September 2010 Archives

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Hi, guys! How was your Sunday? I spent it in sunny Hamburg but unfortunately the harbor cruise I took today was in German so I wasn’t able to understand many jokes of the guide which as I could see from the reaction of the mostly completely drunk audience were hilarious. Anyway, let’s get to the news from the HYIP industry asap because I believe there is much to report on from the last 48 hours.

Starting with an update from a program that has been online for a month already but I believe only now starting to pick up some real momentum. I’m talking about GlobalTradeManagers (reviewed here) – the program that is paying on two daily plans (3.5% for 40 days and 3% for 60 days). The first investors that joined GlobalTradeManagers at the start should be in profit already and in a week or so the first payouts from the on expiry plans (155% after 40 days or 201% after 60 days) will be processed. Of course, MNO will report about it when it happens but meanwhile let’s congratulate GlobalTradeManagers with the successful completion of their first month online with no major issues and wish them every success for many more months to come. Here is the latest newsletter from the admin of GlobalTradeManagers devoted to this first monthly milestone:

Hello, We feel it is the time to update all our members.
It was quite busy and successful one month for GlobalTradeManagers from the moment we became online. We are trying to process all the withdrawals as fast as possible. All the support tickets are being answered in time. We found enormous support from members everywhere. We would like to thank every member for doing business with us. We would like to have long term relationship with all clients. Most of the members who joined us on the first day are in profit now. Everyone will have profits in future. We assure that GlobalTradeManagers will serve you well and work for your dreams in coming days.
Until next time, GlobalTradeManagers Limited

You might notice that VividTrade was offline yesterday for a few hours but returned without any major consequences. While still offline I contacted the program’s administration for an explanation and surprisingly received a very fast reply explaining the reasons behind it. Apparently the VividTrade website was subject to an extensive DDoS-attack that was eventually mitigated by their hosting provider Dragonara. So everything is back to normal now and VividTrade resumed payments on their investment plans: 1.5%-2.2% for 150 days with the principal return on expiry. More about VividTrade can be read in my detailed review published here. And this is the reply I received from the admin of VividTrade yesterday and which he asked me to publish on MNO:
Some of you may have noticed that earlier today our website was offline for a short period of time due to a massive DDoS attack. Thanks to Dragonara Alliance company the attack has been mitigated and our server upgraded with a better DDoS protection to prevent further downtimes.
Best Regards. VividTrade Team.

If you haven’t read the interview with the admin of WorldPrivateFunds you can do it here. The last newsletter from mim mentions it, so use this opportunity if you want to find out more about the program that was first was reviewed on MNO here. This is the reminder about the interview from the admin of WorldPrivateFunds Samuel:
It has just been published our interview in Money-news-online blog.
You can read it here and also in our Ratings page.
Kind Regards. Samuel Arildsen
WorldPrivateFunds Admin

The administration of SignalTraders also mentioned the MNO review of their program (read it here) in their last newsletter to members. I remind you that SignalTraders pays on the following plans: 2%-2.3% for 60 days (principal back), 2.6% for 90 days (principal back), 3% for 120 days (principal back), 4% for 30 days (principal included), 3% for 60 days (principal included). Deposits are accepted from LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay accounts. SignalTraders also reported the continuing advertising campaign of their site which will hopefully bring them many new members in due time. Here is the latest news from the program:
Hello members,
I want invite you to read the review done by the most reputable blog in the industry ‘Money-News-Online’ the link has been placed in Our rate us page, please go there and read it, alot of thanks to Paul the admin for their support.
Thanks to all our users for the acceptance and support provided, today we have added more monitors and bought banners at all, advertising is a topic that we are taking very seriously so every day we will working on that, we have also added more forums in which we provide support.
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact our live chat or send an email to support which will be answered as soon as possible.
Best wishes, Administration.

The administration of FairHyip which is currently on Waiting status on MNO sent out the second part of their extensive update. The most important thing was again repeated – all the outstanding payouts will be processed in 8-10 days when the management of the company should supposedly be back from their long vacation. The impossibility of the payment processing was thoroughly explained by security issues. Although I still cannot see any reasonable explanation why they can’t do it anywhere else apart from their offices (I myself can perfectly run my business from any country in the world. All I need is an internet connection and have no issues with that at all). Anyway, investments in FairHyip are still not recommended due to the suspicious delays with the payouts and the fate of the program will be decided on September, 15th, when allegedly all the payouts should be processed. If you’re a member of FairHyip please report your payouts when/if they are done which will help me to decide on the status of the program on MNO. They will only be moved back to Paying status once all the outstanding payouts are processed for their members. Here is the latest newsletter from FairHyip outlining the reasons for the payout delays. They are also putting an emphasis on some other important subjects which are naturally of much less interest to the investors waiting for their pending cashouts:
Our second press release will be presented in five parts, devoted to:
1. news and announcements related to FairHyip’s investment portfolio (
2. news and announcements of the Premium Management investment portfolio (
3. the opening announcement and functional description of our company’s new financial stock and e-currency system project named Fair Market (
4. news and announcements regarding our unique intellectual arbitrage betting system – Fair Betting (
5. and announcements of FMC’s new planned and in development projects.
This covers part 2 of our company’s 5 section press release, which will be devoted to news and activities of Premium Management’s investment portfolio.
We apologize for delays with it, caused by the process of eliminating security issues.
Now, on to the subject matter of today’s message: news and announcements about Premium Management investment portfolio.
Probably the primary questions you have at the moment are:
Why have there been no payments from all of the company’s projects?
When they will be processed?
Following are the explanations.
As you may know, it will soon be the birthday of the company’s first project. FAIRhyip’s investment portfolio will celebrate its first year in business!
During this period, we have gone through much together; many have come and some have gone, but we remain!
This is due to the efforts of all personnel, but above all, undoubtedly to the company management!
You know, people are not robots, and all of us need to have a rest, restore nerves, health and recharge our “batteries” for a new working season! That also is the reason for the absence of payments.
Therefore the company management is on vacation until September 12th, 2010 (inclusive).
Regarding the matter of security, the company’s basic accounts in various electronic payments systems are protected with a variety of blocking mechanisms – access from static IP addresses, the requirement of PIN-codes on e-mail, from mobile phones, etc. So it is impossible to gain access with the majority of these from locations remote to the company’s office.
Also, unsafe types of internet access – for example, public 3G networks using dynamic IP addresses, used in remote resort locales, jeopardize the security of transmitted data and correspondence.
As only company management have access to the main accounts, any possible roguish actions of unauthorized persons are thereby prevented.
All payments due on the Premium Management portfolio, as well as on all other FMC investment portfolios, will be processed between September 13-15th, upon the return of company management to our office.
Please – have patience; all withdrawal requests not in violation of our rules will be satisfied in full!
Not so long ago, in the first press release, we wrote about reaching the milestone of 150,000 USD, and now, the working capital of FMC’s Premium Management program has exceeded 300,000 USD! And it’s for 100 days of work! In a month we have doubled our working capital! There are no words to describe our excitement about this achievement!
Dear VIP-investors! All FMC employees express huge gratitude for your faith in the potential of our company! During this time we became a program which really works, which people respect! That couldn’t have happened without you.
Expanding on that success, we announce our next promotion.
We will add 5% of own funds to your Premium plan deposits as a gift!
There is only condition – you must be invited by someone who is not an existing client of the program. The gift will be given upon the signing of an official loan contract. This promotion will last until the 1st of October 2010, when our first investment portfolio, FairHyip, will celebrate its first birthday!
New promotional materials in Russian and English are available to partners and prospective partners and clients.
You can receive an access code for promotional materials by authorizing it in Premium Management billing ( ). Enter your registration data and proceed to the Promotional materials page ( ).
Finally, it is desirable to say something about the exclusive “Velvet Season” plan which is served in Premium Management billing.
The game did not take place in August. The principal cause for this was a competitions grid, constantly impeding us to carry out conceived with worthy odds! With the understanding that funds sat without turnover for a month, we announce an increase of the interest rate under this plan up to 40%! The meeting has taken place and with the agreement of both sides, it has been decided that the game will take place in September even if the odds on it are 1.40. If the grid is against us again – we will return all funds during the standard payment period in October and we’ll close the plan.
That completes the second part of our press release, devoted to the Premium Management program.
Look for the third part, announcing the opening and description of FMC’s second project – our financial stock exchange Fair Market, as well as own e-currency – Fair Money, within the next few days!
Take care!
Best regards, Fair Management Corporation team

Please note that AlertPay payment processor will not be accessible for a few hours on September, the 7th. This is due to some maintenance that was announced on their website. So if you have any important payments to make or withdrawals to request do so before the downtime and avoid delays. Here is the update from AlertPay:
Scheduled Maintenance for AlertPay
Hello AlertPay members, The website will be down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 between 2:15 and 4:00pm EST.
Unfortunately this maintenance must be completed during business hours in order to ensure that access to our website and your account is restored as quickly as possible.
Where possible, we will endeavour to keep the actual system outage to less than the reserved timeframe.
Thank you for your understanding.

As you might remember every Sunday I draw the results of the MNO polls and announce the new ones. First off, the results of MNO Reader Profiles poll which was supposed to find out your favorite color. This time my expectations were far from being true as Blue color is now the official favorite color of the MNO audience. It scored the whopping 40% votes (32 readers) and only followed by my favorite color Green that came only the second with 20% (16 readers). You honestly made me think of using more Blue on my site from now on, guys. Thanks for that! Other colors less popular scored 12% (10 readers) – Black, 11% (9 readers) – Red and 7% (6 readers) – White. The outsiders were: Orange and Purple (both scored 3 votes) and Yellow in last place with 2 votes only.

So now it’s official – a regular reader of MNO prefers to drink Lipton tea and loves the color blue. But now Mike from my Shoutbox wanted to find out what the favorite sports of MNO readers are. And as it was a good question I’m happy to oblige. So the new poll from the series of MNO Reader Profiles polls asks the following: What is your favorite sport? I tried to satisfy the tastes of all my audiences from around the world so included the sports that might be popular in one part of the world but not in another. But I guess that is the convenience of having an internet audience from around the world that could spice things up a bit. So the choice of sports will include the following: football (meaning soccer), baseball, American football, basketball, tennis, golf, hockey and motor sports (racing cars, etc). I know that the list is far from being full but I guess you have your favorite sport so you can vote in the new poll from MNO Reader Profiles series located in the end of my left sidebar on my blog page. I myself am very much in favor of regular football and was a regular at Fulham when I lived there but I also like tennis, especially after enjoying it live in London earlier this year. So I will be looking forward to seeing the results of the poll and finding out what your favorite is.

The more serious poll that was conducted this week asked my readers a very important (for me) question if MNO should accept HYI programs for free if my readers request it. The answers were kinda mixed, however in the end the majority of MNO readers said: Yes to that option. The positive answer was given by 49 readers (67% of votes) while the negative was supported by 24 readers (33%). I must say that I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about that and this is why I’ll try to explain my position about that below.

On one hand, many members really offered me nice looking HYIPs that MNO could accept free of charge. Unfortunately, even the free monitoring that was offered to them they refused, possible due to their agreement with other monitors or for other reasons. But the fundamentals remain the same – if a good-looking program with many features and huge advertising budget has a reason not to be advertised or monitored on MNO it would be useless to list them in spite of their real desire. A good example of that was CherryShares (reviewed here) the admin of which lied about the nature of their listing on MNO and then “withdrew” its advertising on MNO due to the attacks of one well-known scamming monitor. So I guess the programs with good budgets don’t have to be listed on MNO against their own free will, like in case with CherryShares that was added to MNO just based on the requests of my readers. Besides, almost everybody of them is aware of MNO and many are afraid of being exposed as the reviews are always unbiased and any information that might be not very convenient to the admin will be revealed. In addition, it will be simply not fair on programs that honestly paid for the listing when others will get it for free, don’t you think?

As for the programs with low to zero budget I don’t consider them being worthy of listing on MNO as I try to position my monitoring as an exclusive listing for the professional program admins. In fact, I have refused many programs in the past due to their low quality as from my past experience they rarely last for too long and they could not be presented well on MNO. Besides, I didn’t want to waste my and my readers time on low-quality programs that cannot afford proper hosting or an advertising campaign. Often they scam at the first opportunity with the first serious DDoS-attack on their servers or the first thousand dollars deposited. But if they do want to be listed on MNO I decided to open a Basic listing where I monitor the programs which for some reason either didn’t want to purchase the other type of listing or were simply refused listing in the Standard and Premium sections – the types of listing in which I still reserve the right to refuse any program due to personal reasons or the low quality of the program in the first place. I agree that due to the continuing slow down of the HYIP industry there are less admins that are ready to pay for the Premium listing on MNO but it doesn’t mean that MNO is going to accept any cheap and low-quality scams just because they have a shortage of funds. As I told you already I’m now totally financially independent of my blog and have been for some time. In fact a few months ago it became just a hobby for me, but one which I still take very seriously. Maybe actually an article about that would be possible in some later issue of MNOFridays if readers find it interest worthy.

But at this moment I see that many readers are fully aware of how monitors work and would like to see a clearer picture and assume the program’s lifespan and ability to pay to its investors for a long time also basing the assumption on their advertising budget and how much an admins spends on major industry related websites. I see that many admins don’t want to list their program on MNO due to some reason and I think that the best solution for the moment will be NOT to accept programs that do not want it. I think it will be honest towards all the admins and the readers of MNO. However, if some MNO readers still consider one particular program worthy of listing on my blog they can simply contact the admin and ask them to contact me. Remember that quality programs with huge potential may be accepted with some substantial discounts while the low-quality cheap scams will not be accepted for any money. I think you find this approach reasonable and will email me or leave your opinion about that in my Shoutbox any time.

I was thinking about the new poll on my blog but didn’t come up with any good ideas not done at sometime in the past. I will think about it later but I will ask you to submit your ideas for the next poll regarding HYIPs in my Shoutbox. If I don’t find anything interesting I will come with something myself tomorrow. Please be more active as I want to make MNO as useful as possible for all my readers.

A recent addition to my monitoring was a new low-ROI program called TradersPower. In order to deposit you will have to buy shares costing $1 each via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney (the only accepted payment processors). The investment plans in TradersPower are: 1.8%-2% for 100 days ($10 minimum), 2%-2.2% for 120 days ($100 minimum) and 2.2%-2.4% for 150 days ($2500 minimum). More about the plans will be discussed in my upcoming review of TradersPower which will be published on MNO very soon. Although the one main point about the plans I would like to include already in this introduction in order to avoid any confusion in the future. Please note that the principal is already included in your daily returns and will not be returned on expiry which makes the returns offered by TradersPower perfectly reasonable to be sustained for a long period of time. The script looks similar to the new Neversay one to me, however the admin already pointed out to me that it’s customized and developed by their provider specially for them. As for the security features, everything is fine as well – TradersPower is hosted on a Staminus dedicated server by Koddos and is SSL-encrypted so everything should be alright regarding the stability of the site. More about the program can be read in my detailed review, possibly tomorrow!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 48 hours:
GlobalTradeManagers, FundsOMatic, OnyxInvClub, WorldPrivateFunds, YamaFinance, Vodapex, ReProFinance, UniquePay, PawnShopFund, MutualTreaty, SignalTraders, OilStructure, FutureTrails, CashMiner, NovaFx, YesInvestment, EzProfit, UniteTrade, GroupUniversal, VividTrade, OptimumPride, RedOrchidInvest, GloTrade, CherryShares and Forexica.

That all the news and updates from MNO today, guys. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow and if you do like my post please do not forget to subscribe to receive the daily news straight to your mailbox. All you have to do is to enter your email address into the special form located on the top of my right sidebar and activate your subscription by confirming it from your mailbox. Thanks for all your support and see you on MNO tomorrow!

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