Jun 14th, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! One of the most recent short term programs added to my monitoring list was MoneyTree, which is also a program that I wanted to look into in more detail a couple of days ago. Between one thing and another I didn’t manage to get round to it until tonight so apologies if it’s a bit late, but it’s just as well because I can now confirm that MoneyTree have successfully completed the first payments on expiry from one of the three plans they offer.

So what better place to start than with those plans? They’re all fairly standard run of the mill style HYIP plans that are all short term and all pay on expiry. The first one is called The Starter Plan and only runs for a term of 3 days. After that it pays you 109% interest on your deposit. The principal is of course counted there so it’s a profit of 9% for yourself which the first investors in MoneyTree are currently already enjoying. The minimum to deposit is $10 and the maximum is $6,000.

Prices go up for the second plan, called The Short Term Plan, as does the investment term. The minimum deposit is now $30 and it runs for 8 days. On expiry MoneyTree pays you 132% of your original principal which is already counted as part of that. The maximum deposit is $12,000.

Despite being called The Medium Term Plan, MoneyTree‘s third plan only runs for 16 days. If you want to join then it will cost you a minimum of $80 which I have to say for a program like this is pretty extortionate. On expiry you are offered a once off payment that includes your principal of 180%. The maximum investment here is $16,000.

There’s not a bad choice of payment methods here at all, especially for a short term game. You’ve probably noticed that we’ve been seeing less new programs taking StrictPay recently and one of the verified processors that seems to be benefiting most is AlertPay. There’re accepted in conjunction with the usual HYIP admin favorites LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Payments are made manually so you’ll have to request them, after which the MoneyTree admin requires up to 24 hours to get it processed.

The security is up to a reasonably good standard here as well. MoneyTree is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with protection and support from Koddos. SSL-encryption is in place to further protect the members accounts and MoneyTree is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. Any further questions about either that or anything connected with the program can be put to the admin through the support ticket submission form on the contacts page.

For what it’s worth the texts seem to be mostly original even if they do fail to offer any insight into what business model MoneyTree would have you believe they are following and what they claim to be doing with investors money. Needless to say if you don’t deal with people on a face to face basis as you do with your bank then take it as an online HYIP game and take it as a gamble. However despite only being online for five days and completing their first round of payments on expiry from their first plan (and will soon be completing the second round) I have to say I’m a bit surprised at the low level of interest surrounding them on the major forums (not counting the usual monitor posts of course). Still, it’s a sign of the times I suppose but slow growth doesn’t have to be a bad thing just as long as there is some growth in there.

Overall MoneyTree is a fairly standard HYIP with nothing we haven’t seen a thousand times in the past. If you decide to join then best to use is as a small part of a wider more diverse portfolio.


In his last newsletter to members the admin of AirlineFinance James disagreed with my point which I expressed in yesterday’s review (read it here) by calling his program a short-term game. According to James he is willing to run his program for a long term and he’s going to share the strategy with the investors later. I would like to clarify that many admins told me the same things before and some of them really delivered what they promised, however many of them simply use one excuse after another to shut down their short-term HYIPs prematurely. I believe though that with due dedication and a proper strategy in mind the admin of AirlineFinance will be able to run his program for a long term.

But I do wish to make one thing clear. By calling AirlineFinance a short-term game I didn’t mean that it will last for a short time. When I say short-term I am referring to the length of the plan. As it only runs for 14 days then in my opinion it’s a short term plan. Theoretically, yes, they could survive for years but my point is that the plan is short term and not the program. Investment terms are my own subjective gradation and you can make up your mind on how to define them. Again, it doesn’t mean that I disrespect AirlineFinance for some reason but rather that’s how I define things on my blog. Hope there will be no hard feelings from the admin on this matter. I really like his determination to make his HYIP a long-lasting one and hope he will manage to do so as I wish him a lot of success in this as we really need a program that can set a new record among short-term HYIP lifespans. So why doesn’t AirlineFinance do it? Here is the newsletter:
Good afternoon.
This is James, your captain speaking, with your latest newsletter.
Thank you to everyone that has responded so positively to my previous newsletter. I am seeing lots of payment posts in the forums. Please keep up your support guys, each single post really does help.
If you haven’t posted yet then please do start posting your payment proofs on forums!
We were reviewed on 2 of the biggest HYIP investment blogs yesterday. (Links provided at the end of this email). I have one contradiction to the MoneyNewsOnline Review. He describes us as a short term game. I understand why he said this because of the current climate, however, I believe he is incorrect. We can and we WILL sustain AirlineFinance into the LONG TERM. I will give more details of our long term plans in the next newsletter. Just know that we are not going anywhere!
We also have a review coming up in a few days on one of the biggest Russian investment blogs!
I have also been contacted by a further 2 admins of 2 different investment blogs that want to Review us and Interview me personally! This is very exciting indeed.
AirlineFinance is creating a very large buzz and gaining a lot of interest from across the globe!
Please continue to support us and tell your friends about us.
Re-investing some of your profits will help us also. We expect to last much longer than these other short term programs around. I will give more details about our LONG TERM plans and how we are protecting ourselves from H&R’s in the next newsletter. Something that’s also worth mentioning is that I am an extremely experienced and professional Admin and I can handle any situation in a swift manner, a quality that will allow me to sustain this program into a long term program.
Here are those review links I promised you.
Best Regards. James Hempington
AirlineFinance Admin

The admin of InvestiHeaven Dan (interviewed here) sent out two newsletters today and in the first one he thanked all the members for their support in reinvesting funds in the program and giving him a chance to prove his abilities. Comparing InvestiHeaven with InvestiMates he risks drawing comparisons between himself and Roger Miller. I even found myself thinking twice about whether InvestiHeaven is being run by Roger himself or simply by a huge fan. There is nothing wrong about it but we should also remember that Roger ran some failures too (like InvesTomato for instance) but technically InvestiHeaven is already into the second cycle by paying 10% daily for 12 days and 144% after 12 days. The second update from InvestiHeaven (reviewed here) though showed us that there is not such a great situation in the program as another shorter-term and more attractive plan was introduced which is paying 25% daily for 5 days with daily payouts. By introducing this plan the admin should realize that he’s undermining his other plans which are rendered absolutely pointless as the new plan is definitely the best in terms of possible profits. However, I still think that it’s a warning sign about possible troubles with cashflow as otherwise the admin wouldn’t give this new plan to the investors. Possibly he’s hoping that the new cash from the deposits made into the short-term plan will help him sustain payouts to other plans for some time and this is not a bad idea at all. However, on the other hand it might indicate a scam and the last days of struggling payouts. Anyway, we can judge that more clearly after the first cycle of payouts from the 25% for 5 days plan is completed. Hopefully, this will really save the program and extend its lifecycle. Here are the combination of two emails sent by the admin of InvestiHeaven today:
Dear members,
After I sent yesterday’s newsletter many members decided to stick with InvestiHeaven and reinvested full amounts and I am very excited and grateful about it. Thank you everyone for believing in the great potential of InvestiHeaven and more thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you how can I provide you with this opportunity and service. With the industry collapsing apart, and the crisis in the HYIP industry, everyone can notice the differences between InvestiHeaven and all the other programs out there. I really hope that by working together (TEAMWORK) everyday, we will manage to make InvestiHeaven the most popular and profitable program out there and even more important, we will be able to keep InvestiHeaven sustainable for the long haul and AT LEAST make it last longer than last year’s most successful program, InvestiMates, which lasted 77 days. We still have a very long way to go and hopefully the members’ support will become even stronger in the future.
To those who haven’t yet read my interviews with Austin and Paul, here are the links again. I highly recommend everyone to read it and if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me whenever you want.
Many members have recently sent me emails asking me if I can add one more plan to InvestiHeaven, a shorter one and more attractive to make InvestiHeaven even more popular among investors. I thought carefully about it and decided to add it it’s now active and enabled. So from now on every member can invest in the new plan, 25% daily for 5 days, where he can request a cashout of his earnings daily so after 5 days he gets total 125% return on his investment. I know investors like short plans with a high ROI and therefore I am offering this plan to everyone from now on. Please notice that the maximum deposit amount for this plan is $2000 just like the other plans.
Oh and by the way, please don’t forget to post your payment proofs on the forums after you get paid everyday:
Ok I guess that’s all for now.
Regards, DanB

It looks like EarnForexProfit (reviewed here) hasn’t yet reached the first payouts from its two plans (150% after 10 days and 200% after 16 days) but already introduced the third plan paying 120% after 4 days. Just like with InvestiHeaven this new plan undermines two others as by reinvesting into this one you’re able to receive 144% after 8 days which is definitely a more attractive option than even 150% after 10 days (as we know even two days for such short-term games as EarnForexProfit can be fatal). So, if you actually invest into this plan now you will be able to see your profits on expiry (or not to see if the wind changes) just in time when the first payouts from the 10 day plan are going to be processed. Anyway, we’ll be able to judge the real intentions of the admin only after the first payouts on expiry from the newly introduced plan are processed. I will keep you informed about that on MNO of course. Here is the latest from EarnForexProfit:
Hope all members are doing well and enjoying soccer world cup.
Many members asked us to introduce a plan which expires in lesser number of days like test plan. We listened to you. The new plan runs for 4 days and returns 120%. Minimum deposit is $5 and Maximum deposit is $2000. Members may deposit in to this new plan now and earn returns.
Review on EFP was published on MNO. You can read it here.
Monitors are requested to update new plan details.
Mark. Admin. EarnForexProfit

Forexica (reviewed here) is active again turning into a betting site where you can predict the results of the last matches during the football World Cup. All the rules are listed on the specifically created for that page. I remind you that Forexica recently suddenly turned into a long-term low-ROI program paying 1.4%-2% for 160 calendar days. More about Forexica and its earlier plans can also be read in my interview with its admin published here. This is one of the emails them received today:
Hello Forexica members,
We had 56 joiners for today’s matches and we had 3 winner.
Full Amount: $560 Forexica share: $140 Share of winners: $420
You can see them on: http://www.forexica.com/prediction
We decrease price of join to $5 because we want that we have more joiners.
You can join for tomorrow matches now.
Thanks. Best Regards.
Forexica Group.

As you might know the admin of DynFxTrade (interviewed here) is also holding a contest and last night I received another update from him regarding that:
Contest Result
Final score Ghana – 1 Serbia – 0
Disappointing. Don’t get any correct entry. So we decide as bonus we increase winner up to 5 correct entries for next contest.
Hi Paul Your daily contest is here! and all pay out request completed
Daily Fun Contest!
Today’s Match Of the Day
Italy vs Paraguay
Predict the final score of the match.
Send your entry via e-mail (using the e-mail you join DynFxTrade with) to
contest@dynfxtrade.com with the following information:-
Your DynFxTrade username:
Your prediction: for example Italy 3 : Paraguay 3
Only submission received before the match begins will be eligible.
Prizes: 5 winners X $1 each.
We will award $1 each to the 5 correct entries. IF there is less than 5, we will award those correct entry(entries) only. IF more than 5, we will randomly select only 5 winners. Our decision is final.
We will post winners in the news section of DynFxTrade website.
Start sending your entry now!! Remember, only upgraded members are eligible to enter and if you are still a free member, you can take advantage of upgrading now and receive a 10% bonus on your first upgrade!
Have fun! DynFxTrade Team”.

Note that the site of DynFxTrade is currently offline but the admin already made some updates regarding the situation and when he anticipates getting back to work. Here is what I can see now instead of the site of DynFxTrade (hopefully it will be back soon):
Site is in Emergency maintenance and will up within few hours
Server center still working with configuration. Hopefully not take much time
Still waiting for Msg from Data center.
Sorry to say to cancel today’s daily contest.

Looks like InWolton is doing great after 5 days online and more than half of the shares from their first available fund (read more about that in my review here) have been sold out. The withdrawals to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are processed instantly and in my opinion the future looks really bright for them. InWolton is a unique program in many aspects as I said in the review and I’m personally looking forward to them announcing their next fund. Here is the pretty short update taken from InWolton website:
Hello InWolton members! 5 days of our hard work have passed. And we are happy to announce you pretty good results of our activity!
First of all, we have over 200 investors, which is a very good number for the beginning.
Second, the total number of shares, which we have sold to the users, is more than 10,000!
Lastly, we have performed a pretty good trading activity on FOREX. You can check it in our trading reports.

The list of the programs that paid me today is published below:
InWolton, EarnForexProfit, MoneyTree, AirlineFinance, VezGroup, Forexica, GroupUniversal, PrimeMoney, PrivateDiamondClub, BukInvest, InvestiHeaven, ReProFinance, KaizenPortfolio, InvestAward, RedOrchidInvest, CherryShares, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit and WorldCupBets.

Please note that WorldCupBets paid me on the first expiry today from its 104% after 2 days plan and that that’s why I’m going to review it on MNO tomorrow. Probably the admin wasn’t too discouraged by my recent comments on WorldCupBets and I hope that he will continue to pay to his investors for a long time. So see you on my blog tomorrow with another review and more news from the industry!

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