May 19th, 2010 Archives

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What an awful day that was, guys! Spending 5 hours on a plane I came back home to find more programs collapsing like a house of cards. InteligentMoney, XoboFinance and even the recently launched low-ROI AlFunds – the list goes on. All those programs have serious issues with processing withdrawals and I would not recommend to invest in them. OneStepMoney is definitely gone as many withdrawals are still pending and the admin doesn’t answer my emails so I thought it would be reasonable to move OneStepMoney to Problem status on MNO as well. I really was not in the mood to review anything on my blog today as with so many recent scams it’s extremely hard to trust the money even if it is to what were always obvious games.

The latest blow was from AlphaMoney who seem unable to fix the problem preventing them from processing withdrawals. I don’t know why it’s taking so long to fix this issue and anyway they could still process the requests manually. I will give AlphaMoney the benefit of the doubt though as on their website there was another update published about getting it fixed by tomorrow. But I won’t bet holding my breath. Here is the latest news from AlphaMoney:
Serious problem
We are sorry to tell you, that yesterday we had a serious problem with our script and the earnings were credited to your account twice. We were trying to solve this problem in order to pay you all the money today at 9 (UTC-5). But unfortunately, we have to tell you, that the problem will be solved only tomorrow at 9 (UTC-5). Everything will be alright and you have nothing to worry about. Sorry for this problem. Best regards, Guillermo Hernandez . CEO at AlphaMoney.

Definitely, tomorrow will be the last deadline for AlphaMoney as otherwise it will be moved to Problem status on MNO.

The admin of Cizaro (reviewed here) in the latest update mentioned the coming payouts on expiry from its 1.3%-2% for 14 days plan. Ok, I just requested my principal back and will update my readers as soon as I’m paid. There were simply too many cases recently where promising programs didn’t last even for one cycle so I hope Cizaro will be an exception to this rule. We’ll wait and see what happens tomorrow anyway! And here is the latest newsletter from Cizaro:
Dear Cizaro Valued Clients;
Greetings to you today, We hope everyone is having a nice week, Cizaro continues to grow in size by the day, our Aim to reach 1000 member was achieved in less than 2 weeks of operation online, our investment funds also increased to a reasonable amount and this has helped to boost our trading capacity for the stability of all investors fund.
The first cycle of Cizaro is tomorrow, principal would be returned and we sure going to processes all withdrawal request right just on time.
For all question and inquiries you can contact our support team, and they will be happy to assist your needs.
Thank you!!
Regards; PR – Manager. Cizaro Inc

Just when I was about to publish that I received a strange email from Cizaro stating that my withdrawal had been paid but which didn’t contain any batch number. I have contacted admin for an explanation as obviously I didn’t receive the money. I would suggest you to be more careful with Cizaro at this point. I will update you tomorrow on if I get my withdrawal actually paid or not.

At the same time in the background we can see such low-key programs like YingYangInvestment (reviewed here) which didn’t get that popular but still struggle to survive the ongoing HYIP crisis. In the latest update the admin was very candid with the members and pointed out that without some fresh funds the program would not last. Well, actually it wasn’t exactly phrased like that but the hint was obvious to me. Well, what you can say to that? Many things in the HYIP industry depend on the admin but during tough times investors simply don’t support even supposedly honest programs like YingYangInvestment. Anyway, with such an approach I doubt very much that somebody will be in profit from this program. In my opinion if the admin asks members for support, creating a community, reinvesting but actually doesn’t have even a sparkle of enthusiasm such frequent updates are nothing more than wasting time and filling the air with words. Everybody is aware how the vast majority of HYIPs are trying to survive now but not many people are willing to throw a couple of hundred to support good programs. It’s sad but true and maybe sometime later that will change but I’m already starting to lose patience, guys. Here is the recent newsletter from YingYangInvestment which made me ponder on the reasons for the dwindling HYIP industry:
Dear members, I hope all of you had a great day!
We want to give you an open update on our program.
We are pleased to see the forum support is getting better now. Please keep it up!!
As most of you know a program needs the support of the members to grow AND survive.
The previous 1.5 month we had very little support and almost no posts from our 200+ members.
The only thing we had where lot’s of mails from monitors etc…
We want to play this very open with you, our project need to start growing some faster from now on, there is little progress.
Don’t be afraid for your money now lol we just want to give our program a small push in a good direction before we would ever reach a critical point.
Some of you might wonder now, why would they reach such a point if they are able to generate money?
The answer to that question is actually simple. We need a large amount of money in our investments to make them generate enough to pay our ROI, hosting and other various spends that need to be paid.
We added StrictPay so you are able to spend funds via that PP too.
We are not investing in advertising no more as we think it is better to make our project work in stead of waste money on advertising. Like this only forums and monitors get money and our members would be the ones that pay them. This is actually how the HYIP world works. Those big sites are draining lot’s of money from the programs, money from members.
As I told on my site, I been in this HYIP world for some time now and I have no intentions of scamming any of you, as that really sucks to lose your hard earned money. Don’t tell me about it.
But realize this, I can not do this alone. I have the best intentions but that will not make this work.
Please start referring friends, promote our site, make new deposits, support us in forums, post your payment proofs etc. as long as every one is doing something we will grow and be able to last for years and no one will lose a penny.
If we want this project to be a success we have do do it together.
Most successful programs are supported by many members. It is always like that.
We are here to make you people earn, you do not have to surf on our site so we hope you can do at least some effort to post on the forums or do something else of previous things I told before.
Like Kazzy and EL once did with the PAC story, make a nice community of people who help each other etc.
Most of you will know what I mean.
Let’s make this work! Together, John

Two more programs have been added to MNO monitoring today and they are both low-ROI programs that will hopefully make a difference in the industry (however I tend to doubt it).

The first program is OnyxInvClub. It accepts three payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay) into two main plans. According to one of them you will be paid from 3.5% to 5% (depending on the amount deposited) for 40 business days and for another one you will get from 160% to 220% on expiry (after 40 business days). Interesting thing about OnyxInvClub is that it has been monitored by some for over five months already and still has paying status. However, I don’t think it’s been heavily advertised since September 2009 and I could find only one post about that program on MMG. Anyway, due to the current lack of good HYIPs maybe it’s worth to give OnyxInvClub a chance. More about the program will be mentioned in my review which will be published after the first payment is made.

The second program is TrumpForexClub and unlike the previous one this is a very new program that launched today. I don’t know what it has to do with the Trump family but perhaps the admin wants to be as rich as Donald and his family. The site itself is quite good and is hosted on a high-security level dedicated server by BlackLotus, is protected by SSL and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. TrumpForexClub only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors for the following plans: 1.6% for 20 business days, 1.8% for 45 business days, 2% for 60 business days and 2.4% for 90 business days. Compounding is available in all the plans and the principal will be paid on expiry of each. Let’s hope that TrumpForexClub will not let us down like so many others.

I have been paid today from the following programs:
TrueEarn (cannot stop amazing me day after day!), CurrencyServices, Cizaro, SMRTrade, IncoForex, AtoxFinance, PrivateDiamondClub, InvestAward, TopEarnClub, StaunchFinances, RogerVille, TeddyBearDreams, DubaiFinances, Forexica, GroupUniversal, MetalCommerce, EkonInnovation, BetExpekt, NanoVenture, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment and YesInvestment.

Sorry for my pessimistic approach tonight, guys, but I’m extremely tired and really not in the mood to continue in the same tone. I’ll see you tomorrow after getting my 14 hours of sleep, lol!

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