Jan 15th, 2011 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
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Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
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Hi everyone! Suppose you’re all looking forward to the coming weekend. I do hope it gets off to a better start than mine because my Friday night has so far consisted of watching the lightning from thunder storm rolling in from the sea. I can barely hear myself think with the noise from it but there has been one thing to put a smile on my face this evening and that’s the addition of a new long term program to my monitoring page called Businex. They opened near the end of December so I guess you can’t really call them brand new as such but when you see the plans I think you’ll agree that it’s still early days yet for Businex and there is still more than ample opportunity to be one of the first investors to see a profit from this most unique looking of programs.

One reason for that is that having launched during the holidays there was almost zero activity around the industry in general at that time and so the growth of Businex was negligible up until now. And that will definitely help it sustain payouts for a longer period of time. The investment plans are pretty reasonable and can also be sustained long enough for you to see a profit. There are four plans in total to choose from, all of which have a very affordable minimum requirement for joining. They run for various terms with the shorter ones putting you in profit a lot faster (their main advantage) but ultimately providing a smaller finishing profit (the main disadvantage).

The plans are spelled out nicely for you and Businex even provide some handy examples so you get a rough idea of what it is you’re getting yourself into and what you might hope to expect from any given plan. The first of these plans runs for a term of 50 calendar days and makes daily interest payments on your deposit throughout the duration. You can join for a $10 minimum and by doing so earn a 3% rebate every day. Your principal is factored into the payments here so won’t be returned. That means for a $100 investment you should expect $3 per day up to a total of $150 by expiry, breaking even after 34 days. That’s your principal plus 50% profit.

As is the case with all of Businex‘s plans their second one is no less affordable with the same $10 minimum required to join. This one runs for a term of 70 calendar days and makes daily interest repayments to the tune of 2.6% with your principal included as part of the payments. At that rate it would take you 39 days to break even but eventually leading to a more attractive final return of 182%. Or in other words your principal plus 82% profit.

Next up is the third plan which makes daily interest payments for a term of 90 calendar days. The minimum deposit remains at a very basic $10 so it’s still perfectly affordable to join, however this time Businex are offering a rate of 2.45% per day including your principal. So while it takes you 41 days to break even you can eventually expect to finish with a 220.5% return, or a profit of 120.5% on your initial investment.

Finally at 110 calendar days we have Businex‘s fourth and longest term plan. It’s still going to cost you a $10 minimum to join but the offer this time is a daily payment of 2.4% interest, principal included. At that rate you can only expect to break even after 42 days but on the plus side assuming the plan runs for the full intended duration you can expect to finish up with payments totaling 264% of your initial deposit, or 164% profit.

There’s not a bad range of payment options open to investors of the program by the way. Better than average in fact with GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and a welcome but all too rare appearance by SolidTrustPay whose verification process is noted for being more meticulous than that of other processors. Interest is credited to your account every morning at 09.00 GMT. Withdrawal requests are then accepted between the hours of 09.00 and 18.00 GMT and are handled manually. You are asked to allow up to 48 hours for your request to be fully processed.

The design and security of Businex are well up to a decent industry standard. The website is SSL-secured and is hosted on a DDoS protected and dedicated server by Dragonara. The Businex admin can be contacted with any comments, suggestions, or questions you might have pertaining to the program via a variety of methods. There’s the usual support ticketing form where you can fill in your details and submit. You may also contact them directly through a number of different e-mail addresses, or, if you’re feeling a bit more social try and call them at the phone number listed for their office in Belize. There is also a fax number attached to this office. Working hours are listed as from 09.00 to 18.00 GMT, which means were Businex actually located in Belize their working day would start at 03.00 AM in the morning so I would doubt that office is their actual address. But I’m not putting too much importance on it. For ease of use the website is also available in four different languages. Apart from English, French Russian and Chinese are also supported. And having taken a look at the Russian version I can tell you it’s a proper professional translation and not just taken from a free online tool.

But the thing I really can’t pass without a special mention is the script. Businex is running off a very interesting and highly original custom made script which I’ve never seen used anywhere else before. Despite its unique appearance there isn’t anything all that unusual or difficult about the script – aside from a sort of “picture in picture” window where you can access your payment processor accounts without actually leaving your members area. It’s quite easy to navigate and user friendly throughout.

Original texts don’t really offer up much in the way of practical information on the program and it’s all limited to predictably vague references to investment opportunities. Thankfully this is kept brief and Businex put a bit more emphasis on what they consider to be the benefits of joining. So considering the upward trend in the HYIP industry at the moment this one has the potential to prove a handy little earner over the coming weeks and months. Provided the proper management and the proper support that is (always two important but unpredictable unknown factors in any new HYIP). So as ever stick to what is for you an affordable spending limit and remember that like with every other online program Businex is most effective when used as part of a wider more diverse portfolio.


One of the programs which I really admire for its steady development and progress without any fuss is called RevenueBuild. Today it’s celebrating two months online and I’m glad to admit that it’s been monitored by MNO since the beginning and always paid on time from the three short-term but at the same time quite sustainable in the long run plans: 105% after 2 days, 107% after 3 days, and 110% after 5 days. The payment processors accepted are PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve and you can read about the program in my review here and my interview with the administrator of the project here. What I really admire about RevenueBuild is the ability of the admin to find his niche in the industry and to balance between a relatively unknown program with less than 300 members which is not a great membership for the 2-month old program and the slow growth that allows it to sail through the stormy seas of the HYIP world without any losses and increase its membership slowly but steadily. I believe such programs like RevenueBuild can really build their reputation not with loud and annoying advertising campaigns but with a patient approach by the admin preffering slow growth for a longer lasting lifecycle. Really, 12 completed cycles for the longest plan is a remarkable achievement which should be appreciated by the members of the program along with fast and steady payouts. The updates from RevenueBuild are not very frequent and only issued once per week but they’re issued when the admin actually has something important to say. As you can guess the latest newsletter from RevenueBuild issued today revolves around its two-month anniversary and its aim to become one of the leaders in the HYIP industry during the next three months. We will see if the admin is able to achieve this brave and ambitious goal soon, but meanwhile the members of the program (not monitors) can win a $5 cash prize by simply voting for the program after receiving their payment. There are only 5 bonuses available and for the info on how to obtain them please refer to the latest newsletter from RevenueBuild republished below:
Hello Revenue-Builders,
I have many things to discuss in this newsletter and I’m simply amazed to write this newsletter with all the features we are implementing and most importantly we will be celebrating our 2nd month anniversary as of today (14th January, 2011).
RevenueBuild Newsletter & Updates:
Some of the things we have on the table are as follows:
1) 2nd Month Anniversary celebrations
2) Maxivote Feature Installed
3) Contests and Bonuses.
4) Future Prospects
2nd Month Anniversary celebrations:
RevenueBuild has progressed very steadily till today and I believe it’s quite an achievement so far. I also believe that this journey has just begun to warm up and it’s a long way for us to go to be the No.1 HYIP across the Industry. We are determined to be there one day and that’s our passion right since day 1. Our Investments are moving really well, in fact really well I should say. We are using our expertise to generate good revenues both for ourselves and our members which is good for all of us.
Maxivote Feature Installed:
As part of our time-to-time website enhancement plan, we recently added a useful tool called Maxivote on our site. The feature will let our members to acknowledge us by voting on all our rating partners on a single click. I personally found this tool really amazing and added it to our site. Also, along with Maxivote feature we have added a Maxiapp where you can speak about us right from our website.
Contests and Bonuses:
We thought of running a small contest and provide some bonuses to our members who are really part of our group. We felt rewarding our members who truly are part of our group now is important and so here it goes. The first 5 members who Vote for us on Maxivote and comment about us on Maxiapp after getting paid, would get a 5 USD bonus as earnings which the member can withdraw it directly to their respective Payment Processor or they can deposit to any plan of their liking in RevenueBuild. All the winners can contact me at Support@Revenue-Build.com (or) Post their details at our official discussion Forum (MNO) so that we can get back to you. All our rating partners are exempted from this particular contest.
Future Prospects:
Our future prospects look as bright as an Early Sunrise. To tell you honestly, we are just beginning to be recognized among different forums these days and we feel this is quite an achievement and we are just in the beginning phase from here. Our future goals are very high and we have a good Investment Platform protecting us. I hope in the next 3 months we should see ourselves doing really good as an Investment Leader in HYIP. With that being said, I’d like to conclude this newsletter for now. I wish everyone a enjoyable weekend ahead with RevenueBuild.
Until the next newsletter,
Warm Regards,
Steve, RevenueBuild Administrator.

The promised changes to the plans were announced late last night in the newsletter from FondosMayores (reviewed here). Some plans will be not accepting new deposits anymore, some will be changed and more will be added. In fact there are two more plans available for depositing now which will pay a variable daily interest of 0.4%-1.5% (for the deposits starting from $10) and 0.75%-2.2% (for the deposits over $25,000) for the duration of 160 business days after which you will be able to get your principal back. Perhaps, to increase the effect of a legit and paying company the administration of FondosMayores recorded and put the short video on YouTube where a man wearing a suit speaks in Spanish (with English subtitles) about the advantages of investing in the program. This does look impressive but we know that many people already pulled this trick and it doesn’t prove that the program is a real financial venture. The multiple representatives from 17 different countries which are now listed on a special page on FondosMayores‘ website is not proof either. But I agree that all those small things are creating the right impression about the program and that in the long run the investors might have more trust in a program offering quite low return plans of 1.2% for 125 business days, 1.5% for 100 business days, 2% for 75 business days, 0.55% daily until you reach 200%, and 5%-8% weekly until you reach 300%. Only the constant work in the background will allow FondosMayores to join the top echelons of the most elite HYI programs and prove to be a vital opportunity for investors. And that will require some time and effort which I think the administration has and is determined to make it by constantly adding new features like the recent forum, the addition of multiple representatives and further work on improving the investment plans. Will it bring the program to the top and place it along with the already established programs? We will wait and see very soon! This is the latest newsletter from FondosMayores outlining some important changes:
“Dear Clients:
We have been promising some new options for our clients, and as you all know we have just launched our private member forum; inside the forum, you can find support in multiple languages, and simply talk amongst friends. When you join the forum please remember to register with the same user id you have for the main site, the forum is not for the general public but for members only. All news and updates will be translated into different languages simultaneously and posted in our Forum (http://fondosmayores.meilleurforum.com/login).
Now onto some great portfolio upgrades: as you all know, the Fondos Business Model is based in exportation, this style of business is not really geared to daily payouts, as real business cycles on a monthly, quarterly and yearly bases and our clients in such plan as Steady Roller, or VIP Private Port are really happy and satisfied with their exportation benefits.
In order to comply with the request and wishes of our clients in the Classic plan, FondosMayores will be diversifying its portfolio by adding trading plans, as we already stated in our video from our president Adelto Morrell on You Tube (www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAb23rxF4b4&NR=1), diversification within the company is the key to our success! As FondosMayores is ready to move to this new feature which will benefit its clients. This diversification will help stabilize our operations, as we were focusing and working on our exportation business.
The members that have been with us from the beginning will remember our brokerage plan, which was based in currency transactions and trading various tradable instruments. We had to close it temporarily as we along were planning and working on our exportation business.
So with much thought and hard work from our admin and support team, on how to bring back these style of plans, we have decided to add 2 new portfolios to the mix: The 2 new plans are trading portfolios where each day interest rates will fall within a range, In the trading markets, each day does not provide the same returns, so we have decided to make the daily rates variable for these plans.
The other great feature of these portfolios is that principal deposits will be available at the end of the term, this means that you will be earning interest only during the term, with principal available after the expiration period.
Here is a look at the terms and conditions, these will be posted on the site very soon, but we want our current members to have a look in advance before we make the information available on the website.
FMBroker (Plan)
Daily Rate Variable Target 0.40 -1.5% Daily
Plan Term 160 Trading Days
Principal is Returned at end of term
Minimum $10 Maximum $24,999
Days with no trading action 0.0%
FMBrokerVIP (Plan)
Daily Rate Variable Target 0.75 -2.2% Daily
Plan Term 160 Trading Days
Principal is Returned at end of term
Minimum $25,000 No Maximum
Days with no trading action 0.0%
These new trading portfolios will also provide the option to re-deposit into the plan or any of the Fondos plans, which also allow compounding if that is what you like. As we are teasing our clients, we tried to do compounding with some exportation goods, but to no avail!… All our hard work and long term goals is to provide stability and long term profits for our clients, with these new plans we now offer diversification within our company FondosMayores.
For those of you that are in the Classic Plans 125 and Classic Plan100: we are going to let these plans run to expiration, but no new deposits will be allowed. For those who are in Classic75, please communicate with us in order to reevaluate your plan. The Plan Mayores Premier will be definitely closed.We are also open to treat and talk about different clients account if necessary, but all this could be done by contacting your country’s representative on our Contact Us page or Fondos Private Forum or submit a ticket to support.
We hope you all like the new plans, and that you can see that we are planning to build a solid future with all of you.
As always, feel free to contact your representantative on our contact page (https://www.fondosmayores.net/interface/page.php?id=33) or register in our new private forum and ask your questions there. Our representatives are ready to help and assist you.

The admin of PrimoEarnings (interviewed here) delayed payments for a while today and as a result faced some angry voices on Talkgold. Fortunately the payments resumed though my latest payment was again not instant. The admin of PrimoEarnings Trevor also announced today that along with the already accepted LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay from now on you will be able to deposit via Credit card through AlertPay to any of the plans offered by the program: 112% after 7 days, 128% after 14 days, and 180% after 30 days. The program still retains its #5 rank on the MNO monitoring page and Trevor is also sponsoring a daily cash contest on the MNO forum which you can find here. Unfortunately, I’m running out of questions and Trevor hasn’t sent me any more yet so I can’t promise when or if the next one is going to be published. Anyway, a very short one line update from PrimoEarnings (reviewed here) is displayed below:
We are now accepting Credit Card payments through AlertPay.

InvestPlatforms (reviewed here) has some strange issues related with their script which affected the withdrawals. Once having being withdrawn the amount for some reason still remains in the account while the usual confirmation email is sent to your email address. So actually you can make any amount of withdrawals and still have the same amount left in your account fully intact. So it’s getting absolutely impossible to trace the withdrawals. I let the administration of InvestPlatforms know about that issue and they promised to look into it. But so far everything remains the same. I would like to know if for that reason everybody is still paid from InvestPlatforms. So please let me know via the contact page or the chat if you receive your payouts from the program on time. Otherwise, I’m afraid I will have to move InvestPlatforms to Waiting status on MNO until that issue is fully fixed.

YesInvestment looks to me on the verge of collapse. As you might be aware, the first deposits from the 35-day plans started to expire already and as I predicted those who deposited there have a very slim chance of ever getting their money back. I have already received one confirmed complaint from one reader who deposited $1,000 in this plan and on expiry his account was simply nulled and no payment was credited to his account for withdrawal. He stated that he had contacted the admin already but received no reply. Such an outcome was predicted by me and I warned many times about the dangers of joining any on-expiry plans offered by YesInvestment. Possibly coming from the same administration YesInvestment utilized absolutely the same scamming strategy used by EzProfit earlier. You can read about that strategy in my detailed article here analyzing the EzProfit scam and you will see many strange coincidences straight away. I will not be surprised if the next step from YesInvestment was to offer non-existent Debit cards which will give them more time to scam its members. The strategy is perfect in its simplicity and continues to trick some people. I will move YesInvestment to Problem status on MNO straight away and would not advise anybody to invest there anymore on the grounds of selective payouts. I’m sure that those who invested into 0.8%-2% daily forever will still be paid but only at the expense of others. But you cannot tell me I haven’t warned you about that, guys, because that was featured many times on MNO and I advised to invest only in the daily paying plan. Anyway, I will contact the support of the program regarding this issue today but I doubt very much that the member in question will be paid. Therefore, I have decided to already move the program to Problem status on MNO to prevent any further losses and warn MNO readers about this.

I was also right regarding the FinIntCorp short-term scam which barely lasted for one day before scamming everybody. This program is most probably run by the admin of two relatively successful short-term programs BetBankFund (running for 15 days and reviewed here) and EasyCashGrowth (running for 10 days and reviewed here). It’s very possible that FinIntCorp scam was used to fund the other two programs to make them last longer. Today the admin opened two more programs that was already mentioned by me two days ago as they were hosted on the same server and were ready to launch already – MoneyInternetWorld and BigCashExperts. Please be aware that those programs will probably follow the pattern of FinIntCorp and will be used as fast scams or as fuel to support BetBankFund and EasyCashGrowth programs. It might add a couple of days to those programs’ lifespans but this will not comfort those who will lose money in the newly launched fast scams – MoneyInternetWorld and BigCashExperts. The fact that the admin of those programs featured them on hyip.com which is infamous for displaying paying programs as not paying and the other way around, he’s probably hoping that over the weekend nobody will update the status of his new programs and therefore more investors will lose money by believing dishonest monitors. Do not worry – MNO will NOT be accepting these programs as I still have a conscience and care about my readers. This was just a small warning for you in case you’re considering investing into those programs. As for BetBankFund and EasyCashGrowth I believe they can last for another week fed by the money the admin will manage to collect from his new scams.

I would like to thank everybody who visited my newly launched chat lately and left some encouraging comments. That means that you, guys, really like it and I can see a lot of interest in expanding its features and making it not only a perfect connection between MNO readers but also in communicating between HYIP admins and the membership. Two admins have already expressed an interest in holding online live question and answer sessions with members and one even suggested some cash prizes for the most interesting questions or contributions made by MNO readers. For instance, the admin of DollarCommerce (reviewed here) who already managed to purchase the first banner on MNO chat for a month is ready to make the first interview with the existing members of his program as well as MNO readers next week. The admin of AllianceAdvantage (reviewed here) is also quite interested in holding an online public chat session with his members and is also ready to answer your questions. So I guess that MNO chat will be even hotter soon. I will think about how best to organize such interviews and am open to your suggestions, guys, which you can submit on MNO chat here.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours and are featured on Standard and Premium listings on MNO monitoring page:
Businex (the first payment received), FutureTrails, AmilloTrade, AllianceAdvantage, KlickWallet, ECashBroker, InvestPlatforms, Stanbec, BetBankFund, EasyCashGrowth, FenixTrust, GorgonProjectInvest, PandaTrade, ReProFinance, YamaFinance, TerraProfits, PrimoEarnings, PrestigRev, 144CashAds, FondosMayores, YesInvestment, GainBucks, UnicornInv, SureFireSurf, AccessTomorrow, DollarCommerce, RevenueBuild, Finansima and Escaliva.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. I’m not sure if I’m going to post tomorrow as it will depend on how busy the weekend is for news, but I will still be on the MNO Chat for a while so you can report anything you want in real time. Have a very nice weekend and see you on MNO soon!

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