May 11th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Before the news today I want to talk about a fairly straight forward and uncomplicated HYI program that was added to my monitoring list a couple of days ago called SmartMoneyInv. It’s a short term game and has gotten a reasonable amount of interest from online investors. As short term programs are prone to do. It’s early days yet of course but there are couple of interesting features so it’s worth at least taking a look at.

There are three investment plans on offer from SmartMoneyInv offering low rates of interest paid daily with the principal returned on expiry. The first cycle hasn’t been completed yet (due later in the week) so the first principals have yet to be returned. I’ll be monitoring it closely though so if you prefer to wait until after that happens then check back with MNO and I’ll let you know exactly when that goes ahead.

The first option available to you is called the Beginner Plan and is open to deposits starting from $10 up to a maximum of $200. The plan runs for a term of 10 calendar days and during this time SmartMoneyInv will pay you a daily rate of 1.5% interest. That adds up to a total profit of 15% which can be considered profit when your principal gets returned.

For something a bit more substantial you can take a look at the Standard Plan. Here SmartMoneyInv is offering a daily payment of 2% interest on deposits starting from a minimum of $201 and up to a maximum of $2,500. As well as the higher interest rate the investment term also increases so this time you get paid for 20 business days. Please pay special attention to that as the previous plan runs for calendar days. This time you get paid five days per week for four weeks, so for 2% per day you will receive a total profit of 40% in addition to your principal which is then returned.

And then for the big spenders SmartMoneyInv has the Elite Plan. This one also has a term measured in business days so payments are only made from Monday to Friday. The term is 40 business days (8 weeks) and the daily return is 2.5%. That would bring you a final return of 100% profit on top of your principal which is then returned. The minimum investment is $500 and the maximum is $10,000.

One feature that I liked was the list of payment options. It’s quite good for a short term game with verified processors included. The full list includes AlertPay. LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. If you don’t have a preference there though, one feature that you are surely going to like is the use of instant payouts. You still need to request them but once you do the money should appear in your account immediately. It’s a pretty competitive market out there at the best of times but now more than ever, so instant payouts might just give SmartMoneyInv that slight edge over their short term competitors.

If you do decide to join one thing you need to keep in mind that because the first plan pays on calendar days (as opposed to business days) it’s actually a bit more profitable than you may first think. You also get your principal back out a lot faster and that’s always crucial when joining in the early stages.

The security of the website is ok in the sense that it’s comparable to any number of similar online HYIPs but there is room for improvement at the same time. SmartMoneyInv is hosted on a dedicated server by Dragonara who are one of the very best and safest options available today, but that’s somewhat undermined by the absence of SSL encryption. I think the fact that SmartMoneyInv makes instant payouts only makes the necessity of SSL even more acute, so I hope the admin looks into that sooner rather than later. The script is licensed from GoldCoders.

You can contact the admin by submitting a support ticket on the contacts page or when he’s logged in to Live Chat you can use that too. One problem with the design however is that there is no clearly identified contacts page. I mean the page is there but is not marked as such, ie no tab marked “contacts”. I only found it when I clicked on the Live Chat icon and was redirected there so that’s another thing the admin may wish to take a closer look at. There is also a postal address in Belize though if you write there you will only find the agency that helps foreign nationals establish registered companies in that country (much like I did here). A phone and fax number is also provided.

The texts seem to be mostly original though that doesn’t mean I believe what they say. SmartMoneyInv claim to be all the usual online HYIP activities. So of course “stock, forex and metals trading markets” all get a mention but despite describing the company in detail don’t actually prove any of it. I am unaware of any of those activities being able to double your money in eight weeks as SmartMoneyInv claim to do, at least not consistently anyway. So as is always the case treat them like an online HYIP and tread lightly. The best way to avoid losing heavily is to not invest heavily, but for what it’s worth it may turn out to be a fun way in the short term to earn a couple of easy bucks. At least while the program is new your chances are a little better but we’ll know more later in the week when the first principals on expiry get returned.


First in today’s news I would like to calm down everybody who invested into ArbsTeam and who panicked after reading yesterday’s message. It appears the complaints that were received concerned GlobalDigitalPay payment processor the payouts to which are still not available due to the inability of the admin to access their site. Probably the admin of ArbsTeam still can’t access to his account. I would suggest to all those who made their investment in any of the plans ArbsTeam offers (1.6%-1.8% daily forever and 13%-14% weekly forever) to contact the administration and ask to pay to LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney instead. I’m sure they will be able to help you in some way. So I must confirm that ArbsTeam (reviewed here) is still a paying program that has been active online for over 7 weeks already. Let’s hope it will last for a long time.

Unfortunately I cannot give the same encouraging news regarding the other program that was suspected of selective payouts last night – InvestBand. The admin of that program didn’t even bother to answer my email regarding the complaints spread on forums. So InvestBand is a scam now, officially. The same goes with PenninesFunds that stopped paying suddenly two days ago. I remind you that the payouts from that program used to be instant but for some reason it just stopped and the admin didn’t reply to my emails either to explain the reason for the pending withdrawals. So unfortunately I have to move PenninesFunds to Problem status as well.

Enough talk about the scams though and let’s discuss news from some good paying programs. Take MasterFunds that has been added to my listing just yesterday and will be reviewed tomorrow. The program is paying from 15% to 30% daily (depending on the amount of your deposit) for the period of 15 days. The admin is definitely a man of his word as PerfectMoney has been added today as the second payment processor. So now you can make your deposits starting with as low as $1 using LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. And stay tuned for the review of MasterFunds tomorrow.

Another good program that is kinda flying under the radar now due to the inactivity of the admin is OneStepMoney (reviewed here). The program is enjoying some success after successfully paying over 12 days online on three investment plans: 111% after 3 days, 144% after 9 days, 200% after 18 days. The first payments on the 18 day plan are going to be processed later though but concerning two other plans the payouts are always pretty fast to all four accepted payment processors: AlertPay, StrictPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. The admin got more active recently as he bought a big banner on my blog and just gave me the answers for the interview that was sent to him a few days ago. Please check out my blog tomorrow to find out more about OneStepMoney and its admin.

Another interview on the way will be with the admin of AlphaMoney. The program has been reviewed here and already reached #4 in MNO Ranking though being online for just over a month. AlphaMoney accepts all the major payment processors for a wide variety of plans that can either include your principal (2.5%-7% for 90 business days) or return your principal on expiry (1%-4.5% for 100 business days). Anyway, if you wanna find out more about AlphaMoney please check out my blog on Thursday for more information straight from the admin.

ChokoMoney (reviewed here) is one of those few programs that are now doing extremely well. After 15 days online and two full cycles completed by paying 135% after 7 days it seems the level of support is still tremendous. At least that’s how the admin Chris (interviewed here) described it. According to the site’s stats the membership is over 1760 now with total deposits of over $371K. In the latest newsletter to the members Chris emphasized the reasons why ChokoMoney is flourishing whilst so many others are falling down. There were three things mentioned: no lies, honesty and members’ support – and I can agree with him that they are among the main features of many successful HYIPs. Let’s hope ChokoMoney will stay online and could prove that even in the current HYIP climate it’s possible to run a highly successful program. Here is the latest from Chris:
Dear members, These are the statistics of ChokoMoney at the moment of writing this newsletter:
Started: 26.APR.2010l, Running Days 14, Total Members 1705, Members Online 10, Total Deposits $355890
I have no words to tell how much excited I am that ChokoMoney became extremely popular among investors in a such short period of time. Not only is ChokoMoney famous in the HYIP arena at the moment, but the level of members’ support is totally tremendous. Members keep reinvesting bigger amounts everytime after they get paid and if it continues like this, I have no doubt in my mind that ChokoMoney may make history as the longest lasting high-ROI HYIP ever. I am looking forward to that and hope we can all fulfill it together. So far so good. ChokoMoney is doing extremely well and everyday really gets stronger than the day before thanks to the enormous members’ support. With such giants HYIP websites like GeniusFunds, PanaMoney, GNI, NanoMoneyCorp, Verifield, Infinitiva collapsing, I hope that ChokoMoney will at least be a part of these programs that help reviving the industry and bringing it back to life.
So what uniques ChokoMoney from other programs?
1) No lies – 99% of the HYIP website lie their members about investments in the Forex market, Arbitrage Betting Pool and all the other bullshit. Being a honest and straightforward admin, I do not lie my members about any kind of these fake investments. I want to clarify to all of you (especially to the newbies in the HYIP world) that *ALL* HYIPs are nothing more than games. And nobody really invests your funds but pays you at the expense on others. Please do not get fooled, there are no exceptions here.
2) Honesty – 99% of the admins in this arena have an advanced intention to scam even before the first cycle is completed. They don’t want to make their program last because they don’t even realize that they may succeed even more when their program becomes more popular and last longer. As an admin of ChokoMoney, I am doing my utmost efforts everyday with making payments and answering to thousands (!) of support requests, and doing my best to make ChokoMoney a great and sustainable program in the long haul.
3) Members’ support – I have never seen any HYIP in the past who had such a huge support from members in the first 2 weeks of it being online. The fact that ChokoMoney has over 1700 members now with over $350k in deposits, shows how much enormous the level of members’ support is and how many members decide to stick with ChokoMoney and reinvest because they know that as long as the program is doing well, there is no reason why they won’t get paid for their deposit.
I wish you a great week ahead with your beloved ones. Keep supporting ChokoMoney everyday and I will keep doing my part, always.
Warmest Regards, Chris

The first mass newsletter after a period of technical problems from the admin of StaunchFinances Brent (interviewed here) was received today. There was not so much news reported though as the announcement of three huge surprises that Brent is preparing for the members of StaunchFinances was postponed till the day when the first month online is celebrated – May, 21st. Regarding the growth, despite StaunchFinances is not really a short-term program (half of your deposit is added to a 120% after 6 business days plan while the second half goes to 2.5% for 56 business days plan) the level of enthusiasm is quite high so far and recently the 800th member was registered. The admin of StaunchFinances also encouraged everybody to be more active on forums and monitors to keep the program going and in good health. Here is the latest newsletter from StaunchFinances (reviewed here):
Dear members, I hope that the start of your week has been exceptional! I, and my team, are glad that we can communicate with all of you again. Know that even though we weren’t able to send any updates the past few days due to our email being blocked by gmail, we are working doubly hard for all of you in the background.
Tomorrow is our third week online and I must say that we are as strong as ever! Even with the few high-ROI HYIPs that opened these past two weeks, it hasn’t affected much of your support. But I will continue to remind you that there are high-risks and there are low-risks, I will not tell you what to choose because I believe you are smart enough to know that already, just remember that ‘diversity’ is the key.
On our 1st month anniversary (May 21st), I will be unveiling three (3) HUGE surprises to all of you our members. I am not going to divulge any yet but I’m pretty sure you will like it!
We surpassed 800 members already! Member #700 (not Member ID) is Inez260, we are waiting for her to be active and she and her upline will both win up to $70 each. Member #800 is hyiphot and he and his upline is set to win up to $80 each. This is part of our ongoing referral contest which will end once we reach 1000 members where the winners will win $100 each.
I will remind each and everyone of you again to BE ACTIVE on our different forum threads. Please post your payment proofs by cut-and-pasting the email you receive from us or from your payment processor. Cross-out your processor IDs and you are good to post. 1 or 2 forum threads is enough, you do not have to post on all of them. You can find the links of our major forum threads on the ‘News’ archive of the SF site. Anyway, I will send an email tomorrow of our forum poster winners as I will check each and every one of our forum threads and decide who’s the most active.
Thank you all and have a nice and profitable week ahead! Brent
P.S. Please check your payment processor IDs and make sure they are correct when requesting a withdrawal.

The admin of IncoForex (interviewed here) reported some huge recent profits that is allegedly connected with the recovery plan offered in Europe concerning the crisis in Greece that eased pressure on the Euro a little bit. However I highly doubt all that I still greet the higher rates of interest for the investors. IncoForex is paying variable returns according to their trading profits and you can read more in my detailed review published here. I just want to add that IncoForex has been monitored by MNO since August 2009 and it’s definitely the longest surviving program now and the only one to date that appears unaffected by the crisis. Here is the latest news from them for your attention:
Success brings us together!
Dear members and investors!
The previous week the entire financial world was bullied by the crisis with the euro zone. Of course, IncoForex‘s traders had also some fears, as they actively trade in the euro zone. We all hoped that the European Union governments will find a solution…And so they did! The European Union has agreed a 750-billion euro package to protect the single currency and eurozone countries from the “wolfpack” of financial markets. The deal came in the early morning after 11 hours of talks, before the markets would have even open! The European Commission and finance ministers were determined to reach an accord before Monday trading. So we want to let you all know that today we have a 4% profit, one of the most successful days since our launch! We hope you will enjoy this great news and incredible return in profit!

I have been paid today from the following programs:
OneStepMoney, ChokoMoney, TrueEarn, Cizaro, AlphaMoney, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, BetExpekt, ArbsTeam, MasterFunds, InvestAward, AtoxFinance, EuroNanoInvest, SmartMoneyInv, DorealCapital, XoboFinance, StaunchFinances, MetalCommerce, RogerVille, EnergyMoneyFund, ForexNetClub, HighYieldClub, FxCrudeOil, PrivateDiamondClub and IncoForex.

That’s it for today, guys. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow with another interview, a review and more news from the industry. Stay tuned!

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