Aug 5th, 2010 Archives

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Hi, guys! Hope you’re all keeping well this evening. I’m having a nice time in Uppsala, Sweden and today after dinner I found time to visit a local cinema and spend an enjoyable couple of hours watching Shrek Forever After in 3D which I don’t get to do as often as I’d like. Well, the low season in the HYIP industry gave me a well earned rest from business so I’m kinda grateful these things happen in summer, exactly when I’m on vacation. Eagerly anticipating Autumn and the industry recovering I believe that the game will become back to normal by then. Anyway, let’s see what happened in the HYIP industry today.

First off, the scams. I would like to give you a warning about investing into the following programs: GoldCollarInvest, TrinalFunds and CashRain. They all stopped paying and the first two programs were mentioned on my blog last night as potentially problematic. Well, I guess the admins really decided to pull the plug as nobody had the courage to reply to my emails. Whatever, CashRain is also a scam now with many cashouts pending. Very probably, the program couldn’t survive the bad consequences of what in my opinion was a stupid decision of changing the script and the mess it caused to members’ accounts. It looks like the admin killed the program by his own by his own actions and missed a great opportunity to become huge. Anyway, please do NOT invest anymore in such programs as TrinalFunds (a truly huge disappointment for me!), GoldCollarInvest (obviously scammed not to pay for the principal withdrawals after 30 calendar days) and CashRain (a short-lived failure).

Considering these latest closures of short and medium term programs it’s extremely refreshing to see that the admin of FinalEarn Allen (interviewed here) fighting for his program to survive first with the bad vote attacks and now with AlertPay yet again doing the thing they always do best – block the program’s account in the middle of the its lifecycle which is an extremely dangerous thing.

This not only threatens the program, it threatens the members too who joined in good faith believing that AlertPay were satisfied with them. Allen was very proactive and managed to switch payouts to a different AlertPay account while the previous account was under investigation so funds could not be moved and only refunds could be made. So it was decided that the members with deposits in the old AlertPay account will be refunded their amount which they deposited into 115% after 3 days or 140% after 7 days plan while the profits from those plans will be paid from the newly opened AlertPay account. I guess it’s the only available choice under the circumstances. FinalEarn is still paying on time for both plans and I believe that its future depends solely on the members’ support and the level of redeposits they will be getting from now on. Of course, AlertPay could freeze the other account as well but then Allen could ask another of his friends to use his account for the payments. Just kidding! Anyway, the next few days will be crucial for FinalEarn (reviewed here) and we will see if it can survive despite the obstacles:
Dear Members,
This newsletter is specially meant for all members who have made an investment in FinalEarn using the payment processor, AlertPay. The AlertPay account we have been using for the deposit and withdrawal transactions, has been put on hold due to unknown reasons. I haven’t missed or delayed a single payout so far, and all payout were made within a maximum of 6 hours till now, even though in the FAQs, I have stated that all payments will be processed within 24 hours. It is most likely that the AlertPay authorities did it so, due to the complaints sent in by the bad poster/voter who has been trying to spoil the reputation of FinalEarn for the past one week, of which I mentioned in my last newsletter.
I have sent in a support ticket to AlertPay regarding the matter, but I haven’t heard from them so far. So for the time being, I’ve opened a new AlertPay account in the name of my business partner, and all future to and fro AlertPay transactions will be made via the new AlertPay account registered in the name of my business partner. As of now, the following procedures will be followed.
1. All members who had made a deposit to the previous AlertPay account of FinalEarn, will be refunded their original investment using the previous AlertPay account, and will be paid the interest/profit using the new AlertPay account, when they request for their withdrawal. This means that your principal amount will be paid using the previous AlertPay account of FinalEarn, and your profit will be paid using the new AlertPay account of FinalEarn.
2. And obviously, all members who will be making a new deposit using AlertPay from now on, will be paid the whole amount, which includes the principal and the profit, using the new AlertPay account of FinalEarn, when they request for their withdrawal.
Please note that this issue is not something you need to make a fuss about, as the aforesaid issue has already been taken care of.
All members can continue making investments with Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and AlertPay just as usual.
Best Regards, Allen

I have to say the updates from PrivateDiamondClub (reviewed here) have always been the most fascinating from what can often be an otherwise bland side of the business. Lars and co’s adventures there are even beginning to read a bit like Joseph Conrad’s classic “Heart of Darkness”! But while the newsletters are both entertaining and informative, the fact remains that as far as online HYIPs go their tract record has been superb. Despite some long forgotten technical problems beyond their control PrivateDiamondClub have slowly but surely worked their way up the lists of most investors watching them. Next week in fact I believe they will be celebrating 5 excellent months online which is more than enough time for any investor to be nicely in profit.
Plans currently on offer include 4% for 30 business days (principal included), 30% for 4 weeks (principal included), 0.5% daily forever (principal back after 14 days), 5.5% for 12-24 weeks (principal back), and 26% for 6-12 months (principal back). All that’s about to change however as Lars explains in the newsletter published below. Existing plans will continue to run as they’ve been popular but the program is about to spice things up a bit with some new introductions.
First of all there will be a Test Plan which I suppose is mainly geared towards attracting some new investors but it’s open to all. This plan sees PrivateDiamondClub offers 30% interest paid per week for a term of 4 weeks. Your principal is included so that’s a total return of 120% on investments between $100 and $25,000.
The other new plan runs for 30 business days (6 weeks) and makes daily interest payments of 4% on business days for deposits between $50 and $25,000. Your principal is already counted so the total return will also be 120%. As well as the new investment plans however Lars and PrivateDiamondClub also demonstrate how it’s possible to run an online HYIP in what can be a very dishonest industry and yet still retain some semblance of social conscience and respect for the dignity of those less fortunate than we are. And yes, no matter how badly you sometimes imagine things are for you there really is always someone a lot worse off. So well done to Lars for trying to raise awareness of the reality of life in the 21st century for millions of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. You can see this ongoing saga in the latest in his series of videos on the turmoil facing regular working families just trying to earn a living. The latest news update from PrivateDiamondClub is below:
Dear members and followers of the PrivateDiamondClub,
Today, we have the 4th of August.
I just start with our main news. Our trading journey started on Monday. The head of trading reached safe in the DRC with Henry (our Diamond Expert) and one partner.
It is a safe journey and all who followed the club journey may remember our diamond trade in March 2010. At this time an old partner returned after 18 month from Angola and contacted us that he started to operate in his old area and is controlling his own exploration pit. At this time we made a small test trade valued between US$130k. This time we will work again with him, but this time we make a bigger trade. It is a smaller diamond trade than our last trip but maybe some of our old members remember we were so happy with the result in March, we even paid a bonus of 3% to our investors. Because of the well known trading area and our new office, the journey will take no longer than 7 days. The last part of our failed tin mine journey is online. Finally. Also some pictures will follow. If you are not aware of the PrivateDiamondClub‘s tin deal you should watch the whole story behind our first failed business ever first. You find Congo ‘s tin truth Part 1 here:
For the 2nd part click here:
The Final Part and the end is online now!
click on the link to see Part 3 of Congo’s Tin truth.
Remember that we do not deal with tin. Our club management decided long ago to stay away from tin mines in the DRC! Our only purpose is to invest the funds of the members solely in our diamond trades for the benefit and profits of our Club Members.
The other main news is a decision we made last week together with our Financial Director. Many investors wanted the business day plan back. The daily business plan was very successful for us and one of our no.1 choices of our members. So we decided to introduce a 2nd daily plan. The Plan is our New Daily Business Plan.
The Term: 30 Business days
Profit: 4.0% every business day
Investment: US$ 50 – US$ 25,000

The Principal is included in the daily profit payments!!!
And than we have a new test Plan for those who complain about long terms or who are careful. The Test Plan is just open during a trading journey and 2-3 weeks after. We pay 30% weekly for 4 weeks!
The Term: 4 weeks
Profit: 30% weekly
Investment: US$ 100 – US$ 25,000

The Principal is included in the weekly profit payments!!!
The Plan includes a automatic Compounding percent of min. 5% and a maximum of 30%!
This Plans are just available for online investors.
Some members did not realise our Premium membership. It clear in our PrivateDiamondClub Terms but I like to state them out again for all who don’t know them yet.
Premium Members:
Members with an active deposit of over US$ 2000 can get phone verified and become Premium Members. The benefits of our Premium Members are:
4% Referral Commission in the first level and 1% in the 2nd Level! The member can use online account management like all other members, but also withdraw money via SMS account management or phone account management. We also offer a free Visa Debit Card for Premium members (not anonymous, posted by DHL, member need to provide real contact details). It does not care if the member invested with Bank Wire, WU, LR or PM. All Premium Members can withdraw with any E-Currency (without any fee), Bank Wire (2.5% fee) and Western Union 3% fee, no fee for requests over US$200). (NOT AVAILABLE FOR OLD STRICT PAY MEMBERS!)
So that is all for today.
Thank you for now! For question’s just send me an email or call us!
Thank you again, regards. Lars von Oldberg
PrivateDiamondClub Limited

There was some good news for YamaFinance members (reviewed here) today. Mostly for the promoters of the program as the referral system becomes more complicated and profitable for the top referrers which will allow investors to make an extra income in addition to their profits from the investment plans: 1.2% for 100 business days, 6.25% for 22 weeks, 1.3%-1.55% for 110 business days, 1.6% for 120 business days with the principal returned. So the referral system from now will depend on the total amount your referrals deposited into the program so the commissions will range from 5% to 7% depending on the outcome. I guess this should attract more promoters and make the program more visible among prospective investors. I must say that YamaFinance is still kinda flying under the radar of most successful players though paying every business day with instant payouts to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. I have been monitoring YamaFinance for 40 days already and see great potential there and predict much more interest from investors in Autumn. Here is the latest news from YamaFinance:
We value all our partners and we are thankful to all of you for your help in making YamaFinance more popular not only in Japan but all over the world.
We made our affiliate program more progressive. And this means that the more referrals you attract, the higher interest from the deposits invested by the referrals you earn.
If you have attracted clients with a total deposit up to $800 (your referral interest is at least $40), your partner interest amounts to 5%.
If you have attracted clients with total deposits ranging from $800 to $4000 (your referral interest ranges from $40 to $240), your partner interest amounts to 6%.
If you have attracted clients with total deposits exceeding $4000 (your referral interest is more than $240), your partner interest amounts to 7%.
A pleasant piece of news for most of our regular partners will be the fact that under new provisions of our affiliate program we pay additional referral interests which are to be paid under the new conditions to our old partners, who have already attracted a great number of clients and earned more than $40 of referral interest. Collaborate with YamaFinance, since we offer you not only a profitable investment business but a lucrative affiliate program as well.
We are sure that very soon Japanese technologies of stock and forex trading, our experience and a solid team of managers and traders will allow YamaFinance company to join the TOP investment companies, launch its branches outside Japan and bring stability in investment business of the Internet users.
YamaFinance – Peak of your financial imagination.

Other programs are obviously also affected by the slow season and are suffering from the lack of participation. Especially it’s a hard period for low-ROI programs like BullInvest which started their online activities just three weeks ago but were unable to raise the interest from investors which they obviously hoped to get. So the administration of BullInvest started another stage in their promo campaign by announcing a lucrative referral contest for another month and offering a one-time deposit bonus of 10% which will be added to your deposit straight after you invest in any of the plans currently offered: 1.3%-1.7% for 130 days, 1.71%-1.9% for 150 days, 2.1%-2.4% for 180 days with the principal returned on expiry of all. Please note that BullInvest also accepts AlertPay along with the more traditional LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney so it might get some popularity among those investors who are hesitant enough to use non-verified e-currencies nowadays. The newsletter announced the ref contest and the 10% bonus has been sent by BullInvest (reviewed here) today:
This is an official communication of The Bull Investment Firm.
Due to the growing popularity of our site and our dedicated focus on the needs of our members and non members we have decided on two additions to The Bull Investment Firm online division.
– 10% First deposit bonus
The first addition will be a 10% deposit bonus for all first time deposits. This means that all accounts that have never made a deposit before will receive a 10% increase on their principal amount. (IE.. If you deposit 100$ you will now have a principal of 110$). If any current members wish to open another account to take advantage of this bonus promotion then please send a support ticket and we can discuss your specific needs.
– Referral Contest
Secondly due to the slow season that we are in we have decided to launch a very lucrative referral contest. It will proceed as follows.
We will award 3 winners for their efforts. Only active referred members will be counted. The top 3 referrers will win the following prizes.
1st Place – $500 to the payment processor of your choice.
2nd Place – $250 to the payment processor of your choice.
3rd Place – $100 to the payment processor of your choice.
The contest will proceed starting immediately and running through September 3rd 2010. All winners will be announced and rewarded at that time.
Our future is very bright at The Bull Investment Firm LTD and we hope that we will continue to meet only your highest expectations.
Jason Makon. The Bull Investment Firm
Vice President & I.T. Director

Some of my readers asked me why I don’t move CherryShares to Premium listing on my blog. I would like to confess that it was due to hard feelings towards the administration of the program that didn’t appreciate my decision to monitor their program for free and issued some untrue updates regarding their advertising on MNO. No hard feelings now though as I think CherryShares already proved for over a year of its existence and stable payouts over this period of time that it deserves to be on Premium listing of MNO. I make this move absolutely voluntarily simply based on the positive feedback received from my readers and on my own pleasant experience from the program that is paying like a clockwork on the following plans: 1.1% for 315 days, 5.8% for 3 weeks, 8.7% for 50 weeks, 9.9% for 75 weeks. More about CherryShares can be read in my review published here and I hope the administration will agree to answer some questions for the interview as well at anytime soon.

Another low-ROI program that is paying almost instantly and is considered by many as a new huge hit is Flamanta (reviewed here). The admin of the program kindly agreed to answer some questions for the interview for MNO and I will be sending some tomorrow. If you have any questions you would like to ask the admin of Flamanta please don’t hesitate to contact me at and submit your questions within the next 24 hours. I believe Flamanta deserves a very close attention and that the interview with the admin will prove to be interesting for my readers. I remind you that Flamanta accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney only into the following plans: 1.72%-1.78% for 150 business days, 1.84% for 160 business days and 1.92% for 180 business days. I recently discovered that the payouts from Flamanta are instant at most of the times so it’s just another of its many advantages.

The site of FundsOMatic is still not available but at least the admin Randy keeps everybody updated. Since FundsOMatic is a low-ROI program paying only 0.8%-1.8% for 200 days and 7%-14% for 26 weeks I don’t think it will be seriously affected by such prolonged downtime for over 48 hours now. At least we can see the light at the end of the tunnel as Randy (interviewed here) contacted me today and asking to spread the word about the coming solution. Knowing that MNO is the most popular investment blog online I believe he wants the members to know that the site will be online soon and that he’s not leaving or running away anywhere. Here is the latest news from him (expecting FundsOMatic back online soon – fingers crossed!):
I just got an update from our hosting that there is an ISP issue they are resolving and should be up soon, I have asked for the back up and i have ordered hosting from a different location so there should hopefully be back up by end of today.
Please let your down line and readers know.

The admin of WorldPrivateFunds (reviewed here) shared some great news and plans for the future to his membership which has definitely expanded since SolidTrustPay became the latest accepted payment processor. So the translation of the website into several different languages is in the pipeline and will be completed by the end of August. Also the admin intends to accept bank wires soon and moving the database to a new customized script (I remind you that at the moment WorldPrivateFunds is running off a licensed GoldCoders script). It would be nice to see all the changes implemented soon but meanwhile you can check out the website and see if you like the plans on offer by WorldPrivateFunds – 0.9% for 10 business days, 1.1% for 30 business days, 1.4% for 60 business days, 1.8% for 90 business days, 2.2% for 120 business days. Here is the latest newsletter from the program:
We are pleased to announce you that we intend adding multi-language version (Spanish, Russian, German and Chinese) for our site till the end of August 2010 – made by authorized translators.
We will also add till then the option Bank Wire and we intend to move our data base to a new custom script.
All withdrawal requests for today have been completed.
We appreciate if you will post your payment proofs on forums and vote us on monitors in order to increase rating and popularity of our investment program.
Ratings page
Do not hesitate to contact me for any problem.
Kind Regards. Samuel Arildsen
WorldPrivateFunds Admin

The following programs listed on my monitoring paid me today:
GoldFinanceCorp, FinalEarn, RedOrchidInvest, OnyxInvClub, OilStructure, BookmakerOffice, HOX, SeatRonacs, WorldPrivateFunds, BullInvest, MoneyWin42, FutureTrails, Flamanta, GroupUniversal, 144CashAds, YesInvestment, GoldenInvestment, EzProfit, CashMiner, PawnShopFund, YamaFinance and UniteTrade.

That would be it for today. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow! Greetings from Sweden and especially to my Swedish readers!

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