Jun 20th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! Hope your weekend has been good so far. After a somewhat mixed week in the HYIP world there’s one program that’s been doing it’s best to attract the attention of the investors and while the first cycle has yet to be completed the payments from their daily plan have been nade without fail so far. I’m talking about AirlineFinance and today I have a recent interview with its admin James Hempington.

Keep an eye on MNO over the next couple of days for information on when the first payouts on expiry are made from the second plan, as well as when investors in the daily plan see their first profits. Until then here you can see my original review of AirlineFinance which offers terms of 10% for 14 days, or 160% after 14 days, principal included. You can discuss the program on the MNO forum here.

1. Hi James, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within AirlineFinance. What are your own duties within the program? What kind of experience do you have in managing online investment websites?

Hello Paul. I’d like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in this interview with you. My name is James Hempington and I perform the Admin tasks at AirlineFinance, such as managing deposits, answering support emails, promotion, doing payouts, trading of airline stocks, bank account management, etc. My past experience with HYIP’s is as an investor. I invested a few hundred dollars here and there and I saw the awesome potential the HYIP market had for raising capital which led to me opening AirlineFinance. I have had a lot of experience as a web administrator of my private website, but it isn’t related to HYIP.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on AirlineFinance?

AirlineFinance opened it’s doors on Friday 11th June. We have been running very smoothly for over 8 days now. Apart from myself, there is a programmer working on AirlineFinance. I have a contract programmer that I have hired who ensures that everything on the website is always running smoothly. Our programmer is very qualified and you saw how well he handled the small DDOS attack a few days ago. It barely affected us. He has checked everything to ensure it is all secure.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?

We offer 2 plans. Our most popular plan is the 10% daily for 14 days plan. This works out at 140% return, 40% profit, which is 2.85% PROFIT per day. This is a very sustainable rate in our opinion and we believe that we can sustain long term with this rate. Our second plan is 160% after 14 days. It’s a higher rate of interest because you get paid on expiry instead of daily payments. These plans are fixed and the rate won’t increase or decrease. The minimum investment is $10 and the maximum investment is currently $2,000. We may increase the maximum investment limit after a few weeks, but currently we are keeping it low to prevent hit and runner damage (something which is really hurting the HYIP market right now). Both of our plans run for 14 days.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from AirlineFinance. What payment processors are you currently dealing with?

AirlineFinance accepts the 3 main payment processors. AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Our AlertPay is fully Verified. I have no plans to add anymore at this moment.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

We are hosted on a very secure Blacklotus server. Blacklotus is very reliable and they also provide our DDOS Protection. As you are aware our entire site is encrypted with SSL encryption preventing any hackers from getting your details. I have a very reliable programmer and he has personally checked the server for any security flaws and secured it. Our payment processor API’s are restricted to only allow API access from our server IP Address. All in all we are extremely secure.

6. What about your script? Who is the provider and what do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors?

Our script is a Licensed Goldcoders script, one of the most reliable and flexible scripts in the business. Goldcoders is very feature rich. I have enabled the Transaction Code feature meaning that if a hacker somehow got access to an account they cannot withdraw or change any account details. Also Goldcoders has a turing number/captcha to prevent brute force attacks. I have also set the minimum Password and Transaction Code length to 8 characters for optimal security. We also have instant withdraws, which investors seem to love, and they are secure because our API access is only allowed for our server IP.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

You can contact me from the SUPPORT link on the AirlineFinance website. Alternatively you can email me at : admin@airline-finance.com
I am also active on our official forum: MoneyNewsOnline Forum.

8. What have been the most common questions or problems you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you’d like to address here so members can avoid having to contact you later?

I’d just like to say one thing about instant withdraws. In the extremely unlikely event that yours isn’t processed instantly. Do not panic. The script sends me an email telling me your withdraw is pending and I process it manually.

9. What other outside business and investment activities are AirlineFinance involved with? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such huge profits? Can we see any proof of these activities?

I had been trading privately in the stock market for several years before opening up AirlineFinance. I had been using my own personal savings and turning over a small profit for myself every week. I was happy with this small but consistent income for a while, however, by opening up an investment fund I can now invest much more money, trade on behalf of the investors, and share the profits. Taking a cut for myself and giving the remainder of profit to investors. Airline stocks and Bonds are the most straight forward. They are from the stock exchange. I trade those via our AmeriTrade broker and I make money from these stocks by buying and selling them short term, and we can make money from a stock increasing in price and we can also make money from it decreasing in price. If you predict a stock will decrease in price this is a CALL/PUT options. We monitor various news channels and we keep a keen eye on the airline markets. We recently made a lot of profits from placing CALL/PUT options on most of the airlines after the volcano eruption in Iceland. We specifically focus on the Airline sector on the market as we know it the best and have good contacts within it.

10. Are there any plans to develop AirlineFinance further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive?

The main tactic we are using to keep the program competitive is the outstanding members support, instant payouts and being fast and reliable. This helps us to build a good solid reputation foundation which will only grow with time. I am not planning any changes as of this moment.

11. How are you promoting the program right now? Cash Flow is vital to any business so what are you doing to attract new members?

We are promoting the program with 5 Paid Stickys, a few banner adverts, and 20 monitors. This is exposing us to a very high number of members and more join each day.

12. There is a growing level of skepticism in the HYIP industry at the moment and not without good cause. What are you going to do that’s different? Every business, online or off, relies 100% on it’s customers but it’s a buyers market out there right now. So what are you going to give me that I can’t get from a hundred other more established programs?

I believe HYIP Investors are looking for a good profit return but more importantly they are looking for Honesty. An honest admin that always pays and can reliably answer emails fast and handle any situation. I am working very hard each day to meet the needs of all of my members. I recently enabled the auto withdraw feature to improve member satisfaction. I believe investors like programs with auto withdraw because they don’t like to wait around to be paid. I believe members prefer programs with active and reliable Admins. AirlineFinance is growing at a very healthy rate. We currently have 365 active members with $25,000 in Deposits. There is a lot of room for growth here and I can see many new members and new deposits in the future. There are many members that are also re-investing a portion of the profits to increase their return.

13. And finally what is your opinion of the crisis facing the online HYIP industry at the moment? What do you think the underlying causes are behind it? Do you see any end in sight or have any suggestions about how things may turn around?

I think it’s related to the global financial crisis, people have less disposable income to spare, so less money gets invested into HYIPs. Once the real world markets start to recover (if they ever do), the HYIP market will follow suit.

Thanks a lot to James for taking the time to participate in that and best of luck to all the investors who take a chance there. That’s it for the moment guys, but don’t go too far as I’ll be back later tonight with all the day’s main news stories so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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