Jul 28th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Before tonight’s news update there’s been another recent addition to my monitoring page called FutureTrails that I’d like to take a closer look at. It’s a long term HYI related investment site offering what is basically several variations of the same plan.

It’s not exactly a new program though. Far from it in fact as FutureTrails has been trading successfully since last October. Now, there are several ways you can look at that and I’m sure not all of you will look upon it favorably. The track record is there to be seen and can’t be disputed but if you prefer to view them as too old then it’s your money and so be it. But it also has to be said that FutureTrails has flown under the radar to a degree – the interest in it has been (relatively) small in comparison at least to how long they’ve been online. And another interesting fact is that the plans have changed and evolved over the months proving at least that the admin is prepared to make an effort in keeping his program fresh, to change things around a bit and hopefully attract a new crop of investors by giving them what they want. Gone for instance are the shorter term plans which may not have been all that successful if launching today. They’ve been replaced with more achievable lower rate longer term ones.

But enough about the past. What are FutureTrails offering new members today? There are four different options to choose from, all of which run for the same investment term. The only real difference between them is that your interest payment is based on how big your principal is. Three of the four options are however probably beyond the financial reach of most investors.

First off all we come to The Standard Plan and this is I suppose where most of you will start and stop with FutureTrails. It takes a minimum deposit of $10 to join and will take a maximum of $3000. The plan’s duration is 150 business days (30 weeks), which is the same as in all the plans. During that time you will receive five payments per week – made Monday to Friday – of 2% daily. After that it’s a fairly straight forward calculation to see that you will break even after 50 payment days and finish the plan with 300% in total. Your principal is already counted as part of that so your profit will be a clear 200%.

From this point on joining any other of FutureTrails’ plans involves a more serious commitment that I really don’t know how many are prepared to take in the business these days. But for information purposes I’ll describe them here anyway as the decision is yours. The second plan, called The Jumbo Plan, requires a minimum investment of $3001. Over the course of the plans duration – again 150 business days – you are offered 2.1% interest per day. This also includes your principal so don’t expect to see it back at the end. The final return will be 315% with 215% being profit. Maximum spend is $7000.

The Super-Jumbo Plan is then open to deposits ranging from $7001 to $15,000. For an investment term of 150 business days you are offered interest payments of 2.2% per day from Monday to Friday. By the time the plan expires that should all add up to 330% in total, and as your principal will not be returned can be counted as 230% profit.

And finally for any Russian oil and steel oligarchs who stumble upon them, FutureTrails has The VIP Plan for deposits of $15,001 and upwards with no stated maximum limits. Not that I see many people rushing to drop 15K into an online HYIP or anything, but if you just want to know how it works then the rate of interest being offered is 2.4% per day for 150 business days. That’s a total return of 360% but as that includes your principal your profit is 260%.

The list of payment processors isn’t great, but to be fair to them FutureTrails did include StrictPay at a time when it was still safe to use them. So he can’t really be blamed that his list isn’t as good as it used to be but then again he could have made some effort to add another option when the problems with SP began to emerge. Other than that however it’s a choice between LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which are fine for convenience and ease of use, but not great for helping you recover your cash should you ever get scammed. But you may also take it as a blessing in disguise if it reminds you to keep your deposit at a sensible size.

What makes it a little better though is the use of instant payments. Always a popular feature among investors, payments will still need to be requested but once they are they should show up in your e-currency account in a matter of seconds.

FutureTrails is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is SSL-encrypted which is also a huge plus to the security features especially needed for a program with instant payments. Hosting is provided by Dragonara whose track record in this industry is practically flawless. They are keeping FutureTrails on a dedicated server. Contact with the admin can be made by filling out your details on the support ticketing form attached to the contacts page. There’s a couple of e-mail addresses you can write to directly and for a more personal touch there is also a telephone number. Please note that this number offers Spanish support so is not likely to be all that useful to everyone. But as “no hablo espanol” I can’t verify it personally.

There’s enough information on the FutureTrails website for you to decide how much of it you want to believe is genuine or not, but the real question is how do you feel about joining a program this old? Some see it as a warning because these things simply can’t go on indefinitely while others see it as a sign of stability. It’s your money we’re talking about here so the choice needs to be yours but as the program has only ever been moderately popular at best and the industry starts to gather a bit more momentum in the Autumn there could be some interesting times ahead for FutureTrails. Personally I always advise caution but never fear, so if you do join just remember that it only costs ten bucks, not ten thousand, OK? So keep it sensible.


Staying on the topic of the above reviewed FutureTrails I would like to issue a warning against the hyip.com monitoring site. This time it’s called a Do Not Bother alert. So here it is:
Due to an enormous level of greed and vindictive malice it is strongly advised that you totally ignore the upcoming Do Not Invest alert hyip.com is going to issue against FutureTrails. Please note that this alert has absolutely nothing to do with reality as the admin of FutureTrails were blackmailed by hyip.com’s admin Alex and it’s a proven fact. Here is the email he received yesterday from hyip.com:
Admin, I gave you advanced notice so you can correct the issue, not to negotiate anything.
It is my conclusion that your choice is to remain in vioalation of hyip.com listing rules.
For this reason, please note that “Do Not Invest” alert will be issued on your program shortly, corresponding warning will be added to the listing and rating will be removed.
We will continue to request withdrawals as to report the payments status of your program.
Regards, hyip.com

Yes, that’s what Alex is all about and now you have it in his own words – “I will tell everybody not to invest in your program simply due to my personal dislike of where you choose to advertise but at the same time continue to withdraw my profits.” After that email he shouldn’t be surprised that his account in FutureTrails had been blocked for what he then has the nerve to call “no apparent reason.” I think an ugly attempt to issue a Do Not Invest alert and at the same time continue to profit from a program that you’re trying to destroy should be punishable and not only by blocking the account but by a very harsh reaction from the wider investment community. Here I should remind you that the admin of hyip.com Alex never invests his own money in any of the programs listed on his monitoring (monitors rarely do). So actually FutureTrails should pay him from their own money and then thank him for the warning he’s going to issue? Well, if this is not about hatred and greed what is it all about? Telling you that he’s about to destroy your program and your reputation, then insisting that you pay him while he does it? I’m no psychiatrist but this is bordering on insanity.

So this time we already know what to expect from this scamming and blackmailing monitor “service”. The admin of FutureTrails asked me for help and support and he also wants me to publish his side of the story about his experience with hyip.com monitoring which I will do of course.

As you might remember recently hyip.com made a lot of efforts to bring down some good programs. Recent crimes committed by him are: $200 stolen from HOX (read the proof here), moving perfectly paying OilStructure to not paying status simply because the program refused to pay to him a huge bonus after he issued a Do Not Invest alert and rightly so… I’m not talking about listing such good paying programs as FundsOMatic, InWolton and CashMiner as Problem for several weeks therefore misleading investors.

These programs he never even monitored! He simply put them to Problem due to his grudge against MNO. Which of course raises raises the question (like the boy who cried “wolf”) how do you take any of his warnings seriously? He issues a scam alert not because you are a scammer but because he doesn’t like you. So what happens when a real scam comes along? How can you believe a word he says even if the warning is genuine? All this will ever achieve is to make hyip.com a safe haven for fraudsters because even if they have a warning attached to them who will ever believe it? As it happens the list of actual scams (never listed by MNO) on hyip.com is enormous. Staggering in fact, but guess what? Do not invest alerts were never issued against any of them!

But what the admin of FutureTrails told me today really frightened me as absolutely any program listed on hyip.com is in danger of direct blackmailing and threats. Yesterday hyip.com demanded FutureTrails to block my account but the admin refused to do so and will continue to be monitored by MNO. But the interesting story he told me about hyip.com is that the admin was constantly soliciting for some cash bonuses and threatening program admins to put their programs to Problem status or issue some warnings if they don’t pay. Apparently the admin of FutureTrails paid him $500 instead of the $1,000(!) he was demanding a few weeks ago but it looks that it didn’t help him in avoiding the curse of hyip.com. Don’t you think that it’s very nasty to blackmail people and solicit money from them?

So I think something should be done to stop this greedy and vengeful little man from doing this time and time again, pocketing thousands of dollars while issuing warnings simply due to his bad nature. I’m launching a thread on the MNO forum where any admin sick of hyip.com and its shameless admin Alex should submit their issues. I will also be publishing there from time to time if I have any proof of his criminal activities.

Moreover, I have an invitation limited in time to all admins afraid of being blacklisted by hyip.com in the future. So if you have a good program listed on hyip.com and are not satisfied with its services and the promotion given to you by Alex or maybe you are just afraid of being scammed in the future like he did to many programs already simply list your program on MNO. It will NOT cost you a cent as I believe such a criminal and a liar should be stopped by all means. If you’re afraid of being unlisted and warnings posted please consider this: your program will be listed on MNO which is the most popular blog and monitor online, the support for your program will be guaranteed by publishing all your regular news updates and review of your program and you will be thoroughly protected against hyip.com accusations in the future. Remember that my Alexa rating is much better than hyip.com’s and my traffic has significantly more North American and western European readers. And I assure you that you will have more members and investors from MNO than hyip.com can give you. The admin of OilStructure already confirmed to me that his program was not affected by the Not Paying status issued by hyip.com but on the contrary it became even more popular due to reverse psychology of the investors and the best confirmation of it is their Alexa rating that is constantly growing. So don’t be afraid to show who is the boss of your own program and deprive him of all the money he has stolen or blackmailed from HYIP admins. This is what he’s afraid of most make no mistake.

Anyway, I will be waiting for your emails sent to my address abramsonp@gmail.com and remember that the decision of granting your program the free listing will be taken at my sole discretion based on my evaluation of the potential your program might have in this industry and that this offer applies only to all currently monitored on hyip.com programs. The readers of my blog can also contact the admin of any program they might be a member of there as they have a great opportunity to get listed on MNO absolutely for free and make it even more popular among online investors. This way you’ll be able to help the program promote itself with no fees involved and avoid possible future issues with hyip.com that can hurt the program with his blackmailing practices or ridiculous Do Not Invest alerts. Thanks for that and please take care!

I would also like to emphasize to HYIP admins once again that my ONLY LibertyReserve account is U0752710 (Money-News) and that my ONLY PerfectMoney account is U1864286. Please note that one scammer is trying to impersonate me and sell banner spaces and show my email address abramsonp@gmail.com as the sent from item. Please do not buy it and avoid any payments to payment processor accounts different from those! I’m currently still working on my new monitoring site that should be ready sometime this week and hope that this will bring an end to all the spam email received by my readers and HYIP admins allegedly from me. Please note also that I’m not running my own HYIPs like some other bloggers as this could affect my unbiased and professional approach to reviewing each and every program. I believe those people who are doing this simply do not have any moral right to advise which program to invest with as they clearly have their own agendas to push.

It looks that I’m not the only one suffering from spammers impersonating me soliciting admins with fake promotional offers. Probably it’s the fate of all successful projects be it monitoring sites or HYI programs. So please remember that there is some scammer that is trying to impersonate the admin of FinalEarn (interviewed here) from this email address finalearncom@gmail.com I would like to let you know that he already tried to contact me from that address and make me change the review to include false info that FinalEarn (reviewed here) was allegedly the same program ran by the admin of TrueEarn and HugMoney. Of course, I’m no fool and so I totally ignored his messages and let the real admin of FinalEarn know about it. Now the same guy is trying to fool investors by sending them spam emails about the possibility to deposit to LR account manually. Please note that all the deposits to both plans offered by FinalEarn (115% after 3 days and 140% after 7 days) can be made only via the site’s script and no other way. Please don’t get yourselves scammed! Here is the latest warning regarding those activities given by the admin of FinalEarn Allen posted also on MNO forum thread here:
Hello Members,
It has come to our attention that some other entity is posing as FinalEarn.
The fraudsters are using an email finalearncom@gmail.com attempting to cheat people.
We were informed that they are using this LR account U4917709 (Final Earn).
Please DO NOT in any way trust these scammers!!!
Our official e-mail for FinalEarn is su.finalearn@gmail.com and our LR account is U7885110 (Final Earn)
Please be careful. We do not solicit investments via e-mail and we will never ask you to deposit directly into our LR account.
All our members will have to deposit using our site FinalEarn.
If you happen to encounter such crooks again, please report it to us immediately so we can notify all.
FinalEarn has become so popular and it gets attention from the bad elements too.
Please take care of your money and do not lose it to those impostors.
Best regards, Allen

Some personal news was issued today by the admin of CherryShares Dane (reviewed here). Apart from the flawless payouts we now know that Dane is now the proud father of a beautiful baby girl so I guess it means the program will continue without scamming at least during the slow season, lol. The second part of the update was somehow connected with Apple and its new computer devices which I didn’t know had some financial impact on CherryShares and resulted in higher profits for the members. Anyway, such unproven information should be taken very lightly by investors if they are not backed up by real facts. I doubt very much that such high profits that CherryShares is offering to the investors (1.1% for 315 days, 5.8% for 3 weeks, 8.7% for 50 weeks, 9.9% for 75 weeks) can be sustained by computer-related business but anyway if up to you to decide whether you believe this statement or not. I would still treat CherryShares as a game though an extremely well-organized and maintained one. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of CherryShares:
My Dear Members and Investors,
Take a deep breath, I have a ton of good news this summer.
First, after many months of pregnancy, the big day finally arrived. I have a baby. I cried while I held my girl for the first time. Tiffany, weighing 8 lbs 5 oz and measuring 18 inches long, I felt so loved.
Good news on the earnings front. Mainly due to strong sales from the iPhone 4 and iPad from US to different countries, earned income fluctuates between 30% and 50%. This is the income from each contract!
Apple CEO Steve Jobs said `we have amazing new products still to come this year` and he really did. I have very high confidence that we will make significant progress toward in selling. Yeah, we stand strong, even in the time of crisis!
`Will women send their husbands to the Apple store to buy iPads?`
Sincerely yours, Dane W. Wolf
Managing Director

Apparently there was some issue with SeatRonacs recently though to tell you the truth I barely noticed. The admin just received a reply from their hosting provider and published it in today’s update from SeatRonacs (reviewed here):
Hi Dear Member,
Problem from hosting Solve. It is email from Hosting.
Hello, I am very sorry for inconvenience caused.
While automate software update php was compiled without Zend. We’ve fixed it now and this will be never repeat again.
Best Regards, Scott Bell
Regards, SeatRonacs Inc.

The admin of FxCrudeOil (reviewed here) sent out his usual update regarding the completed payouts for today. He also updated the investors on the total amount of user accounts in the program which though hasn’t reached 400 yet I guess such stable and gradual growth kept the program alive for over three months already and made them reach #7 on MNO rankings. Perhaps it also happened because of the weekly sustainable plans offering reasonable returns of 10% for 15 weeks, 11% for 20 weeks, 12% for 30 weeks which should make all investors who gave it a shot a few months ago nicely in profit. Here is the latest from FxCrudeOil:
All pay out has been completed. Pls vote for us!!
Thank you to those new members just joined.
Remember we have compounding option available and can fund wallet any amount from 1$
We have strong DDoS protection with SSL service.
Latest update
User Accounts Available: 386
Thank you and enjoy.
FxCrudeOil Admin

A new short-term program has been added to MNO listing recently called CashRain. It’s actually a very suitable name for an HYIP game where you can gain high profits fast (and lose them too!). There are three plans that pay you on expiry: 108% after 3 days, 120% after 5 days, 160% after 10 days. Also you can invest your money in daily paying plans and there are also three such plans available: 22% for 5 days, 13% for 10 days, 11% for 15 days. The minimum to invest in any of them is only $5 and there are four payment processors in use: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and AlertPay. CashRain is hosted on a dedicated server by BlackLotus is running off a licensed GoldCoders script with SSL-protection of the accounts. The program just started yesterday and in my opinion it will gain some takers mostly because of its acceptance of AlertPay and its attractive plans. More on CashRain will be in tomorrow’s update so stay tuned for that!

The second program added to my monitoring list is Flamanta, already considered by some as the next GeniusFunds. Rightly so I hope. The program looks absolutely stunning with the same light blue layout as GeniusFunds used, nice original concept and texts and reasonable plans that will pay you 1.72%-1.78% for 150 business days, 1.84% for 160 business days, and 1.92% for 180 business days. At this moment only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted. For the allowed minimum of $10 you are only able to invest into the first plan. However, this inconvenience is widely compensated for by the unique and easy-to-navigate design and top-notch DDoS protection by Dragonara which is hosting Flamanta on a dedicated server with SSL-encryption. The company claims to be an officially registered entity in Cyprus (another similarity with GeniusFunds) and provides us with real phone support. Anyway, Flamanta looks pretty interesting to me at this point and I believe it has a very good chance to become a major player in the HYIP industry once the industry recovers. By the way, the program has been online for less than two weeks so it’s still very new and the first members will as usual be the ones with the greater chance to be in profit. If you want to read more about Flamanta be ready for my extensive review of the program which is going to be published on my blog soon.

Here is the list of the programs that I have been paid from today:
CashRain (the first payment received), CherryShares, FinalEarn, OnyxInvClub, OilStructure, WorldPrivateFunds, GoldCollarInvest, OptimumPride, YamaFinance, SeatRonacs, ReProFinance, AvaInvestment, HOX, FutureTrails, FundsOMatic, FxCrudeOil, BullInvest, MoneyWin42, CashMiner, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, TrinalFunds and RedOrchidInvest.

That’s it for today, guys. I’m very excited that very soon I’ll be able to present you with my new monitoring site which will now allow your voting and make your work with the programs monitored by me easier. I hope to launch it by the end of the week as there are still some bugs to be ironed out. Anyway, I have a lot of work to do so please forgive me if I delay replying to your emails. Everything will be replied to after my new monitoring service is launched.

I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow with the review of CashRain and more news from HYIP industry!

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