June 2010 Archives

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Hi everybody! As World Cup fever seems to have all but engulfed the planet it seems that HYIP admins are not immune either, several of whom have launched football related contests and promotions. Perhaps the most controversial of these however is the recently launched WorldCupBets, a short term HYI program that started up a couple of days ago and that I want to take a look at today.

I say it’s a controversial program but in truth I should say it’s a controversial admin. A couple of facts have come to light recently and really cannot be ignored and have to be mentioned. How you choose to react to them is entirely up to you. I know some of you will be negative whilst others won’t particularly care. Personally I’m not recommending you do either here, just describing the facts as I understand them. The thing is that the WorldCupBets admin has been responsible for a number HYIPs in the past, some of which were better than others.

How I know this has been mentioned elsewhere on my blog, and is also confirmed independently on the main forums. A quick look around those same forums would suggest that the overwhelming majority of investors couldn’t possibly be less interested in that information, so I’m going to drop the subject now too. But personally I’m not all that bothered by it. If you’re in this game long enough chances are you’re going to be dealing with the same admins more than once anyway. They just rarely tell you about it. What I want to do is to assess WorldCupBets by itself, and any questions you have for the admin can be sent his way. But it has to be said also that one of their plans has successfully completed its first cycle and is about to complete another. The second plan is due to expire soon too, so keep an eye on MNO for news on that.

WorldCupBets is a short term HYI program with four investment plans. The first one, The Bronze Plan, runs for a term of just 2 days and pays on expiry. For anything between a minimum deposit of just $1 and a maximum of $100 you are offered a payout of 104% including your principal.

The Silver Plan runs for 5 days and also pays on expiry. Here WorldCupBets is offering you 115% interest (principal included) on deposits between a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $1000.

Then there’s Gold Plan which may look a bit riskier as the term now stretches to 10 days, but as the minimum deposit is still only $10 then the risk is only what you make it. Payment is made on expiry of the term and will be 140%. Maximum spend is $10,000, but let’s not go nuts here either, ok!

The final plan is called The World Cup Plan and runs for a term of 15 days. What’s on offer this time is a once of payment of 180% on expiry. Not exactly what you’d call sustainable but other programs have achieved it before. It’s definitely a gamble but with the minimum investment staying at $10 then you can play, but will really have no excuses if you lose anything big. Maximum spend is $20,000.

The payment options for WorldCupBets are reasonably good for a short term game with AlertPay included alongside LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Payments need to be requested and the admin asks you allow him up anything up to 48 hours to get it fully processed.

The security of WorldCupBets is also reasonably good for a program of this type, even if the design features pictures of a couple of players not participating in the competition! Nevermind, they’ll get their chance in another four years, lol! Anyway the website is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by BlackLotus. WorldCupBets is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is using SSL encryption to protect the members accounts. Any questions for the admin are to be submitted through the support ticket form on the contacts page.

As the name would suggest the admin claims to be making money from arbitrage betting on world cup games which is of course unlikely. Though there is some truth to it in the sense that you are the ones taking the gamble. But the idea that you find “sure bet” odds on every game in a short competition, and enough to pay 180% interest, is of course ludicrous. And then of course what happens when the tournament ends? But for what it’s worth there are some investors that have profited already despite WorldCupBets only being open for the last four days. So I don’t think of this one as exactly a long term investment or anything (quite the opposite) but there is a few bucks to be won (and lost!) so as long as you know what’s really going on here then it’s ok for a small side bet. Personally I predict WorldCupBets going out on penalties in the second round rather than a triumphant march to the final, lol!


Those whose accounts in AirlineFinance (reviewed here) were not credited today due to a serious DDoS-attack that was mitigated by their hosting provider this morning are requested to check their accounts. Everything should be back to normal and your accounts should be credited by now, but just make sure. More good news from AirlineFinance which is paying 10% for 14 days and 160% after 14 days was reported by its admin James – MNO Forum was named the program’s official forum so you’re welcome to post your comments and payment proofs here. In addition, a chat room was added today where you can chat online not only with the admin but also with your fellow investors. According to James today’s attack which didn’t put the site down for more than five minutes was a threat from competing admins and he also promised to do everything right so AirlineFinance could become one of the top programs pretty soon. Here are the two updates I received today with the a few hours of each other:
Yesterday night/early this morning we had a DDOS attack from a small botnet. Fortunately our site was only down for 5 minutes and our DDOS protection is handling it like nothing.
Now most of you have been credited interest fine, however there may be some of you that may have a delay.
Try waiting a few hours, log out, log back in again and it should be there.
Our programmers are currently looking into this problem and we should have it fixed soon.
This may cause concern so I have added a chat room where I will be available for several hours per day.
The chat room link is:
My ONLY username on this chat room is: James_Hempington
Some of you did not get your interest on June 14th. Well you have been paid now, so login and get your withdraw request in or re-invest if you choose.
Our programmers have found the cause of this problem. I’ll try not to get too technical here.
It wasn’t a regular DDOS attack. The attackers were spamming our Investor Stat’s page repeatedly with an average sized botnet.
Each time that page is viewed it sends a request to the database asking it for the full withdraws history and then displays it to the user. The attackers had about 300 machines sending hundreds of requests per second to this page – the result: our database was being flooded and interest wasn’t credited properly to people’s accounts.
(Here is a traffic graph where you can see the traffic spike when the attack started: https://www.airline-finance.com/bandwidth.JPG)
We have now disabled the Investor Stats/Paid out page to prevent this from happening again.
It seems other HYIP Admins see us as a threat. We are not going anywhere. We are here to stay.
We have very little advertising right now and we have already seen good growth. We are buying paid stickys and banners soon. We are here for the long term.
Other News:
We are now using Money News Online as our Official Forum. I am a registered user at MNO forum and I will be active there.
Our Official Forum Thread: http://money-news-online.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=213
(The link to our MNO thread can also be found on our homepage.)
I have added a chat room where I will be active for several hours per day. The link is: https://www.airline-finance.com/chat
We were reviewed by 2 more blogs.
That’s all for now. Remember to keep supporting us on forums, where we will be paid stickys very soon.
Best regards. James.

The ongoing African saga from PrivateDiamondClub (reviewed here) will continue tomorrow and for those who missed the first part – don’t worry as I’m going to give you both links tomorrow so you will catch up on this amazing story of human suffering and the conflict between business interests and conscience. According to today’s news the layout of PrivateDiamondClub is going to change and the current daily plan paying 3.5% for 40 business days with no principal returned on expiry will be removed leaving the investors with only two other options – weekly (5.5% every week for 24 weeks) and monthly (26% monthly for 6-12 month). So if you’re still hesitant to invest in the most popular daily plan it might be your last chance to do so before it’s deactivated. Here is the latest from the administration of PrivateDiamondClub:
This is just a short update. The Video part 2 is online tomorrow. I also inform you that our site will have a layout change but it will not change anything for our PrivateDiamondClub members. After all our big Strict Pay Investors changed to Liberty Reserve we decided to remove the daily plan after the next journey (should start already), but because of last week, our head of trading is starting his journey next Monday!
I wish you all the best. And enjoy the WM. I had a very good Sunday… I think most German members as well.
Best Regards. Hilde
PrivateDiamondClub Limited

It seems like Aballong (reviewed here) is back to normal payouts as now both the deposits and withdrawals are open again. I have moved Aballong back to Paying status on my blog as the admin Alrea (interviewed here) requested it. I also got some reports from my readers that they were paid as well though to tell you honestly many were not satisfied because their refund requests were not honored as promised by the admin. That’s why I suggest to wait and see the next newsletter from Alrea regarding this as I hope it will further clarify the issue. As I can see from the member’s area the deposits are now allowed in the following plans: variable daily plan (minimum $10), 40% monthly for 3 months with the principal return after 14 days from expiry (minimum $100) and 15% bi-weekly for 3 months with the principal return after 14 days from the date of expiry (minimum $250). To my memory it’s the first time a program like Aballong returned after such a long absence but I’d still like to get some update from the admin before recommending the program to anybody including the status of refund requests that were not processed yet. Anyway, the fact that Aballong is paying already is quite encouraging and I sincerely hope that will be the first step to a full recovery.

I placed FairHYIP to Problem status on my monitoring last night due to three days delay on the requested cashout. However today I finally received a reply from the admin of the program and he told me that the withdrawals are processed once a week from Monday to Wednesday. Since I wasn’t aware of that (or simply forgot) I will keep FairHYIP on Waiting status until I’m paid as Tuesday is over already and only Wednesday remains. I will update you tomorrow on the status of the program.

I was kinda surprised when I checked out some forums today and found out that BalanceFunds paid to some monitoring sites today. My two withdrawals have been pending for over 24 hours and I didn’t receive any reply from the admin regarding this delay. So I’m afraid I have to move BalanceFunds to Problem status on MNO monitoring as well. Well, what could I expect from the program with a non-licensed GoldCoders script?

DynFxTrade (reviewed here) is finally back online as was promised yesterday and I already got paid today. The regular daily World Cup prediction contest is going to start again pretty soon as it was interrupted by the downtime. Please watch out for more info on MNO about that soon. Here is the latest news from the admin of DynFxTrade (interviewed here):
First of all, many thanks to those who took the opportunity to get free 10% bonus to their upgrade for upgrading for the first time.
Server upgraded complete and all payout done.
Use https link for more security. We start daily world cup contest from next match coming. So stay tune.
Let’s Enjoy World Cup!
DynFxTrade Team

The admin of FxCrudeOil (reviewed here) reminds us about the limited time 20% bonus that you can get during the World Cup only. Here are the rules of getting the bonus if you forget them already:
20% Upgrade Bonus Reminder and all Payout Up to date
Our limited time special, once in a lifetime BONUS OFFER!!
Our Offer : Upgrade with min of $100 in Industry Plan (pays 12% weekly for 12 weeks = 360%) and get a bonus 20% of your upgrade, deposited in Transport Plan (which will earn you 150% ROI)
Limited Time : from now until the end of World Cup – 11 July 2010.
Thank you for being our loyal member.
Admin. FxCrudeOil

Finally, the admin of WorldCupBets which I just reviewed above sent out an email where he reported about the successful completion of the first cycle payouts into 104% after 2 days plan and thanked all the members of the program who support the program by reinvesting their principal. And by the way, all the football world cup matches results are also there though I would prefer their betting slips instead, lol. Here is the latest newsletter from WorldCupBets:
Hello members, hope everything is ok, today we completed 3 days online and all payments from first period (BRONZE PLAN) has been paid, thanks to all members who redeposited his principal, we are growing day by day. I want to ask to all members to put the payment proof in the forums and vote in monitors, that will be a great help to everyone.
Today worldcup results:
Japan=1 vs Cameroon =0
Nederlands=2 vs Denmark=0
Paraguay=1 vs Italy=1
Best Regards.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
BookmakerOffice, MoneyTree, OnyxInvClub, InvestiHeaven, EarnForexProfit, InWolton, VezGroup, KaizenPortfolio, TrumpForexClub, CherryShares, InvestAward, RedOrchidInvest, Aballong, DynFxTrade, PrivateDiamondClub, AirlineFinance, BukInvest, ForexNetClub, FxCrudeOil, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, YesInvestment, WorldCupBets and GroupUniversal.

I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow when the review of CherryShares is going to be published. And of course I will update you with the latest news from the industry!

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