Jul 3rd, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! In what’s been an otherwise decent week for the HYIP industry in terms of new programs coming online, and an even better week for the German football team, one of the more impressive websites I’ve come across has to be that of the newly launched GoldCollarInvest. That’s a long term HYI project and the latest to offer perpetual style programs with no expiry date. In other words once you join you will continue to be paid for either as long as the program survives or as long as you decide to stay a member.

And in a time when so many investors are wary of signing over their money to untraceable online admins that last point may prove crucial to the success of GoldCollarInvest – it’s your choice as to how long you wish to stay involved. Your principal is subject to a 30 day lock-in period but after that it’s your own decision about how you wish to use the program which can be based on what your own realistic expectations are of what you can get from it.

Granted there’s nothing exactly unique about that but you know an early opt-out clause is a thing that’s lacking in a good number of longer term HYIPs. This way however although it doesn’t remove the risk it at least makes it feel like less of a shot in the dark and gives a bit more control back to the investor.

Another interesting feature to GoldCollarInvest is the unusual payment schedule. It’s something I’m sure will be popular among investors though to be perfectly honest I’m not all that sure as to why this is the way the admin has decided to do it like this. Basically what happens is that you receive two payments strands from your plan. One makes smaller payments every day on business days. Then at the weekend you receive a larger weekly payment. It may complicate things unnecessarily but as I said once you get used to it I have little doubt it will be popular among the members. By the way, before we get to the plans I need to point out that you can invest using your choice of either dollars or euros. For the sake of convenience and out of habit I’m going to describe everything in dollars here but the choice is there for you if you wish.

You have three investment plans to choose from which pay according to how much you spend. The first of these plans, called The Starter Pool, is open to deposits from a minimum of just $10. The maximum is $1000. What you can then expect in return is a total of 8% interest per week which is perfectly achievable when the program is running well. What’s different about GoldCollarInvest though is how the payments are handed out. For example in this plan you will get a daily payment of 1% made on business days to give you 5%, and then the remaining 3% will be paid on Sunday. So let’s say you invested $100. You would then get $1 per day from Monday to Friday and another $3 over the weekend.

As I said already the plans in GoldCollarInvest have no expiry date so what you eventually take from the program is entirely up to you. Personally as a monitor I will not be taking advantage of the opt-opt clause but if your own goal was to let’s say double your money you could do it in 13 weeks. Once you have earned back an amount equivalent to your principal I don’t really know why you’d want to leave, but again the choice is yours.

Deposits in the next plan start from $1001. It’s called The Mid Pool and offers 10% interest per week broken down as follows: you will receive 1.2% interest per day from Monday to Friday (6% in total) and then receive the remaining 4% over the weekend. Once more after the initial 30 day lock in period is past you can decide for yourself how much longer you wish to receive this, but if your goal is to double your money you would do so in 10 weeks. Maximum spend is $5,000.

Anyone prepared to spend $5,001 or more, up to a maximum of $10,000 (which is kinda low for the industry but quite a bit more than most investors are probably prepared to spend at the moment anyway) can look at GoldCollarInvest‘s Grand Pool. Payments here will total 12% per week and be made in the form of 1.4% per business day (7% in total) and then the remaining 5% coming on Sunday. After the 30 day lock-in it’s again up to you as to when you want to leave but if your original ambition was to double your money then you could do so in just over 8 weeks.

If there’s something in there suitable for you then you’ll need to know about the payment options. Unfortunately the list isn’t great and limited to just LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney.

The website is pretty impressive with good graphics, LiveChat, ticketing, email and phone support features all available, Twitter and Facebook profiles, original texts and hosting on a dedicated Staminus server, four different domains registered where you can access the site, a registered entity in the Cayman islands and an added SSL-security layer which will help to defend the site against hacking attempts. The script is licensed from GoldCoders.

Probably GoldCollarInvest is one of the most impressive sites I’ve seen recently but of course it doesn’t mean that you should invest amounts you cannot afford to lose. Because while the business of of GoldCollarInvest is listed as gold bullion trading and sports arbitrage betting (a baffling combination!) proof of neither activity is presented. So whenever you see any online HYIPs make the bold claim that they are a completely risk free venture as this one does – a “zero risk investment opportunity” according to the homepage, most likely the admin is referring to himself. He’s the one with no risk, not you. Whenever you hand over control of your money which is what you do when joining any HYIP you take a risk. In this case however the size of the risk is largely up to you because of the lock-in period leaving you with a clear choice of either setting yourself a target and leaving after you reach it, or like me joining with the intention of collecting for as long as the program is capable of paying. Now if only all of life’s decisions were like that…..


Unfortunately KaizenPortfolio seems to have vanished as there was no news from the admin and the site is still offline. It looks to me that the program will not return and so I am moving it to Problem status on MNO monitoring tonight.

The admin of VezGroup is delaying the withdrawals for over 48 hours again and this is already the third time this has happened. Despite his promises he hasn’t offered any reason for the previous delays nor has he sent any newsletter after the last pending payouts were processed two days ago. So I will put VezGroup to Problem once again until the pending withdrawal requests are processed and an explanation is given.

There was some issues with the AlertPay account of SevenStarProfit (reviewed here). The old account was frozen due to the suspicion of fraudulent funds having been accepted. Not from the admin himself but rather by a member who joined the program using money that may not have been obtained entirely legally. I hope everything will be back to normal soon, but meanwhile the admin of SevenStarProfit (interviewed here) opened another temporary AlertPay account of which he reported in the latest newsletter issued today:
Dear members,
It’s a very short important update. We had the issue with AlertPay because of one of our members who made their deposit to our AlertPay account via fraudulent funds. We had to sort out the problem very quickly so that withdrawal requests of our members who made deposits via Alert Pay would be processed as usual. That’s why we have opened a new Alert Pay account. Please, take notice that from now our Alert Pay account is 7sprofit@googlemail.com
Best regards, SevenStarProfit support
I remind you that SevenStarProfit is a short-term program offering three plans (17% for 7 days, 117% after 4 days, 180% after 15 days) where you can deposit via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The program has been online and paying for 11 days already. I hope that the AlertPay incident will not affect its so far stable performance.

Here are the programs that paid me today:
FreshReturn, CashMiner, YamaFinance, GroupUniversal, FundsOMatic, SevenStarProfit, AvaInvestment, CherryShares, GoldCollarInvest, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, YesInvestment and FluxRates (the first payment processed).

That’s it for today, guys. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday and I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow when I’ll be reviewing of FluxRates as well as bringing you all the latest news stories. See you then!

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