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18/11/2010. RevenueBuild Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everybody! Before today’s news I want to return once again to short term HYIPs, and specifically a newly launched program called RevenueBuild. They opened for business over the weekend and have a small selection of plans that pay on expiry. I have to say that I had some misgivings about the plans (or more to do with how they are organized) but I did ask the admin about that and to his credit he did try to explain the logic behind them.

I’ll get to that in just a moment but first let me introduce you to the plans. RevenueBuild has three of them in total, the first of which pays on expiry after a term of just 2 days. Which of course means that they have already successfully completed a first cycle with the completion of the second one looming. Which won’t do any harm to investors confidence either of course. The minimum cost of joining is just $5 and the maximum (for this particular plan) is a fairly conservative $250. The return at the end of it is 105%, principal included. And by the way, I can confirm that my own investment in this plan has been successfully paid.

RevenueBuild‘s second plan runs for only a marginally longer term of 3 days and it also pays on expiry. Incidentally this plan has also completed it’s first cycle if you find that encouraging. The total return paid when the term is finished comes to 107%. The minimum spend is still only $5 but the maximum takes a steep hike to $1000.

The final plan from RevenueBuild which runs for the longest term so therefore carries the highest risk. I say it carries the highest risk but in reality it’s only going to cost you a $5 minimum to join so it doesn’t have to be that substantial unless you make it that way yourself. The maximum investment is $2,500. The said term runs for 5 days and on expiry of which you will be paid 110%, principal included.

And that brings me back to my original problem with the organization of RevenueBuild‘s plans. I put the question to the admin (his name is Steve by the way and he’s quite responsive) why would anyone want to join the 5 day plan (for 110%) when you can join the 2 day plan twice (for a 105% payment) and make the same profit in 4 days as you can in 5? His explanation of that was that bigger investors will benefit from bigger payments. Dollar payments that is, not percentage payments.

I wouldn’t say “benefits” exactly, but I do see the logic. It’s only beneficial to big spenders. You can make 110% after 5 days, or make it in 4 days by joining the first plan twice…. but only with small money. This is not possible with a $1000 investment because it’s not allowed in the 2 day plan which has a $250 maximum. So I can definitely see what the admin’s idea was but can’t say I’m in 100% agreement as it would seem to benefit only a small minority of players. Steve went on to say that the longer term plans are the only ones accepting big money and so can better afford to pay – “what we obtain is what we offer” is the exact phrase he used – but this not really going to break the cycle of people investing in the same 2 day plan over and over again. But there is some sense in there as well I suppose.

Payment options are a bit limited with only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accepted at the present time. So you know who to ask for help if anything goes missing, ie anyone but them, lol! So let that serve as your reminder to keep your deposits to a sensible and affordable level. RevenueBuild makes manual payments so you will need to log in to your account and request them. The admin says he should be able to get everything processed in under 12 hours. When planning how much to invest there is one very important feature to keep in mind – RevenueBuild only accepts deposits in units of $5. So you are free to join for $5, $10, $15, and so on, because of the script.

RevenueBuild is running off a licensed Neversay script which is still regarded as quite secure and is hosted with BlackLotus who have them on a dedicated server. The website is further enriched with SSL encryption for safer and more secure browsing and transactions. You can contact the admin with any further questions or support related issues by filling out your details on the form provided on the contacts page. RevenueBuild also has a Live Chat feature, but nothing to indicate when (if ever) it actually works.

Don’t go looking for any nonsense stories about stock markets or ForEx deals here because you’re not going to find them. RevenueBuild are fairly up front about what they are doing in the HYIP industry and what it takes to succeed. That doesn’t take the risk away, which is considerable, but at least they’re not trying to misinform you as to what you are getting yourself into. It’s an online HYIP so don’t get carried away and base your spending on what you can afford rather than what you would like to earn. But as short term HYIPs go RevenueBuild‘s returns are comparatively modest so hopefully that can keep them ticking over just that little bit extra as long as they are managed properly.


It looks like the admin of RoboticInvest is paying selectively now and simply continues his practice of blocking the accounts of members to whom he doesn’t want to pay. I received a couple of complaints from my referrals in RoboticInvest and they said that their accounts were blocked for unknown reasons and the emails sent to the admin didn’t help at all. So I asked the admin to set aside his hatred of MNO and some other programs and unblock his account. In my opinion, this is very low to put people who were loyal to your program in the position of having to ask for access to their own accounts and displays a very bad attitude. So I warn you officially from investing in RoboticInvest. By the way, thanks to one of my readers I received another lying email from the admin where he blamed some forum now for blackmailing him. I find it very hard to believe after all the lies he was spreading around and confirmed selective payouts but it’s up to you to judge about the validity of these claims:
All payments are going well and everything is running fine.
2 days ago we received an email from a group associated with italkmoney saying they wanted $50 otherwise they will post bad comments and bad votes for RoboticInvest.
Sorry but we never give in to blackmail. If you are hearing bad comments from this group of users that are just trying to extort money simply ignore them.
All withdraws are going fine. After your deposit expires you can withdraw to your account and it will be an instant withdraw.
A few little children will not affect RoboticInvest. Your deposits are safe and guaranteed.
Best Regards. Edward Sibley (RoboticInvest Administrator)

Since RoboCop Edward hates just about everybody else including the super-successful EarnPlaza and me as an alleged admin of that program (lol!) so much for some reason I would not be surprised that the recent attempts to get some money from unsuspecting members of EarnPlaza sent from a fake email address put in the form of a lottery were coming from the RoboticInvest pending scam. Anyway, please do not trust these emails allegedly sent from the admin of EarnPlaza Matt (interviewed here) unless you’re absolutely sure it’s from the email addresses listed in the latest reminder-warning from EarnPlaza:
“Hello. I have been told by one of EarnPlaza members that he received a fake newsletter from email with announce that EarnPlaza will start a lottery and if you want to win then you have to send money to this AP account. PLEASE note that I didn’t send such a email and we didn’t start any lottery. My only email is and, others are fake. I hope no one sent money to this scammer.
Best regards, Matt Powell
EarnPlaza Support

The admin of MicroTechFund (reviewed here) kinda puzzled me with an email where he announced that SolidTrustPay is going to be accepted soon and that they are currently looking for local representatives for his program. I don’t quite understand why you have to announce that you’re going to accept some particular payment processor soon unless it’s already accepted. At this moment I still can see only three payment processors accepted in MicroTechFund‘s members’ area: AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The investment plans in MicroTechFund still remain the same: 2% for 45 days, 2.5% for 60 days, 3% for 75 days with the principal returned on expiry. Here is the full newsletter from MicroTechFund which I received last night:
Hello member of MicroTechFund, its admin here!
Today is our 15th day online and I’m very happy for the results, I want to welcome to all new users, thanks to blogs, forums and monitors for their support.
I want to announce that soon we will accept SolidTrustPay as deposit option, our account is in verification process, remember out actual deposit options: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay.
For those who want to work with us as local representatives please send us an email with your info details and URL of your site.
If you have any concern please contact our support, we will be happy to assist you.
Best Regards, Administration.

The administration of TerraProfits is tightening the security of the website after some extended downtime that targeted them a couple of days ago. From now on the PIN code will be sent to your email address registered with the program of your IP or browser settings are changed from your last visit. Please note that you can turn on this option in your account in TerraProfits as it’s off by default. Here is the latest news from them:
Hello, to increase the safety of our website, we have introduced a PIN code, which is sent to your e-mail. E.g. if your browser or IP changed since your last visit, the system will ask you to enter a PIN code you receive on your e-mail. This setting can be activated in the “Edit profile” section of your account as it is turned off by default.
Regards, TerraProfits Administration
I remind you that TerraProfits is a program offering instant payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and GlobalDigitalPay 1.2% for 30 days, 1.5% for 60 days, 1.8% for 100 days, 2.1% for 150 days with the principal returned back on all the plans. More about TerraProfits can be read in my review published here.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
RevenueBuild (the first payment received), EarnPlaza, MicroTechFund, PawnShopFund, FenixTrust, Flamanta, TerraProfits, Flinexa, Konstant, PandaTrade, ReProFinance, TetraMetals, CherryShares, CazaInvestment, FondosMayores, MutualTreaty, FxEconomy, FutureTrails, 144CashAds, OptimumPride, OilStructure, ECashBroker, GainBucks, YesInvestment and RedOrchidInvest. As it was predicted HourlyInstant wasn’t able to recover from the downtime and therefore has been moved to Not Paying status on MNO.

That’s it for today, guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow with more news from the industry and another interview. Good luck and take care!

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