is still down, however the support site is still being updated on a regular basis. The news is not very encouraging though but I believe GlobalDigitalPay will return back to normal soon. I remember even LibertyReserve being already popular has been online for a few days causing some major concerns and the rumors of scamming, however it survived and became stronger than ever. I think the same will happen with GlobalDigitalPay who should learn some valuable lessons from this extended downtime and do everything possible to tighten their security and re-gain the trust of its clients with stable work. Here is the latest update from the support site of GlobalDigitalPay:
It looks as though we are going to overrun our latest deadline. Once again, we apologise for the continued delay.
We have a few more final tasks to complete and then all we are waiting for is our data center to finish some last minute configuration of our servers. So we are nearly there!!
Hopefully we will go live on Thursday 29th – but we cannot give a specific time. Please bear with us for just a little longer.
Thank you.

By the way, do you still remember that I’m in the process of accepting the questions for an interview with PerfectMoney payment processor? The response hasn’t been nearly as good as it was for my upcoming interview with Stella from SolidTrustPay and I’m wondering if there is really nothing you want to asked PerfectMoney at all. I myself have a lot of questions and some of them are tough ones. Don’t you have them? Come on, guys, get the thinking caps on because it’s a good opportunity to find out more about PerfectMoney. Apparently they want their payment processor to be more popular and that’s why they agreed to answer your questions. So check out PerfectMoney site and if you have any questions send them to me by the end of the week at abramsonp@gmail.com I’ll be looking forward to reading them!

There are two more programs that I have to move to Problem status on my blog tonight. The first one is AimTrust that suddenly stopped paying after over 6 months of stable and on-time payouts. There were many complaints submitted on forums already about this so it’s not only my problem. I believe that the collapse of AimTrust is just a part of the pattern when the low-ROI giants are going down one after another which indicates a deep crisis in the HYIP industry. The second program that has been moved to Waiting status is PrimaryPool the website of which simply disappeared from view despite its seemingly successful move to another hosting provider a couple of days ago. I believe after that they hit some cashflow issues as the pending withdrawals that were made while the site was still online are still not paid. Anyway, even if PrimaryPool gets back online somehow further investments there are not recommended. The same applies to AimTrust which probably became a scam already.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who took part in my recent poll which will help me understand what people want: some drastic actions immediately after there are troubling signs or a slow motion approach of giving a program a chance to prove itself. The poll is located under my ShoutBox on my blog page and if you want to participate in it simply choose the preferred option and click on Vote. So far I can see that 70% of the investors think that MNO should move programs to Problem status immediately after even a slight suspicion of their honesty appears, 30% still believe that there is no need to rush in this matter and that the program should stay on Paying status until the info is fully verified. So what do you think? Please submit your vote and help me decide how to handle the monitoring on MNO in the most efficient way. The poll will be open till Sunday and thanks for voting in advance, guys!

The admin of MoneyMakersGroup (interviewed here) issued another email where he mentioned them having reached the $20K level and the referral contest that is running at the moment. He also reminded us about the LibertyReserve bonuses which are still valid for a few hours and will be replaced by another payment processor later tonight. Here is the latest newsletter from MoneyMakersGroup (reviewed here):
Dear Money Makers, As usual let us start with stats.
Total Members: 411, Upgraded Members: 266, Total Deposits: $24670, Total Withdraw: $7387.91
As we announced in the first newsletter the investor named ‘Rickyhyip’ who took us to 20k mark was awarded with $75 and his referrer was awarded with $25.
As per the last news letter the bonus cash offer from LibertyReserve deposits created good momentum in LR deposits from existing investors. You have still 12 hours to get bonus on LR deposits. If you deposit by LR you will get 5% cash bonus which you can withdraw immediately.
Now we need to invite new investors for continuous growth. For that we are launching referral contest. We have completed 9 days now and 3 more days to complete a cycle. Our referral contest starts now and ends after 3 days. By that time we will complete one cycle. Based on that occasion we will award contest winners.
The winner who gets maximum number of active referrals will get $100, runner will get $75 and third position holder will get $50.
1) All the referrals should have active deposit to get counted for the contest.
2) Self referrals are not allowed.
3) Contest is valid for 72 hours.
The contest starts now. Let us see who wins this contest.
Thanks. MoneyMakersGroup

I found out today what I suspected for a long time already since I reviewed BetExpekt program (read the review here). So what is it? Right, the program is not doing any arbitrage betting and is not registered in Malta. So what we actually can see on every single page of BetExpekt site is not true. Here is what is taken from their site:
BetExpekt is licensed by the Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA) of Malta. This public regulatory body is responsible for the governance of all forms of gaming based in Malta.
And this is the official reply from the Maltese authorities which confirmed that BetExpekt had no such license. You can verify the statement on the Maltese Lotteries and Gaming Authority website here. This is the straight copy-paste from them:
The Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA) would like to bring to the attention of the public at large that the website www.betexpekt.com is claiming that it is licensed by the Lotteries and Gaming Authority and has included the Lotteries and Gaming Authority’s logo at the bottom of its homepage.
The LGA would like to inform the public that the above statement is not true and that this site does not hold a licence from the LGA and thus is not regulated by the said Authority. Furthermore, the website has no connection whatsoever with the Maltese jurisdiction.
The LGA advices the public to play responsibly with companies licensed by jurisdictions that have sound remote gaming regulations.

Fairly speaking, I was trying to get a reply from the admin of BetExpekt regarding those false claims that were published on his website but he didn’t get back to me. I think though that no further explanation is needed as he was caught redhanded and now the website of BetExpekt might be in trouble if the Maltese authorities decide to pursue the issue and try to shut down the site. I sincerely hope that for the sake of his members the admin of BetExpekt will remove all mention of their address in Malta and the fictitious license, otherwise we really can’t trust him anymore. By the way, the payouts from BetExpekt are still processed daily and sometimes even instantly and I don’t see a reason to move it to Problem status therefore. Just be aware that their claims about being involved into some gaming business are not true which I didn’t believe anyway. Just treat BetExpekt as a regular HYIP paying 1.2%-1.8% for 120-180 days and 9.5%-15.5% for 17-25 weeks with the principal returned on expiry and everything will be fine.

It seems that Aballong (reviewed here) has some issues with StrictPay who suspended their account and all the deposits and withdrawals to this payment processor cannot be completed at this moment. The admin of Aballong Alrea (interviewed here) assured us that everything would be resolved soon and asked the members who have StrictPay deposits and don’t want to wait until the situation is resolved to contact the admin and request the withdrawals to STP or AP. I will keep you updated on the situation around Aballong on MNO so stay tuned for more news soon. Here is the update from Alrea regarding the StrictPay issue:
Our StrictPay account has been on hold yesterday until we send our passport copy notarized, I spend a few hours to get the passport notarized and send it to them yesterday around 6 hours after we realize the account has been suspended. Still today there is no email from StrictPay about this situation. Not to delay payments in StrictPay, we offer you to transfer the payments to AlertPay or SolidTrustPay without fees. We are sure that StrictPay open the account soon again, as we provide them all they ask for, so it is just an offer in case you wonder why everyone got paid but no one in StrictPay. Payments are processed in all other e-currencies and as you wish we can process your pending StrictPay request or even transfer your complete deposit from StrictPay to one of the mentioned e-currencies.
Regards. Alrea

I would like to warn you from making any additional deposits into SolidTrader at the moment as I just received several complaints about the pending payouts to LibertyReserve for over 24 hours and is currently awaiting for a reply from the admin regarding this issue. Following the instructions of the overwhelming majority of MNO readers (as taken from the opinion poll mentioned above) SolidTrader is now being moved to Problem status on my monitoring page tonight as well.

And here is the list of the monitored programs that paid me today:
ChokoMoney, ArbsTeam, BritishFinanceGroup, InvestAward, Aballong, DorealCapital, HighYieldClub, BetExpekt, TrueEarn, XoboFinance, FxCrudeOil, FinitInvest, StaunchFinances, MoneyMakersGroup, AlphaMoney, ForexNetClub, DollarTime, EuroNanoInvest, HYIPnet, AtoxFinance, MoneyPlus, PenninesFunds, StarxInvest, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, Plents, AvaInvestment, OneStepMoney (the first payment received) and SupremeFinances (the first payment received).

You might be wondering what those two last programs are. Well, these are the latest additions to MNO monitoring. OneStepMoney is a newly launched short-term program with high returns paid on expiry from three investment plans: 111% after 3 days (minimum to invest is $5), 144% after 9 days (Minimum – $50), 200% after 18 days (minimum $100). There is a good choice of payment processors accepted by OneStepMoney, namely LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. The program looks good: hosted on a dedicated Staminus server by DdosWiz and has SSL-protection installed. OneStepMoney is running on a licensed GoldCoders script so the payouts are not automatic and should be requested on expiry. I’ll try to bring you a more detailed review of OneStepMoney on MNO by tomorrow.

The second program added to MNO monitoring today is SupremeFinances. This program has less attractive plans and offers three plans with on expiry payments (115% after 10 days, 135% after 20 days, 160% after 1 month) and one plan with weekly payouts (35% weekly for 4 weeks). Despite four payment processor logos displayed on SupremeFinances‘ website it currently only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and I guess more payment options will be added soon. The minimum to deposit in each plan in SupremeFinances is only $5. The program is also running off a licensed GoldCoders script but is hosted on a highly-protected dedicated server by BlackLotus which is also fine with me. SupremeFinances just launched a few hours ago and I hope to review it on MNO pretty soon as well.

That’s it for today. I will see you on MNO tomorrow with two new posts and more updates from HYIP industry. Stay tuned, guys!

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