Hi everybody! Seems to have been a quiet enough day for news stories today but as usual what’s worth knowing will be found right here on MNO. Before that however one recently launched HYIP that has enormous potential and has attracted a decent sized following over the last week since launching is undoubtedly InvestBand. I’m sure a lot of you will have seen this one already, but if not then it’s just over a week old and has an interesting combination of short to long term investment plans. InvestBand also has affordable minimum deposit levels as well as relatively modest but highly profitable and (in HYIP terms) sustainable interest rates.
Starting as we usually do with the investment plans, InvestBand has four to choose from. Two short term ones with daily payments and two longer term ones with weekly payments. So first of all the shortest term and cheapest option open to you runs for a term of 20 days and makes daily payments of 6% interest on deposits starting from $10 and up to a maximum of $5,000. Your principal will be factored into the payments so you can expect to break even after 17 days and finish the plan with a total return of 120%.
The next daily payments plan runs for 30 days and here InvestBand offers you 1.2% interest per day. It’s a vastly reduced amount but over the course of the extra ten days that the plan runs for will result in a significantly bigger profit as this one offers to return your principal on expiry. You don’t actually see a significant return until after the term finishes this time but if you can wait then the accumulated profit will come to 36% in addition to your principal. The minimum spend is $20 and the maximum is $10,000. An interesting feature here, and a very rare one for such a short term plan, is the availability of an early withdrawal feature. If you don’t wish to stay for the full 30 days you can ask for your money back before expiry and therefore also surrender any future payments.
Typically weekly payment plans are a bit less popular among investors, but that’s really a matter of individual preferences you need to make for yourself. InvestBand has two of them and although obviously they pay you less often, if they are a success they will pay you a good deal more than the daily ones. The first offer runs for a term of 10 weeks. The minimum deposit is $30 and the maximum is $50,000. In return for that you are offered a weekly payment of 10% interest. Upon expiry of the plan your principal gets returned so that means you will have 100% profit plus 100% principal. Granted it’s a high risk and you need to wait 2 and a half months before you turn a profit but if it pays off you’ll have doubled your money. Difficult to say how popular this option will be but I do think it’s at least worth thinking about. What might help however is the same “safety net” in place that will allow you to withdraw from the program early if you get cold feet. You don’t have to see out the full term if you don’t want to, so essentially the level of profit you earn is largely put back into your own hands. I’m not encouraging anybody to join you understand, that’s your business entirely, I’m just saying it’s worth a second thought. If it’s not for you then fine, there are other options.
And one of those options is the second weekly payments plan. This one runs for 22 weeks and costs a minimum deposit of $50 to join. Over the course of the plan you are offered 12% interest per week allowing you to break even after nine weeks and finish with a total profit of 264% when your principal is returned. Once again, it may be a bit misleading to say you “break even” after a given period of time. I’m working off the assumption that if you join InvestBand you do so for the duration but in actual fact you can break even any time you like as again you may request your principal back whenever you want. It may be a popular option with this plan, but probably a bit pointless in the second daily payments plan. I mean why bother joining that one at all if that’s your original intention?
There’s an excellent range of payment options to choose from. I mean it was good at the beginning but the admin has actually improved it. As of now you can join InvestBand using AlertPay, EcuMoney, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, and StrictPay. Payments are manual and you are requested to allow up to 24 hours for the admin to get it processed. Minimum withdrawal is a dollar.
The issue of website security is a tricky one. Don’t get me wrong, it’s quite good, but the script gave me some headaches. It’s a new one from Neversay and it’s not compatible with certain web browsers. Just be aware of that in case you have a problem logging in and don’t understand why. But the main browsers like Mozilla Firefox are all supported and Mac users will be fine too with Safari. Apart from that one issue that I don’t like about the new Neversay it’s as safe as ever. The script is also licensed by the way. InvestBand is hosted on a Staminus dedicated server with Koddos protection and SSL-encryption is installed as certified by Comodo so the level of security is up to a high standard. If you have any further questions or support related problems then you may contact the admin either through Live Chat when he’s online (it’s not a 24 hour service) or by submitting a support ticket.
There are no claims being made by InvestBand that they’re involved in any kind of business activities. Nothing about ForEx trading, arbitrage betting, precious metals, Wall Street, or anything else. And to be honest I’m relieved. It’s an online HYIP and nobody is telling you otherwise. I mean the risks are still there of course, they didn’t go away but at least nobody’s telling you lies about it. In fact I’m pleased that InvestBand is one of a small but significant number of good internet HYIPs to come online recently to get straight to the point – we are all in this game to make some easy money, so let the fairytales take a back seat and let the players get on with it. This review is all about InvestBand of course so I’m not going to mention those other programs here, but you can read back and see them in some recent reviews. I hope this approach will become a growing trend among admins.
Overall I would say I quite like this one. No one is promising miracles so don’t expect any but it’s a new program with some good ideas and some big potential. But please remember (and this is where too many of you choose to stop reading!) to keep it sensible and keep it affordable. It won’t last forever but I’m pretty sure it will last long enough to make a few dollars from. And don’t forget with three of the four plans having early withdrawal options you get a lot more freedom to decide how much you want to make and how long you want to play for.
Ok, guys! I can confirm that I was paid by ChokoMoney on expiry today from the 135% after 7 days plan. The payout came through quite fast and I hope all those of you who deposited in my downline will be paid as well soon. It came as bit of a surprise to the admin of ChokoMoney Chris (interviewed here) today after he woke up to find his site was down for so many hours. Fortunately HushHosting fixed it all over again, however I was wrong in my original suspicion that a possible DdoS-attack took it down. It was actually a server misconfiguration which was fixed right after Chris contacted his hosting provider. Well, all’s well that ends well as they say, and hopefully the members will appreciate the first payouts and support ChokoMoney by reinvesting and further promotion. The program needs more money in order to become sustainable in the long term. Here is the first update from ChokoMoney regarding the downtime:
“Dear members, It looks like the website was down exactly in the same hours I was sleeping. As soon as I woke up I contacted HushHosting and they fixed it immediately. They confirmed it was NOT DDOS attack after all, because they have control on DDOS attack, and if such an attack occurs they immediately migrate it. It was just the server that stopped responding for some reason and it’s just fixed and the site is back to normal and loading very fast. I also asked them to make sure such thing will NEVER happen again in the future as I don’t want any member to experience slowness in the loading of the website and OF COURSE the website should be always up without any downtime. Please don’t get panic if such thing happens in the future (even though I don’t believe it will!) because HushHosting always solve the issue in a matter of minutes.
Regards, Chris”.
In his latest update today Chris reminded us about the creativity contest that will be over soon so the winners will be announced. Also the interview on MNO has been announced and some stats mentioned. Here is another update from ChokoMoney (reviewed here):
“Dear members, Ok now that everything is back to normal I would like to remind you that our Creativity Contest ends in about 12 hours from now and then I will choose the creation I liked the most and will announce on the winner as well as on the prize he received. I see a competition has already started in the forums and I am glad members participate in this contest. Don’t hesitate to upload your creation to these forums :
Another important event that will occur today is the interview with me that will be published on MNO (Money-News-Online) blog and I will give you the link to the interview as soon as it is published. I also asked Austin (admin of Extremesurfs) for interview questions so it will be published too soon there.
Today many more payments are processed as more first deposits expire so I am hoping to see lots of payment proofs on the forums and don’t forget to vote for ChokoMoney on the monitors! ChokoMoney has just surpassed $120k in total deposits and has over 820 happy investors in less than 8 days! I am looking forward to watching the huge increase in growth in the coming weeks.
Regards, Chris”.
The admin of Plents let everybody know about the trading results for the last weeks. You know that I’m quite skeptical about this anyway so will not be commenting much on that. You can read more in the latest update from Plents (reviewed here) below:
“Our 12 April 2010 -30 April 2010 trading history has been published. We’ll upload our trades history on monthly base. If you like see our April trades history you can go to company documents from member area and download our trades history PDF file.
Our April trades Documents :
2010 April 12 – 2010 April 30 Plents Inc Forex trading history
2010 April 05 – 2010 April 12 Plents Inc Forex trading history
Sincerely yours, Plents Inc Support Team”.
Some important changes are being made to ArbexTraders (reviewed here) affecting current investors as well as making the program more attractive for new ones. These positive changes will include adding more payment processors to accommodate those investors that don’t like LR or GDP, the payments will be changed from monthly to weekly and the minimum to invest will be reduced to $10 from the current $50. These are definitely some positive changes that show that the admin is quite flexible and can make some important changes if there is a demand for it. Here is the latest news from ArbexTraders:
“Hello all AT members,
Based on all of the recent feedback we have received from members, potential investors and our recent MNO review, we have decided to make a few minor changes. We are not a big fan of changes but feel these will help grow our membership. They are going to be as follows.
1. We are going to change payout periods from monthly to weekly to accommodate all requests on this matter that we have received. It will be a little more work for us but we are sure it will make a lot of people happier. Withdrawal button is opened 24/7.
2. We are going to change our minimum investment from $50 to $10 per deposit. We have been told that $50 is too high so we decided to lower it too accommodate all requests.
3. We have plans to add 1 or 2 additional payment processors to help give some variety to those who do not like LR or GDP.
We have seen a nice steady growth since AT has launched and would like to see it continue at an even greater pace. We feel by making these small changes that this will help ease the minds that were sitting on the fence.
Have a great week and we will talk to you soon.
Jeremy and John!”
It seems the most recent email from Aballong when the admin offered to refund anyone not satisfied with their new rules was no more than bluff. After the comments on MNO many members have applied for a refund as the admin suggested only to get rewarded with total silence. I think this is a definite sign of coming collapse and the admin’s silence in response to legitimate members’ requests says much. I was not replied to either in relation to a complaint received from one MNO reader. So in compliance to MNO’s strict policy towards HYIPs that was approved by MNO readers in the recent poll I have decided to move Aballong to Problem status until the pending payments are paid and the requests for deposit withdrawals are honored. I think it’s fair. So please do not invest in Aballong at this point as it’s starting to look like another big program turning into a scam.
I also had to move WWFD to Problem status on MNO tonight as the admin returned my pending withdrawals back to my account without my permission and just announced another short-term plan paying 20% for 6 days. Needless to say that with such approach to the investors it would be suicidal to invest in any of the plans offered by WWFD at the moment. The program goes to Scam where it belongs in my opinion.
It seems that in this unfortunate investment climate many investors are playing HYIPs at a low-level and I can’t blame them. There are less reliable programs left and predicting the lifecycle of any of them becomes impossible as some admins are scamming too fast. Let’s say it would be wise to keep this low-key approach. I don’t know for how long this crisis will last but one thing’s for sure – I believe it will be over some day and there will be more reliable programs appearing. We watch and wait. Anyway, 80% of MNO readers agree with my point of view by submitting their votes in my poll which is running for the duration of this week which you can find under my shoutbox on my blog page. If you think otherwise don’t forget to vote as well as so far only 20% in total voted for two other options about the HYIP crisis. Please be more active!
I’m glad to report to you that I received the hotly anticipated interview from the admin of SolidTrustPay Stella. I would like to thank her for her comprehensive answers and the time she took from her obviously busy schedule. I think SolidTrustPay recently became more popular offering so many deposit and withdrawal options to its members. I think you will find the interview with SolidTrustPay interesting and I invite to check it out on my blog tomorrow.
Please don’t forget that I’m currently accepting the questions for Andrei, the admin of xChanger. He was interviewed already on MNO once (read it here) which resulted in close to 300 members in my downline who were all very satisfied with the quality of the service. They currently deal with five popular payment processors. Now it’s your turn to find out more about xChanger and its admin by submitting your questions to my email Do you have anything to ask? Never exchange your e-currencies? Please be more active as I want my blog to be more interactive with my readers and I want to hear your questions and opinions as well. Sorry, if I can’t reply to everybody as I receive hundreds of emails and simply can’t physically reply to you all. However rest assured that I read your emails and sometimes try to answer them on my blog so don’t hesitate to complain or speak your mind. Thank you for that, guys!
Two more programs have been added to my blog tonight and one of them is GoldenFount. This is a straightforward game and will be suitable for those willing to risk their StrictPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney funds. GoldenFount just launched yesterday and has quite a good chance to succeed. After just 1 day online it has over 200 members already who are enjoying the fast payouts on the three available short-term plans: 110% after 1 day (minimum is $5), 125% after 2 days (minimum is $20) and 140% after 3 days (minimum is $50). Everything is up to a high standard in GoldenFount: it has an original script and hosted on a dedicated Staminus server by Koddos. Also you can see the 5 most recent deposits and withdrawals on the main page which is updated in real time. A 10% bonus is added to all deposits of $1000 and over. The layout of the site is quite eye-catching and I would not be surprised if GoldenFount is run by a very experienced admin. Anyway, there are some good chances to be in profit if you join and deposit fast. However, if you’re not in a hurry you can enjoy a more detailed review of GoldenFount which is going to be published on MNO in a few days. Stay tuned for that!
The second program is called Cizaro and offers 1.3%-2% (depending on the amount of your deposit) for 14 calendar days. Your principal will be returned on expiry as well. Cizaro has quite a wide variety of payment processors including all the popular options (AlertPay, LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay and PerfectMoney) and the deposits start from a $10 minimum. Cizaro is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with SSL-protection. The admin of Cizaro who just started his program today told me that he’s quite confident it will become popular among MNO readers. Well, we will wait and see as the full review of the program will be published on MNO in a few days.
I have been paid today from the following programs:
OneStepMoney, TrueEarn, ChokoMoney, AlphaMoney, StaunchFinances, XoboFinance, FxCrudeOil, InvestBand, InvestAward, PenninesFunds, HYIPnet, EuroNanoInvest, BetExpekt, NanoVenture, DollarTime, RedOrchidInvest, GroupUniversal, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, Forexica, Plents, StarxInvest, SupremeFinances, MoneyPlus, DorealCapital, EnergyMoneyFund (the first payment received) and RogerVille (the first payment received).
Stay tuned for more news and views on MNO tomorrow! I’m flying back to Russia tomorrow for a couple of weeks to see my parents but hopefully I will still be able to publish before I leave and again when I arrive. See you on MNO tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on May 4th, 2010. Comment.
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