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10/07/2010. ProfitStars Review and Other News



Hi everyone! Hope the weekend is going well for you all so far. One recent addition to MNO that I’ve been waiting to tell you about is ProfitStars. At first glance it’s a program that may well look like a run of the mill short term HYIP game but take a little time over this this one and you’ll see there’s a bit more to it than just that. It’s a short term program alright but the returns are (reasonably) sustainable and not as high as may first appear. And a good part of what you earn is based on a series of bonuses rather than interest payments.

In the last couple of days it’s been online ProfitStars has gotten a reasonable share of attention and it’s not hard to see why. Short term games may not be all that fashionable at the moment but the thing is that they still have a massive number of fans, they’re just not participating. With ProfitStars however you get on one hand a quick profit but on the other hand it’s not all that high a profit so it’s a quick opportunity but not really a short term HYIP like most of what we see at the moment. For example out of the two investment plans ProfitStars are making available one of them is closed to first time investors and only available to those joining in their main plan first.

And that main plan is pretty basic. For a $5 minimum investment you sign up for a 3 day term. There is a daily interest payment of 36% per day which includes your principal. So on receipt of your third and final payment the total return will be 108%. Pretty straight forward, don’t you think? The maximum spend is $2,000, not all that high by industry standards but considering few (if any) are spending that kind if cash in the business these days I guess not that important. So I doubt it will be increased.

Given the declining popularity of short term HYIPs (a temporary situation I’m sure – but nevertheless an important one to consider at the moment) admins of such programs have to do a little extra to sell their own particular program. Something to make it stand out from the crowd if you will. So in this case the admin of ProfitStars is offering you a number of alternative ways to make a profit from his site. The first of these methods is by re-investing after your first deposit matures. Each time you do so you receive an extra 1% bonus on top of your new principal up to a maximum of 3%, i.e your first re-investment gets 1%, your second gets 2%, and so on.

Following that paid up members are also offered a very generous $0.10 bonus for every post they make in the three major investment forums. Not just any old rubbish obviously, I mean posts relevant to ProfitStars made in the proper thread. That will at least get the regular investors more active in the forums which will be a more welcome sight than the usual page after page of monitors reporting on their own payments so hopefully the discussion will be more interesting this time.

Another way of profiting is from the second investment plan, but the twist here is that it’s only open to certain investors as a sort of reward for supporting the program. If you are an existing member of ProfitStars and decide not to hit-and-run but rather to reinvest, then you are awarded a number of “stars” for doing so. Collect five of these stars and you are invited to join another plan. At first glance it may look like a long term plan but in fact its duration is entirely up to you. And to be honest it’s bit of a gamble so it might really be better suited to those you think they can read the HYIP market a bit better than the average investor.

Of course I’ve seen plenty of self appointed “experts” predict the imminent collapse of online HYIPs that are still with us six months later, so even if you don’t consider yourself an experienced industry player your guess is still as good as anybody else’s so at least think it over. The plan works like this – you deposit a minimum of $5, just like the first plan. In return you receive a daily interest payment of 4%. So for instance deposit $100 and get $4 per day. The plan runs for a term of 90 calendar days, but the twist is that you get to withdraw your principal in full whenever you like. Potentially it’s profitable, but how much so is entirely up to you. So how long do you think it’s going to run? Your guess is as good as anybody’s. Better in fact, as it’s your money. Just remember that this plan is just an option. Your under no obligation to try it, but I think you should and I’ll explain why.

The thing is if you’ve gotten so far as to be actually entitled to participate in this plan then obviously you must be in profit, so as long as your not playing with your original principal then why not? It’s worth a shot. The risk isn’t as high as you think because you’ve already made your money back. So you can’t really lose any of “your own” money as such as long as you invest your profits (and that last bit’s important!)

Payment methods in use by ProfitStars include AlertPay (look how popular they’ve gotten in the last 3 months!), GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Not bad for a short term HYIP and a verified option in there too so you can have a certain degree of comfort knowing there’s a chance (not a guarantee – a chance) of a refund if things don’t work out the way you were hoping. Payments are made between the hours of 07.00 and 21.00 GMT. My own payments have been extremely fast so far (almost instant in fact) but the admin asks you allow up to 24 hours for it to be processed.

The ProfitStars security is reasonably good with BlackLotus keeping them on a dedicated DDoS protected server and SSL encryption as authenticated by Comodo. The script is licensed from GoldCoders. Any communication with the admin should you have any questions or comments can be made via the online support ticketing form on the contacts page.

There’s no real business plan in the traditional sense here but rather the admin is straight to the point (much appreciated!) about this being an online HYIP based game and very much dependent on the members support. But despite the temporary decline in popularity of short term programs he’s making a decent effort at promoting it and rewarding the members for getting involved and giving that support. And by the way, there’s a referral contest on at the moment with some nice prizes so if you’re any good at things like that then give that a shot as well. You never know your luck!

Six months ago this could well have been a runaway hit. Less so these days, which isn’t the admin’s fault, but otherwise it’s a decent enough program and as long as you remember it’s a high risk venture that won’t survive forever then it might be worth an affordable couple of bucks as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.


The admin of the above reviewed program ProfitStars reminded about the currently running referral contest and encouraged everything to vote for the program (I just got paid today the first 36% payment within minutes after the request was made) on forums and monitors listed on their Ratings page. The members with the highest level of participation will get cash prizes in a week. So help promote ProfitStars for your chance to win a cash prize. The rules are posted in the latest newsletter from the admin published below:
Dear Members,
I am very thankful to all members who strongly support ProfitStars by posting their payment proofs on the forums and voting on monitors. It is your outstanding service that we have now 271 members with over $15000 deposited!
I am really happy to see how ProfitStars is getting stronger day by day. Members support is the most important thing for the program to grow and expand every day.
To keep on moving that fast and to extra award the most active members I decided to launch an Activity contest with the prizes of $100, $50 and $25 for those of you having biggest amounts of posts and votes on the forums and monitors. I am going to simply credit accounts of those members who will collect biggest bonus amounts for their posting activity from tomorrow, Saturday, July, 10, GMT 00:00, to July, 18 (Sunday, GMT 19:00).
See details on the “contest” page. Good luck.
Regards, Mike.

The site of GoldCollarInvest was unavailable today for a few hours so members couldn’t request payouts for a while. However, this problem has been fully rectified by now and the payouts have been processed. Members were informed about the reasons for this in the latest update from admin Bruce published on their official GoldCollarInvest forum on MNO here:
Dear Folks,
Our web servers faced some issues today during a routine server maintenance and backup creation. It is totally unexpected as this is first server maintenance. Our server admins attended to this issue immediately it has been fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we are glad to announce that we are back in action.
You may contact us if you need any assistance.
Bruce Wagner.

I remind you that GoldCollarInvest recently switched to GoldCoders script so now the daily and weekly payments for all the plans (read more about them in my review here) should be requested manually by members. I don’t see it as a big issue as long as the payouts are processed fast as usual and if it helps the program to become more convenient and user friendly for prospective investors. I hope to do an interview with the admin of GoldCollarInvest soon, so if you have any questions to submit please don’t hesitate to send them to me at

The admin of InWolton (interviewed here) promised some changes in the program’s design over the coming days and weeks. He informs us that the program will evolve into something else soon. Let’s hope that it will be all positive changes for the benefit of the program and its investors. I remind you that InWolton is currently offering three investment funds with the possibility to invest for 15, 30 and 50 business day terms. Variable interest is paid and to read more about the process you can read my detailed review published here. This is the latest short update published on InWolton website:
Dear members of InWolton, as we promised we start a new stage in the life of our program! Today our web-designers and marketing experts started thinking up advanced variant of our web-site. We will inform you about the evolution of InWolton. So, keep tabs on our site and feel the difference.

The admin of Biffalo (reviewed here) came out with his first update since the program first launched a few days ago. It looks like a big advertising campaign is in the pipeline to attract more investors to the program which is paying on different short to medium-term plans. Here is the update published on Biffalo‘s site by its admin Karlos:
Hey sidekicks! What’s new? I am here to tell you very good news! In 2 days of our online business we have over 80 registered users and 40 active accounts. We didn’t expect such good start. In one week we will start very BIG advertising campaign, which will bring more active investors to our web-site.
Thank you for your support and trust! We won’t betray you! See you friends!
Karlos Alberto.

There is still some time left till the end of the World Cup and so the admin of FxCrudeOil his campaign of giving bonuses to randomly selected members. Also you might remember from my review of FxCrudeOil (published here) that the program pays on weekly plans: 10% for 15 weeks, 11% for 20 weeks, 12% for 30 weeks. The payments are not outrageously high and I would even say very moderate which probably helped the program survive for nearly three months already. For how long more it will last I cannot say but those who joined FxCrudeOil from the beginning should be nicely into some good profits by now. Anyway, till the end of the World Cup the promotion is going on and when you upgrade over $100 into the 12% weekly for 30 weeks plan you will be given 20% of your investment deposited into the 10% weekly for 15 weeks plan. The details of that promotion and the results of the latest random generation contest are being published in the latest update from FxCrudeOil below:
Thank you to those new members who joined.
All pay out has been completed.
During WC soccer fever we decided to start another exciting bonus offer along with current bonus.
We has been selected random members ID from (members including free members.)
below are the random selected 5 members account ID
257 170 337 104 225
and 3$ wallet bonus( increase During semifinals) has been added in selected members account, congratulations all winners
Total members a/c available
Available: 341
Also running once in a lifetime BONUS OFFER!!
Our Offer : Upgrade with min of $100 in industry Plan (pays 12% weekly for 30 weeks = 360%) and get a bonus 20% of your upgrade, deposited in Transport Plan (which will earn you 150% ROI)
Limited Time : from now until the end of World Cup – 11 July 2010.
Thank you and enjoy weekend
FxCrudeOil Admin

I couldn’t access the site of PrivateDiamondClub (reviewed here) today as there was a sign on it on warning that it was under maintenance. At the moment the site is loading and working fine and already on the new layout. And yes, the new design of PrivateDiamondClub looks distinctly more professional than the old. So I can confirm that Lars was telling the truth and hopefully the new update regarding the changes of the layout made has been already issued:
Please note that we are almost done with our updates. We still have some errors to fix and to implement some new pages and our features. Some pages may not work yet. It will still take up to 12 hours but we made sure that the member account is open and members can login.
Regards, Hilde
The PrivateDiamondClub Limited

Do you still remember FairHYIP private investment project which you can join by invitation only from MNO? (Mail me at if you want an invitation) If not then you always can read my review of it here. Today an international press-release was issued and I mean it when saying that. It’s an extremely long newsletter outlining not only news from the main HYIP project but also from sister affiliated projects from the same administration including an arbitrage betting system, financial exchange stock project, etc. It’s all pretty impressive I would say and if I was not too skeptical about HYIPs in general, especially at this point, I would recommend joining FairHYIP without a second thought. At this point you’re free to choose by yourself but I just wanted to emphasize that since I started monitoring FairHYIP at the end of May all the payouts were completed in a timely fashion and with no delays. Although the admin of the program seemingly had no free time to answer the interview questions I sent I really don’t mind as this extensive update full of all kinds of useful information and future plans will cover some unanswered questions. Please note that FairHYIP is a Ukrainian based project and therefore the original update was posted in Russian. I suspect there might be some errors in the English version (well, I more than just suspect it, I know it) but as it’s not their native language don’t worry about it. The admin manages to get his point across clearly. The most important thing is that the FairHYIP project continues its development and pays investors on time every time and keeps them updated. What else can we ask from a good HYI program? Here is the first international press release from FairHYIP (please get yourself a coffee as it’s a long read):
Good time of a day, dear (potential) Fair Management Corporation (after – FMC) investors and partners!
Finally, we’re ready to the company’s first international press-release!
Let me introduce myself for those, who don’t know me till that time.
My name is Eugene, i’m FMC owner and top manager.
But i’m writing this press-release not like company owner, but as yours (potential) business-partner, so i’m asking you to read this text thinkfully until the end, you’ll be surely interested!
Plenty of time gone from our company’s last official newsletter, many huge ponzi-pydamids already became a scam (like SportArbs and such)…
A lot of changes happen in our company, as like on whole HYIP market…
A lot of work already done, a lot need to be done in the future, but, with your support, we are firmly moving towards the goals, and do not intend to give up!
Okay, enough…
Let’s start from our leading investment portfolio – FairHYIP ( ).
Just to remind you, FairHYIP – it’s investment portfolio, working and making income solely in the process of our specialists working with a unique automated arbitrage betting system, developed by FMC.
First, I’m proud to announce a full Spanish translation of program’s billing website. Many thanks to our Spanish partners, team, who made this possible.
Second, great achievement of our personnel is to overcome milestone of 130 000 USD of FairHYIP’s working capital in such a short time! FairHYIP even isn’t 1 year old yet!
Without your support and trust given to us, in so short times, it would be simply impossible.
In addition to written above, we’re announcing two promotional campaigns for FairHYIP. Both proposals will be valid till 09.02.2010 and, hopefully, will be interesting for both future and an active company investors.
1) I am pleased to announce the 2nd 5% commission compensation (cancellation) by our company, which is levied on all contributions to the FairHYIP program.
2) Realizing some of our investors urgent cash requirements for the summer, making a step forward, we’ve reduced the fee for early deposits withdrawal to 25%.
This is all about FairHYIP, next – Premium Management investment portfolio’s news. ( )
Just to remind, Premium Management – a diversified investment portfolio, working and making income in the operation of FMC’s own projects development, ie, in fact, it’s an investment portfolio of the company itself.
First, i’m proud to announce a full Spanish translation of program’s billing website.
Second, once again, great achievement of our personnel is to overcome the 150 000 USD milestone of the program’s working capital, and therefore – the FMC investment portfolio!
Dear VIP-investors! All employees of FMC, and I personally, express your appreciation for the tremendous faith in the potential of our company!
Third, i’m pleased to announce the launch of long-awaited affiliate program from FMC to Premium Management! Any registered user can get a special link to attract potential investors to register in the program’s billing. FMC will automatically credit your billing account balance with the 5% bonus award from the amount of deposits that your attracted investors made.
Seems that’s all about the investment portfolios of the company, moving forward to the news and announcements of FMC projects.
Let’s start with the sentence “a highly profitable turn-key business”, currently the main product of FMC. ( )
Let me remind you, under the terms of this proposal we providing you access to the unique project of our company, the Fair Betting arbitrage betting system, absolutely free of charge(!), plus everything needed to start and run a highly profitable investment business in the network, namely:
1) Branded domain name of your choice.
2) Genuine billing system with a unique interface, made according to your wishes.
3) Hosting on company’s fast failover clustered servers
4) Enterprise level DDoS protection with uncompromised quality
5) SSL-encrypted with 256-bit private key data transmission, which eliminates the intruders to intercept important authorization data of your customers.
We only ask you to pledge funds in the amount of 800 USD, which will be returned to you if you decide to discontinue our cooperation. Full access to the system is activated automatically when security deposit id paid.
Also, at each 1-st of the month we will bill you the equivalent of 30% of your income, according to statistics on the basis monthly rental of our system. Agree, it is quite honestly!
Now, let’s move to the changes and improvements of Fair Betting arbitrage betting system, held since the last announcement, so:
1) Added a complete Spanish translation of business proposal website, also added a full English and Spanish localization of Fair Betting client, which makes our offer accessible and understandable to potential partners from all around the world!
2) Added statistics for successfully placed arbitrage positions, with has the possibilities of time period input and sorting by all available values.
3) Added automatic creation of rent bills, which includes a fully automatic payment support for 4-popular payment systems (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, LiqPay, VISA).
It uses FMCs own payment processing gateway, a part of the Fair Market project.
4) Completely redesigned arbitrage situations output table, celebrating with the green glow every fresh arbitrage position and allowing (if possible) to choose several bookmaker options of betting at the stake on one and the same position.
5) The arbitrage situations calculator functionality was improved to ensure the safety and fast calculaton of an arbitratage situation, such as: automatic stake rounding, automatic calculation of the position’s nearest available bank amount in a case of stake limit detection.
6) System client’s functionality was improved system to ensure the safe and speedy process of betting, such as: automatic stakes limits detection , automatic priority for bets on a “favor” position (placing bets on a lower odds first), automatic priority for bookmakers, ordered by possible restrictions on the amount wagered.
7) Tested full support for the following 15 bookmakers: Bet365, Betfair, WilliamHill, Pinnacle Sports, Bet-at-home, Eurobet, Expekt, Bwin,,,, NordicBet,, The Greek, Betway. The betting exchange market Betdaq is currently under testing, will be added to the list soon.
After the FairBetting system’s cost review we’re received results of the analysis, with claimed a 188,000 USD value of developed software!
That was all about FMC’s business proposal, now is a time for announcement of our unique promotional offers, whose will last until 08.02.2010.
Under terms offered, we’re opening free arbitrage betting system accounts registration with full functionality enabled within 15 days, available for everyone!
After such “free trial” period you will be asked to pledge funds in order to continue work with the system and became a FMC partner. In the absence of collateral, system functionality will be limited, the betting option will be disabled.
To participate in the action and gain access to the system, please use Internet Explorer 8, go to, select the desired language, fullfill(!) out the form, confirm your e-mail. You will then receive a link to install the client software. It’s 100% malware and adware free!
We look forward into any questions, as well as bug reports and your proposals about the functioning of Fair Betting system on the official forum of the company, in the category
Wishing profitable testing!
Let us turn to the latest announcements, namely – the start of open beta-testing of the unique financial exchange stock project from FMC, called Fair Market. ( )
Fair Market – it’s a financial exchange stock, associating 3 different services in one system, namely:
1) Automatic currency exchange service with the lowest rates in the market and VISA Credit Cards support!
2) Free online store with a auction functionality (not ready in beta), merchant interface with automatic payment processing, as well as the possibility to create and deploy your widgets on any site on the net absolutely free!
3) Fully functional Fair Money payment system, with the possibility of free(!) funds transfering operations between accounts and free API interface to connect our payment gateway for payment processing on your site!
Every single Fair Money USD is backed up with real money, held on supported EPS accounts.
In the beta version we’re tested and activated automatic support of these payment systems: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, LiqPay, VISA.
The system is completely free, no hidden charges or conditions, you pay only the foreign EPS commission fees (calculated automatically) when performing Fair Money purchase/sale operations, and we deduct 1.5% commission from every sale of Fair Money as our profits.
The affiliate program is also present in our system, its terms will be announced after the beta testing period, which will last until 26.07.2010. In the process of beta testing, we asking you to report known bugs and shortcomings, as well as ask questions and make suggestions on the official company forum, in category
That’s all, big thanks for your attention, diligence and patience in the process of reading and understanding this first international press-release.
I believe that with your support we will change the things going in the HYIP industry and show the world what HYIP – is not only a Ponzi pyramid schemes, but also the very real business, managed quite real, with real and not hiding from anyone personnel, working in a real company!
Once again, on behalf of the company’s staff, and myself, I expressing great appreciation to all investors, partners and those, who just support us morally, for the credibility, which we all feel.
We will not fail!
Wishing best regards, Eugene Movenko. CEO. Fair Management Corporation

Unfortunately another short-term project had to close tonight and this time it was the turn of SevenStarProfit. The project lasted for 18 days and it means over 4 four-day cycles were completed which was not such a bad achievement in the current HYIP climate. In his farewell update the admin John claimed that he couldn’t continue the project due to the low level of support and stated that he was at a loss himself and that the program could have done better a few months ago when the HYIP industry was at its peak. Well, at least we can see one honest admin who properly disabled the deposits and sent a newsletter announcing the end of the game. It looks like even the honest admins like John can’t run the short-term programs long enough like they wanted. I don’t know if the admin of SevenStarProfit was really at a loss himself, but I really appreciate him using the right way to finish the program like he did. Of course there were winners and losers in this game, but at least we can’t say that the admin ran off with the money leaving everybody with no explanation of what has happened like usually happens. There were even some stats presented to the investment community in the farewell update to give some explanation of his closing statement. You’re the only real judge about the whole thing but after the following update I feel really bad as another good short-term program ended so abruptly:
Dear members,
Last news that I’m bringing to you now isn’t that great. In short, we’re closing the shop. I said closing rather than scaming for a good reason, guys. You’ll understand it after reading all this letter. Or if you don’t care, just stop reading and kick something (not monitor though, it’s fragile).
The last few days I and my assistant were having a fight. Well, maybe you should call it a debate. “We should go for another week, really John. We’re not done yet. There is some chance…”, she would insist. “There is no way. We cant just hope for the best”, I’d say. I have spent two hours making some math to prove her that there is no way to survival of SevenStarProfit. Here is some numbers that I showed her:
3,4,5 of July: Deposits: $ 2,280.13, Withdrawals: $ -2,389.05, Other expenses: $ -300, Total: – $408.92
7th of July: Deposits: $ 1,297.31, Withdrawals: -1,280.66, Total: $16.65
8th of July: Deposits: $ 800.70, Withdrawals: $ -789.88, Total: $11
“But there is still some way…”, she would say. “No, we don’t have a plan”, I counter. Basically, I believe we were late with this program. Maybe things could go better a few month ago but not now. There is just not enough players willing to play this type of games.
She even said she can use her personal savings to help maintain SevenStarProfit. But it’s a bad idea obviously. I’d rather stop this all than allow her and myself to waste anymore money, time and health in this program. In case you don’t get it yet, I’d say this simple. SevenStarProfit is not profitable for me, the creator and my assistant. We’re currently in a loss. And to not make it even worse, I’m taking this decision to close up the shop. The remaining funds in our accounts will be used to cover expenses which has been made from my own pocket for advertising. Yes, you heard it right. I have lost more than the largest investor even after closing the program. I and my assistant are in the same boat as you. We have lost our money in a HYIP. And this is not a joke or bad excuse. Let’s face it. This industry needs some time to recover. Personally, I’m taking a rest from HYIPs as admin or investor for a while.
In my last conversation with assistant, she called me the worst scammer. Because I don’t want to continue this program and fight, choosing to run away. But it’s pointless in my opinion to continue like this. We’re not a charity service and according to numbers, our HYIP is a total charity with no profit to their owners.
I want to end this letter with a words of apologize to all members here who deposited on 15 days plan and lost it all.
Taking above numbers (daily HYIP profit in most days is near zero or even a negative number on weekends) into account,
180% after 15 days Active deposits: 19($874.18) – a lot of them will mature soon,
I just don’t have a plan how I can pay you, guys. Program growth is too slow, not even close to make you and me happy.
I’ll refund some of last deposits and close SevenStarProfit‘s deposit button right now. My apologise. John Smith

I have been paid today by the following programs:
InWolton, FundsOMatic, ReProFinance, OilStructure, OnyxInvClub, GroupUniversal, CherryShares, ProfitStars, FreshReturn, FluxRates, FxCrudeOil, AvaInvestment, Disalina, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, HOX, YamaFinance, PrivateDiamondClub, RedOrchidInvest and GoldCollarInvest.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend and the last two football games!

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