Nov 27th, 2010 Archives

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I know that many US readers refer to this particular day as “Black Friday” for non HYIP related reasons, but given its proximity to what we in the business call “Black December” and the number of bad news stories from the last day or two maybe there is a connection after all. The situation with OilStructure hasn’t gotten any better and it is a proven scam. It appears InvGenerator is also in trouble today as the instant payments suddenly stopped, though that seems a relatively minor incident in relation to the main news of the day.

Undoubtedly one of the biggest – and the most alarming – stories today is of course going to be the uncertainty surrounding EarnPlaza. It seems that members expecting to be paid via the LibertyReserve processor are experiencing delays with their payouts. At the moment anyone going through AlertPay and PerfectMoney doesn’t appear to have a problem, but given the fact that LibertyReserve is obviously the single biggest vehicle supporting EarnPlaza (or any single HYIP) the problem is there. Matt, the admin has said there has been technical problems in accessing the program’s LibertyReserve account and has been unable to efficiently process payments to users via that payment processor. The admin of EarnPlaza gave me the following update earlier in relation to that and earlier confided in me:

Yes, there are some problems and I am trying to resolve them. For a few days I have already error 500 while trying to login to LR. When first time this problem occurred anyway within 3 hours it was back to normal, now i cant login for almost a 24 hours already. I understand members concerns, but situation is goes out of control now because a lot members dont understand that and now trying to make a disputes at AP. Shame, because AP and PM payments are processed anyway. Some of the dispute reasons like “oilstructure gone and now all programs will close”, “christmas soon I need my money” are really shameful. Anyway I`ll try to resolve situation.

And then later in relation to some of the technical problems:

When this first time happened for a two hours I had error 500 message but then instead of LR site simply white page. I have tried proxy and found out that its working fine, but when I was trying to login then it asks verification pin and ofcourse there is not pin at email. So I had just to wait when site will work again and its worked fine some hours later. So situation is now that I cant do nothing but wait, but honestly I am tired of this waiting already. I have tried to contact their support when this happened first time but all what I heard from them is that I have to give them LR account #, docs, address, amount on LR etc. Of corse I have ignored this.
I will try to send a newsletter later today when I will have at least some info, even if this will be really bad one because I dont see any reason to lie to them. Shame, because I didnt wanted to close EarnPlaza at that moment.

An alternative version, and one that I must say is unproven and based on speculation, is that the EarnPlaza LR account was hacked. An unverified screenshot has popped up in various places on the net however it’s authenticity can’t be proven, nor does it make any real practical difference to anyone who lost.

I know that investors rarely care what the official reasons are as to why or why not they get paid, but at this point we need to stick with the facts. And the fact is that AP and PM investors continue to get paid for the moment while the greatest number of members, ie LR members are not, poses the problem. Whether you believe the above mentioned update or not is basically of very little practical importance. Either way payments are delayed to LR customers and as good as EarnPlaza was for the last two months you should have realized this unfortunate day was coming.

At the moment I would also warn you about filing disputes with AlertPay. As long as payments to AP continue to be made then sit back and accept them. If you complain to them while you are still getting paid the the account will be frozen, and payments will cease immediately pending investigation. This will take weeks to months to resolve – if it ever gets resolved – but in the meantime the AP money is going nowhere so just collect it while its flowing and complain when it stops.

Until further notice future deposits into this former leader of short term HYIPs cannot be recommended. Congratulations if you made money from them as you had ample opportunity to since last September. Commiserations to those who didn’t but that’s how the HYIP industry works I’m afraid. In the absence of the promised newsletter from Matt, the EarnPlaza admin, more analysis will follow in the coming days.


Let’s get back to the proper daily updates now, in other words the good news disrupted above by the bad. Starting with the very new but the growingly popular AvatarSurf (reviewed here). Having been online for only a few days AvatarSurf is making a great effort to revive the surfing industry by paying you to surf 12 pages daily on manual mode. With AvatarSurf, named after the popular movie, you can make 11% for 11 days (with daily payouts) or 12% for 12 days (with one single payout on expiry). It looks like after four days online AvatarSurf already has over 400 members which means investors want something different from the usual HYI programs and surfing programs might offer what they want – the advertising of their sites and referral links and even the feeling that you do something in order to earn the money from the program and not just deposit and wait without doing anything. I’m aware that the surfing income for a program can be tiny compared to the amount of outside deposits made but it’s still a real income stream. It’s an old school approach as the surfing sites were on a high a couple of years ago but possibly AvatarSurf will be a breathe of fresh air for those investors looking to try something different. The admin of the program John is also quite determined to make his program as successful as the members want it to be and therefore he asked for the support of the members for his program. What kind of support should it be? Read more about that in the first official newsletter from AvatarSurf published below:
Dear Avatar Surfers,
It’s been 4 days, since AvatarSurf has taken its birth, and if I’m going to list out all the achievements we have had in these past 4 days of being online, then there’s no doubt the list will be an unending one. But I know that most of you are eager to know our accomplishments, and so I have decided to give you all a quick snap of the numerous accomplishments we have had in the past 4 amazing days.
I launched AvatarSurf with one intention; to keep it as long as possible, and give every individual of this industry an nice chance to make money. When I launched AvatarSurf, I was expecting that only a few members would be joining and investing due to the coming Christmas eve, but contrary to all my expectations, AvatarSurf became a hit just with 4 days. We have over 425 members joined till date, which averages out to 100 sign-ups a day. What is even more shocking is that, I was actually stunned to see the deposit growth of AvatarSurf. Can you believe that a total of $75,000 was invested altogether during these past 4 days? Yeah, that’s right. I didn’t even imagine such a stupendous growth in my wildest dreams. I really feel glad that the experienced individuals of this industry have already spotted the huge potential of AvatarSurf.
With such a high growth rate I wouldn’t be surprised to see AvatarSurf becoming the top program of this industry within a couple of months. Well, it won’t happen if only I do my best. It will require your constant support and participation. But that doesn’t mean that I’m asking anyone to re-invest your money back into AvatarSurf, after you get paid, like most of the other admins do. It’s up to your discretion whether you should invest, re-invest or not. What I meant by participation and support is, promote AvatarSurf to the best as you can, and let everyone know that a new infant has taken birth in this industry, the next Surf giant.
Promote AvatarSurf as much as you can, and vote for it on every monitor, after you receive your payments. When you hear that particular sentence, that is, to vote for AvatarSurf on every monitor, you will think that it is one heck of a job. But I have found out a way, to make that task which obviously seems to be a little difficult one, a lot easy. Here comes MaxiVote, the solution to your voting problems. With MaxiVote, you can vote for AvatarSurf on every monitor, with just one click. You can find the MaxiVote logo in the Ratings page of AvatarSurf‘s website. All you need to do is, click on that logo, fill in the required details asked, and submit the form. Your one heck of a job, oh sorry, your most simple job, is completed. It’s as simple as that. Mission Accomplished!
Besides voting, please do post your payment proofs in the threads created for AvatarSurf, in the main forums, especially in MoneyMakerGroup forum. You can find me active in the AvatarSurf thread in MoneyMakerGroup forum almost all the time, so if you find time, do join that forum, and take part in the discussions being carried out there. We are having a lot of fun there.
By the way, the top blogger of this industry, Paul, has published a detailed review of AvatarSurf in his blog,, the link to which is, For those who are still unaware of how AvatarSurf works, I believe the mentioned review will give you a very idea of AvatarSurf.
I guess that’s all for now. Keep in mind that the success of AvatarSurf, is your success.
Surf all your way to success with AvatarSurf.
John Williams. AvatarSurf Admin

Another goog performing program whose sending its first newsletter to members today is AllianceAdvantage. Their admin Jeff emphasized the importance of communication with members even if the site is offline (which it’s unlikely since AllianceAdvantage is hosted with BlockDos). But it’s a nice touch that the support ticketing system is located on a different server which will be very handy for members anyway. The latest newsletter from AllianceAdvantage was also written in a very intelligent way and Jeff made an effort to create a good first impression on members and potential members alike, intending to make it the #1 program in 2011. I remind you that AllianceAdvantage accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney to three investment plans: 1.7% for 50 days, 2.2%-2.4% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days. The admin strives to make payouts fast enough of which he also mentioned in the first newsletter along with the review published on MNO last night which you can read here. This is the full official first newsletter from the admin of AllianceAdvantage:
First of all, I would like to thank all of you for becoming members of AllianceAdvantage. I am going to be working hard to make sure that you will be very happy you are a part of our group! AllianceAdvantage has been running very smooth and without any technical issues, so there is nothing major to report there. We have a separate support page that is hosted on a separate website so that if the website would ever go down, we would still be able to communicate fine via our support page. That was very important to me when considering support options as I feel one of the major problems with some of the HYIP programs of days past is that when their website went down, a lot of times their communication ability and support page went down with that site.
Good communication is very important at all times and when that is sacrificed, most of the time it also sacrifices the HYIP program. The most important thing is getting your payments on time, but chances are if there is no communication you are probably not receiving your payments either. We will always strive to make sure that your payments are done in the quickest manner possible and also to have someone available to help you when you have a question or issue that needs taken care of. I have hired an experienced customer support rep named Kathy and she will be around to help you in case if you have any questions or problems to be addressed.
We were lucky enough to be reviewed by Paul at Money News Online or MNO and the review was released on his blog today. As a lot of you probably already know, he is very aware of the HYIP industry and there are very few, if any that can explain the pros and cons of a particular HYIP the way he can. He has been in this industry for a long time and we felt lucky to get a spot in his busy blog. If you would like to read it please follow this link:
Daily interest payments are made to accounts every day at AllianceAdvantage and withdrawals for the interest payments can be done 7 days a week.
All withdrawals for Thanksgiving Day – 11/25/2010 have been paid and for those residing in the US, we hope you had a great holiday. It is our goal to complete all withdrawals within a 5 – 6 hour window even though in our FAQ it states to allow up to 24 hours.
I will update you all later in the week as to how AllianceAdvantage is doing and include anything new going on. I only expect good things and will be here working hard to make AllianceAdvantage is one of the #1 programs for 2011!
Have a good weekend!
Best Regards, Jeff. AllianceAdvantage

The admin of CazaInvestment Pally (interviewed here) wished the very best to his American members today. There wasn’t much else to be said there in fact because it lookss like everything is doing fine. Finally, CazaInvestment was able to put everything is order and now the investment plans look like this: 3.2% for 45 days (principal included), 3% for 21 days (principal back) and finally the most popular now 12% for 12 days (principal included). I saw on public forums that payments are still going well and I hope CazaInvestment will show some good results in the long run. Perhaps, it’s the last hope for those who want to join a quality short-term program now as even when times were hard and CazaInvestment suffered some issues with the script it didn’t give up and continued the payouts. So maybe Pally has something more personal to be thankful for? Here is the latest newsletter from CazaInvestment (reviewed here):
We at CazaInvestment Inc are very thankful to have you as a part of our Oil and Gas investment project!
Today is ThanksGiving and we are wishing all Americans and their family a wonderful celebration, A lot of fun happening in America today an CazaInvestment is celebrating with you all. Our Project is doing pretty great, more than half of our members are in profit and we are proud serving you in a way you prefer.
Our support personnel’s are always online to answer your questions, payments are been processed daily and on time. Once again WE WISH YOU A HAPPY THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION, ENJOY !
Thanks, Pally Eppie.

I wasn’t aware of this but it looks like there were some issues with the accessibility of DailyGains website (reviewed here). The admin sent out this update to me now, however personally I haven’t noticed any downtime and the payments were always instant for me so far as well:
Dear members. Server Software and System Software Update finished. Site Is Online. Auto Withdrawal is work
Please Login to account and Withdraw Profit
Thanks. Admin DailyGains

I am very proud to report that MNO has again been nominated for a very prestigious award held by the e-CommerceJournal website – one of the leading news sources for online and virtual internet based business. This was a huge honor for MNO to even be nominated for last year’s award as Best E-Commerce blog but to win was truly an honor. I hope with your great help I will be able to retain this award for 2010. This year’s list was filled with some stiff competition – HyipBlogger (the admin Tony is probably known to many of you), HyipNews and the personal blog of EcommerceJournal – EcommerceNews are all there and for good reason. I think the competition will be fierce but I really hope MNO will win this year again. You can help me to win this prestigious annual award by submitting your vote in the form located under the Shoutbox or by going directly to the ECommerceJournal website here and vote there. By the way, you can also submit your votes in different nominations including the best payment system of 2010, the best DDoS protection of 2010, the best autoexchanger of 2010, and so on.

Thank you very much for your votes in advance, guys, as I really appreciate your continued support of my daily work on MNO!

That’s it for today, guys. As usual just to finish here is the list of the programs that paid me today:
ProfitEu, TerraProfits, CazaInvestment, FondosMayores, FenixTrust, InvestPlatforms, CherryShares, RedOrchidInvest, DailyGains, Konstant, MutualTreaty, ReProFinance, TetraMetals, YamaFinance, 144CashAds, AvatarSurf,  AllianceAdvantage, ECashBroker, YesInvestment, FutureTrails, GainBucks and GloTrade.

Hope you all have a good weekend and don’t forget to check MNO often. Remember that I work for you, guys, and if you like what I do then don’t forget to subscribe to my daily updates which will be delivered straight to your mailbox every morning. The subscription form is located on the top of the right side of my blog and all you have to do is to enter your email address and confirm your subscription by clicking the link which you will receive to your email shortly afterwards. Hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow! You know it makes sense!

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