Jan 19th, 2011 Archives

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Hi all! So far this week I’ve featured a couple of short term HYI opportunities that you might have found interesting on MNO. Time to balance things out a little bit now I think and take a look at a longer term program called IncomeLadder, which I can tell you isn’t a bad looking option at all if you’re looking to diversify your portfolios and spread a few dollars out around some lower ROI programs. It might not bring in the fast (but high risk) profit of some of the short term HYIPs but it’s always a good idea to have something coming in from more stable longer term sources. And IncomeLadder is definitely one such source worth taking a closer look at. They’ve got some profitable plans that can also be quite sustainable, so there’s a reasonable chance you may find something here that can be a nice supplement to your online earnings.

There’s a remarkably good spread of plans for a long term program, not necessarily in number but in scope and variety. You’ll see what I mean by the time I finish describing them but one of the most interesting features is the return of your principal. It’s often a very sticky subject with long term HYIPs and the topic of endless and often pointless hours of debate. Should the admin return your deposit at the end of the investment cycle or not? By saying yes it makes the plans far more attractive and profitable, possibly bringing in a much greater number of investors. On the other hand by saying no, the admin keeps the program much more sustainable for those who do join. Then of course there is the issue what to do if you change your mind half way through a particular plan? Some long term HYIPs can ask you to commit your money for a year or more, and we all know a lot can happen in that time. So what if you need your money back before maturity in the event of an emergency?

Well, IncomeLadder have a solution to both issues. First of all they will make a partial return of your deposit upon completion of your chosen plan. You’ll get to keep most of it, but the financial strain on the program overall will be reduced. As regards the other issue of leaving early, IncomeLadder will allow you to leave the program anytime you like, but again will only make a partial refund of your deposit. Figures for both vary according to which plan you choose, so I’ll explain them as I go.

So let’s start with the most basic option. A $3 minimum deposit gets you into IncomeLadder‘s shortest term plan which runs for 60 calendar days. It makes a daily interest payment of 1.3% which adds up to 78% of your investment by the end. After that you will receive 85% of your principal paid back. In practical terms then let’s look at a sample $100 investment. For this you would be paid $1.30 every day for 60 days. This adds up to $78 in total and then you get back $85 from your initial hundred. So the final return comes to $163, or to put it another way 63% profit. Not bad for a 60 day investment I’d say. Maximum spend is $200 and if you wish to leave this plan early you can expect 62% of your principal to be refunded. If leaving early please note that you should stay a member for at least 30 days to avoid losing money. That’s how long it takes to earn 38% interest which in addition to the partial refund of your principal will allow you to at least get your starting capital back.

The next offer runs for 90 calendar days and will cost a minimum of $201 to buy into. In return IncomeLadder are offering an increased rate of 1.5% interest per day. This will accumulate to a total of 135% by the time the cycle finishes, however in the mean time it’s worth noting that you can break even after 67 days. In addition to the 135% interest payments IncomeLadder will then return 80% of your initial capital, giving you a final return of 215%, from which 115% can be considered profit. The maximum investment in this plan is $2,000 and if you wish to leave early you can expect 60% of your principal to be returned. So you need to stay a member for at least 27 days (to earn 40% interest plus 60% principal) before you can seriously consider leaving.

IncomeLadder‘s third plan runs for a term of 150 calendar days and will set you back a $2,001 minimum should you wish to join. The interest rate on offer is 1.7% per day which means you can earn back an amount equivalent to your principal after 59 days and start counting the profits after that. By the end of the term your payments will add up to a total of 255% at which time you can expect 78% of your principal to be returned. This will provide you with a grand total of 333% in returns, or 233% profit. Should you wish to leave this plan anytime before the expiry date IncomeLadder are offering to return 58% of your principal. This means that in order to avoid losing money one needs to remain a member for a minimum of 25 days. Maximum spend is $5,000

And finally for the rich and the very rich IncomeLadder have a plan that accepts deposits ranging from a $5,001 minimum to a $100,000 maximum. The term runs for a lengthy 300 calendar days and makes daily interest payments to the tune of 2%, enabling you to break even after a relatively quick 50 days. Total payments will add up to a massive 600% by the time the plan completes its cycle. While that may sound a totally unfeasible and unrealistic number at first glance, keep in mind that it takes almost a year (well, ten months anyway) to achieve this. Though with a price tag that large I wonder how many investors would dare take the chance. Anyway, 70 percent of your principal is returned on expiry and 50% of it is returned should you wish to leave early.

Payment options are unfortunately a bit limited for now. Hopefully this might change later though to be fair to IncomeLadder they are pretty much standard for long term HYIPs. Your choice is between LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. On the plus side however payments are extremely quick so far. If they’re not made instantly then the admin promises to get them done within a matter of hours, usually within one or two but not more than eight.

The IncomeLadder program is running off a custom designed script as are most of the better online investment programs and is hosted on a protected and dedicated server by BlackLotus. The admin’s name is Angela and if you need to contact her with any questions or support related issues then you can do so by filling out the ticketing form found on the contacts page. Otherwise there are two different e-mail addresses you can write to directly as well as a Live Chat feature for whenever the admin is logged in (though no specific timetable is there to indicate when, if ever, that happens). A postal address in Texas is also offered and while I’m in no position to verify it from past experience I’d say most likely it’s a virtual serviced office and mailing address.

As online HYIPs go it’s not a bad one though you should be aware that the texts are not original and can be found on the website of an actual financial management company. No big deal to me you understand, and in fact I honestly don’t care. It means very little to the longer term success of the program in my own opinion and the majority of regular HYIP players (or at least MNO readers) will agree. But at the same time IncomeLadder is still fairly well thought out and organized so with the right level of support and an experienced admin calling the shots could well be worth a closer look. Just remember to spend responsibly and always keep a diverse portfolio.


I’m glad to report that the first MNO interactive chat – Q&A session with an HYIP admin will be tomorrow, on Wednesday, January, 19 at 21:00 GMT. The first guest of the chat will be the admin of GoldenShoesVentures Grace (her program was reviewed here). You will be able to ask your own questions of her about her program or about the industry in general within about 1 to 2 hours of that time. Some active participants will be rewarded with cash prizes, so you can be there just to try that out. I thing Grace and GoldenShoesVentures which pays 10% for 15 days to AlertPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve deposits for over a month already will be the perfect first candidate to test the live chat. Please note that the future of the live interviews depends on your activity. If you’re active enough on the MNO chat not only will you be rewarded with some prizes, but also you will positively contribute to the recorded interview of which a full transcript will be posted on MNO forum thread afterwards. I hope that the newly launched MNO live interview feature will help you find out more about HYIP admins and make your informed about investments based on the first-hand information received there. See you on the chat tomorrow! Here is the email newsletter from the admin of GoldenShoesVentures informing members about the upcoming chat sent today:
Hello members,
There will be a live conferencing session of questions by members and prospective members of GSV and answers provided live by myself.
This event will take place in an online conference room owned by money news online and hosted by Paul Abramson. The time is slated for Wednesday 19th January 2011 at 21:00hrs GMT. Everyone is welcome to participate both free and upgraded members.
There will also be some cash prizes that would be awarded.
Here is the link to the conference room if you want to participate: http://money-news-online.com/chat/login.php
You can either register and login with your user details or simply use your GSV username and login as “Guest”
Even if you do not have any questions, you could learn a lot about what GSV is all about by simply attending. I am looking forward to seeing all of you there.
Regards, Grace Larsson
By the way, just to avoid any confusion because I know readers are based all over the world, the live chat session will start at 13.00 in Los Angeles, 16.00 in New York, 21.00 in London, 22.00 in Berlin, 00.00 in Moscow, and 08.00 (Thursday morning) in Sydney. So work out your own schedule from there.

GorgonProjectInvest added AlertPay late last night. It was first noticed and reported to me by a reader on MNO Chat, so I checked it out and it appears AlertPay was there already. Although there is no official update came from the admin of the program regarding the addition yet I think we should expect it really soon, along with the MNO Live Chat interview announcement. The admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul told me that for him 22:00 GMT on Thursday (when the chat is currently planned) will be Friday morning for him since he lives in Australia, but he will do it for MNO readers as an exception. I must say I’m still waiting for the final confirmation of the chat time with him, so I can officially announce it on MNO blog tomorrow. I hope that his time schedule is still ok for that and I will receive the confirmation of that tomorrow. I remind you that AlertPay became the fifth payment processor accepted by GorgonProjectInvest. The four others include LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, Pecunix and GlobalDigitalPay. The investment plans offer low-ROI payments of 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, and 2.2% for 180 days with the principal paid back on expiry. More detailed information on the investment plans can be found in my review published here or in the upcoming live interview and Q&A session with Paul on MNO Chat soon. Stay tuned for more updates on that tomorrow, guys!

You know that I was about to give the first right to answer the questions of my readers on MNO Chat tonight to the admin of DollarCommerce Christopher. Unfortunately, for personal reasons he was not able to attend so we agreed to postpone it until next Monday (provisionally). I will keep you updated on that event because after the interview Christopher also planned to hold a type of live interactive quiz on MNO chat with cash prizes for the participants. It’s similar to the MNO Cash Contests which are regularly held on the MNO forum but unlike them you will have the opportunity to make some money pretty fast by simply answering the questions online in real time. Please note that the admin of DollarCommerce will be responsible for re-distributing the prizes as I will merely be a moderator. Anyway, these are just plans for DollarCommerce which will be thoroughly discussed later. As for today, I have received another newsletter from the admin informing members of 36 days of stable work online making fast payments on three plans (106% after 3 days, 115% after 5 days, 140% after 10 days) and three payment processors available for investing – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay (read more about the investment plans in my detailed review published here). By the way, this week AlertPay is chosen by the admin as a payment processor where you can get 5% deposit bonus if you invest $1,000 or more into any of the plans (last week the bonus was credited to all LibertyReserve deposits for over $500). The admin also reminded of some important points which all the prospective investors should know before investing. Here is the full newsletter from the admin of DollarCommerce Christopher for your attention:
Hello, DollarCommerce community! How are you all doing? We’re paying for 36 days already, which is exactly 12 full cycles for shortest-plan available (106% after 3 days). I hope you are all enjoying DollarCommerce and the prompt payouts from it.
Due to frequently received questions, there are several things I would like to explain and remind you:
1. DollarCommerce plans are designed to work on calendar-days (yes, the weekends are included).
2. Principal is already included in your total return. So your profit is 6% after 3 days, 15% after 5 days and 40% after 10 days.
3. To calculate your exact return, please use our built-in calculator that is allocated in your member area. Check Deposit page.
It is always useful to refer to this page for basic knowledge and information regarding DollarCommerce: http://www.dollarcommerce.net/?a=faq
I would like to announce that during this full week we’re having another Special Weekly Deposit Bonus. Here is the deal: Invest at least $1,000 using AlertPay and receive a bonus of 5% into your DC account balance. This means you can withdraw it or make a new deposit from these funds! You may act now while the offer is valid.
Please vote for DollarCommerce and participate on discussion boards to share your thoughts about the program. You can check our media here: http://www.dollarcommerce.net/?a=cust&page=rateus
Should you have any kind of question, feel free to reply to this e-mail for a fast response. I do always try to provide DollarCommerce clients with quick and prompt replies to their support inquires.
Sincerely, Christopher Baker
DollarCommerce Administrator

I must announce the completion of the AmilloTrade sponsored contest on MNO Forum and thank all the readers for their active participation and congratulate all the winners who managed to get $5 each by answering simple questions regarding the program. I remind you that AmilloTrade pays instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on three investment plans: 111% after 7 days, 138% after 14 days, 162% after 21 days. More information on AmilloTrade is in my detailed review of the program published here and here more questions were answered in the interview with the program’s admin Nick. I’m also glad to report that I received the payment on expiry today from the longest paying plan 162% after 21 days. The payment was instant as usual and I congratulate AmilloTrade on completing three weeks online. Hopefully, it’s just the beginning for them and their investors. I sincerely wish them the best of luck in staying online and paying for a long time.

By the way, the Cash Contests on MNO Forum are now finished so if you’re the admin of an HYI program reading this and willing to participate in future contests to make your program more popular please contact me at abramsonp@gmail.com for more details. I’m sure that these fun contests will make your program more attractive for investors but if you really want a nice effect you have to submit difficult questions that will make the members work harder for the right answer. In my opinion, this will make the contest more fun and more MNO readers could try their luck and earn some money for their efforts. So I will be looking forward to your offers and you can always contact me via my contact page.

If you remember last week the admin of RevenueBuild Steve (interviewed here) announced that there would be 5 lucky winners picked from those who posted their votes on Maxivote. So in today’s newsletter the winners were announced and awarded $5 each. I remind you that if you have any questions about the program you can always ask Steve who is quite active on the MNO forum thread dedicated to his program here (please note that MNO is the official forum for RevenueBuild). I’m glad to report that after 64 days of monitoring on MNO RevenueBuild is growing well and already reached #11 on my ranking which reflects the level of popularity among MNO readers. It’s simply amazing that RevenueBuild managed to achieve two months online and successfully survive the Christmas slowdown by paying relatively high returns on the short-term plans accepted via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney: 105% after 2 days, 107% after 3 days, and 110% after 5 days. The program has been properly discussed in the detailed review published here. And this is the latest newsletter from the admin of RevenueBuild Steve:
Dear Revenue-Builders,
I Hope you are having a great week!! This newsletter is an update to declare the winners of the Maxivote & Maxiapp contest. There are 5 winners who supported us genuinely in this contest and we want to reward them with the earning bonus of 5USD each. You can directly withdraw this amount to your eCurrency Account and decide what you need to do from there.
The 5 winners of this contest are as follows:-
1) userid #5, 2) userid #23, 3) userid#103, 4)userid #214, 5) userid#251
All Winners have been provided with a earning balance of 5 USD in their respective accounts. Please do acknowledge us on our official forum base (MNO) with the confirmation that you’ve got your bonuses.
We will organize more such contests in the future where interactiveness among members and admin becomes more stronger and build a healthy business relationship among each other. Thanks again for supporting our project and we are sure to tell you that this is just the beginning of a great Investment Program in the making.
Until the next newsletter,
Regards, Steve, RevenueBuild Administrator.

The administration of OilCapital issued regular newsletter solely given over to MNO and announcing the review which was also included in the newsletter (you can read the review here). I’m also sending some interview questions to the admin of OilCapital today and hope that it will be answered soon. As soon as I get a reply from him I will be publishing it on my blog. I remind you that OilCapital has been online for almost a year but was totally revamped just a week ago and started a more active advertising campaign in order to get more investors. OilCapital offers instant payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and is paying 3%-4% daily for 50 calendar days (principal included). The latest announcement from OilCapital is published below:
Dear OilCapital Clients,
We here at OilCapital are extremely proud and happy to announce that, a detailed review of our program has been published by Paul, on his blog Money-News-Online.com, which is the largest platform from where you can get detailed news and other matters concerning the HYIP industry. The answers for most of the common questions that you will have can be found out in the published review. We proudly invite everyone to take a look at the published review here, http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/01/18/17012011-oilcapital-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/
Moreover, Paul will be interviewing us within the next few days. We are as much excited as you are to answer the questions that will be put forward to us in the best way we can, and see it published there in MNO blog. So stay tuned for that!
We have pasted the review published on MNO blog below along with this newsletter, at the end, so that those who won’t have time to visit the blog can read it from here directly.
Keep in mind that we have been online for over one year, and we are ready to rock and roll. Stick with us, and enjoy the profits that we have in store for you.
Warmest Regards, OilCapital Administration

Finally the administrator of Stanbec Marc apologized for some emails sent to members three times because it did look a bit like spam at first. Anyway, this last email didn’t contain a lot of useful information either apart from the promise to add a Bank wire option within the next few weeks. So far the payment options accepted by Stanbec were quite wide as LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and AlertPay were all accepted. The minimum to invest in Stanbec is $20 for a 2.5% daily forever plan and $50 for the recently launched 10% for 14 days plan with daily payouts. Stanbec remains one of the most popular new programs (it’s been running for 12 days) and already occupies #7 on MNO Ranking which is an exceptional result for such a new program. Stanbec (reviewed here) is still paying fast and all the payments are processed within 24 hours as per the program’s terms. The latest newsletter from the admin can be read below:
Greetings from Stanbec Team
We want to begin today’s news update by first apologizing for the several unnecessary emails sent this was due to shift ran by staff who where in control of information dissemination, we apologize and promise not to flood your email box with unnecessary messages.
Stanbec remains a top project in the industry, more and more members are coming in with quality investment, we thank every one for the tremendous support, we are where we are because of you and we hope not to disappoint you or delay your withdrawal request. Payments are processed in timely manners as more members go into profit with Stanbec, we aim at helping more members enjoy the benefits that is entailed in our program. We are working vigorously for the success and sustainability of this program, within the next weeks Bank Wire would be a payment option open to all members of Stanbec Inc and we hope this helps.
In view of promoting quality service it’s our duty to keep to our words, We said we will rightly serve you and that’s what we have always done until now, As a member you are free to always make inquiries, we are at your call 24hours a day/ 7days a week and we hope we will walk through in strength and grow into much more success.
Regards, Marc

I have to move TerraProfits to Problem status on MNO due to confirmed selective payouts. It looks like the program plays the game which was tested by many others programs before – paying instantly to AlertPay while totally ignoring the payouts to other payment processors. The admin hasn’t replied to my email yet so I consider the program as a Scam already. Anyway, TerraProfits managed to last for almost three months and made profits for many members (considering the shortest plan lasted for 30 days), so I can’t really complain. HYIPs come and go and TerraProfits is in no way an exception to that rule. Please beware that the future investments there are not recommended, so avoid from spending fresh money in TerraProfits even if you were paid perfectly via AlertPay, like some of my readers.

Many other programs monitored by MNO paid me today and they include:
DollarCommerce, RevenueBuild, Businex, EasyCashGrowth, Escaliva, GoldenShoesVentures, OilCapital, ReProFinance, AllianceAdvantage, GorgonProjectInvest, FutureTrails, Stanbec, AmilloTrade, AccessTomorrow, IncomeLadder, GainBucks, FondosMayores, PandaTrade, UnicornInv, PrestigRev, SureFireSurf, AssetManagement, BetBankFund and FxEconomy.

That’s everything for today. Please check out my blog tomorrow for the review of a new surfing site PositiveSurf and more news from the HYIP industry. Also note that the interview with the admin of SureFireSurf (reviewed here) will be posted very soon as well, because I just received the reply containing the answers to the questions submitted by readers (as the interview was in the form of a Q&A session). Stay tuned for and don’t forget to join in the first MNO interactive chat session tomorrow at 9 pm GMT. I’ll be waiting for you there!

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