Nov 12th, 2010 Archives

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Hi everyone! Hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend as much as me, because Sunday will be the day I finally get to return home and finish traveling for another year at least. Plenty of work to get through between now and then however, starting with an intriguing program I came across recently called RoboticInvest that was added to my monitoring list in the middle of the week.

I say intriguing because they seem to be in the process of transforming themselves from a low ROI mid term HYIP into a high ROI short term one. Initially RoboticInvest had just one investment plan (which I’ll tell you about because it’s still operating) but have now added some new ones which I’d say is most likely the direction the program was intended to move in from the very start. The reason I say that is because details of the original medium term plan are no longer given on the RoboticInvest homepage. You can only find information on it from inside your members area, so if you’re not already a member you wouldn’t even know it existed.

And that’s where we’ll start. RoboticInvest‘s first and original plan runs for a term of 44 calendar days. It makes daily interest payments 2.5% interest on deposits ranging from a $10 minimum to a $20,000 maximum. Your principal is already counted as part of the payments so it’s not as profitable as you may think, the final earnings coming to a total of 110%, from which 10% is profit.

As you can plainly see over the course of the last seven weeks that RoboticInvest have been online this hasn’t been a difficult plan for them to maintain in financial terms. Anything they’ve spent on it has basically established their reputation as a consistent and dependable payer and now that they are ready to start with their short term plans they are starting out with a good name and one that while not exactly advertised all over the place is still known to enough industry players to get more people on board from the very start. I honestly don’t know if the last seven weeks were just an advertising ploy, but if it was then RoboticInvest admin I salute you! They’ve done a lot more than just that by the way. There ave been several improvements to the program and the timing of them couldn’t be better. Adding AlertPay as a processor for example (it looks like it was also added on request quite recently), lowering ref commissions from 10% to a more affordable 3% and upgrading their level of DDoS protection with BlackLotus to the highest level.

So moving on to the new short term plans, I wouldn’t say that they make the older longer term one totally obsolete at this point, despite being more profitable in a shorter space of time. The reason being that these plans only pay on expiry, and let’s be honest here, we know that eventually it’s going to happen to somebody that they invest in a plan, wait for the expiry date, and discover that the program collapses before you can withdraw. As sure as night follows day it will inevitably happen to someone. I don’t know when, but at least with a daily payments schedule you manage to claw some, albeit small, part of your deposit back before that happens.

But I guess you know by now that this business is all about risks (as far as the investors are concerned anyway!) so if you’re one of the many people comfortable with that then here’s the details. RoboticInvest first new plan runs for a term of 7 calendar days. The minimum you can invest is $10 and the maximum is $20,000. On expiry you are offered a once off single payment of 120%, principal included. So to put it more simply invest $100 today and get $120 back after a week.

The final plan is an altogether riskier affair, offering a single payout on expiry of a 14 calendar day investment plan. It’s also a bit more expensive, with RoboticInvest requiring a $100 minimum to join. But if everything runs smoothly then you are offered a 160% interest payment which of course includes your principal. Maximum spend is $50,000.

LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay are the favored payment processors, along with Bank Wires for those who prefer to avoid them. Please note though that wires are only allowed for investments of $1,000 and upwards. As well as having the three most popular payment processors RoboticInvest also has the added bonus of instant payouts to all three. You will still need to log in and request your payment, but once done you should have it in your e-currency account in less than a couple of minutes.

The website itself is very likeable with a sci-fi style robotic theme going through the layout. On a more substantial level RoboticInvest is hosted on the highest Enterprise level dedicated server provided by BlackLotus so it should be quite safe from DDoS attacks. RoboticInvest is running off a licensed GoldCoders script but SSL encryption is not in place. Customer support is available by either e-mailing the admin directly or else by filling in your details and submitting the ticketing form an the contacts page. They also have Live Chat support available though it’s not a 24 hour service and they don’t publish a timetable about when they work.

On a side note RoboticInvest also provide a postal address in the UK and you are invited to visit. To quote directly from the website “you are welcome to visit our offices if you are in the London area”. Well I was in the London area and some long term readers may remember that I did actually visit that office, though I was looking for somebody else at the time. To see what I found when I got there (including a photograph) read the article here.

Texts were no more original than the address it seems, some of which had been copy/pasted directly from Wikipedia. For some inexplicable reason the admin got very upset when I mentioned that and has since removed them. Although the rest of them are original all it means to me is kinda what I already knew, but for the benefit of newbies treat RoboticInvest like a regular online HYIP based game with all the risks and the pitfalls that go with it and not the private investment company that they say. I must say it’s a colorful concept to be making money from robots, but really quite a nonsensical on as well. However I do like to think that the admin has put too much time and planning into taking his program to where it is today simply for a fast scam (though they’ve not actually proven anything yet). They may be seven weeks online but as the 7 and 14 day plans have only just been introduced I think it’s fair to say that the “real” RoboticInvest starts here. But if you wish to be cautious and wait for the first payments on expiry to be made before joining then that is of course your right. Keep an eye on MNO for news about that and I’ll make sure this is the first place you hear about it.


Since I just reviewed RoboticInvest let’s start with the news from them. It looks that despite the program not yet being considered as a serious competitor to other short-term programs (the first payouts on expiry are yet to be processed) it was already DDoS attacked by somebody. According to the admin Edward his site was offline yesterday for a few minutes due to this fact (I myself didn’t notice). Fortunately, due to the highest level of protection RoboticInvest is enjoying from BlackLotus the attacks were successfully mitigated and according to Edward that gave him even more motivation to continue and make the renewed program a success. Here is the latest from RoboticInvest:
Hello. Yesterday our site was down for 30 minutes. Sorry if you tried to deposit during that time.
It seems that a rival HYIP admin is extremely jealous of RoboticInvest and sees us as such a threat that they need to hire a large botnet for a DDoS attack (30,000 computers were involved).
Sorry guys but we are not going anywhere! In fact since you decided to try to DDoS us we have increased our advertising even more. And we’re going to do that each time you try to take us down. Unfortunately for our jealous competitors resorting to dirty tactics, we have very powerful DDOS PROTECTION so try harder next time :)
The IP Addresses’ of the botnet have been completely blocked from every entire blacklotus server, so good luck to them attacking any other blacklotus hosted HYIP because your bots are now blocked and won’t have any effect. Nice try jealous scum.
And the IP’s are being reported to the ISP’s informing them of the bots and advising them to tell their customers they are infected, so expect your botnet numbers to decrease.
We have increased our advertising and are expecting some more reviews later tonight.
Nothing will stop us! NOTHING!
Thank you very much indeed.
Best Regards. Edward Sibley (RoboticInvest Administrator)

I would like to share some very good news for Flamanta investors which will definitely increase the program’s popularity in the long run and bring a higher level of growth. Finally after months of accepting only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, AlertPay has been added to Flamanta as its third payment processor. However, the word “third” can be applied to it just arithmetically as it’s a much more popular processor than PerfectMoney and almost an equal to LibertyReserve. So I’m almost sure it can boost new funds into the program now as there will be many takers who would like to try their luck in the available plans: 1.72%-1.78% for 150 business days, 1.84% for 160 business days, 1.92% for 180 business days. By the way, note that like with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney the AlertPay withdrawals will also be processed instantly. Here is the latest newsletter from Flamanta (reviewed here) announcing the addition of AlertPay:
After receiving many requests for payment AlertPay system, we decided to join this system to our platform and now you can make deposits and receive withdrawals instantly.
Now with AlertPay you can:
– Pay by credit card (Visa, mastercard, etc.)
– Flexible deposits and withdrawals
– Send money from over 190+ countries
– Shop and sell online securely
We are growing and it is very important to get your opinion about our work, you can also send your fresh ideas and thoughts and the development of the company, do not hesitate to contact us with questions by phone and online customer support.
Thank you for choosing Flamanta services.

By the way, if you wish to know more about Flamanta straight from its program’s administration please don’t hesitate to check out my interview that can be found here.

If some programs add more payment processors others put emphasis on adding more languages to increase their popularity. OilStructure for instance today added the fourteenth language phone support which is based in Pakistan. And since there are many languages there from my understanding I’m not sure which of them are supported. But anyway, the information on that local language is now available on the website of OilStructure:
Pakistan sarfeen ki madad: (Pakistan) / / +923345045507 / Sarkari ukaat: 12:00 – 20:00 (GMT+5)”.
I remind you that OilStructure is one of the most popular low-ROI programs now paying 2% to 2.4% for 300 calendar days with the option to stay with the program for as long as you like or withdraw your principal at any time with gradually sliding fees. About the unique loyalty-rewarding built investment plans utilized by OilStructure you can read in my review published here.

I just noticed today that my account with PandaTrade was not credited with daily profits for Thursday. So I took a quick look at their news section and found out that apparently they also celebrated Veteran’s day and so refused to pay daily profits to investors. Thank God the US don’t have too many holidays, otherwise HYIPs would have had more reasons not to pay to us, lol. Here is the update take from the website of PandaTrade:
Non-business Day on PandaTrade
Today is 11 november and we congratulate all with Veterans Day and inform you that the profit will not be added today.

I remind you that PandaTrade is accepting LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and recently SolidTrustPay (along with Bank wires) into different investment plans with variable returns for 44-180 business days with or without returning the principal back on expiry. You can read more about PandaTrade in my detailed review published here.

HourlyInstant still justifies its name and pays instantly on some hourly credited plans (100.15%-100.5% after 1 hour, 50.15%-50.5% for 2 hours, 8.55%-9.5% for 12 hours, 4.4%-5.4% for 24 hours, 2.35%-3.4% for 48 hours) for a week already. Well, this is quite a nice achievement for a program whose longest lasting plan is only 2 days long. Now the admin really tries to persuade the investors that they are earning some good profits betting on football matches. Well, it’s a nice attempt at least to look legitimate which might attract more investors to the program. However, we cannot confirm this or even the stats published in the latest update from HourlyInstant so take them all with a pinch of salt. The only thing for sure – the program is still paying after a week online and that’s what really matters. Here is the latest from HourlyInstant (reviewed here):
We have started our business in Nov 5,2010. For this short period of time we have acquired superb achievement, in six days more than one thousand (1700) accounts were registered, at this very moment we have got one thousand (1172) of active accounts of people who trust us. As for today our investors have input $91,174.56, and in our turn the withdraw amount is $58,115.24. It is absolute success to have such community in less than one week. Yesterday was really great opportunity to win, that was a football match between Wrexham and Luton Town, the game ended with the score 1:0 to the favor of Wrexham. We didn’t let this opportunity to multiply or capital to pass by and put $10,000.00 on it, eventually Andy Mangan on 4:18 brought us $18,543.48 back, and all that is $8,543.48 of net profit. 185%! The good part of it that it is possible, with every match there is opportunity to perform a bet. All that plus the information about the results the straight way to make more”.

I’m glad to report that more and more new good high quality programs choose MNO as their advertising platform. And another HYIP that could potentially become the next big thing is TetraMetals. It was launched just a couple of weeks ago and can be considered as a very new program offering a fixed interest rate of 1.5%-2.4% (depending on your deposited amount) which is credited to your account and available for withdrawal daily for 160 business days after which your principal will be returned. I guess TetraMetals will appeal to a much wider audience since the minimum to invest is only $1 which you can only invest via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney (although the admin of the program James already told me that plans to add STP and AP are in the pipeline). The business concept behind TetraMetals is quite original and refers to dealings with precious metals accompanied with the phone numbers and registration documents from New Zealand where the program is allegedly located. The texts are original as well as the script which is quite good and highly customized. I’ll try to phone them on Monday during business hours and see if somebody replies before I can confirm the validity of this phone number. You are welcome to check out my Monday’s review of TetraMetals for more info on that. Overall, I’m quite impressed with the professional layout of the website, original texts, sustainable investment plans, unique script, SSL-encryption by Comodo and the DDoS protection and hosting on a dedicated server by Dragonara. It all points in just one direction – TetraMetals is the next big thing which doesn’t mean it will last long but definitely means it will become a popular program. I will take a closer look at it on Monday when I hope to receive my first payment from them and hope to deliver you a more comprehensive review of the program. Stay tuned for that, guys!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
FinanceCity (the first instant payments received), FxEconomy, TerraProfits, CazaInvestment, EarnPlaza, HourlyInstant, CherryShares, PawnShopFund, 144CashAds, FutureTrails, FondosMayores, YamaFinance, RoboticInvest, ReProFinance, OilStructure, PandaTrade, FelixFunds, MicroTechFund, Flamanta, GainBucks, YesInvestment, AssetManagement, RedOrchidInvest and MutualTreaty.

That’s it for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading. Have a good weekend but remember MNO doesn’t stop working and I will see you on my blog tomorrow with the review of FinanceCity which is a short-term game and more news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and stay with MNO and its renewed header (I hope you noticed it!). See you all tomorrow!

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