Nov 22nd, 2010 Archives

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Hi, guys! First of all I would like to apologize for not posting anything last night. I’m aware that readers a bit more used to me publishing daily and I also got used to not having a day off. But yesterday there was really not all that much to report so I decided to take a break which happens quite rarely for me because I usually put too much time and effort into this. Anyway, instead of that I managed to answer most of your emails over the weekend so I guess I fulfilled all my duties as a monitor and blogger.

So what’s new today, folks? We’ll start probably with the downtime on LibertyReserve yesterday. Well, actually it was just a scheduled maintenance which was planned to last for 4 hours and (as usually happens with LibertyReserve) lasted for much longer. Some impatient investors were quite displeased by this while others realized that site maintenance is a necessary thing and that Sundays are usually the most convenient way to avoid big disruptions to the work of too many HYIPs. So this was the message you were able to see yesterday on the official blog of LibertyReserve while the payment system was offline:
Scheduled Maintenance – 21 November, 8:00 GMT
Liberty Reserve will be unavailable on:
21 November, between 8:00 and 12:00(GMT)
This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive system.
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.

Of course, during this downtime some of the better more active admins posted updates to calm down investors who might have not heard about the LR downtime. So, the admin of the currently #2 ranked program on MNO EarnPlaza Matt (interviewed here) sent out an update explaining the situation and apologized for the delayed payouts to LR (of course, by now all the pending withdrawals are done). Also he said that tonight he’s going to send another email where some random winners will be awarded again with cash bonuses to their accounts:
Hello. I want to inform that currently LibertyReserve website is currently offline so all LR payments will be processed as soon as their site will be back. Sorry for this but I really cant do something about that and I hope you understand this. I wanted to send anniversary bonuses today, but due LR downtime I`ll do this tomorrow so stay tuned. By the way all PM and AP payments are processed as usual. See you all soon with my next newsletter tomorrow and have a great day.
Best regards, Matt Powell
EarnPlaza Support

EarnPlaza can currently be considered as the best short-term program having been online for over two months already and paying on three investment plans (110% after 5 days, 130% after 10 days, 160% after 15 days) by accepting three popular payment options: AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. By the way, if you don’t know yet you can not only get your profits from your investments with EarnPlaza (reviewed here) but also try your luck in the daily cash contests sponsored by the program and held on the MNO forum thread (click here to participate) where you can get $5 for answering simple questions about EarnPlaza. So stay tuned for more updates from EarnPlaza and try your luck in the contests or the investment plans offered by the program!

EarnPlaza is not the only program which is currently sponsoring a daily cash contest on MNO forum which are proving to be extremely popular among HYIP players nowadays. You can also answer the questions about FelixFunds (click here to participate). FelixFunds (reviewed here) is just another example of the program with popular plans with no expiry date. You can invest there with AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and get 1.2%-2.3% per business day forever while you can request your principal back at any time with a 15% fee applied for releasing it. More about the program can be found in the interview conducted by MNO with the admin of FelixFunds (click here to read). Today the admin Felix sent out another update in which he specified that he couldn’t pay withdrawals to AlertPay which are less than the minimum allowed by the payment system itself – $1. Please note that such a minimum is AlertPay’s decision and not the admin’s fault. If you want to be able to request smaller payouts starting from $0.01 then you can invest via LR and PM which allow such small withdrawals. Here is the clarification email from the admin of FelixFunds regarding AP’s withdrawal minimum:
Hello. We would like to ask you something: please don’t request payouts less then 1$ on AP, because AP has a minim limit of 1$ to send funds and then we can’t pay less then 1$ on AP. Please try to understand that it’s not our fault and if you do this we need to return the funds to your account balance. Every time this happened we also emailed the members who did this but it seems they are not reading their emails or didn’t understand what we’ve told them. This problem is only for who invested with AP, because on LR or PM there is no limit so we can pay any amount,no matter how small it is. Thanks for understanding.
Regards, Felix

The small update was sent to the members of OilStructure yesterday just to let them know that LR payments were delayed due to the payment processor’s downtime but were already processed by the time the update was sent:
Dear member! Due to Liberty Reserve downtime ( we had many pending withdrawal requests. But currently all Liberty Reserve pending payments are done.
I remind you that OilStructure is one of the most popular low-ROI programs at the moment paying from 2% to 2.4% on your investment daily for 300 calendar days and beyond. The most convenient thing that is unique to OilStructure and really differentiates it from its rivals is that the more you stay in the program the more you earn on your principal and the smaller the fee you pay if you want to withdraw your principal prematurely. This in combination with very fast payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, very efficient support, unique script used by the program and a very low minimum to invest of $1 only made OilStructure a really huge hit and took it to a high #4 position in the MNO rankings. You can read more about the unique payment structure used by them in my detailed review published here.

The issues with LibertyReserve even caused some admins to make an exception from their rules and process withdrawals even on a Sunday. So Albert, the admin of GWDConline program which is paying 3% for 40 calendar days but usually not processing the withdrawals over the weekends deliberately processed them last night to make sure all the members of his program are treated fairly and not freaked out by the LR downtime. Anyway, GWDConline also accept three more payment processors other than LR (PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay and AlertPay) but I guess since LibertyReserve is one of the most popular systems it was the right decision. Here is the latest newsletter from GWDConline (reviewed here):
This is a special edition of my distribution weekly. As everyone knows LibertyReserve has been having some troubles this weekend and even had maintenance on Saturday during my normal payment times. This did cause a delay which was beyond my control and is even in their blog.
Because of this issue I have made special case payments on Sunday which is not to become an expected case.
At the time of sending this mail all payments have been made to all processors.
Please continue to share proof of payments in the forums and vote on monitors to show that your paid.
If you have any questions, concerns or need support, please make sure to contact us here.
Albert. Global Wealth Distribution Center. GWDConline

It looks like the issues with the weekly plan in CazaInvestment have been taken care of and I already received an email from one reader last night saying that all his weekly profits had been paid yesterday. I also successfully invested into the 12% for 12 days plan two days ago and already received some profits to my LR account. I can’t see any issues with this plan at all, however, I would still not recommend to make any further investments into the weekly plan. There might still be some problems with it and I cannot guarantee that your profits will be properly credited in this plan. Anyway, the 12% for 12 days plan is the best option in CazaInvestment now and if you consider investing there I would suggest only invest in that one. More about CazaInvestment can be read in my recent interview with its admin Pally that was published here. And this is the latest short update from CazaInvestment I received to my email last night:
Hello. This is pretty much like we are heading for the Best, It’s a great beginning today with tons of new investors joining CazaInvestment Inc by the minute, we have not had as much deposit as we have had today and this tells that our investors are proud and we are doing our part.
We are proud to announce to you that the CazaExecutive plan has finally been resolved. Earnings are automatically credited and you can request payment daily, we however had to change the plan to enable this plan work daily. Sorry about the inconveniences but we hope this helps every member on this plan.
Not much news, we are proud of every member who has supported us and we are going to make you proud. Have a lovely week ahead, we hope to serve you best.
Thanks, Pally Eddie –Relations Officer, CazaInvestment Inc

I have not heard anything from the admin of Flinexa for the last two days and their site is still offline. I’m not sure how to contact him again because the emails used for communication with him were originally sent to their domain email but since the site is offline now (allegedly due to a huge DDoS attack) they remain undelivered. I will let you know if I have more news about Flinexa but I have already moved it to Problem status on MNO just in case we don’t see them back. Anyway, I don’t think a fast scam was planned by Flinexa from the beginning because otherwise he would simply leave the site online and just stop instant payouts which remained instant till the last hours the site was online. I know it’s no consolation for those who probably lost money there but such technical issues can happen with any site and looks like even hosting with Dragonara is not a solution for every problem.

CherryShares is still having payout delays to LibertyReserve but I must admit that I received the oldest payout to LR today from the three pendings I had with them. So technically I don’t have any reason to move the program to Problem status on MNO yet. However, some things are still concerning me about the program’s performance and still prevent me from thinking that the danger is gone. So in addition to delayed LR withdrawals which was allegedly caused by the unusual amount of withdrawals to that payment processor recently I still have my doubts about their recent cashflow issues. First of all, one reader that complained to me about the changes in the short-term plan when CherryShares refused to pay him his principal back according to the old terms which were applied to his account when he joined. They then froze his balance for three more weeks saying these are the new rules of the short-term plan that were put into place just a couple of days ago. However, why these new rules would have to be applied to the old deposits the support couldn’t properly explain. Here is the reply he got from CherryShares support regarding this issue:
Hello. Read terms of service. We can change the rules at any time.
Technically, we have not violated the terms of service. Just work on the new rules. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Regards, Denis Chan
Look at this answer – technically they might not violate any rules but factually it just means that CherryShares has severe cashflow issues which made them implement the new changes earlier than it originally planned (at Christmas) and delay the payouts to LR. We all know that CherryShares is not a real financial entity but just a regular HYIP so the rules about the warning signs and slowing down the payouts apply to them as much as any other program. And if we all agree to that I would say this situation cannot be described as healthy and I would recommend holding off from making any further investments until/if the situation with payouts is stable again. I know that I might be attacked by CherryShares‘ supporters at this point but if you prefer to be blind about the current situation and ignore the fact that join under one set of rules are basically told “tough luck” when informed those rules don’t apply anymore then you’re on your own and can’t see the signs properly. In addition to that, another reader of MNO complained to me that he had been banned from CherryShares‘ operating (sponsored, owned?) forum SpeakDollars for asking reasonable questions about his deposit which was supposed to be returned but now delayed under very suspicious circumstances possibly manifesting an earlier collapse of the program (or at least deep financial issues). Here is that email as I think everybody should know the treatment CherryShares‘ team show their clients which at the very least can be called unprofessional if not downright rude:
I was called an idiot by the moderator of SpeakDollars because they thought I sent you information about it. Once I replied and told them I didn’t, they decided to ban me.
In my opinion, I think the owners of CherryShares just created the SpeakDollars site in order to build up the reputation of the site. They don’t even allow concerns to be addressed without calling people names, deleting their posts, and then banning the members who state a concern. A true forum should be to discuss the good and ban, but I have seen several members (including myself now) get banned for no reason other than posting a concern.
Would it be at all possible for you to post something regarding SpeakDollars and suggesting people stay away from it because it is only a one sided view of CS due to any concerns being delete by the douche bag moderators?

I repeat it’s up to you to decide if you want to keep your investments in CherryShares as technically it’s still paying and didn’t violate their own terms of service. I only show you the facts as CherryShares will still remain on #1 on my monitoring page while it’s paying to everybody within their terms. I simply show you what I know about the program and its shaky position now.

Just after a few days since the review of ECashBroker was published on MNO (read it here) I received a clarification email from the admin of the program who finally found the time to answer my reasonable questions and concerns about the unlicensed GC script ECashBroker uses and the alleged security issues. So I would like to give this reply to you as a whole because I did receive questions from my readers regarding ECashBroker‘s security asking me to share what the admin of the program has to say about that. So, six days after I sent it here is the reply to my email from ECashBroker‘s admin:
We apologize for not having provided this information earlier because we are in restructuring plans.
Gold Coders licensed:
Our reason for not having licensed the script is based on the script is sold goldcoders encryption and security director open source ECashBroker required to conduct a thorough audit of the application in order to find security vulnerabilities and bugs, back doors and vulnerabilities that affect the safety of our investors and our own.
Security Tools:
We offer a verification system via text message to make changes in your Paypal account numbers and Liberty Reserve to make sure it is the account owner who is requesting the change.
We have anti Ddos protection systems and Firewall.
We have implemented security verification systems for web applications.
System data encryption, SSL security certificate.
Thanks for your attention.

I hope you will enjoy the new updated contact page on MNO which my programmer only finished last night. I asked him to make some small changes today but in general I really like the new contact page which both the admins and readers can use to communicate with me. Please do not forget to specify your email and your website (if you have one) for a reply. I hope you will enjoy the new improved design and the relaxing music you can listen to while you’re writing your email to me. Well, if you like the music player let me know and I will try to implement it on more pages of MNO in the near future. The contact page can be viewed and used here.

Please also note that I’m currently in search of a proper chat that will be replacing my ShoutBox soon. Unfortunately, the support of the FlashChat which I was trying to install on my blog and forum sucks and therefore I decided to look for a better solution. I hope you still enjoy posting in my ShoutBox but please be ready for the changes which I’m going to make for further convenience. I don’t know when the new chat is going to be implemented but I will try to do it as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding, guys!

For the last two days I was paid by the following programs:
CazaInvestment, EarnPlaza, TerraProfits, Konstant, FxEconomy, RevenueBuild, InvestPlatforms, GloTrade, InvGenerator, OilStructure, YesInvestment, GainBucks, FutureTrails, MicroTechFund, OptimumPride, GWDConline, FelixFunds, ProfitEu, TetraMetals, RedOrchidInvest, CherryShares and AvatarSurf (the first payment received).

The most recent program added to my monitoring is AvatarSurf which just launched today. I guess you will like their design if you’re a fan of the Avatar movie (like me) or if you’re a fan of surfing programs. Yes, I guess that AvatarSurf would be the first surfing program that has been featured on MNO for a long time. In addition, it’s a manual surf and the compulsory requirement in order to get your daily earnings is to surf not less than 12 sites daily in manual mode. Of course, you can advertise your own sites and referral links by putting them into the surfing rotator of AvatarSurf and get some possible interested visitors onto your site. The investment plans are definitely the main thing prospective investors of AvatarSurf will be looking at. So by investing via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay or AlertPay ($5 minimum into each plan allowed) you can get 11% for 11 days with daily payouts or 12% for 12 days with one single payout upon expiry of your adpack. Note that since AvatarSurf is using Gotenks script (which I personally like very much) your account will be credited with daily earnings not straight after the surfing is done but every 24 hours after you purchased the adpacks (made your investment). To make an investment in AvatarSurf you will first have to fund your account with them with the necessary amount as this is also another distinctive feature of the script. AvatarSurf is hosted on a dedicated server by the very reliable Koddos provider so I guess we will not be seeing any serious downtime worth talking about. I really hope that AvatarSurf will become popular among the investors which might bring the surfing industry back to the mainstream. More on AvatarSurf will be in my detailed review which I’m going to publish tomorrow night. Stay tuned for that!

That’s all for today and as you can see this post was published earlier than usual. I did so deliberately to catch up on the lack of news last night. Thanks for your attention, guys, and I hope to see you all on my blog again tomorrow.

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