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27/07/2010. MoneyWin42 Review and Other News



Hi everybody! Today’s update is a first for MNO as I’m writing to you from the fine old city of Riga where I’m starting my Summer vacation from. I guess not everyone welcomes the sight of thunder clouds on the first day of their holidays but after near five solid months of blistering heat since leaving London at the beginning of March I must say I find a little rain very refreshing! Anyway, over the course of the next couple of weeks I’ll be writing to you from various locations around Scandinavia, and with Wi-Fi being so prevalent here (even a lot of the trains and ferries which I’ll be using to travel have it) I don’t think there’s going to be too many interruptions to the regular MNO updates. And the first of these is a short to mid term HYI program called MoneyWin42 just added to my monitoring page.

It’s not exactly a brand new program having been online for the last two weeks or so. But it’s fair to say that MoneyWin42 been flying under the radar to a certain degree with the admin so far preferring to avoid advertising on the big forums and monitors in an effort to build up a slower and more gradual pace for his program to grow.

You have three fairly straight forward choices in front of you when it comes to selecting an investment plan. There are two shorter term options with payments made on expiry, or if you prefer a more regular income there is a third medium term plan that makes daily payments.

I guess I’ll start with the shortest term plan, or Package 1 as they call it. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10 which is quite affordable and the maximum deposit is in HYIP terms also pretty low at just $1000. I don’t really know of anyone spending more than that at the moment so it’s more than adequate but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was increased if the program becomes a success. We can only wait and see if that happens but for now the plan runs for a term of 5 days and you get a once off payment on expiry of 121% interest on your deposit. That is of course the total and final figure so your principal is already counted as part of it. So for example were you to invest $100 then 5 days later you get back $121.

Granted this style of plan is not favored by as many investors it used to be for already well documented reasons in recent HYIP history but you should also remember that at the time of writing MoneyWin42 have already completed two successful cycles of the plan so at least there can be no doubt they are trying to run the program in a proper and professional manner.

But if you prefer then take a look at the second plan, Package 2. It runs for 9 days and pays on expiry. The investment limits remain unchanged with a $10 minimum being the basic requirement. Or if you feel lucky a $1000 maximum. Payment is made at the end of the term and will be made at a rate of 142%, principal included. So the same $100 spent here would bring back $142 in total. Once again the first round of payments on expiry has already been completed so at least we know they are serious and are making an effort to make MoneyWin42 a decent site.

To be honest it’s difficult to see any real advantage to joining this plan over the first one. Yes, it’s more profitable but not to the extent that would justify the extra risk and considering you can make the same profit just by joining the first plan twice, then it’s hard to see many takers here. Not from the more experienced investors anyway.

If you want something a little different to the traditional payment on expiry short term HYIP plan then MoneyWin42 has a more interesting medium term alternative for you to think over. Package 3 runs for a term of 42 calendar days and makes daily payments of 5% interest on your deposit. Just like the previous two plans, the minimum spend is still $10 and the maximum is still $1000. Your principal is already factored in as part of the payments so you can expect to break even after 20 days and finish up with a grant total of 210% of your initial deposit. Or in other words for a $100 spend you will receive $5 per day until you have accumulated $210 in total, $110 of which is profit.

Payment processors are limited to just two options – LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Both are very convenient and have their uses but as neither are much good in getting you a refund should you get scammed (they maintain that bit is your responsibility and to an extent they do have a point) so make sure you only spend money you are sure you can do without in the event of something going wrong. As I pointed out it only costs ten bucks to join MoneyWin42 so there’s no real excuse for losing the rent money, OK? Withdrawals are manual so will need to be requested.

It’s quite a nice design but it’s not just about flashy graphics. MoneyWin42 has, for what’s basically a very simple online HYIP related game, a couple of interesting extras. One handy feature for example that some members may appreciate is an internal e-currency exchange service. There’s no fees involved so you can swap LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney in whatever way you want at 0%. Provided you’re an active member of the program obviously!

Other than that MoneyWin42 is hosted by Koddos on a dedicated Staminus server with SSL-protection and a licensed script from GoldCoders. Any questions or support related issues can be sent to the admin by filling out the form provided on the contacts page.

Regarding any outside business activities the admin is remakably candid and states quite explicitly that “MoneyWin42 is an online HYIP and online investment program.” And that’s exactly what I would have described it as too, so know what you’re getting yourself into and know that nobody is deceiving you insofar as telling you that MoneyWin42 is anything other than a high risk venture with a limited future, but a future where there is still plenty of room for us to profit as long as your expectations of it are realistic and it’s run properly.


It looks like some programs running on GoldCoders script experienced some technical difficulties so had to pay withdrawals to LibertyReserve in manual mode. Of course, it’s a time consuming process and it requires a whole lot of work compared to automated withdrawals but good admins should not be too lazy and think about the future of their programs and their reputation when such difficulties arise. I bet the admin of FinalEarn Allen (interviewed here) is one such admin as his dedication to his program and its members was shown during this time when nobody requesting a withdrawal via LibertyReserve would have seen any difference in the usual processing time. Well, that’s what I call professionalism. It would be hard though to make manual withdrawals daily, especially now when the membership of FinalEarn reached over 2,000 members and still growing. As their Alexa rating indicated FinalEarn managed to reach a 70,000 rating and the 7 day average Alexa already exceeded 7,000. This is an enormous achievement for less than two weeks and the still growing trend shows that FinalEarn hasn’t yet peaked. I bet the most likely reason for this recent growth spurt was the new referral contest where the winner receives $300 in cash. This already caused some cheating and the creating of multiple accounts in the program in order to get the prize, but the admin already warned the cheating members about the negative possible consequences of their actions. So just play by the rules and let the strongest promoter be the winner. By the way, if you want to read more about FinalEarn please read my review here where I took a closer look at its offered plans of 115% after 3 days and 140% after 7 days. All the latest news is in the latest update from the admin below:
Hello everyone,
Yesterday we had some problems with Liberty Reserve API And SCI and because of that all withdrawal requests were processed using the Wallet for LR requests that caused a bit of delay.
Also, Liberty Reserve deposits and some deposits for Perfect Money were not automatically credited by our script.
We manually added all of these missing deposits in their respective users’ accounts so all is in order now. It took much of our time but we did not mind at all because it’s our pleasure to serve you.
Now all SCI and API for LR and PM are operational again and FinalEarn is on normal mode like before but there is something that has changed….FinalEarn is stronger than before!!! We now have more than 2,300 users and still growing. There might be too many users who are promoting their referral links for win in referral contest. Our Alexa ranking proves it with a rating around 70k as of this writing.
Regarding the ongoing referral contest, we have noticed that some users are creating fake referrals under their username to win in this contest. Let me make a warning to all these users. We will delete them and will freeze their funds if you still continue doing that. We are working honestly on the backstage so don’t try to cheat us.
This will all for now and keep promoting FinalEarn.
Best regards, Allen

As you can imagine not only the admin of FinalEarn faced some difficulties in processing withdrawals. Forexica (reviewed here) for instance also delayed the payouts for some time and processed them only a few hours ago. Here is the three subsequent updates I received from the administration of Forexica today:
Hello all,
Sorry for delay about payments.
We are solving some of problems about deposit and withdraws with our server.
We will send all very fast.
Thanks. Admin of Forexica Group.

Hello all,
GC script or LR processor have problem please wait for payments after solve this problem.
Thanks. Admin of Forexica Group
We sent all withdrawals 25, 26 July.
GC script had problem and we had delay for sending withdraws. Please check your accounts.

Apparently the administration of GroupUniversal was not able to send the withdrawals in time either. Fortunately by the time of writing I have received all my pending withdrawals from the program. GroupUniversal was reviewed on my blog here and it accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney to 1.8%-2.2% for 150 business days plan. Here is the latest news from GroupUniversal:
“Hello GU Members,
Because of a technical issue we couldn’t to send withdrawals 26 jul.
We will send process them 27 jul before 24 GMT time.
Best Regards. GroupUniversal.

It looks like the vast majority of monitoring sites now are experiencing a money deficit making some of them solicit money from the program admins. (That’s news? lol!) Take BullInvest the admin of which was interviewed on my blog today (read the interview here). Yesterday I received an email sent only to monitoring sites where the admin asked to leave them alone and not force them to buy advertising banners. According to the admin of BullInvest (reviewed here) the program is about to start a massive advertising campaign in late August when according to widespread public opinion (40% of the voters on the current MNO poll share this point of view) the industry should be back to some semblance of normality. I believe that for smart admins realizing this it’s clear that money spent on advertising during this month will not give them the same benefits as they should expect if they advertise in September. Obviously they are taking care about the steady growth of their membership and want the best results on all spent funds so there is absolutely no need to send spam emails to program admins which will definitely choose the respected and responsible monitors by themselves. Here is the email I got from BullInvest last night:
“This is an official communication of The Bull Investment Firm LTD.
To all monitoring partners,
Allow me to first congratulate you and extend our gratitude towards you and your company for being a monitoring partner of The Bull Investment Firm. Among the hundreds of offers that were presented to us we choose those that we felt held the best merit.
We are sending this newsletter to our monitoring partners only due to an overwhelming amount of emails and support requests that we are receiving soliciting banner sales. The administration of The Bull Investment Firm LTD thought it only fair that we explain our selection process to you first.
Our advertising campaign is scheduled to begin in late August. At that time we will be choosing our further advertising based upon the amount of activity that we have seen from YOU during our opening months. Clearly we want to be as effective and targeted as possible with our advertising and its fitting that we should choose the best and most productive of you to further our relationship with. We appreciate your continued support of The Bull Investment Firm and are monitoring each of you for performance and future cooperation.
The Bull Investment Firm LTD

Apparently there are also some monitors in whose agreement with the admin included their obligation to votes on public forums after they received their payments. In my opinion, such votes are much less worthy of investors’ attention than the votes of the regular investors themselves as monitors are simply hired and paid to do a job who usually don’t invest their own money. So I believe aimed at such monitors there was a recent rant from the admin of SeatRonacs. He threatened to delete the monitors accounts from his program if they don’t submit their votes. So was it really necessary or SeatRonacs simply didn’t get such attention as the admin hoped for?. Well, then he should have thought twice before copying the design of his website from Saxobank. Here is the latest from SeatRonacs (reviewed here):
Hi Dear Monitors,
We see more monitor not send post in forum??!! We decide if any monitor not send post in forum we delete account from SeatRonacs.
Please after get profit send post in forum.
Regards, SeatRonacs Inc.

I have added another long-term and low-ROI program to my monitoring today. It’s called GoldFinanceCorp. The program offers two types of investment plans where the deposits are accepted via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. On the first plan you will be paid 1.3%-4.5% for 100 business days with the principal returned on expiry. On the second plan you will be paid 2.2%-7% for 70 business days with the principal already included in daily returns. The daily interest rate is fixed and will only depend on the amount deposited. GoldFinanceCorp site has been launched today and is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with the site hosted on a dedicated server by the always very reliable and secure provider Dragonara. More on GoldFinanceCorp read in my detailed review soon!

There are some technical problems with the FutureTrails site I am hoping to review tomorrow. Hopefully everything will be fixed by then and I’ll have that for you along with all the other news by tomorrow night.

Today I was paid by the following programs featured on my monitoring page:
OnyxInvClub, FinalEarn, SeatRonacs, YamaFinance, GolcCollarInvest, HOX, AvaInvestment, PrivateDiamondClub, FundsOMatic, BookmakerOffice, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, CherryShares, OilStructure, BullInvest, FairHYIP, MoneyWin42, TrinalFunds, RedOrchidInvest and GroupUniversal.

I would like to send you warm regards from rainy Riga and hope to see you all on MNO again tomorrow!

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