Nov 16th, 2010 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.



Hi everyone! Before the news tonight you may have noticed a new short term program added to my monitoring list recently called InvGenerator. They launched at the end of last week and have a couple of interesting plans that I’d like to take a closer look at tonight. When I say “interesting” plans I guess what I really mean is popular plans. HYIP games like this one often prove popular among investors who seem to put the obvious high risks aside for a chance of making a fast couple of bucks for themselves. Will InvGenerator be one of those popular games? Let’s see what they have to offer.

We’ll start as usual with the plans. InvGenerator has three of them, all of which pay on expiry. Before you go any further do keep in mind that at the time of writing none of them have actually paid yet (other than ref commissions), but that’s about to change very soon. Payouts from the first plan are imminent and I believe are due tomorrow. So if you want to wait for that to happen first before joining then I’ll make sure you here about it on MNO first.

The first of the plans runs for a term of 6 days and will cost you a minimum of $10 to join. In return you can expect a once of interest payment of 115% paid on expiry and including your principal. In keeping with the best traditions of short term HYIPs it’s all kept pretty simple and easy to follow. For example for a $100 spend would get you back $115 six days later. And there’s really not much else I can say about it apart from that.

That’s more or less how it continues with the InvGenerator plans. The second one pays on expiry after a term of 11 days, but will however set you back a minimum of $50 if you want to join. In return for the extra risk and expense you will be offered a single payment of 140% which includes your principal. So the same $100 invested here should get you back $140 eleven days later.

And finally if you really enjoy a gamble InvGenerator‘s third plan pays out on expiry after 15 days. So obviously that carries the highest risk and with a $100 minimum spend it also carries a hefty price tag, so we’ll see how popular that one gets. But if you decide you like your chances then the reward is a single payment of 170% paid on expiry, principal included. So a minimum $100 spent here will (fingers crossed!) get you back $170 at the end.

The plans might be popular enough but one slight problem that might hold InvGenerator back a bit, especially with the Christmas season on the way, is the limited choice of payment processors. The only ones accepted are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and while they are perfectly fine options by themselves, having a small choice like that is really something that successful long term HYIPs seem able to use most effectively. An extra verified option would really do them the world of good, but as it stands the InvGenerator admin has improved the situation with the use of instant payouts. That can also be a good talisman for judging the general health of the program so as long as you see them continuing things are probably going well. In the event of any technical problems the admin asks 12 hours to get them done manually.

InvGenerator is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is fully SSL protected throughout for safer browsing. They are hosted with one of the leaders in the market – BlackLotus who have it on their highest level of Enterprise protection. If you have any further questions or support related issues then you can contact them by filling out your details on the ticketing form provided.

Original texts would indicate the admin has done (or has paid someone to do) a bit more work on this project than many of his short term competitors so that at least is a promising start. I don’t think that original texts are any evidence that the content is genuine, ie that InvGenerator are involved in ForEx trading, but if it’s important to you then feel free to research it through independent resources for yourself.

Looking at them from a purely online HYIP perspective though the InvGenerator admin made an interesting comment in his most recent newsletter to existing members when he said “we won’t stop while the money is coming.” And to me that’s about as honest a comment as I can remember from any newly launched program in recent weeks. If he’s sincere about that then he’s to be commended for it. How long will the money come for? It’s an unusual time of year for short term HYIPs so it remains to be seen how the investors will react to InvGenerator. As the first reports of payouts on expire begin to emerge over the coming days we’ll see a bit more about how enthusiastic people are getting. But at the end of the day it’s always going to be a gamble and if like me you enjoy that then sure, it’s always worth a few bucks as long as you keep it within a reasonable limit.


At this moment EarnPlaza (reviewed here) is the undisputed leader among short term programs. It has been paying on three investment plans (110% after 5 days, 130% after 10 days and 160% after 15 days) for nearly two months already. The deposits are starting from a $10 minimum and are accepted via three popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. In my opinion it’s a remarkable achievement during a time when the short-term industry seems to be flooded with cheap fast scams. So the reigning of EarnPlaza is just like a breath of fresh air where investors still can participate for a chance to earn some money. The best thing I like about EarnPlaza is the perfect attitude of the admin Matt (interviewed here) who’s always looking to add more new interesting features to make his program even more well-known and convenient for us. So in the latest newsletter issued tonight Matt announced that starting next week Korean phone support will be added together with the already available English, Russian, Italian and Spanish support. Also in the latest newsletter Matt reminds us of the still available 6% cash bonus on the AlertPay deposits of over $1,000 which is still available, before moving on to answer some frequently asked questions that some members might misunderstand and so avoid any confusion. Here is the latest email from EarnPlaza and its admin Matt:
Hello. I hope you are okay. I am receiving daily a huge amount of emails and some of them I see again and again. So today I would like to talk about EarnPlaza rules. Lets start from a some of the questions:
1. I have deposited $100 into a 5 days plan, why I have received only $110 instead of $210?
Honestly its strange that people join program without knowing their rules. More to say there is a lot of reviews of EarnPlaza around the industry. Anyway there is a simple answer. Your principal is already included into every plan. So if you have deposited to a 5 days plan then you will receive 110% (100% is your principal + 10% your profit).
2. Can I make a deposit through my AlertPay credit/debit card balance?
Unfortunately no. AlertPay does not allow to accept credit/debit card payments to a high yield investment programs. I have been told by some members that anyway deposit can be processed if payment will be sent directly to our AP and then added to account manually. Well, its not working for all members but if you have tried this and payment was successfully sent then feel free to contact support and we will add your deposit asap.
3. I have made a deposit yesterday, but today I decided that I don’t want to invest. Can I get my money back?
No, you cant make a chargeback. If you decided to invest you have to wait until your deposit will expire and only then request your payment. It’s strongly prohibited by our rules. You cant cancel your deposit when you want, we have a three plans and all of them have an exact expire date. Please respect our rules.
4. I made a deposit three days ago but my account balance is still showing $0, why?
We do not credit interest daily. You will see all your money at your account balance as soon as your deposit will expire.
5. My deposit has been expired but there is still no money at my account balance, why?
Please check your account first. Because in all of those situations your deposit is simply didn’t yet expired. If its not expired yet just check your account little later and will see money at your account balance.
Dear members, please note that if you have a problem you have to contact support or even me first to resolve your problem but not a payment processors. I am always ready to help you but its hard to do when you contact first for example AlertPay support, but not EarnPlaza support. Also please stop sending payment requests through AlertPay system. To request your money you have to login into your EarnPlaza members area, go to withdraw section and request money there but NOT AT YOUR ALERTPAY ACCOUNT. Please note that all payment request through AlertPay system will be ignored.
Okay, lets move to a positive news. I have received a lot of requests for a Asia phone & live chat support. Well, I agree with those requests so starting from Monday there will be already available Korean phone support operator. I am also working now on a live chat operator as well and hopefully I`ll find him by the end of this week.
As you may remember we have sent a random bonuses sometime ago. Well, very very soon EarnPlaza will be two months online and we will send random bonuses again. Please note that random bonuses can receive only a members with an active deposit. Don’t forget that there is still AlertPay weekly special is going on and there is only a two days left, so be quick if you want to get your 6% bonus. Also don’t forget that you have to email support after a deposit to get your bonus.
Well, that’s all for today. Thank you for choosing EarnPlaza and of course for your massive support. Enjoy your profits with a HYIP short term industry leader. All payments processed and see you soon.
Best regards, Matt Powell
EarnPlaza Support

And so we move from arguably the best short term admin around at the moment to what is unquestionably the most annoyed. And possibly the most jealous. And the shadiest. On the other hand a potential Pulitzer Prize winner if he ever abandons his career as the (ahem) director of an investment company and turns to creative fiction writing instead. I’m talking about the admin of RoboticInvest (reviewed here). Just have a look at this Orwellian tome of misinformation slapped up in front of his members today and marvel at the blatant and complete lack of either honesty or information of any practical benefit. Benefit to you that is, not him.
My comments will follow his.

RoboticInvest has hit the HYIP industry like a tornado. RoboticInvest will soon be the leader in the HYIP Industry!

I’d be surprised if this happens. In fact I’d be stunned. Still, your ambition is to be admired and I’ll be happy to take that back come next February. Don’t hold you breath however.

Only a few days ago one of our jealous rivals attempted to DDoS our website (and failed miserably might I add). We have powerful protection to stop this.
More recently, we have made our Certificates of Business available for all our investors. Just head to our About Us Page and you can view them. You should see our company number 7381699 on these certificate. This can be verified on the Official Companies House Government website: (proving our certificates are genuine).

Nice. I have one of them myself. You can buy one for under $50 and you don’t have to get off your sofa to get one. The UK government didn’t ask too many questions about it either. They are, quite literally, not worth the paper they are written on. Read my article about it here. But if you really want to impress us why not share the license you have from the UK financial services authority? No doubt you have one, right?

We have also uploaded a photo of our office block, Dalton House. We rent 3 office rooms in the large Dalton House office block, and have been there for the past 4 years. On the About Us page you can see a photo of our offices, which also confirms the address listed on our website and on our Certificates of Incorporation.

No you didn’t. You stole a photograph that I took of your office almost 18 months ago! Then you try to pass it off as your own. That is just despicable. Not because it’s my picture – the fact is I put it in the public domain for anyone who wants to see it – but because you invite people to take the time and the expense to visit this office when you know perfectly well what they will find when they get there. Nothing! How do you think those people will feel then? I asked an old friend from London to call by there this afternoon and guess what he found? The very same thing I did when I first published that photo here. Nothing!

A lot of HYIPs use “virtual offices” and they do have some uses. But few of them actively encourage gullible people to waste time and money wandering around a suburban industrial park when nobody there has ever even heard of you, and that is unforgivable. But for entertainment purposes perhaps you could take another couple of shots from different angles of the building for us tomorrow before starting work? Because you said the photo confirms your address, but if I took it in 2009 then in fact it confirms it is not your address.

All the texts of Robotic Invest are 100% original. On one of the side parts of our site, the About US page, one of the small insignificant paragraphs was referenced from Wikipedia. This was done because we were referencing to advanced mechanics of a Robotic Arm. Since we deal with the investment side of things, that’s very acceptable. 95% original texts, 5% referenced from Wikipedia, in very understandable circumstances. However, this paragraph has since been removed after an exaggeration incident with a certain blogger that seems to get confused (or is possibly exaggerating it with a hidden agenda perhaps?

If you are not capable of explaining your own business then I tend to believe that you’re either not involved in it or are not particularly good at it. But if you’re going to copy/paste the work of others on to your website – be it a photograph or some texts – please have the professional courtesy to name the original source. There’s nothing wrong with quoting someone as long as you cite them for it. And as for an “exaggeration”, what does that mean? Was the text taken from Wikipedia or wasn’t it? It’s a simple “yes or no” question and not something that can be exaggerated.

Bare in mind a DDoS attempt was made a few days ago and ErarnPlasa is being heavily supported on this blog, a rival program that is due for collapse very soon. (We had 30,000 bots attacking us, a very powerful botnet). Oddly enough this program has thousands of dollars of banners on this blog, but no adverts anywhere else on the internet. If you owned the blog it means its free to put your own banners on it and would also explain no banners on other websites perhaps? That would explain the agenda behind exaggerating reality and being negative in the RoboticInvest review while being extremely over the top positive in others? Also when I tried to buy a banner on this blog, i was told “sorry but EranPlasa just bought it a few minutes before you so you can’t put your banner there”. Coincidence? Perhaps not wanting RoboticInvest to take EranPlasa’s cash flow? Make up your own minds on this one. Those are the facts.). Apart from that small hiccup everything is going perfectly.

For the so called head of an experienced team of investment experts you do seem unduly interested in the activities of EarnPlaza (note the correct spelling, lol!). However if you have deemed MNO a more suitable platform for advertising than The Wall Street Journal or The Financial Times (more up your street I would have thought!) then kindly note that the prices and availability dates are displayed under each individual banner. They are sold to the first admin who pays, which in this case was not you. Better luck next time, eh?
But if you honestly think I’m in a position to turn down money for advertising so I can give it away for free to someone else, well, after I stopped laughing I realized you must think I’m a worse businessman than you!

However if you would like a more positive appraisal of your work then feel free to contact me after you have successfully completed 10 or 12 cycles, instead of zero which is what you have now. And incidentally, calling an accurate description of (mis-)information placed by you on your website an “exaggeration” while failing to specify what exactly was wrong is not going to help you achieve that. Nor will describing a rumor as “the facts”.

For the benefit of anyone thinking I am attacking RoboticInvest here or trying to damage them, then I am not. My review was based on the information as it was presented to investors on the day it was written. However there are two things that I will not tolerate on MNO. One is lies. The other is crooked admins who try to involve MNO in the spreading of those lies. And I don’t care how much money they pretend to be throwing around. It didn’t work for SilverLodge last year and it’s not going to work for RoboticInvest now. If and admin can’t tell the truth then forget about it. If he puts more effort into trying to make a fool out of you than trying to pay you then the future prospects are bleak. But if anyone else wants to spread lies to investors, be sure not to involve me!

FutureTrails (reviewed here) added AlertPay as an option today and from now on you can make deposits via AP, LR and PM into the short-term plans which the program recently changed to 18.5%-22% for 6 business days from the older low-ROI plans. The program is still paying and even the recent downtime seems not to have affected its performance much. Currently FutureTrails is paying and I guess after the addition of AlertPay today it will get more takers who will try to earn 11% pure profit after 8 days. Here is the recent email from FutureTrails announcing the addition of AlertPay:
Dear Members,
In regards of improving our performance and due to passion of our clients to use AlertPay E-currency in their investments, we recently added this alternative to our available investments E-currencies. Hope our effort and performance would be accepted in your point of view respectively. We please and appreciate your new idea and suggestions.
Regards, Customer Support. FutureTrails

Payments to AlertPay though sometimes don’t mean anything as is the case with WorldPrivateFunds. The admin of the program is trying to dump it and that is why the payments to AP are still being processed while LR and PM cashouts are not. The obvious sign of a scam I must say. Of course after several complaints about delayed withdrawals and the silence from the admin of WorldPrivateFunds in response to my emails I cannot help but move the program to Problem status on MNO. Please check out other monitoring sites on their Rating page and make sure to never look at their statuses again as the most monitoring sites are misleading and still show a Paying status. Overall, I can’t say that WorldPrivateFunds was ever a bad program as it lasted for 4 months and made many investors some very nive profits. It looks like it just ran its course like every other HYIP does at some point.

HourlyInstant has been not available for me during the last few hours and I’m not sure why. The payments have been instant for me even last time I received them and I’m not sure if HourlyInstant is capable of paying again even if they manage to get back online soon. So exercise caution as such programs paying hourly are very vulnerable to such downtimes and almost definitely collapse when or if they get back online. I will update you if the site is online and when the payments resume from HourlyInstant but for now the program has been moved to Waiting status on MNO. Further investments there are not recommended!

RedOrchidInvest (reviewed here) was another program that experienced some downtime today which according to the program’s admin Nathan (interviewed here) was caused by a huge DDoS attack on the program’s servers. At the moment RedOrchidInvest is back online and everything seems to be back to normal.

The admin of ECashBroker upgraded today to Standard list on MNO after being listed for 20 days on the Basic list. I honestly think that ECashBroker is not a very well thought out program and definitely it will be hard for it to compete with higher paying and already well established HYIPs as it only accepts LibertyReserve and PayPal (which is strange option as HYIPs are strictly prohibited by them). The minimum to deposit is too high at $100 and the rates are comparatively low and are 0.6% for 60 business days, 0.8% for 80 business days, 1% for 120 business days and 1.5% for 180 business days with the principal returned on expiry. Although the site of ECashBroker is SSL secured and is hosted on a dedicated server I’m not sure about the DDoS protection. I’m also am quite concerned that the script used by ECashBroker is apparently GoldCoders but not licensed (at least, I couldn’t confirm the validity of their license through the GoldCoders site). I’m currently waiting for the admin’s reply to my questions concerning all of this and will deliver you a more detailed review of ECashBroker on MNO in a few days. Stay tuned, guys!

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
EarnPlaza, MicroTechFund, CazaInvestment, AssetManagement, YamaFinance, OilStructure, TetraMetals, RoboticInvest, ReProFinance, PandaTrade, FelixFunds, Konstant, InvGenerator, Flamanta, FenixTrust, GWDConline, Flinexa, PawnShopFund, 144CashAds, InvestPlatforms, FiboTradePro, GainBucks, ECashBroker, FutureTrails, FondosMayores and MutualTreaty.

That’s about all for today, guys. Please check out my blog tomorrow for the review of Konstant and all the latest news from the HYIP industry. See you then, guys!

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