Sep 16th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of news today. I was pretty busy all day long taking excursions around Amsterdam and am really exhausted now. So the news will be published on MNO tomorrow.

Today I’m talking to the the admin of UniteTrade (reviewed here). His name is Andy so let’s hear what he has to say about his plans and his program. At the moment UniteTrade offers two investment plans which pays you 120% after 7 days and 150% after 15 days. The program has been around for a good number of months which is simply a remarkable achievement for any HYIP, let alone a short-term investment project like UniteTrade. So lets take a closer look and hear from the admin himself.

1. Hi Andy, please start by introducing yourself to the readers of MNO and telling us a bit first about your own role in UniteTrade and then about your background in the HYIP industry. What kind of previous experience do you have in managing funds?

Hello Paul and MNO readers. I’m Andy Davies. My role is quite simple, administrating the program which means handling the incoming and outgoing transactions, solving problems, advertising, taking care of the website’s security, answering the support tickets.

My past experience with HYIP’s is as an investor. I invested a few hundred dollars here and there and I saw the awesome potential the HYIP market had for raising capital which led to me opening UniteTrade.

2. Can you also tell us a bit more about UniteTrade itself? How long have you been in business? Are you running this alone or are there others involved with you? Why did you start the program to begin with?

UniteTrade has been online for 160 days with High ROI Plans. I am not alone of course. There are two more people assisting me in performing my duties. It all began when we saw so many HYIP programs collapsing at such a young age. It is obvious that they don’t calculate things seriously or just take some big chances with customer’s money. We started this program for help others to earn some money.

3. Please explain the investment plans to us in detail. What are the minimum and maximum amounts accepted into each plan? What rates of interest do you offer and how long do they run for?

We have two investment plans.

To start with – 120% after 7 days. 7 days means 7 calender days. All days are included.

Minimum deposit is $5 and maximum deposit amount is $5000 for this plan. Total profit for this plan is 20% and the principal is 100% so a total of 120% will be returned on expiry.

Next plan that has most of the deposits there is 150% after 15 calender days. Minimum deposit is $100 and maximum deposit amount is $60000 for this plan. Total profit for this plan is 50% and principal is 100% so a total of 150% will be returned on expiry.

4. Can you give us any statistics regarding the program? Particularly in relation to the number of members, the amounts paid in and out, and from which plans.

Yes. We have 4600 registered members and almost 3100 of them are active now. Total active members deposits are around $340K and the total withdraw is around $224K. Most investors join the 15 Day Plan which is much more profitable.

5. If a reader wants to join UniteTrade then what payment processors are you using? What are the most popular choices? I see you’ve recently dropped StrictPay as an option. Can you explain why that was and what you did with any existing members deposits made through them?

At this time we just accept LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. StrictPay has been removed from our site because of fraud from the StrictPay Team. StrictPay has frozen our balance without any reason. It has not many investors and just 2 members joined there. One of them got paid and the other sent a refund request to them. But all members must leave this scam payment processor. Who can accept depositing his/her money in a bank but then being told you but can’t withdraw it from them.

As you know LibertyReserve is more popular than any other payment processors and most of our members are using them.

6. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

UniteTrade is hosted on DDOSWIZ. They are the most skilled in this Market. You can check the top ten HYIPs. On any list and will see most of them hosted by ddoswiz. Because of them uptime and protected system we don’t have any problem with our Hosting. They are on of top Hosting providers in Hosting Market.

7. What about your script? Who is the provider? What do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors? Why aren’t you using SSL encryption?

We are using GoldCoders Script which is safe and secure and all investors know how it’s easy to work. GC is popular than other scripts and it’s easy for me as a admin for use and manage. on of our goal in future is using Dedicated Proxy Servers and SSL encryption. We will add them very soon.

8. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

We do have live chat support and a support ticket system, but for now we are only allowing tickets. I try to deal with them as fast as I can. We did not launch the live support just yet however, since 99% of all support requests are requests for monitoring services. I do not need any more of them or want to waste my working time in live chat with monitors.

9. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Most of questions and support tickets are regarding changing payment processors. For change e-mail or payment processors members must send us their secret answer and secret question. We had not so many problems till now. But important than all was the StrictPay issue that has been removed and this problem fixed. Hope we don’t have any more problems with them in the future.

10. What other outside business and investment activities are UniteTrade involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities and are you licensed by any authority to offer financial services such as you do?

UniteTrade is an investment company which deals mainly in ForEx trading and stock markets. We trade with the money invested by our members in Foreign Exchange. Most of the profits generated come from forex trading and the rest come from stock market trading. The evidence of our trading will be soon made available to our members.

11. I can see quite clearly that a lot of the texts on the UniteTrade website are copy/pasted from a number of other sources. How then do you expect investors to take any of your claims seriously?

Yes that’s right. It’s simply because we are new in the online HYIP business so we checked many other investment programs and collected information on some of them that operate in a similar way to us. So we decided to borrow some text for our site. It’s not that important if it isn’t totally original as it still accurately applies to our website.

12. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by UniteTrade. For quite a long time you seemed to have almost no advertising or promotional activities. Why was that? What are you doing to bring UniteTrade to a wider investment audience?

No advertising? A site with no advertisement will never grow. Forums and monitors are not isolated places for advertising. We know some blogs and ways that it’s better for advertisement. Also we started advertising in some monitors. We will order banner and sticky advertising in famous forums very soon. Banner and sticky advertising in famous forums very soon.

13. Are there any plans to develop UniteTrade further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to take the program forward in such a competitive market?

Yes, as we had promised earlier, we are planning some positive changes. We will not unveil them for now though, we want to keep them as a nice surprise. Finally, I want to the members of the program for being so helpful with this as well.

I must say I especially appreciated the answer regarding the StrictPay issue calling a spade a spade (I mean “scam” a “scam”). Ok, I guess you now have a better view on UniteTrade and I hope the interview was useful for you and it will help you with your investment decisions.

That’s all for tonight. I will be back tomorrow with another review and more news from HYIP industry. Stay tuned, guys!

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