Sep 18th, 2010 Archives

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Hi, guys! Nice to see you all in the next issue of MNOFridays where I try to unveil how the HYIP industry really works and reveal you some hidden secrets most HYIP admins wish to hide from you. The purpose of MNOFridays is to educate you and give you some tools to be in profit from HYIPs with a higher probability than those who don’t have such information. It is also widely known that whoever has the right knowledge rules the world.

The theme for today’s discussion is the recent introduction of their own debit cards by one popular online HYIP which was a definite sign of imminent problems. From the past experience it’s well known that online HYIPs that try to issue their own debit card usually didn’t survive for too long afterwards. Simply because they can not provide you with the promised card and use it as an excuse to collect more money before leaving. So that made me think that some of the tricks using by admins before their programs collapse would be a nice topic for the next discussion on MNOFridays.

So as I already said the announcement of a debit card would be a sign of pending closure as proven by such programs as SilverLodge, Tradelite, PTVPartner, and many others in the past. All of them promised it, in some cases actually gladly collected money for it, but in 100% of cases failed to deliver it.

Another typical sign of a coming closure would be the admin announcing the future closure of the program to new deposits (temporarily or permanently) and therefore creating in the investors’ minds a much needed sense of urgency widely used in regular offline marketing as well. So imagine a program is running for 12 months and you quite like its fast payouts and professional support. The admin is also pretty active and built up quite a nice rapport with his audience. Some investors are even suspecting that the program has its own source of income, blissfully unaware that it is more likely just a very well organized ponzi-game.

So one fine day, when everything seems to be great as usual the admin suddenly announces that the program reached its goal of 5,000 members and deposits exceed the limit of what they need for the development of their business (the wording can be different and depends on the situation but I guess you got the drift). So unfortunately he had to close the program to new deposits on a particular day (say the first of January) and from that day on new members will not be admitted for some time. Of course, that creates a sense of panic among investors who think “I made so much money from that program and now it’s going to close. I have to make sure and deposit more money before the closing date, otherwise I will stop earning”. Therefore, many people lose their heads and re-deposit all their existing profits (or even invest more money than they earned from the program) back into a pending scam. So that leaves the admin with a nice chunk of money by the first of January and he spends his winter in some Caribbean resort while the investors get scammed. Some programs can even open and close their doors many times before disappearing or create a different tactic. But the result will be the same – after some struggling and the inevitable payout issues the program closes and the admin opens a new HYIP from the money “earned” in the previous one. The cycle repeats itself over and over again.

A very popular excuse, and occasionally a genuine reason, for a program’s closure could be the blocking of their AlertPay account. There might be also some issues with SolidTrustPay but since it’s not so popular among HYIPers anymore I don’t believe it would have the same negative impact that AlertPay issues can have. The blocking of an AlertPay account can only lead to the program’s closure and unless the admin has one more account in AlertPay and continues paying using the reserves the collapse (especially if it’s a short-term program) will be imminent. For instance, just yesterday I found out that SignalTraders stopped paying and today I found out that their AlertPay account was blocked which was probably the real reason why payments stopped. That is why if you see a program using AlertPay be especially cautious and be aware of the additional risks. Of course, if a member uses AlertPay they have a bigger chance of getting refunded after a scam, but that’s not the issue we are talking about today.

Perhaps the most common trick to scam a little extra cash before closing (which doesn’t really work on the more experienced investors) is the introduction of new higher paying plans and some strangely high bonuses for larger investors. Usually (not always) that means that the admin didn’t get such good results as first expected from the existing plans. So in a final attempt to collect more money it takes this step in hope that many investors will take this opportunity to deposit into higher paying plans or get some bonus. Well, I guess it works on some folks as otherwise the admins wouldn’t be doing it. The question to consider: would a program change their plans to apparently more profitable ones and offer some bonuses if everything was running smoothly. Of course not. A well thought-out and organized program with a smart admin has a strategy of continuous development for many months ahead and surely will not make any drastic changes that would alert experienced investors that something suspicious is going on. Sometimes though (pretty rarely) the more attractive and profitable plans can boost many deposits and prolong the ponzi’s lifetime but it happens very seldom so we can single that out because it’s always better to be safe than sorry in this industry.

There are many other ways of getting some more money before closing the program and some of them more obvious while others are less so. There will be always many ways in which admins will try to fool investors and take a big bite out of your money. But whatever happens please always analyze and see the real motives of their actions and not the ones he wants you to believe. And please share more tricks from your experience with HYIPs in the special thread posted on the MNO forum here. I’m sure that many admins can be really inventive when it comes to luring investors into their quickly collapsing programs.

I believe that MNO readers openly discussing these things there will be less and less room for dishonest admins, monitors, bloggers, and ref sharks who do whatever possible to persuade you that the money is being made from ForEx, fish farms, or silver mines and not from the ponzi schemes which are usually just a matter of redistributing existing money and nothing else. And if you are playing those games please be aware about the possibility of gaining and losing money and never trust any of the admins who can be pretty shrewd when it comes to parting you from your money. Be smart and be on the safe side and remember that everybody in this industry has their own agenda and your task is to find it.

I would like you to share your thoughts about that in my MNOFridays thread on my forum which you can find here. Please also tell me what other discussions you would like to hear in the coming weeks. I think it will be a perfect place to hear what others are saying while gaining some proper experience which is much needed if you want to become a successful player in the HYIP industry.


Ok, guys. First things first! I’m going to send some questions for the interview to the admin of the newly launched YoKapital (reviewed here) and I hope you will help me compile them. Please send your questions to my address with the subject “Questions for YoKapital” and I will try to include them if you send it within the next 24 hours. By the way, I can see that my review of YoKapital published yesterday gained much interest as the program is really different from most others in many aspects. So I guess that an interview with the administration will be very useful in terms of understanding how the program works. In a nutshell, you will get 1.8% daily for the first 30 days of your investment while after that it goes up to 2%. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are the only payment processors accepted by YoKapital, however it’s compensated for by automated payouts which you don’t need to request. More on the plans and all the program’s details can be read in my detailed review of the program published here and which was graciously mentioned by the administration of YoKapital in their first newsletter to the members. In addition, the newsletter emphasized the proper use of the Live Chat support which is not intended for monitors and features a message from an actual person in charge of the program who is now on some important business trip. Here is the first newsletter from YoKapital in full:
Hello all YoKa clients,
I would like to introduce myself to all our new members. I am Julita Sinon, the Head of Support at YoKapital. I am pleased to have met you through this program.
This is my first mail on behalf of YoKapital to all of you. Our team would like to thank each and every one of you for the warm welcome to this field. We noticed that our program has stirred a lot of positive vibes around here.
We read the review of YoKapital at the Money News Online Blog. We felt that it is a very elaborate and well-intended manner of introducing us to its readers and other visitors. This review contains vital information about our investment and other related transaction and appears rather useful for anyone who wants to know more about us.
The link to this review is :
Our LiveChat service is exclusively for members to contact us for their account / investment related issues which are attended to immediately. Since many investment monitors are using this service to offer their monitoring services, our LiveChat operator is constantly flooded with chat requests. This has caused some traffic friction.
So, we would strongly advice all monitoring service providers to refrain from using our member exclusive support services to contact us and use the support mail option instead.
We also would like to add that all the payouts are done automatically including your daily profits, referral commissions and investment bonus. So you do not have to request for withdrawals or contact us for this reason. Everything will be sent directly to your payment processor accounts.
Our CEO, Martin Stejnar has been away on a business trip and has not been able to be here to greet you all personally.
So, he managed to send in a brief message for us to convey to you.
Here is the message:
Hello Everyone,
This is Martin Stejnar from YoKapital and I am very glad to be a part of this program and as much as I would have liked to be at the office where all the action is taking place, my professional commitments seem to stand in the way.
So I decided to send out a short welcome message to you through my team. I hope you all are doing well and have been finding our services satisfactory thus far.
We would always find it an honor to assist you in any way we can to ensure that your alliance with us as an investor is profitable and reliable for as long as you are with us.
I would be back at my office early next week and in the meanwhile, you can always contact me through email, if needed.
– Martin Stejnar,CEO
This ends this welcome mail and we send you our warm greetings from YoKapital.
Best Regards, Julita Sinon. YoKapital.

I must say that I received two different opinions regarding FairHyip and the pending payouts. Some readers told me that they had been paid in full this week, while others mentioned that their payouts had been put back to their cash balance so they had to resubmit their withdrawal request to the administration. My experience this week with FairHyip is kinda mixed. On one hand, I was paid the oldest withdrawal request in full, while the newest request was returned back to cash balance and I had to request it again. While I don’t know if this is done by the admin purposely or it’s just a technical glitch I would still give the benefit of the doubt and keep it on Paying status. I would not recommend to invest any additional money to FairHyip till next week when hopefully all the pending payouts should be paid in full. I will keep you updated next Wednesday when it will be a decisive time for FairHyip which will define their further status on MNO.

I must say that despite of the long downtime the admin of Forexica still keeps in contact with me and explains the situation. According to their last email they put all the responsibility for the downtime to the administration of their hosting provider Dragonara and their lack of support. If we can believe that then it appears some serious allegations are being made. I would not like to jump to any conclusions regarding Dragonara and their bad communications with Forexica but I myself sent an email to Dragonara asking them to give their version of events and explain why they didn’t reply to the requests of their client. Stay tuned for the continuing of the story soon!

The admin of EzProfit really made me laugh today with yet another update in which he announced the winner of their whopping monthly referral contest with $10,000 prize fund. So the name of the lucky winner is none other than James Dean. Stay tuned for next month’s winner which will no doubt go to Marlon Brando or Johnny Depp. How could I forget the Philip Morris character who once ran an online HYIP? Who knows, maybe the admin’s fake names will be the perfect topic for the next MNOFridays discussion? Here is the latest news from EzProfit (reviewed here):
Winner of TOP Referral of the Month.
Congratulation to our member James Dean who win the TOP referral of the month and the bonus $10,000 already credited into your account. You may withdraw or invest.

So, mr. Dean what would you do with your fortune: withdraw or invest back?

I would like to warn you again about the administration of ForexCompanyOnline. Those scammers blocked my account for no apparent reason and then I have to move their program from Problem to Not Paying status. That didn’t stop the admin as he kept sending paid posters to my monitoring site so they could submit fake posts. Today my monitoring page became the victim of more malicious attacks spread by the administration of ForexCompanyOnline which made me delete the program from my listing. I would like just warn you that you deal with the worst scammers and spammers who will not stop and will do anything possible to make you shut up. I will not do so but I will try to make it loud and clear so everybody would be aware what kind of crooks they are.

Not a long time ago Fridays became the last day of the week when you could make a withdrawal request from 144CashAds (reviewed here). I believe that the admin did it to reduce the work load. However, on Monday I believe the payouts should resume and meanwhile you can have a look at my interview with the admin Lewies where he explained how his program works on some practical examples. Here is the latest newsletter from 144CashAds:
Hi. Welcome to all new members in to our family. We are 100% sure that you all will be satisfied with our support and service.
Pls send feel free support mail if you need any help
Who want to buy banner ads pls note that we will increase our advertise cost soon.
All 6 plans holder members who still dont received 10$ cash bonus pls send support mail to get 10$.
Who want to withdraw their earning pls do request before weekend holidays. Withdraw button will be disabled during weekends but you can earn daily ROI.
All payout done and up to date.
Thank you. Lewies. Project admin

I have two new programs added to my monitoring page today. The first one is called GainBucks and looks very much like it could possibly be from the admin of YesInvestment, a program listed on my monitoring for about 200 days (a very good achievement). You might ask me why I think that the program is from the same admin. Well, just look at the script which is exactly identical to YesInvestment, the same hosting provider DdoSWiz, the same 5-year long created domain, similar investment plans and only LibertyReserve accepted as a payment processor. The biggest evidence though which will be removed hopefully not to confuse the newbie investors would be “YesInvestment number” and “YesInvestment account name” which was forgotten to be removed by the admin and points directly to a connection between the two. I must say that there is nothing wrong with the admin running two programs at a time and considering that YesInvestment was quite a good choice for those who played it smart the newly launched GainBucks can be a very good program as well. I would not advise investing in the 6% daily for 365 days plan as in my understanding your account will be credited with the interest daily but it doesn’t mean that you will be able to withdraw daily as well (I think that like in YesInvestment you will get the lump sum on expiry). As for the other available plans, they are quite sustainable in my opinion and you will be paid 1% for 500 calendar days, 1.5% for 400 calendar days and 2% for 300 calendar days with the principal returned and the rates depending on the deposited amount (the minimum to invest in this daily paying plan is $10 only). More about GainBucks can be read in the upcoming review which will be available in a few days.

The second added program is the total opposite to GainBucks and is a short-term program called OrderDollar. It accepts only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and offers two investment plans. In one of them you will be paid 23% for 5 days so your pure profit will be 15% after 5 days. In the other plan you will be paid 135% after 10 days. The minimum for both plans is quite affordable and if for the second plan it’s $10 then for the less risky daily paying plan it’s only $2. OrderDollar was added to monitoring sites only today so we can consider it as the official start of the advertising campaign. It’s hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DdoSWiz protection and the site is running off a licensed GoldCoders script. More on OrderDollar will be in the upcoming review of the program tomorrow. Stay tuned for that, guys!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
UniteTrade, RedOrchidInvest, Vodapex, ReProFinance, MutualTreaty, InWolton, FutureTrails, OilStructure, EzProfit, YoKapital, FundsOMatic, CherryShares, YesInvestment, FiboTradePro, MajesticMoney, PawnShopFund, GroupUniversal, Flamanta, YamaFinance, OptimumPride, 144CashAds, VividTrade and WorldPrivateFunds.

That’s all for today. Enjoy your weekend and hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow with another review and more news from the HYIP industry. See you all then!

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