May 7th, 2010 Archives

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Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
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Hi everyone! Before the news today there’s been one long term HYIP on my monitoring page that I’ve been meaning to get around to telling you about for some time now. It’s called AlFunds. Although I did introduce it to you here a couple of weeks back I didn’t get around to getting a more detailed look at it for you before today. Anyway, never mind, it’s a long term program so it’s a marathon not a sprint. And it’s still early days for this one. AlFunds has been online for a little under two weeks and it’s another long term program that has surprised me with the level of interest it’s garnered in such a short space of time. But it’s been a good performer so far so the attention is well deserved.

As I said AlFunds is a long term program with three investment plans. But if you’re one of the investors having doubts about the reliability of long term programs at the moment then don’t worry, because AlFunds have a get out early clause so essentially if you don’t like their terms then set your own and leave whenever you like. Keep in mind though that there is a fee charged for doing so. I’ll tell you about that after I describe the plans.

So now that I’ve told you that you can leave early I want to work off the assumption that you won’t. I want to describe the plans based on how they would work if you stay a member of the program for the full duration. If that’s not your intention then you can always do your own calculations. And by the way, all three plans run for 30 weeks and make weekly payments. Your principal is returned on expiry. I should also point out that the interest rates are variable. Some people may not like the fact that some weeks will pay less than others but in the long term it helps the program live longer. As a monitor I like this approach because it will allow the admin to offset the cost of the bad weeks against the little extra he earns from the good ones. It also excuses him from having to make a solid commitment at the very beginning only to struggle to meet it a bit later if they have a slow couple of days.

Anyway, the plans. The first one is called the Basic Pool and AlFunds offers you weekly variable payment of up to 5% interest for the 30 weeks. Deposits are allowed between a minimum of $10 up to a maximum of $999. The shortest time frame in which you could break even would be 20 weeks and the maximum profit you could earn is 150%. In addition to you principal that is.

For the more adventurous investors AlFunds have the Premium Pool. This one will cost you a minimum of $1000 to join and takes deposits up to a maximum of $10,000. For the 30 week investment term you get paid a variable rate of interest of up to 6% per week meaning that you can’t break even before 17 weeks and won’t complete the term with more than 180% profit on top of your principal.

The third plan costs $10,000 to join so really I’m just putting it here for information purposes. It runs for the same duration as the other two and AlFunds pays variable rates of up to 7% per week. It’s called the VIP Pool.

Now, when I say you can break even after a certain period, you can of course just ask for your money back and break even whenever you want. If you do that however you will be charged with an early withdrawal fee of 20% so bear that in mind when calculating just how much you are looking to earn from the program. Five days notice is required. And as for the rates changing from week to week, you can see the statistics on the AlFunds homepage that let you know how much they are currently paying. So far they have managed to keep it quite high and only very slightly below the maximum. But don’t get spoiled and expect it to be that way every week. They might achieve it but don’t be demanding it all the time. And with earnings averaging less than 1% per day, there’s no doubt that as long as it’s run properly by an experienced admin the plans are quite sustainable.

Other than that the list of payment processors is pretty poor with no accounts that require verification. Just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted but the introduction of instant payments makes that a bit more bearable. Instant payments had been suspended for a spell following an attempted hacking incident, but they’re back on track for now.

I guess the fact that the hacking attempt was unsuccessful will tell you about the overall level of AlFund‘s security. It’s pretty good. BlackLotus are the hosting provider and they are keeping them on a dedicated server. The script is original (even if it looks a bit like GoldCoders) and the website is protected throughout by SSL encryption. You can contact them if you need to through a number of different e-mail addresses (each one relating to a different topic) or by submitting a support ticket on the form provided.

As far as their business model goes AlFunds say nothing about being a real company as such (not that I’d have believed them if they did!) but are rather “just a private investment project”. That’s fine. It’s also about the nicest possible expression you could come up with to describe what an online HYIP is. But all the texts seem original as far as I can tell and that takes a bit more time and money than the copy/paste hack jobs we see on so many other HYIP sites. It’s quite a well designed website overall I thought.

In my opinion, with the right promotion and if the admin maintains stable payouts that don’t fluctuate too wildly, AlFunds could become very popular in the long-term. And the fact that you can get out early I think will really help. Just think of it as a safety net that makes them a lot less intimidating than some other new long term programs look right now in light of the recent crisis. Getting in while knowing that you can get back out again will ease a lot more members into “coming to visit but deciding to stay”.


The admin of ChokoMoney Chris (interviewed here) is not only fast with the payouts to everybody investing in the single 135% after 7 days plan but he is also very proactive and issuing newsletters like hot cakes. Very regularly and in small but tasty choko-pie portions, lol! Anyway, for the last 24 hours I received three (!) updates and I must say Chris is doing quite a great job by tirelessly promoting his program by regularly paying to his members and holding different contests raising more investors’ interest and helping the program grow. At the time of writing this ChokoMoney already reached 1225 members who deposited over $235K in total after just 11 days online. This is definitely one of the most grandiose achievements to be achieved in this unfriendly HYIP climate. Actually this is what the first update from Chris was about. As it was issued 24 hours ago please note that the numbers are a bit outdated now. So here’s the first newsletter:
Dear members, I can’t believe we have just surpassed $200k in deposits in the 10th day of ChokoMoney! I don’t remember any HYIP in the past which had such enormous level of support from members. This is a big achievement for ChokoMoney and I’m extremely thankful to all of you because this is exactly the road to making ChokoMoney the best and most profitable program in 2010.
I want to remind everyone that tomorrow I will choose 5 payment proofs randomly from all payment proofs that have been posted on the forums so far and each one of the members that posted the payment proof I chose will receive $5 credited to his account as a bonus so if you haven’t yet posted your payment proof, what are you waiting for? Let everyone know that ChokoMoney is doing extremely well and is becoming very popular and stronger everyday! Thank you for supporting ChokoMoney!
Regards, Chris

And the latest update from ChokoMoney (reviewed here) was just about the payment proof contest that rewarded some active members for submitting their proof on the forums. Congratulations to them. Everybody who wants ChokoMoney to last longer should also be more active and post their own payment proofs on public forums. Here’s the update:
Dear members, As I promised yesterday, I selected 2 random payment proofs that have been posted on the forums this week and have given $25 cash credited to the accounts of the members who posted that payment proof I selected. The winners are ebusiness (member ID #33) and Patrick (member ID #141). Congratulations to you two! Every week I will pick a different number of payment proofs and give unique bonuses. This is to motivate everyone to post your payment proofs on the forums everytime that you get paid from ChokoMoney and show you how much important it is for me that members support the program because this is the key to ChokoMoney‘s success!
Regards, Chris

And one more update from ChokoMoney again showed Chris’ flair for organizing contests, making the program more popular, and provide it with the constant growth needed to benefit all members. Ok, so until the end of May you have a chance to win a whopping prize of $1,500 which will go to the best promoter who will need not only to create a stable downline in the program but to spend their own money to advertise ChokoMoney on different Internet sources. So only serious promoters are allowed to participate in this one but you should admit that the prize is really tempting. So go get your marketing strategy ready and advertise ChokoMoney in any possible way you can! I hope we will all be able to turn ChokoMoney a one very successful project and prove that even in these troubling times there can be huge short-term projects that could last for months and not weeks. I think it’s a challenge to everybody, guys! Here are the rules of this mega-promoters contest from ChokoMoney:
Dear members, As you probably notice ChokoMoney has become extremely popular recently with over 1170+ members and $210k deposited in less than 11 days. I think this is the best opportunity to start our Best Promoter Contest which will run until the end of this month (May 31th). I believe it will help ChokoMoney‘s growth even more and will make it a very strong and sustainable program in the future. The winner of this contest will receive a very generous prize of $1500 directly to the payment processor he wishes to receive it to. In order to participate in this contest, you should promote ChokoMoney in whatever way you can and update me daily with your progress. The winner of this contest will be chosen according to the following criteria:
1) How much did he / she advertise and promote ChokoMoney – on how many sites, what kind of sites, whether on his own site/forum/blog if he owns.
2) How many people have registered via his / her referral link as a result of the promotion he made.
3) How much money did he / she spend for advertising and promoting ChokoMoney.
4) His / Her attitude and seriousness regarding the promotion of ChokoMoney – did he/she contact me, updated me with their process of advertising ChokoMoney, sent me e-mails with proofs that the program was indeed promoted / advertised by him / her?
I hope you will all participate in this contest and promote ChokoMoney the best way you can. Supporting and promoting ChokoMoney is an integral part of the program’s success!
I would also like to remind you once again that our first referral contest ever ends on this coming Monday, May 10th, and I am going to announce on the winners on that day. The best referrer receives $500, the second place $250 and the third $100.
Ok I guess that’s all for now, focus on promoting and supporting the program and I will keep doing my part in processing payments as fast as I can and answering to all support requests. Thank you!
Regards, Chris

You might notice the new 125×125 banner of Cizaro on my blog. The program is yet to be reviewed but the admin is pretty serious about the advertising and already started his campaign on MNO. I remind you that Cizaro accepts all five popular payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay) to the plan paying 1.3%-2% daily depending on your principal for 14 days with the principal returned on expiry. Actually the first newsletter from Cizaro didn’t contain too much information at all apart from some stats and the announcement about the beginning of their ad campaign on different forums and monitors. Here is the latest from Cizaro:
To our valued Cizaro Clients;
Cizaro Inc. has been opened for 2 days with a current statistics reaching 210 members among whom has made quality investments.
We have started our first phase of advertising campaign to further boost public awareness regarding our program. we have rented some banner advertising spot in major investment forums, blogs and monitors.
If you have any question feel free to contact us via support center. Our operators will be happy to assist you.
Thank You for being a valued member of Cizaro Inc.
Regards; PR – Manager. Cizaro”

One controversial program RogerVille (reviewed here) is still to prove that it’s paying on 144% after 12 days plan. That should happen in a few days. However, Mr. Miller after whom the program was named has sent the first newsletter to the members already. Mostly it was just a thank you mail for the support his program is getting and a reminder about the forum topics where you can leave your comment about RogerVille. Well, what can I say? Let’s reserve judgment for just a few more days until the payouts start. Here is the newsletter from Roger, the admin of RogerVille:
How are you doing? I hope everyone is doing fine. RogerVille is doing just great. The support on my comeback is really making me feel good and enthusiastic in working harder for you. Thanks so much for welcoming me.
RogerVille was reviewed by visit the review here.
I added the review image links on the homepage at RogerVille too. Also added some forum links in there one our website.
Here are the links to the forum threads about RogerVille.
If you know more forums that has our thread in them, please send me an e-mail.
Thanks so much for the support and rest assured that I will do my best to make RogerVille a great program.
Have a great day everyone!
Regards, Roger

The admin of PenninesFunds (reviewed here) announced another 48 happy hours during which you will get 10% bonus on a $200 or more investment made into the single plan offering 2%-2.7% for 90 days with the principal returned on expiry. If you want to take this opportunity remember of the rules outlined in the latest email from PenninesFunds:
Hello, Limited time offer is coming again! The rules is same as below:
We will give 10% of your principal as reward in your ‘active deposit’, the reward is only give to people who have make deposit here from $200 within next 48 hours, and the maximum is $5,000, it means the bonus is up to $500 that you can have.
Best regards. PenninesFunds.

It looks like Brent of StaunchFinances (interviewed here) is still having issues with the mass emailing system so you can read all the latest updates in your members area. There was a short update on the website to announce the 700th member and to encourage the members to post their payment proof on forums. I remind you that StaunchFinances will split your investment into two parts. One of them goes to a short-term plan of 120% after 6 business days while the other one – 2.5% for 56 business days. If you’re confused please read my detailed review of StaunchFinances published here. This is the short update from the program posted on the site:
Hello members, Right now, it seems that our problem with the mass mail system is with itself. I’ve asked our programmer to switch it to the account I just created. Hopefully this will all be taken care of tomorrow so I can continue to send updates to all of you.
The winner for #700 member will be announced tomorrow. We currently have 740 members. Please continue telling everyone our site and make this your other option.
As always, please post on 1 or 2 forums your payment proofs. I will select more winners tomorrow after I announce the #700 winner. Brent

The members of PrivateDiamondClub can now read the latest news about their diamond trading journeys in an online diary where the first post will be published tomorrow. PrivateDiamondClub is quite an interesting program in my opinion that could become more popular with time after the current crisis in the Industry is over. They are offering three investment plans which were thoroughly described in my review of the program published here. Although the admin promised to make a few changes once he’s back from his trip. By the way, as promised registration for new members of PrivateDiamondClub is closed for the whole duration of journey and you will be updated on MNO when it’s open again. The current members are not affected though and they can make their deposits and request withdrawals as usual. Here is the latest news from PrivateDiamondClub:
It is the 6th of May. Yesterday our head of trading started his trading journey to the CAR. One day later than planned because one partner (the 2nd diamond expert) was late. Yesterday he arrived safely with his team finally and the trading journey started.
The Trading area is: Bria (Central African Republic)
Trading value: about US$ 350,000
Maybe you realised we are updating our Media and News Area… The Audio diary was an idea of our head of trading. More details and the first two diary reports will be online tomorrow. The doors for new members during the journey are closed!
You can find our new Media Area here.
Our new Download and Trading Report Area will be online after the journey.
For members who did not know yet… you can also follow us on Twitter. Just check for more.
I thank all PrivateDiamondClub members and followers for the support and I am back when the Audio Diary opens its doors.
Your Lars von Oldberg. The PrivateDiamondClub Limited

It was a pleasant surprise for me when I received a two-week pending payout from PanaMoney today. However it doesn’t mean that the program is back on track in any case. As far as I know only small payouts are being processed while the bigger ones are still pending and I think PanaMoney is playing the same game as PTVPartner did just days before demise. I still think that the damage is too big for PanaMoney to recover and I would not recommend investing even if you see some paid posts on forums and monitors. MNO will not make this mistake and following its strict policy against probable scams PanaMoney will not be moved to Paying status until everybody gets paid which probably will never happen. However the hope still lives and we will see how things are going to turn out within the next few days. I will try to keep you updated regarding the situation if I have some news. Also if you could I would like to see your paid email. If your payment from PanaMoney was over $100 I would be especially interested to hear that.

Unfortunately four (!) programs have been moved to Problem status on MNO tonight. They are StarxInvest, HYIPnet, DollarTime and GoldenFount. If the first three programs lasted for some short period of time GoldenFount was not even reviewed on MNO as it scammed two days after starting. The scenario was the same though like with three other programs – the payouts just suddenly stopped and the admins stopped replying emails which is a definite sign of scamming. So please be aware that the following programs – StarxInvest, DollarTime, GoldenFount and HYIPnet – are officially scams now. Please do NOT invest in them!

A new program added to MNO monitoring tonight is DubaiFinances. It offers just one investment plan of 2.5%-4% for 60 calendar days with a $10 minimum to invest. Please be aware that you will be paid on every calendar day but your principal is already included in the daily payments and will not be returned on expiry. Your rate of interest will also depend on the amount invested and since DubaiFinances is running off a licensed GoldeCoders script you will have to make your withdrawal request in order to get paid. DubaiFinances offers some nice choice of payment processors and accepts such popular options like AlertPay, StrictPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. DubaiFinances is SSL-protected site which is hosted by Koddos on a Staminus dedicated server. It’s just launched today so it’s brand new. More on DubaiFinances will be published on my review soon so stay tuned for that, guys!

To conclude for today I wish to give you the list of the programs from my monitoring page that paid me for the last 24 hours:
NanoVenture, InvestBand, RedOrchidInvest, ChokoMoney, EnergyMoneyFund, HighYieldClub, OneStepMoney, MetalCommerce, TrueEarn, ForexNetClub, XoboFinance, ArbsTeam, StaunchFinances, RogerVille, AvaInvestment, PrivateDiamondClub, AlphaMoney, DynFxTrade, InvestAward, Forexica, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, PenninesFunds, IncoForex, EuroNanoInvest, AtoxFinance, AlFunds, GroupUniversal, Plents and Cizaro.

I wish you a good weekend ahead, guys, and will see you on my blog tomorrow with another review and more HYIP news from the industry!

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