Jan 6th, 2011 Archives

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Hi everybody! Joining the recent list of new short term HYI programs opening now that the holidays are over is one called EasyCashGrowth. They’re yet another of those programs offering a dizzying range of investment plans, some pretty good if you’re fast enough, and others shall we say a little too good to be true. But with a little selective spending there’s definitely a chance to make a couple of easy bucks as long as you’re careful and sensible.

EasyCashGrowth has plans that pay by the hour, by the day, and on expiry. There’s eight plans in total with no less than 57 individual sub-sections contained within. Many of these are not to be taken seriously of course, and I have no more time or the inclination to describe them in detail than you have to read them. But I’ll concentrate instead on the main points you may be interested in and where you have a genuine opportunity (ok, “chance” is a better word) to make a fast profit. And as all but one of EasyCashGrowth‘s plans have only a $10 minimum it could turn out to be a fun game while it runs.

The first option pays on expiry after a term of just 1 day. The potential earnings are based on how much your initial principal is with the more you invest meaning the more you earn. The trick of course is to not put too much temptation in front of the admin and keep both your principal and your expectations at a more realistic level. And so as not to keep repeating myself here, please apply the same strategy to every one of EasyCashGrowth‘s plans.

So starting with a very basic $10 investment you are offered a return of 105% paid out on expiry and including your principal. Or in other words your money back plus 5% profit. Maximum spend for this rate is $50 but if you want to earn a little more and are prepared to gamble in order to get it then the following rates will apply:
$51 to $100 earns 106%, from $101 to $200 earns 106.5%, from $201 to $400 earns 107%, and from $401 to $1000 will earn 107.5%.
Higher rates are available and EasyCashGrowth has no stated maximum, so check out the member’s area for the rates if you feel like spending big.

In a similar vein is EasyCashGrowth‘s second plan. It too pays on expiry and includes your principal, however the investment term is 2 calendar days. It’s only slightly more profitable than the first plan, and less so if you were to re-invest the full principal plus profit. The rates start with 111% paid on expiry for deposits starting from a $10 minimum to a $50 maximum. Your principal is included as part of the payment. Other rates are as follows:
113% on amounts from $51 to $100, 114% for $101 to $200, 115% for $201 to $400, and 116% for larger deposits up to $1,000.
Again you’re welcome to spend more than that if you think it’s a good bet and EasyCashGrowth as no fixed maximum. See the member’s area for their offers.

EasyCashGrowth‘s third plan runs for 3 calendar days and and again makes interest payments that include your principal on expiry. Final returns are a little more enticing this time compared to the previous two plans, though with short term games it does get a little riskier. Having said that the first cycle has already been completed so some investors will already be counting the money they made from it. Deposits start at $10 and for anything up to $50 EasyCashGrowth are offering you a single payment of 118%. Higher rates apply to bigger deposits and include:
121% for $51 to $100, 122.5% for $101 to $200, 124% for $201 to $400, and 125.5% for $401 to $1000.
Again if you’re prepared to take a chance with more than that (your choice as always) then higher rates are offered. Check out your member’s area in the website for further details.

For the fourth investment plan EasyCashGrowth takes a slight change of direction. They offer hourly interest payments for a plan that runs for 24 hours. It’s less profitable than the original one day on expiry plan so it’s kinda pointless really except for people who don’t think the program can survive and want to get something back before it closes. And to be honest if that’s what you think then you shouldn’t really be participating. Anyway, minimum deposit is $10 and for anything up to $50 you are offered an hourly payment that includes your principal of 4.35%, giving you a grand total of 104.4% when the plan matures. Other hourly rates include:
4.4% for $51 to $100 (105.6% total), 4.42% for $101 to $200 (106.08% total), 4.44% for $201 to $400 (106.56% total), and 4.46% on amounts between $401 and $1,000 (107.04% total).
Just like the others EasyCashGrowth have some other offers available to those prepared to risk higher amounts with no stated maximum, so see the member’s area for details.

The next plan is again offering an hourly payment schedule, except this time it runs for 48 hours. Again it’s a bit less profitable than the 2 day on expiry plan so doesn’t offer all that much beyond the hourly payments themselves if that’s what you prefer. Deposits start from $10 and an hourly payment of 2.25% is made on amounts up to a $50 maximum. That gives a total return of 108% including principal. Other rates include:
2.27% for $51 to $100 (108.96% total), 2.29% for $101 to $200 (109.92% total), 2.31% for $201 to $400 (110.88% total), and 2.33% for $401 to $1,000 (111.84% total).
For payments offered to larger deposits see the EasyCashGrowth website.

Next EasyCashGrowth takes yet another change of direction and has a short term plan that makes daily payments. The term is still quite short at only 2 calendar days and while it’s less profitable than the 2 day on expiry plan it’s still a better option than the 48 hour one. Deposits start from $10 and for amounts up to $50 you can earn a return of 55% per day, or 110% in total including your principal. Higher rates are available on the following amounts:
From $51 to $100 will get you 56% per day (112% in total), $101 to $200 earns 56.5% (113% total), $201 to $400 gets you 57% daily (114% total) and from $401 to $1,000 will earn 57.5% (115% in total).
Refer to your EasyCashGrowth member’s area for offers on larger deposits.

There are still another two plans remaining but I doubt very much the more experienced players that make up the bulk of MNO’s readership will take them all that seriously, particularly the final one. Nevertheless the next plan from EasyCashGrowth still only costs a $10 minimum to join, so as unlikely as it is to get that many takers if you’re new to all of this and find it to tempting to pass over, just remember to keep the spending to a minimum and see what happens next. The plan itself runs for 29 calendar days and offers one single payment on expiry. Deposits from $10 to $100 are offered 260% interest (principal included) with as usual higher rates being applied to higher deposits. For instance:
270% for $101 to $200, 280% for $201 to $500, and 290% for $501 to $1,000.
There’s no maximum limit and you can see the EasyCashGrowth website for further info on that.

The final plan serves little beyond cosmetic purposes I think, but purely for informational purposes the minimum required to join it is $20,000 and you are offered double your money back on expiry after a 1 day term. I don’t think I really need to comment on this, do I?

Outlandish as some of the plans might be, some of them are no doubt pretty tempting to fans of shorter term games and have been paying out successfully so far. A drawback to some might be that only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted as payment processors by the program but on the plus side however the payouts will be made instantly and I am personally able to confirm that as I got paid instantly several times already.

EasyCashGrowth is running off a licensed GoldCoders script but is not hosted on a dedicated server. They’re sharing it with one other site, coincidentally one with a similar design and identical plans which I guess is either another program from the same admin or his next program after this. The hosting provider used by EasyCashGrowth is called AntiDdos, a company I’ve only come across once before but to be fair have yet to see a problem with either, so as a dedicated server it gets the benefit of the doubt for now. Contact with the admin is done through filling out your details on the form provided on the support page, so any questions you still have can be sent there.

Other than that all I can say is not to forget EasyCashGrowth is more or less a straight forward online HYIP based game and has all the usual potential rewards along with the huge pitfalls that go with anything in this industry. Some of the plans can be used to your advantage if you play with the right strategy and others will be unlikely to do much for you. There’s a chance to make a couple of easy dollars from it if you play it right and don’t get too greedy. So if you like it then take a chance while it’s new and your chances to win are better. And of course keep your spending affordable and your expectations realistic and you might even enjoy it.


Moving on now to the news section I guess there’s no real doubt as to the biggest story of the day – despite it maybe not looking so obvious at first glance. I’m referring to the short term program PrimoEarnings (reviewed here), a program that caught the attention of many investors by only accepting AlertPay as a payment processor for it’s first month online. The original plan was for PrimoEarnings to start accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney once their 30 day plan had completed its first cycle (the full list of plans includes 112% after 7 days, 128% after 14 days, and 180% after 30 days, principal included). It seems those plans have been thrown into disarray somewhat due to a recent conflict with their former hosting provider Dragonara and the PrimoEarnings admin is going to have his hands full with something he wasn’t expecting for the next while.
You may have noticed that PrimoEarnings is no longer hosted by Dragonara, who suspended the admin’s account amidst a very serious – though I have to stress as yet unproven – allegation that he had been trying to defraud other Dragonara hosted websites by sending them forged invoices to get them to pay him rather than the actual hosting provider for hosting services. Dragonara claim the proof of this originates from PerfectMoney, they being the ones who traced all the illegal transactions back to PrimoEarnings. I contacted Trevor about that and have to say he seemed genuinely surprised about the whole thing, saying he knew nothing about the reasons for his account suspension until I told him (Dragonara had earlier contacted me first to tell me their side of the story, prior to me even knowing that there was a story!)
But let’s just avoid any further speculation, acknowledge that this is unlikely to be the end of the story, and for the sake of the only people that really matter here, i.e you the investors, move on and stick with the proven facts. And the first thing is that PrimoEarnings website is now up and running and fully functional on BlockDos, their new hosting provider which is widely considered the best in the industry. So you may well think that’s the end of the matter, now it’s back to business as usual for PrimoEarnings. But you’d be mistaken. The problem is that when Dragonara threw them out they kept the database and didn’t send it to Trevor. Now the following two messages appear on the PrimoEarnings website:
We moved to Blockdos.net If you have any problems with accounts, send support ticket and I will be happy to resolve it.
If you can’t login send me email to support@primoearnings.com
Luckily here PrimoEarnings have only been dealing with the one payment processor so far, so it will hopefully speed up the process, but if you are a member then you are going to have to re-register your account there using the same username and email address that you did the first time. Due to the fact that Trevor should still have all his AlertPay transactions in tact, it should be a simple (though painfully tedious) task of double checking the transactions and making sure you end up with the correct balance in the correct plan. So do be careful to use the exact same details when registering for the second time.
Meanwhile I’ll neither pass judgement nor take sides in the dispute between PrimoEarnings and Dragonara. As far as I’m concerned it’s strictly a matter between them and the only thing I’m interested in is that the members – always the only unfortunate ones that seem to suffer in such cases – get paid what they are owed. Fingers crossed members will now be patient, re-register their accounts, and allow the admin adequate time to fix their balances. I will keep you updated on further developments on MNO.

Many members of SureFireSurf (reviewed here) were quite concerned yesterday because it seems that their website couldn’t handle DDoS attacks which were so powerful that the admin Chris had to change hosting provider. Now it’s a dependable Dragonara who are utmost professionals in this industry and which will definitely provide them with much better protection than their old unknown host. So now all the members of SureFireSurf can breathe easy because as far as I can see the site has already fully propagated and is available in all parts of the world. If you cannot access it yet please allow a few more hours or use a proxy server to access it. The surfing is also back to normal and all the members of SureFireSurf can go back to usual surfing 12 sites daily in order to get paid from two surfing plans offered by the program: 10% for 12 days and 144% after 12 days. As for the members of the non-surfing plan which pays 8% for 15 days they were not affected at all and their earnings are credited to the accounts as usual. The payments are also processed fast and I received mine within a couple of hours of requesting them. So I can assume everything is back to normal and those who hung around my Shoutbox predicting the coming death of SureFireSurf (probably the same people who attacked the website yesterday) have to wait for a better chance to bring down an even stronger program now. I truly admire how the admin of SureFireSurf acted as a true professional in his field and realizing the utmost importance of unbroken communication with his members during times like this was always there on the program’s official thread on the MMG forum to update members about the most recent news and developments. This definitely calmed down many nervous investors who always exaggerate problems and sometimes cause a great stir on the forums and according to Chris’ words in his last newsletter many new members already joined SureFireSurf after it got back online and the existing members upgraded in the program. I believe that with such a dedicated admin and supportive membership the program has a long way to go and if the admin really has some good intentions of becoming a real huge program he can definitely achieve this now that he has a reliable hosting provider for protection. Here is the latest newsletter from SureFireSurf which was sent already after the site got back online today:
Hello! I apologize for the sites downtime earlier today for several hours. It is loading now. The server never went down it is just that we were working on setting the protection up and the site was not accessible for users for those hours.
Anyhow, the site is up and running now and the protection is in place. We do still have to wait for the new nameservers (Dragonara.net) to resolve on all areas worldwide until the DDOS attacks are fully stopped. But for most members, it is loading ok now. I see many new members have joined since its back online again, and many have made new upgrades also. This is great news for everyone. I am glad that you appreciate my efforts I put into the site.
Please note that I am still unable to load my emails to chris@surefiresurf.com so if you need to contact me, please send an e-mail for now to surefiresurf@yahoo.com . Or just use the live chat function.
Please visit http://www.moneymakergroup.com/index.php?showtopic=360946&view=getlastpost and join the discussion there.
I am at ease now and confident that the site will be much more protected with the new DDOS protection from Dragonara.net is in place.
I am really happy that my hard work is being appreciated by the members. I want to thank you for that. Thank you so much. It makes all the hard work pay off when I see members are happy. So even with little sleep, I still get up excited and eager to work on the site. Thank you for supporting SureFireSurf. I will do my best always.
Christopher Linton

There was another update from SureFireSurf which I received just a couple of hours ago and it was just a follow-up to the previous newsletter concerning two important things. The first thing was for those people who made changes when the site was not fully propagated around the world in their hosts file and so the admin sent instructions on how to fix this and undo the changes made to your host file. The second thing was regarding the accounts of those members who were unable to surf yesterday and therefore would lose their earnings for the day and decrease the overall profits they would have otherwise received. Such unfortunate members can email the admin of SureFireSurf and he will update your earnings manually so you won’t lose anything. Further discussion is possible on the public forum threads the links to which were provided by Chris in the following newsletter:
Hello. SureFireSurf new DRAGONARA DDOS PROTECTED DNS has propagated on almost all areas. But if you are one of the members who previously updated your computer HOSTS file manually when we first moved the site to the new dedicated server, then you will need to clear those entries you added in the HOSTS file now. I am sure that if you are one of those who edited their HOSTS file in their computer before, then you would know how to delete those entries I am talking about.
Again, this is only for those who edited their HOSTS file when we moved to the new server last month. If you did not edit your HOSTS file, please ignore the above instructions and just read on.
We will also extend the surfing days for those who missed surfing due to the websites downtime yesterday. So just contact me and we will adjust accordingly, so you won’t miss any earnings.
Again, please join the discussion at the forums:
And then visit the ratings page too.
Christopher Linton

The admin of DollarCommerce whose name is also Christopher by the way has added some more contact features to his site today including a bi-lingual phone support and bi-lingual live support in addition to the already available support ticket system which is currently only available in English. You can find the phone numbers and the working hours for English and Russian support on the contact page of the website. In addition, Christopher somehow managed to intrigue me by mentioning some extra income opportunity that will be available for the members of DollarCommerce in the next few days. MNO will definitely report about that as soon as it happens, and honestly, I have no idea what it might be so please don’t question me too hard on the topic. I can just remind you that DollarCommerce is a short-term program that pays 106% after 3 days, 115% after 5 days, and 140% after 10 days and where you can deposit via three payment options (AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney) with $5 minimum. More details on DollarCommerce can be read in my detailed review published here. This is the latest news from the program:
Hi, it’s Christopher here. Just a quick update from DollarCommerce.
From now on you can reach us in three different ways:
1. Phone support (available in English and Russian);
2. Live support (available in English and Indonesian);
3. Support ticket (currently available only in English).
Check here: http://www.dollarcommerce.net/?a=support
We’re constantly looking forward to implement features that makes DollarCommerce available and easy-to-use worldwide.
So far I haven’t asked you this, but if you have a time and you’re satisfied with your payments, please vote for DollarCommerce. You may also leave your opinion at forums where DollarCommerce is being discussed. Find out more here: http://www.dollarcommerce.net/?a=cust&page=rateus
Stay tuned as we have something interesting for you that will be launched within the next days. It will be an extra opportunity to earn quick bucks and everyone will be able to participate!
Thank you for staying with DollarCommerce. Your support is much appreciated!
Sincerely, Christopher Baker
DollarCommerce Administrator

There was a short update today from the admin of FelixFunds Felix (interviewed here). In this update he announced that their recent Facebook contest was very successful but that it was over by now as well as their bonus for the deposits over $2,000. The video contest is still running though so don’t forget that you can win $500 in that one. Here is the latest news from FelixFunds (reviewed here):
We wanted to announce that our campaign on Facebook it’s over now. We was very happy to see it was such a success and wanted to thank you all for your support there. Also our bonus to deposits bigger then $2000 is over too. However our video contest is still running so you still can win there a $500 cash prize. Wish you good luck!
Regards, Felix

You might remember that yesterday I reported that the admin of GorgonProjectInvest had added PerfectMoney as an additional payment processor and that you were able to deposit via that payment processor along with LibertyReserve and GlobalDigitalPay into one of the following plans on offer – 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, and 2.2% for 180 days with the principal returned on expiry. Well, it looks I was incorrect regarding PerfectMoney withdrawals as the admin contacted me and told that they became instant now, just like those you make to LibertyReserve. Moreover, a fourth e-currency was also added (Pecunix) so you can invest by that option as well. I don’t think though that it is a popular option among investors and therefore I think the more exciting news would be the addition of something like AlertPay and SolidTrustPay. Anyway, that step is already in the pipeline and was officially mentioned by the admin of GorgonProjectInvest in today’s update. I believe that after the upcoming addition of AlertPay and SolidTrustPay the growing already popularity of GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here) will exceed all expectations. Anyway, the admin of the program Paul (yes, he has the same name as me!) promised that he would give an interview to MNO after all the payment processors are added successfully. Here is the official news regarding the addition of PerfectMoney and Pecunix published on GorgonProjectInvest‘s site today:
More Payment Processor Options Available
In response to many requests from our members we have just added Perfect Money and Pecunix and will add AlertPay and STP shortly.
Withdrawals for Perfect Money are automatic, but Pecunix withdrawals will be handled manually (within 12 hours).
In a few weeks time we may also allow bank wire transfers as we want to make as many options available for our members.
We’d like to thank everyone who requested that we add these additional payment processors, we value your opinions and suggestions.

Unfortunately, RussianOilFund has to be moved to Scam status on MNO tonight. As expected no LR or PM payouts were processed today, so I can conclude the game is over for them. Please do not make any further investments into RussianOilFund as it is officially a scam now!

The following programs from my monitoring page are paying fine and I received payments from them for the last 24 hours:
GorgonProjectInvest, 144CashAds, TerraProfits, DollarCommerce, EasyCashGrowth, AssetManagement, InvestPlatforms, AmilloTrade, BetBankFund, FenixTrust, MutualTreaty, PandaTrade, ReProFinance, FxEconomy, AccessTomorrow, UnicornInv, YesInvestment, GainBucks, SureFireSurf, FutureTrals, AllianceAdvantage, RevenueBuild and PrestigRev (the first payment received).

PrestigRev is another surfing site which unlike SureFireSurf involves manual surfing with the necessity to surf at least 13 sites daily on manual mode to earn your daily rebates. The script utilized by PrestigRev is the famous Gotenks script where you first have to deposit the money to your account and then decide how you want to spread it between the investment plans on offer. There are plans available with the daily payouts paying 2%-3% daily for 100 days (no principal return) and on expiry plans where you can invest 115% after 10 days, 140% after 20 days, and 175% after 30 days and be paid on expiration of your deposit. In daily plans your earnings are credited to your account straight after surfing for the day is completed and there’s no need to worry if you miss a day of surfing as your investment plan will be adjusted with another day added. In addition, there is a vacation mode which will be fully discussed in my review of PrestigRev tomorrow. Your investment can start with as low as $5 and PrestigRev accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors, so the choice is quite wide. The site is hosted on a dedicated server by Dragonara and has a nice design and customized script. More on PrestigRev will be in my review published tomorrow.

The second program added to Premium listing on MNO today is the less complicated Stanbec. Actually, the full name of the program is Stanbec Inc. as it claims to be registered in Belize but for future reference I will just call it Stanbec. The program has just launched today and offers only one plan paying 2.5% daily forever regardless of the investment amount which can be anything between $20 and $20K paid via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay or SolidTrustPay. Stanbec has a strong level of DDoS protection by Koddos with hosting on a dedicated Staminus server and SSL-encryption. On the main page of Stanbec‘s website the admin promises fast payouts which are going to be processed daily within 24 hours and the availability to withdraw your principal after 12 weeks (by that time you’ll be able to double your money from the program so I don’t see any reason to leave then). More information about the program itself will be in the upcoming review of Stanbec on MNO soon or in the just issued first newsletter to members where the admin shared some stats and discussed some features you might be interested to know when joining his program. Here is the above-mentioned newsletter from Stanbec:
This is the first Update from Stanbec Inc Team of Professional Finance Managers, Today is the first day of operation and we have had a very smooth opening, we have had troops of investors trying to find out about the features and quality of our service among whom have registered and invested, within 24hours we have reckon 230members and an investment of $5,690 this is classy for a start.
We are glad we are able to stay through, Stanbec has got very great features, we aim to serve the general Public in an honest and sustainable way, if you take a good look at our program you would discover that we have put together the best for quality results, our background details is listed below:
Our Credibility: Stanbec Inc is an HYIP but licensed for operation, it was registered in Belize and comprises of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioners, CPAs, investment veterans, a real estate specialist, an investment analyst, tax counselors and small business owners.
Payment and Referral Plan: Our payment plan of 2.5% daily forever with a minimum investment of $20 and maximum amount of $20,000 is designed for every kind of investors, its realistic and sustainable hence we are sure to operate for long period of time. We also offer a 5% referral commission paid into your Stanbec Inc account.
Swift Payments / Innovation: Our management team is always online to process withdrawal requests 24/7 and we are committed to constant evolution and reinvention to make sure your investments are safe and your returns are stable.
Personal Service: We take our customers personally and provide a top notch customer service. Our professional and friendly representatives are there to answer any questions 24 hours a day, 7days a week.
Our Online System: Stanbec Inc has one of the most secured and unique script gotten from a reliable programmer with a classic design, hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection, with the security of our program we say you are 98% guaranteed.
No Commissions: We charge absolutely zero commissions on all deposits and profit withdrawals you make
Life Span of Stanbec Inc: We would like you to know that although our plan say forever, we want everyone to know that no program can run forever however we would be online for long time and would have every member come to profit within the time of our program.
This is enough information for the now, we have employed some Monitors and Blogs for the promotion of our project we will continue to spread our news and attract more investors for sustainability. Contact our support team if you have more inquiries; we are always at your call.
Regards, Roddick.

That’s about it for today guys. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow with the review of PrestigRev and the latest updates from the HYIP world. Take care everyone, and good luck!

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