Jul 8th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! One of the better new long term HYIPs to open recently has probably been YamaFinance and for the first post today I’m pleased to have an interview with its admin. The news will be along as usual a little later this evening but first it might be worth your while to at least take a look at YamaFinance as they could well turn out to be a major industry name in the coming months. Not an overnight sensation, but a long term and dependable performer. I hope you find the interview an interesting read and I’m quite sure the admin is sincere in his efforts to help his program reach it’s full potential (which is huge) over the coming months.

For a more detailed description of the program and it’s plans you can always refer back to my detailed review published here, but I’ll just remind you that the terms on offer include 1.2% for 100 business days, 6.25% for 22 weeks, 1.3%-1.55% for 110 business days, 1.6% for 120 business days, and your principal returned on expiry. If you have any comments please leave them on the YamaFinance thread on the MNO forum here.

1. Hi Admin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within YamaFinance. What are your own duties within the program? What kind of experience do you have in managing the funds of others?

I’m glad to welcome all MNO readers!

My name is Hotaka Zhiumi, I’m a professional web-portal admin. For over 12 years, I’ve worked in the investment company that was among the Top-50 financial companies in Japan and East Asia, I was engaged in web-building. I was one of the founders of YamaFinance and today I’m responsible for the management of YamaFinance online department. I coordinate the work of programmers, designers, and support service specialists. Investment plan management is not my duty, it’s a prerogative of our traders, working in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, as well as here in Tokyo (Japan).

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on YamaFinance?

We don’t intend to hide the fact that we’re a young company that has been in business since 2008. We’ve built a great profitable trading model used on the post-crisis markets. And today we have a sufficient capital to operate independently. However, we realize that raising of additional capital is the engine of our business. That’s why Yamada Tezuko created the online project YamaFinance, thanks to which an offshore company YamaFinance managed to move from the Japanese investment market to the global investment market.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for? Which one has been the most popular?

Honshu Investment Plan

Investment period: 100 business days
Payment period: every business day – 5/7
Stable profit: 1.2% daily
Minimum investment amount: $10
Withdrawals: available any time
Initial deposit: return at the end of period
Compounding: not available
Reinvesting: first 40 business days

Kyushu Investment Plan

Investment period: 22 weeks
Payment period: every Friday
Stable profit: 6.25% weekly
Minimum investment amount: $500
Withdrawals: available any time
Initial deposit: return at the end of period
Compounding: not available
Reinvesting: first 40 business days

Shikoku Investment Plan

Investment period: 110 business days
Payment period: every business day – 5/7
Progressive profit plan: 1.3% for $1,000 deposit
1.35% for $4 000 deposit
1.4% for $7 000 deposit
1.45% for $10 000 deposit
1.5% for $13 000 deposit
1.55% for $16 000 deposit
Withdrawals: available any time
Initial deposit: return at the end of period
Compounding: not available
Reinvesting: first 40 business days

Hokkaido Investment Plan

Investment period: 120 business days
Payment period: every business day – 5/7
Stable profit: 1.6%
Minimum investment amount: $20,000
Withdrawals: available any time
Initial deposit: return at the end of period
Compounding: not available
Reinvesting: first 40 business days

As of today, Kyushu Investment Plan and Shikoku Investment Plan are the most popular investment plans.

4. In times of global recession do you agree that some of the minimum investment requirements in some of your plans are unrealistic for most online investors? Like the Hokkaido Plan for instance, why ask for $20,000 and get no investors when you could ask for $1,000 and get 20 investors?

Professional investors understand clearly why we set forth such conditions. Each investment plan has its own management system, its specific portfolio structure and requires a certain amount of investments. Investment plans that require large deposits, use lower credit leverage. It results in large profits in comparison with the plans that require smaller investments. So, those who want to get more choose Hokkaido Investment Plan and invest $20,000 and even more. Those who don’t have access to such funds have an excellent chance to make an investment with as little as $10. We’re proud to let our investors, whether they’re small or big, invest their money in stocks and Forex currencies.

5. Tell us about the payment options available from YamaFinance. What payment processors are you currently dealing with? What have been the most popular choices among investors? Do you think you may be isolating a large section of the investing community by having such a narrow choice? Do you plan to add more?

To fund their accounts, customers can use Perfect Money or Liberty Reserve e-currencies. They can also use bank wire transfer (SWIFT). Probably, we will add new payment processors, as YamaFinance is constantly developing.

6. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

Before the creation of the online project YamaFinance we created a map of online risks for our company. Having analyzed this map, we created an effective safety system that could protect the website and our customers. We offer the following protection features to our customers: an SSL-connection, DDoS protection and unique scripts. Thanks to these protection measure YamaFinance investors can feel safe and secure. Our hosting provider is Staminus.net

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? I know that you have a Live Chat feature. What hours (GMT) does it work? Or is there any fixed schedule? Also can you answer the same question about your phone number?

We have a special department that deals with customers. This department includes company consultants who can answer any of your questions on how to work on the site YamaFinance.

Support hours: From 8.00 GMT to 21.00 GMT

We have Support Service, call : +1-888-569-8360

Please contact us with any of your questions. We understand that not everyone knows how to become an investor and get a stable profit, so we’re always ready to give you detailed advice.

8. Can you tell us about your postal address in the Dominican Republic? It seems a long way from Japan! What would I find if I was to go there? Is it an actual office staffed with YamaFinance employees or is it just a mailing address?

Our back office address is Avenida Lope de Vega #13 Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. Here work a part of our staff members. Another part, mainly it’s those who’re engaged in trading and financial operations, work in a private office in Tokyo, not far from the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Elitai Dori Street.

9. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

The advice is quite easy – read the information on the website, study the sections Help and FAQ. Anyway, we’re always happy to answer any of your questions in Support Service, even if we’ve already had the answers to these questions in our site sections. It’s important to us to know that people understand how profitable it is to invest in the online investment market, in Forex and stocks and we’re ready to explain it to everybody.

10. What other outside business and investment activities are YamaFinance involved with? What evidence can we see of these projects?

YamaFinance operates in accordance with the worked-out business strategy, it develops investment plans that were formed in 2008, and it generates stable profits to its investors, It doesn’t have an outside business and investment activities.

11. Do you have any opinions on the current crisis in the HYIP industry? What do you think lead up to it and would you have any suggestions as to how the situation could be improved?

Is there really any crisis on the investment market? We don’t feel that, the company’s turnover is growing steadily, even though grow rates slowed down this midsummer. Probably, it is due to the vacation season, as people get used to spend hard-earned money in summer. However, we must notice that professional investors stay in business even in summer. Our financial department points out that the amount of large investments in Hokkaido Investment Plan has increased lately. It may be due to the fact that people spend small amounts of money rather than invest them, but when it comes to large amounts, people prefer to invest them in investment plans. So, you’re welcome! Register and become our customers: https://www.yamafinance.com/investor-console/open-an-account/

12. Are there any plans to develop YamaFinance further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?

By all means, we’re interested in the conquest of the investment market, but aggressive policy is not our way of running business. Here in Japan, we understand better than anyone else that everything should be in harmony and gradually people will know who’s the strongest player on the market and to whom they may trust their investments.

We plan to regularly improve our website, translate its interface into new languages and increase the amount of deposit options as well as introduce new investment plans. Among our financial plans, we have an annual turnover increase by at least 2 times.

We have too many customers already and by contacting them, we realize that thanks to the trust, support and professionalism of our team, we can become a successful first-class investment service quoted all around the globe.

Thanks a lot to Hotako for taking the time to give such a detailed and interesting response to my questions. I’ll just finish by wishing him every success with YamaFinance and hope it gets the support it deserves. More importantly though is good luck to all the investors taking a chance and getting involved. A lot of you have been waiting for far too long now for whatever the “next big thing” is supposed to be and I know you deserve it!

That’s about it for the moment everyone but as I said at the start don’t go too far as I’ll be back later in the evening with all the day’s main news stories, so stay tuned and see you then!

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