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10/01/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hi, guys! I’m finally looking forward to the new HYIP season which I think is already underway with some quality programs already popping up like mushrooms. To tell you the truth I believe that for at least the early part of the year shorter-term programs will become much more popular than their longer-term and lower-ROI counterparts. Since more and more investors are realizing that all HYIPs are games which is definitely true they prefer to play the game for a fair chance to get a decent profit in the shortest possible period of time than to trust it to the Forex and Stocks and Bonds programs which is nothing more than bluff and lies anyway. So why wait for months to see a profit (if ever!) if you have a decent chance to earn in a straightforward game which in the majority of cases run for several cycles unlike most of the low-ROI programs. So I expect more players will be faster to notice and recognize short-term hits that could be possibly bring some profits for them.

The thing that the admin of PrimoEarnings for instance said in the interview to MNO (read it here) that his program was a ponzi-game cannot go unnoticed by members. Of course we are all tired of such seemingly endless lies from HYIP admins trying to convince us that they can provide 20%-100% monthly profits on a regular basis from stocks, gold, share speculation, jewelry etc. (I can make a list that would run for several pages on what HYIP admins already “made” money trying to involve the members in their “castles in the air” projects). So such an honest approach should be appreciated by those who prefer honest games to dishonest promises that cannot be delivered in the long run anyway. Even real business is extremely risky and so are HYIPs so only invest what you can afford to lose.

At the same time, if you read MNO blog I assume that you’re interested in putting your money in HYIPs hoping that you will get a nice return for yourself and your efforts to identify potential hits from the never ending stream of HYIPs out there and so I hope MNO will become such a guide for you in the long run. I don’t recommend any programs and I simply give you information that you may utilize to your benefit and use in whatever way you like.

PrimoEarnings is now one month old and so the first payouts from all three plans are already processed. The program already successfully completed 4 cycles for the 112% after 7 days plan, 2 cycles of payouts for 128% after 14 days plan and finally today the first payouts from the most profitable 180% after 30 days have been processed. The tricky part about that was the limited availability of payment processors, with only AlertPay taken for the first month. This was the strategy of the admin of PrimoEarnings to survive the Christmas season and even their latest issues with Dragonara and the subsequent change the hosting provider to the more reliable BlockDos and manually crediting deposits to members’ account could not kill the program. I guess now that LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney started to get accepted by PrimoEarnings the program has a good chance to perform at full force. The official announcement regarding the addition of LR and PM was made late last night, shortly after my news update was published and here it is:
PrimoEarnings online for 1 month now!!! First of all I want to thank you all for joining our program and supporting us.
As you may know we transferred our website to ! SSL is now available to secure your accounts. Live support image is re-located to Support page
LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney is finally available as payment processors in PrimoEarning Withdrawals are now being processed instantly to all payment processors – LR, PM, AP. If you have problems with AP instant payments send me your username.

The latest email was sent to the PrimoEarnings‘ members today and along with announcing the interview with MNO the admin of the program Trevor also reminded about the new 5% bonus deposit which will be credited to members depositing more than $1,000 to any of the plans and started a referral contest which would be held for the next two weeks only among regular members (monitors are excluded) and where the three lucky winners could get nice cash prizes. Note that Trevor also expressed his interest in sponsoring a daily cash contest which was held on MNO forum quite regularly last year, so you will be able to get a $5 cash prize for your answers to PrimoEarnings questions. The details of the contest will be posted on MNO as soon as they’re finalized and the prize money is paid. So stay tuned for that, as I know many MNO members like free cash and participate in different contests as well. Here is the full newsletter from PrimoEarnings (reviewed here) received a few hours ago:
1# New weekly special!
AlertPay weekly special expired today!
2# Interviewed by Money-News-Online
You can read interview with me Trevor Rogers at –
3# Finally I can announce our first referral contest! It will start today and end on 24.01. Rules are plain and simple: the Top 3 members with the most active referrals will receive $150, $100 or $75 cash prize! Don’t miss your chance and start referring now!
Support PrimoEarnings in forums.
Follow us in Twitter –
You can chat with us trough different Instant Messengers :
Skype – PrimoEarnings
Yahoo Messengers – PrimoEarnings
ICQ – 642179579
Phone Support – +1 (585) 300-0336

The most popular autosurfing site SureFireSurf is still growing and climbing up in rankings and getting more active members along the way. The most important thing about it is that the admin of Christopher not only boasts good ratings but also tries his best to raise an income for the site in the best possible way by providing a good advertising platform for its members to promote their sites or referral links as well as for HYIP admins who have a perfect opportunity to advertise their project on a site with a huge Alexa rank for a relatively small amount of money and therefore reach a wider audience. Not only you can make money by surfing and earning your daily interest but also by referring the new advertisers to SureFireSurf where you can get 10% commissions from the advertising revenue received and the upcoming addition of Paid-to-Click links promised by the admin in the latest newsletter will also be a nice bonus to the earnings. SureFireSurf has over 3,000 members now and is growing every day, so it’s wonderful that the admin updates the members regularly and (the most important thing!) despite such growth they are able to pay fast on all the investment plans. I remind you that SureFireSurf offers two surfing plans 10% for 12 days with daily payouts and 144% after 12 days with compulsory surfing of at least 12 sites daily and one non-surfing plan where you can simply collect 8% interest for 15 days without surfing. The minimum to invest in each plan is a quite affordable $5 and you can join via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay. More information on SureFireSurf is available in my review of the program published here. I also intended to do an interview with the admin but recently decided that the usual format would not be suitable for a program with such a huge membership. So I figured that it would be best if the members of SureFireSurf to send me there own questions over the next few days which will be included in the interview along with my own questions. So I will wait for your questions, guys, and I hope that the upcoming interview with SureFireSurf will contribute to its growth even more. Now please read the latest newsletter from Christopher and decide for yourself if you’re interested in investing or spreading the word to help it grow even further:
Hello. I hope you are having a great day. SureFireSurf is growing daily and that sure makes everyone happy. I am writing this newsletter because of several things. But mainly to update you of the happenings in the site and upcoming things.
The first thing is that, Paul Abramson of Money-News-Online ( suggested that I tell you that if you have any question that you want me to answer in his interview with me, then you can send him at e-mail at . Send him your questions that you want me to answer in that interview. And the questions that Paul will choose, I will answer them of course.
SureFireSurf is climbing up the ladder in the rankings at the monitors too. With the maxivote ( feature that is in the Rate Us page (, the votes we get on the monitors have been soaring non-stop day by day. Thanks to the supportive members who vote daily everytime they get paid.
Another great news is that the Alexa Traffic Rank of SureFireSurf has been soaring too! Check then click on the Traffic Stats and then Traffic Rank and notice that our current Alexa Rank is 30,857 RANK on the 3 month average ranking while it is 16,484 Rank on the 7 days average rankings! If you ask me, this is a great thing! The traffic that SureFireSurf has been getting is getting bigger and bigger, this is not only good for the members and growth of the program but also a great news for our advertisers.
Speaking of Advertisers and advertisements, I hope you got my e-mail about the other extra way you can make extra cash from SureFireSurf besides referring active members. You can also earn referral commissions if you refer advertisers or program admins to advertise their sites and businesses on our website. We have several advertisement options where they can choose the package they want. Visit Successful referrer of advertisers will receive 10% of the total ad purchases the referral purchases from SureFireSurf.
I sold some advertisements again yesterday and one today. Everything is going well. I will probably offer some PTC (Paid to Click) ads soon. Watch out for that one.
Thank you for reading this e-mail and I hope you find it helpful and informative. Have a wonderful day!
Your SFS Admin, Christopher Linton. SureFireSurf

Another new surfing site – PrestigRev – was recently hit by a huge DDoS attack which even Dragonara couldn’t mitigate for over 24 hours is finally back online. There was no official update from the admin of PrestigRev regarding this, but I guess it’s ok since the site is fast to load and the payments are processed again as usual. Those who missed a surfing day yesterday and were not able to surf the required 13 sites have nothing to worry about. As you might remember from my review of PrestigRev published here if you miss a surfing day your payment plan will simply be extended and you will not miss in earnings. In addition, the unique vacation mode available to members will enable you to make your surfing more flexible by allowing you to choose up to 10 days away from surfing per month. I remind you also that PrestigRev accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney into the following investment plans: 2%-3% for 100 days, 115% after 10 days, 140% after 20 days, and 175% after 30 days.

It looks like the recently launched Stanbec attracted a lot of attention from MNO readers and I can see that many of you already joined the only plan offered by the program – 2.5% daily forever with compulsory 1% to 50% compounding and the possibility to withdraw your principal after 12 weeks. You can join Stanbec for $20 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay or AlertPay payment processors. In the latest newsletter sent today the admin mentioned the review recently published on MNO (read it here) where you can find all the necessary details about the program and my opinion on that. In addition, he also listed six advantages of investing with Stanbec and if you’re curious about hearing them you’re welcome to read the latest newsletter from the program below:
Stanbec Inc is a newly opened program that is doing well in the industry, When you have your investment been managed by professionals you have very little or no cause for alarm, Stanbec is gradually growing to becoming one of the top financial service providers in the industry, so far this project has been a complete success.
Our review is out on Money-News-online and this can be found using the url: it is advisable to go through what experts like Paul have to say about the credibility of Stanbec Inc. Payment have started rolling by the seconds and we hope to keep to this, all payments for the day has been processed. We want to bring to your knowledge some key features why you stand the best chance with Stanbec Inc:
1) Stanbec Inc is a legally registered financial service providers, the sole purpose of our project is to enable the general public generate a steady and profitable income.
2) 2.5% daily interest is a realistic and sustainable rate hence we will be able to keep this project running for a long period of time.
3) Our site is very secured, we have ensure DDos protection and SSL Encryption for quality service, it is ran on a licensed Goldcoder script thus we are safe from hackers or any other form of online attacks.
4) We accept a wide range of investment options which makes it easy for participation.
5) We pay our members a 5% Referral commission directly to their Stanbec account for every investor they refer to our project
6) No other project has the quality of support we provide, we have all members at heart, we are always at your call just on time.
The above lists among others are what you enjoy for been a member of Stanbec. Enjoy the beauty of a profitable earning opportunity.
Regards, Mark.

The admin of FondosMayores (reviewed here) informed investors that the interest for all the investment plans on offer (1.2% for 125 business days, 1.5% for 100 business days, 2% for 75 business days, 0.55% daily until you reach 200%, 5%-8% weekly until you reach 300%) are going to start being credited today as it’s the first business day after their 3-day holiday last week. They also announced some upcoming changes in the investment portfolios and advised investors to register in their newly launched forum in order to get the info about the coming changes first. Of course if you don’t register but simply check out MNO regularly and I will definitely do my best to update you on the latest developments from FondosMayores. Please read the latest newsletter from the program for more information:
Dear Clients:
A quick update to let you all know that regular interest rates will start again tonight.
Also we are working on some exciting new portfolio options, an update will be coming in the next few days.
Please remember to register at our forum. In the forum you will find updates translated into many languages, and so it is very important that all members register, please follow this link to REGISTER:
Our updates and newsletter will be always posted in the Forum by our representatives before even sent it through our mass e-mail. So if you want to keep informed rapidly, you have to be registered in the forum.
Remember you need to register using the same user ID that you have at the main website.
All The Best….. Meet you in the Forum!

YamaFinance (reviewed here) is also back after their extended 17-day holiday during which interest was not credited to members’ accounts but deposits were still accepted. I admit that I was quite suspicious about that and advised investors to wait and see if the program actually resumed the payouts today. Well, it really happened and my account today was credited with the daily interest and I was paid instantly. So I guess YamaFinance is out of trouble for now and can be recommended again as a reliable program paying instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney from the following investment plans with the principal returned on expiry: 1.2% for 100 business days, 6.25% for 22 weeks, 1.3%-1.55% for 110 business days, and 1.6% for 120 business days. YamaFinance managed to stay in Paying status on MNO for almost 200 days already and is currently ranked as #4 on my monitoring page which is a very high position. If you want to kow about the program please read the interview with the admin of YamaFinance which is published here.

DollarCommerce (reviewed here) celebrated four successful weeks online today during which it managed to not only survive Christmas but even become more popular and still pay fast to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors on the three offered plans with payments processed on expiry – 106% after 3 days, 115% after 5 days, and 140% after 10 days. That means DollarCommerce actually ran 9 full cycles for the shortest plan which is not a bad achievement at all for any short-term program. This week the admin of DollarCommerce offers a 5% withdrawable deposit bonus which will go to those brave enough to invest over $500 via LibertyReserve payment processor. Also from the latest newsletter I found out that the referral contest had started which would last for the whole week and the winners of which will be announced and rewarded with cash prizes next Monday. The admin of DollarCommerce Christopher also asked his members about the necessity of implementing another payment option in addition to the ones already available – Bank Wires. You can speak your mind for or against this option by contacting him via email, and be sure that you will get a reply because Christopher said that communicating with the members have always been his priority and it would stay that way. Here is the full newsletter from DollarCommerce:
Hello, It’s time to tell the World about DollarCommerce and make it the best investment opportunity for 2011! We are in business already for 28 successful days.
As promised earlier, I have something interesting for you all. The first contest where you can advertise DollarCommerce, compete and win real cash prizes! It’s called “DollarCommerce Referral Contest”. The contest has just begun and will be running for this whole week. Winners and prizes are to be nominated on the next Monday, January 17.
Here’s the deal: member with the most active referrals referred during this time wins $100. Second place gets $50 and third $25. Awards are paid in their preferred e-currency accounts (LR, PM or AP). You can follow and check the situation here:
Promotion materials are available in your DollarCommerce member’s area. Click on “Your Referral Link” to find out more. Remember that you are required to advertise your referral link so when particular member joins, it’s your guaranteed referral!
Your DollarCommerce referral link structure is always like this:
Whereas “username” is your registered one at DollarCommerce.
Here are the links for our promotional banners:
125 x 125:
468 x 60:
728 x 90:
That’s about our first contest. Now, I have received couple of questions whether we accept direct Bank Wire depositing option? We can implement this payment facility for you if it’s necessary, so please reply to this e-mail if you would like to have it available. I will then review the situation and let you know the further details and terms regarding this funding option.
Let me remind you that “Special Weekly Deposit Bonus” is also available during this week. We offer you a 5% extra bonus cash for $500+ LibertyReserve deposits. The amount will be paid into your DollarCommerce account balance so you can make a deposit from it or request for a withdrawal at any time! You may act now!
Thank you for your attention. Communicating with our members is always my priority, therefore you can expect regular further updates and newsletters from me. Please let me know if you have any questions, contact us here:
Again, thank you for staying with DollarCommerce. Your support is much appreciated!
Christopher Baker, DollarCommerce Admin

There was a strange update from the admin of ECashBroker today – the program which I had already written off due to the inability to access the website for a few days already and the silence from the admin. So today he broke the silence and sent the following update:
We’re sorry. We are under maintenance. Wait for new plans and services.
It looks to me that ECashBroker might be back and that would be really a surprise for me if they could resume payouts once again. Anyway, I will keep you updated if that happens but I will still leave it on Not Paying status for the time being because it all looks a bit suspicious to me.

Thanks to several readers who forwarded me an email they received from somebody pretending to be me and writing from email address and soliciting money for an HYIP allegedly opened by MNO blog. Please note that my only LR and PM accounts are on full exposure and you can find them on top of my blog and on my monitoring page as well. The email address from which this email was sent is very similar to my original one and only different by one letter. This similarity is probably the thing that could confuse people and make them reply to that scammer. This email has been used many times already to scam HYIP admins as well as readers of MNO. A similar scam circulated a few months ago but I tirelessly repeated then and will repeat again with full certainty – MNO will NEVER open any HYIPs and will not run any ponzies like some other bloggers because I want to stay unbiased in what I do and this is impossible if you’re actually involved running one of these things. Please remember that MNO did NOT have, is NOT running and does NOT intend to run any online ponzies. It’s a prerogative of HYIP admins and not a professional blogger in my definite opinion. Just for your amusement and as a warning I would like to republish this attempt at criminal fraud that some of you might have received to your mailboxes today:
Hello, this is Paul from Money-News-Online blog. I would like to announce that starting from today I’m launching my own private HYI program.
Rates are following:
1. 110% after 5 days, 2. 125% after 10 days, 3. 150% after 15 days.
Please respond to this e-mail if you’re interested and will forward you further details.
Best regards. Paul

Just be warned – give this guy a penny and not only will you never see it again you will also expose yourself to a lifetime of spam, having identified yourself as a soft target for scams and con-men.

The following program paid me during the last 24 hours and are featured on my monitoring page:
BetBankFund, EasyCashGrowth, Escaliva, GorgonProjectInvest, TerraProfits, AccessTomorrow, PrimoEarnings, 144CashAds, YesInvestment, GainBucks, UnicornInv, FutureTrails, PrestigRev, AllianceAdvantage, RevenueBuild, SureFireSurf, Stanbec, YamaFinance, PandaTrade, KlickWallet (the first payment received) and FinIntCorp (the first payment received).

FinIntCorp is the first new program that was added today and it probably comes from the admin of EasyCashGrowth and BetBankFund. Well, it’s quite easy to spot because the programs have very similar short-term investment plans, use GoldCoders licensed scripts, very similar design and are hosted by the same provider called AntiDdos. Moreover, EasyCashGrowth and the newly launched today FinIntCorp are hosted on the same server which made my guess even more substantial. Anyway, we should all be perfectly aware that it’s not one isolated case because almost always HYIP admins run several programs at the same time to help stabilize the cashflow in all of them. I guess FinIntCorp would still not be a bad choice for HYIP players preferring extremely fast profits offering instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on the following variety of plans: 4.35%-5.4% for 24 hours, 2.25%-3.4% for 48 hours, 106%-130% after 1 day, 56.25%-70% for 2 days, 135%-260% after 5 days, and 340%-1700% after 35 days. I know that it’s hard to choose from these plans and to help you with choice tune in tomorrow for more detailed review of FinIntCorp on MNO.

The second program added today to the Premium list looks more interesting to me. It’s another short-term game called KlickWallet which was launched a couple of days ago and where the first payouts on expiry are yet to be processed. The program offers three investment plans with payouts on expiry where your profits will depend on the amount invested, so you will be paid 107%-115% after 5 days, 127%-140% after 10 days, and 170%-200% after 20 days. KlickWallet accepts three payment processors – AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The site of the program is SSL-secured, is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server by the usually reliable hosting provider Dragonara. The payments are not instant but I have received mine today within a few hours of investing. Please stay tuned for a more detailed review of KlickWallet on my blog in a couple of days, after the first payouts from the five day plan will be processed.

That’s about it for tonight I think. Stay tuned for more news tomorrow and for the more detailed review of FinIntCorp. See you then, guys!

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