Jul 31st, 2010 Archives

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Hi guys! Well the last day of July will be a memorable one for me for a while as I’m writing from the porthole of a ship crossing the Baltic sea this evening and enjoying some warm evening sunshine and some spectacular scenery. Luckily, as I kinda knew anyway, there is a good Wi-Fi connection here so I’ve decided to pass a couple of hours working on a few things. Something else they have on board is a party atmosphere with passengers from all over Europe on board so I’ve decided to publish the news update early tonight so I can join the fun a bit later!

So before moving onto the news a new mid to long term program was added to my monitoring page a couple of days ago called PawnShopFund that I want to look at a bit more closely. It’s kind of a strange name for an online HYIP I’d say, as pawn shops aren’t exactly the first thing that springs to mind when I think of financial success. Or even financial stability for that matter. But it’s just a name and the plans are pretty interesting as well as (mostly) affordable with some low to mid range minimum amounts required to join.

Before we get to the plans in detail there is one very important aspect to them that you need to consider. It concerns the investment terms. Please remember that the length of each plan as described below is only a suggested minimum. The plans themselves do not expire. If for instance you join the 45 day plan what that really means is that you are free to leave after 45 days. If that is in fact what you want then you will need to ask for it, otherwise your principal stays put until you do. You are also free to leave early, but subject to a penalty fee which I will describe later. But first to the plans.

PawnShopFund has four of them The first one, called The Short Plan, runs for 45 calendar days. You may join for a minimum deposit of $10 and in return expect a daily payment of 1.8% per day. Assuming that you stay for the full 45 days before leaving then that will add up to a total profit of 81%. You can leave at any point you wish so the real final payment is really in your own hands. Maximum spend is $25,000.

A longer term more profitable option (that’ll cost you!) is The MidLow Plan. $50 is the minimum requirement to play with a $50,000 maximum. The plan then runs for 60 calendar days with PawnShopFund offering you 2.1% per day in return. Again it’s your own free choice to stay beneath, at, or beyond the suggested 60 days but if you stay the course then you can expect a profit of 126%. If you want a little extra then your going to have to stay. The risk increases obviously but you know as long as you have earned an amount equal to your principal back then why not stay? You can do this after 48 days, so after that you can’t really lose any money.

Next up we have The MidHi Plan. This one also runs for 60 calendar days but this time PawnShopFund are paying a higher rate for larger deposits. It’s a $250 minimum to join and this will earn you 2.35% per day. At that rate you can earn back your principal after 43 days and finish with a total of 141% profit. That’s if you choose to finish of course. You’ve already made back your principal so you have nothing to lose as such by staying put. But that’s your own choice. Maximum spend is $50,000.

And finally PawnShopFund offer a longer term plan called The Long Plan that runs for 75 calendar days. Curiously enough despite the increased investment term of 75 days and the increased interest rate of 2.4%, the minimum deposit drops back to $100. The maximum is still $50K. So assuming you stay the full duration you can expect to break even after 42 days and finish with a profit of 180%. You can again either ask for your principal back or continue earning as you see fit.

If you find any of the above options suitable for you then the list of payment methods is decent enough. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are there for ease of use and convenience, as well as AlertPay for those users with verified accounts who like a little extra protection on their money. Payments to date have more often than not been instant but please be aware that the PawnShopFund admin offers no guarantee of this service and specifically states that you allow him up to 24 hours to process the payment for you. But I have to say that so far the instant payments are as always a very nice little bonus. Bank wires are also officially accepted but as this will only be taken from investors willing to spend $50,000 or more then it’s not really all that serious an option.

It should also be noted that if those investment terms are a bit long for your taste then there is always an early withdrawal option. PawnShopFund will return your principal and remove you from their list of members subject to an early withdrawal penalty. Unlike other long term programs however this fee isn’t really that punitive and is based on how long before your plan was due to expire. In other words the closer you are to expiry, the lower the early withdrawal fee will be. According to the site’s FAQ page “This penalty is the percentage amount of the remaining days till the end of the minimum deposit term.”

The security of the PawnShopFund website is up to a fair enough industry standard and is SSL-secured and running off a licensed GoldCoders script. Hosting is on a Staminus dedicated server with support and protection by DDOoSWiz. Any questions or queries for the admin can be submitted by filling out your details through the support form on the contacts page. There are a couple of e-mail addresses there of the partners that are running it if you wish to write to them directly and there is also Live Chat which (for a change!) actually works. Though I am unaware of any definite schedule they keep there.

The business plan as stated on the PawnShopFund website is an unusual change from the usual nonsense but at the same time hardly original as essentially it still claims to being buying a product for a reduced price and selling at an inflated one. Granted it goes on in the “real offline” world but I can’t say that it’s happening here and you’d do well to proceed with caution until you can verify it for yourself. And even at that it never guarantees anything anyway, so play PawnShopFund as you would any online HYIP related game. Use your head, stay sensible, don’t get greedy, have modest expectations, and enjoy the rest! Might be an interesting addition to a wider more diverse portfolio provided you keep it affordable.


It’s funny that somebody told me that FinalEarn will scam straight after the first referral contest is over. Well, the contest is finished, the winners were rewarded with cash prizes (MNO took third prize by the way) and FinalEarn continues as usual. Moreover a new referral contest will be announced very soon which just proves the naysayers were mistaken. All the payouts from both plans paying 115% after 3 days and 140% after 7 days are being processed fast as always (sometimes within an hour of the request) and everybody seems happy. Maybe it’s even better that the admin of the program Allen (interviewed here) launched his program in the slow season as with time FinalEarn can attract more investors that will definitely return to the industry by August and that will help the program last even longer. It’s actually up to the admin himself but seeing his dedication and willingness to become the best short-term program I can’t see why it can’t be achieved. Anyway, we know of some examples when programs similar to FinalEarn successfully ran for two-three months and beyond. So why FinalEarn should stop now when their rating is constantly growing? According to the admin the program now has 3,000 members and counting. The full results of the first referral contest for FinalEarn (reviewed here) can be read in the latest newsletter published below:
Hello Everyone,
I am very glad to inform you that our Referral Contest was a big success.
We now have over 3,000 members after the event and I’m very happy with the results.
The contest was started on July 25th and and ended on July 30th, 2010.
Let me first say sorry for sending this update late as I wanted to make sure that no one cheated and I have to check personally if the results were authentic or not. Some referrers are refering themselves and actually have more referrals than one of the winners but we checked and investigated further that there was cheating employed so I had to weigh all the circumstances and wisely determine who are the reals winners.
Now lets continue with what you’ve been waiting for….the Referral Contest results!!
And the winners are……..
First Prize winner is Hyipexplorer. This user won $300 for having 102 active referrals during this period. Hyipexplorer is one of the most famous monitoring sites.
Second Prize winner is HighProfit who won $100 for having 77 active referrals during this period. This user advertised in his own Blog and site.
Third Prize winner is was moneynews who won $50 for having 60 active referrals this period. This user is advertised Final Earn on his own Hyip Blog/Monitoring site.
For our Special Prize…
Congratulations to user NeoBux2 (Mike) !!!
He won $500 for having more than 50 active referrals to become our special winner during this period.
This user started advertising in PTCs, Surf s and Bux sites.
He has 115 active referrals in this period.
All prizes has been added to these lucky winners FinalEarn Account.
We thank them all for their efforts in garnering the best promotion.
We likewise thank the others who have spared time to promote us.
Do not be disappointed if you did not win this time.
Who knows? You might be the next lucky winner on the next contest.
New Referral Contest will start again on August 2nd and will end on August10, 2010.
I will be sending another newsletter for that tomorrow.
This will be all for now again and stay tuned for my announcement tomorrow about the new contest details.
So long and keep on promoting your favorite site…FinalEarn.
Best wishes to all FinalEarn Members!!!
Best regards, Allen (your Servant)

Another short-term program CashRain is picking up steam and it looks like the admin is quite serious to make his program a serious competitor to FinalEarn in the future. According to him about 80% of investors keep reinvesting into the plans offered by the program (read more about them in my review here) and this is a very encouraging sign. Here is the update that was sent by the admin of CashRain Elvis last night:
Hello friends of CashRain hope all is well for you,
today i have good news for you, we have already completed the first cycle of plan 3 days and all withdrawals have been processed, thanks to all who are supporting us redeposited their principal which has been 80% of users, is very gratifying for me to know that our service has exceeded expectations.
I invite you to read the review done by the MoneyNewsOnline blog which has been released today: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2010/07/30/29072010-cashrain-review-and-other-news /
We are working hard to make this the most successful program, once again thanks and welcome all new investors.
Best Regards, Elvis

This morning though something bad happened with CashRain I guess, otherwise why would the admin hastily have changed the script from GoldCoders to Neversay and asked the members to change their passwords and referral links. Well, I did everything the admin said and at the first glance the account was fine. However after logging in I noticed that my earnings for the last night were not credited to the account though they were listed in the history of the transactions. I don’t know what the real reason for changing the script was and if it was a deliberate attempt to hold the withdrawals for some time. However at this particular point I would recommend to hold off from making any additional deposits into CashRain until the situation with the new script is fully explained and rectified by the admin and the earnings are credited to members’ accounts properly. Here is what you have to do in order to login to your CashRain account based on the new script:
We just made a upgrade to a more secured script, please follow instructions to login to you account:
1. User: your e-mail
2. Pass: request a password reset
3. login account and change your password
4. Enter your e-currency account (in change my password option)
5. Check you referral link
6. Update your referral link in forums etc.
If you need any help just let me know, Best Regards.

If you were worried why PrivateDiamondClub hadn’t processed all the payouts yesterday you shouldn’t be. As explained in the latest update from the support center the person responsible for making the payouts were not able to process them in time so part of them have been processed today. The most important thing of course is that PrivateDiamondClub (reviewed here) is still paying well and it looks like no obstacles can change this welcome fact. A short update was sent to the members of PrivateDiamondClub today while the full regular update from the admin of the program Lars is expected to arrive within the coming few days. So here is the latest from PrivateDiamondClub:
I am sorry for the late newsletter. Lars will hopefully upload a complete news update tomorrow or Sunday. And the final part of the Video will be online as promised (part 3)… All was a bit hectic the last 2 days. Pone error no. 2 and the new trading journey of the PrivateDiamondClub‘s head of trading is starting Sunday… So just two days and the journey starts. Nothing to worry. Mrs. Abdalla could not handle all payments tomorrow so about 20% are paid tomorrow at noon till afternoon.
Sorry for that!
All the best and till tomorrow!
Regards. Hilde
Support and Marketing Manager
PrivateDiamondClub Limited

I have been paid today by the following programs:
Biffalo, OnyxInvClub, CashMiner, FinalEarn, BullInvest, TrinalFunds, OilStructure, OptimumPride, WorldPrivateFunds, UniteTrade, YamaFinance, ReProFinance, SeatRonacs, PawnShopFund, HOX, PrivateDiamondClub, GoldFinanceCorp, MoneyWin42, CherryShares, EzProfit, GoldenInvestment, YesInvestment and AvaInvestment.

That’s all the news for now. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow where I will be bringing to you a detailed review of Flamanta program which is considered by many investors as the next big thing. See you tomorrow guys and enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

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