May 6th, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! Another busy day for MNO ahead so I’ll be posting two news updates today as well as two reviews. So just in case you think I missed anything make sure and check back later tonight. First of all though I want to get back to short term HYI programs today and start with one called EnergyMoneyFund. It’s probably one of the more simple and straight forward games I’ve seen recently, but I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s how short term HYIPs should be. EnergyMoneyFund have six investment plans to choose from, all of which pay on expiry.

All six plans are open to the same size deposits so it’s entirely up to yourself how much you want to risk in any of them if you join. And risk is the key word here. Regardless of what the admin says on his “about us” page this is a very high risk and volatile venture but it’s improved a bit by the fact that it only costs one single dollar to participate in any of the following plans. Minimum deposits start from $1 and go up to a maximum of $20,000. So assess the risk in each individual plan, which gets bigger as the term gets longer, and spend accordingly.

Before we get to the details though I need to tell you first that the figures you will see on the EnergyMoneyFund home page are a bit misleading. They only reflect the maximum amount you can earn from each plan assuming you make the maximum deposit. In actual fact most of us will earn a good deal less than the figures you’ll see there. It’s only explained in the members area after you join, so watch out for that as you may need to adjust your budget later. But I’ll run through them all for you here anyway.

Your first option pays on expiry after just 1 day and has three rates of interest. Deposits from $1 to $100 are paid 103%, deposits from $101 to $1000 are paid 104%, and the maximum rate of 105% is given to those joining with deposits of $1001 and upwards.

The next plan pays out on expiry after 3 days. The following rates of interest will apply: 110% on deposits from $1 to $100, 114% on deposits from $101 to $1000, 117% on deposits from $1001 to $10,000, and 120% on anything bigger than that.

The third plan in EnergyMoneyFund pays on expiry after 5 days. Interest rates are as follows: 118% on amounts between $1 and $100, 125% on $101 to $1,000, 130% for $1,001 to $10,000, and 135% on larger deposits.

The plan after that runs for 7 days and pays the following rates on expiry: 127% for $1 to $100, 137% for $101 to $1000, 145% for $1,001 to $10,000, and anything bigger than that is offered 150%.

The next plan runs for 15 days and pays on expiry the following rates: 160% for $1 to $100, 181% on $101 to $1000, 200% on $1001 to $10,000, and 210% on anything bigger.

And finally the sixth plan offers the following rates on expiry after 25 days: 205% on $1 to $100, 240% on $101 to $1000, 270% on $1001 to $10,000, and 290% on amounts over and above that.

It’s a pretty high risk game as you can see and the risk only grows the longer the investment terms run for. Impossible to say how many takes the longer plans will get, but as EnergyMoneyFund has been online since the start of the month payouts on expiry from the first three plans have already been made so maybe a few will have reinvested their profits in the longer term ones. Unfortunately the list of payment processors is limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and I wouldn’t expect that to change. But to be honest it’s all I’d expect from a program like this. To give them their due though payouts have been made very quickly so far after being requested. Hopefully they can keep that up because if they can it will encourage further growth.

The EnergyMoneyFund website itself looks a bit amateurish, but the admin has done a lot to improve the security of it since they opened. They are hosted on a dedicated Staminus server supported by DdoSWiz and running off a script licensed by GoldCoders. The improvement I mentioned is the recent addition of SSL encryption. So at least in that sense everything seems fine.

You can of course skip over any claims made on the website that this is any kind of a real financial corporation, but there I’m sure for the benefit of newbies and casual surfers finding it by accident. They describe themselves as “one of the leading private investment companies that provide global investment services using the Internet” which I must say is a bold claim for an online HYIP that launched last Saturday to make!

But games like this have their fans so they will appeal to a certain amount of you reading this. If these are the type of plans that you like, then you know what to do next. Play with caution and don’t get greedy, but the potential is there to make a few bucks as has already been proven by those smart enough to get into the shortest term plans in the opening days.


ChokoMoney is doing just fine and the admin of the program Chris (interviewed here) was simply amazed at the high amount of reinvestments made after the first payouts on expiry from 135% after 7 days were processed a couple of days ago. This is a very encouraging sign that will help the program survive for a longer time and that means profits for an even bigger amount of investors. Currently ChokoMoney has 1050+ members and counting which is an exceptionally good achievement considering the crisis currently in the HYIP industry (77% of MNO readers agree with me on that). ChokoMoney was reviewed on MNO here and I received some very good feedback from the investors who already received their choko-profits. I believe the 150 referrals which are in my downline right now will be satisfied with the profits they might obtain from the program. Chris mentioned today that the referral contest will end on May, 10 and the Top 3 referrals will get $850 prize in total. So you still have time to promote ChokoMoney among your fellow HYIP investors as the prize will be worth it. Here is the latest newsletter:
Dear members, First and foremost here is a quick look on the stats of ChokoMoney in less than 10 days of being online:
Started: 26.APR.2010, Running Days 9, Total Members 1032, Members Online 8, Total Deposits $176970
In one word – W-O-W! I am very thankful to all the members who strongly support ChokoMoney by posting their payment proofs on the forums and voting on the monitors. Also the reinvestment rate is simply amazing – over 92% of the members reinvested substantial amounts immediately after they got paid which exactly shows how much they appreciate the work I put into ChokoMoney and my honest approach. I will be doing my job everyday like this. The number of emails I am receiving daily is increasing, so please don’t worry if you don’t receive a reply within few minutes. I always try to reply to all support requests as soon as I am online.
ChokoMoney has become extremely popular. It has over 40k unique visitors daily. (
For those who wish to advertise their site on ChokoMoney, please note that the prices are expensive as ChokoMoney has huge traffic that just gets stronger from day to day.
ChokoMoney First Referral Contest Ever is at its climax! I remind everyone that the contest ends on Monday, May 10th, and the winners are going to be extremely satisfied as the prizes are very generous if you ask me: $500 for the best referrer, $250 for the second and $100 for the third. As you probably noticed recently, the number of members is growing at a faster rate because a lot of members are participating in this contest and promoting ChokoMoney the best they can, advertising it in a wide variety of websites and telling their friends about it. So far Paul Abramson (Money-News-Online Admin) got the most referrals but as you know, everything can change in these coming days! It looks like he has some serious competitors who started a huge promotion on ChokoMoney and I appreciate very much everyone’s efforts to help ChokoMoney grow and expand.
It’s promotion time!
Best Regards, Chris

It seems that the admin of another successful program StaunchFinances Brent (interviewed here) had some trouble with his mass email function recently so temporarily all the updates from the program can be read in your members’ area. In the last update Brent urged everybody to post payment proofs on forums after you’ve been paid so please do so to help the program grow further. StaunchFinances (reviewed here) embraces the unique approach of combining two different plans in one when your total investment in the program is automatically split into two halves one of which goes to a short-term plan paying 120% after 6 business days and another one that gives you more conservative returns of 2.5% for 56 business days. Such a unique model will probably become popular soon in the Industry after many HYIP admins will try to repeat the same success but Brent will always remain a pioneer. So I think we are watching HYIP history in the making. Here are the latest updates from the program:
Ok, seems like we have a server glitch on our mass email option. I’ve contacted the hosting service already regarding the problem. For now, I will use this News section to send updates until the glitch gets fixed.
Just wanted to give a shout out to all those members who posted their payment proofs at our forum threads! Thank you very much!
For those who got paid and have yet to post, please do so. It is so easy on your part and yet the fruits to the program is abundant. You can either post the payment email you receive from us or the email you receive from the payment processor. Just cut-and-paste it and cross-out your account IDs. All I’m asking is post to 1 or 2 of our forum threads, it doesn’t have to be all of them.
Thank you! Brent

The admin of PrivateDiamondClub (reviewed here) announced that the program would remain closed for new member sign-ups starting from tomorrow. It’s made for the second time already due to some diamond trading expeditions which they are allegedly making to bring profits to the program. So if you want to join PrivateDiamondClub which is paying 1% for 120-365 days, 5.5% for 12-24 weeks and 26% for 6-12 months you’re welcome to do so for the remaining few hours. I will update when I have more news from the admin Lars regarding his African adventures. Here is the latest news though:
It is the 5th of May. Today our head of trading started his trading journey to the CAR. One day later than planned because one partner (the 2nd diamond expert) was late. A few hours ago our head of trading and his team finally started the trading journey.
I had no time today but I will update our Media and News Area tomorrow with all information… and as I said the doors for new members during the journey are closed from tomorrow.
Best wishes. Lars

Some short news regarding the recently reviewed EnergyMoneyFund program which is paying 103%-105% after 1 day, 110%-120% after 3 days, 118%-135% after 5 days, 127%-150% after 7 days, 160%-210% after 15 days. The admin of the program reported today that SSL-protection had been successfully installed today and now you can enjoy safe browsing when you use your account. Here is the latest from EnergyMoneyFund:
Greetings to all!
For the highest safety, we have established SSL.
Now our site also is accessible to the address: EnergyMoneyFund

After the falling of many hugely popular HYIPs IncoForex (reviewed here) remains the last one standing that has been monitored on MNO since August 2009. The program is paying variable returns that are allegedly coming from the results of trading and for more information about that you can always refer to my interview with the admin of IncoForex published here. The administration of IncoForex recently let everybody know that they were working on a new trading system which will be launched after May, 10. I hope it will be a real improvement of their services and not be a repeat of the situation with PanaMoney that bit the dust already using further excuses not to pay its investors. Let’s hope the situation with IncoForex will be different and here is the latest update:
IncoForex announces a brand new system coming!
Dear members and investors,
We are going to add a brand new system! As you may noticed on our home page, we will have non-trading days in the month of May. During those days we will be deploying this new system into action! After these holidays you will get the chance to test it and we won’t be late without even a day as we are a company that keeps its word! From 10 May these two words – financial independence will have a more clear sense for each and every user that IncoForex has!
The times we live in are tough, with economical crisis around us, political controversy and social troubles. There are just a few places where you can find your inner peace – for some the bank where they go for big checks, for others – the church where they go with deep pain and grief in their souls. We want you to feel and think about IncoForex as one of the places where you can find the peace you want for your life and the freedom to build a successful living. This is why we are constantly improving the site for it to meet your wishes.

By the way, I would not hold my breath for PanaMoney to resume payments anytime soon despite the update they put on the site which is still operational by the way and is paying some small amounts while ignoring the bigger ones. Please do not trust a single word from this pending scam. PanaMoney is history and throwing in more money before the real payouts resume would be stupid. This is the latest from PanaMoney republished here just out of curiosity:
The new trading system starts trading on May 6 as planned.
All transactions in the accounts are available in their normal way; however, we are still working on the new updates in the client account area as announced in the previous newsletter.
The technical updates we are developing will not anyhow affect the trades nor any other transactions, although can cause some delays. All bank transfer and other withdrawals will arrive in the nearest 2-4 days.

That’s all news for now, guys! I will be back to you a little bit later with more news and the review of a highly controversial but interesting program RogerVille. See you all then!

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