Jan 19th, 2011 Archives

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Hi guys! Tonight I’m hoping to publish the news update a little earlier than usual as I’d like to participate in the first ever interactive Live Chat with the admin of GoldenShoesVentures Grace – the program that has been reviewed here and is paying 10% for 15 days to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (read the review here). I hope that Grace will be able to answer all your questions and reward some of the active members with cash prizes. So I will be looking forward to seeing you all on my chat later tonight (click here to participate in the discussion or check out the history of the chat if you missed the time). Hopefully this will be the first of many such sessions with the admins of the programs monitored by MNO, so keep an eye on my blog for future events and of course you’re all more than welcome to join in. And if you’re lucky, some of you might even win a cash prize for contributing so I hope you’re all in a talkative mood!

I’m pretty excited that tomorrow the MNO Chat room will be hosting the admin of GorgonProjectInvest – the program which is widely considered one of the most promising low-ROI programs and which was already reviewed by MNO over three weeks ago (you can find the review here). Since the review was published on MNO the admin of GorgonProjectInvest managed to add more payment processors and now the project accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, Pecunix, GoldenDigitalPay and most recently AlertPay. The payments from GorgonProjectInvest are usually processed instantly (1% withdrawal fee applied) on all the three investment plans: 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, and 2.2% for 180 days. So tomorrow you will have a unique opportunity to join the interactive Q&A session and put your own questions to the admin Paul. Instructions on how to join the conversation along with the starting time are posted in the latest update from GorgonProjectInvest posted on their website. Remember that there are some nice cash prizes promised by the admin as well, so you’d better stay active if you wish to receive some incentive. Here is the update:
Join us For a Live Q & A Session on MNO
Please join our Admin for a Live Question and Answer session on leading industry blog, Money News Onlne. He will be online from 22.00h London Time on Thursday 20th January.
Link to the Chat Room:
To sign in to the chat you have two options. First of all you can register your own username and password which you will need to set yourself. You will also need to enter a valid e-mail address. You won’t actually receive any confirmation to that address, but you will need it in the event of you forgetting your password. The other option is to sign in as a guest. If doing this then simply fill in the username you want, leave the password box blank, and click on the box that says Guest. That should get you in as a non registered member but you can still contribute. We look forward to seeing you there!

Yesterday’s review by MNO was the subject of the latest email newsletter sent to the members of the newly launched IncomeLadder. I remind you that IncomeLadder pays 1.3% for 60 days, 1.5% for 50 days, 1.7% for 150 days, and 2% for 300 days to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with a partial return of your principal on expiry or on cancellation of your deposit with them. At first glance the plans may look a little complicated, but if you read my detailed review published here you will see that they are really quite simple. The latest newsletter from IncomeLadder regarding this can be found below:
Subject: IncomeLadder Review By Money-News-Online!
Hope your week has been good so far?
I wish to bring your attention to the review that has been published by money-news-online.com about IncomeLadder.
The review gives a good explanation about the investment plans and how they work.
You will also find other useful explanation there. We have added a link to the review on our Monitors page.
As we are always here to answer your questions, always ensure to contact us if you need explanation regarding any aspect of IncomeLadder.
Have a nice week.
Best Regards. Admin. IncomeLadder.

Yet another milestone was reached by the admin of 144CashAds Lewies (interviewed here) last night. The program passed 200 days online which is an excellent achievement for this unique project. Their highly original investment plans (again a little complicated at first glance) are thoroughly described by me in the review here. Recently, the investment plans were slightly changed around a bit due to the slow period and now the interest is credited on business days only. Apart from that everything remains the same regarding 144CashAds and it keeps paying on six investment plans ranging from 1% for 144 business days to 144% after 12 business days and accepting AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve as its payment processors. The admin of the program is currently giving a good opportunity to the hundreds of members in the program with a unique solo ads offer which will be sent to members on a weekly basis as paid ads. I guess this income stream will help enhance the program’s financial health and help it run for 200 more days. I sincerely wish them the best of luck with that. Here’s the latest news on the offer:
Hi. Thanks for your support. All payout done.
We are now crossed 200 days successfully with over 1.2K happy members.
Now we offer Solo ads to advertisers with very cheap rate and we will send only one email each week.
Interest advertiser pls contact with support mail. Happy earning with Us
Lewies. Project admin. 144CashAds

At the other end of the scale it looks like not all the programs that managed to survive that long are still paying fine. YamaFinance had a very good run and many members were in profit from it. Unfortunately, the game is probably over now as I detected some pending payouts reported on forums. And as usually happens, the admin of the program is silent and doesn’t reply to any emails. So I’m afraid YamaFinance is just about finished but was at least quite successful while it ran.

Two other programs which both announced Monday as a non-profit day – FenixTrust and PandaTrade – are not paying instantly anymore, which is in my opinion is quite suspicious. It happened before of course only for payments to be successfully made at a later time, but something tells me things might be different this time. I have emailed both admins and will update you on MNO if I get either payouts or at least a reply within the next 24 hours. Otherwise, I’m afraid both programs are going to Problem status on MNO. Please note that at the moment further investments in both FenixTrust and PandaTrade are not recommended, despite staying on Paying status on my monitoring page till tomorrow. I will update you on the further developments then.

InvestPlatforms (reviewed here) is paying since August, 2010 and they proudly reported on their site that the had successfully completed the first cycle of their original plans – 1.2%-2% daily variable for 120 business days with principal returned on expiry. It looks like the first investors who trusted to the administration of the program managed to get into profit already which is clearly a good sign. Since the first introduction of the program InvestPlatforms has added new plans with various monthly returns and added AlertPay which is now accepted together with LibetyReserve and Bank wires. Currently the admin is looking into raising awareness about the program by encouraging members to send them ideas about the promo contests they will later hold and awarding the best articles/reviews of the program with cash deposits on a weekly basis. I would suggest members ask the InvestPlatforms admin to sponsor the MNO forum cash contest because I think it would be a great promotion for them. Here is the latest news from them published on their website:
InvestPlatforms completes 1st Cycle and moving ahead strong! – Community involvement contest details
January 2011
Dear Investors and customers,
You should have realised by now that InvestPlatforms is slowly taking its place in the ever so volatile industry. We are thrilled as we celebrate our past victory but we look forward to an even greater 2011!
As such, our management board has decided to bring about some activities to create awareness of the IP community, and to award accordingly each and every valued members/investors:
PROMOS and IP COMMUNITY involvement contest:
We believe that time has always been the all important factor in every businesses. As we gear ourselves for greater challenges ahead, we are always more than willing to put certain new promos into considerations. Please send your recommendations in and we will pick the most popular one and reward the first 3 candidates shortlisted under that promo request. All particulars will be listed for record purposes.
For articles concerning InvestPlatforms, you are always free to write reviews about us and send us the links. We will be creating a special section dedicated to such reviews and investment experiences to give an insight to other members and IP community. Each articles will be rated and awarded. TOP article each week will walk away with $100 bonus to his/her account. All particulars will be listed for record purposes.
We wish everyone a prosperous CNY and glorious 2011 ahead.
With love and honesty,
InvestPlatforms Management Board.

ECashBroker (reviewed here) was finally moved back to Paying status on MNO today as all my pendings had been processed. The program came back online after a lengthy downtime period during which I wasn’t even sure they were still running. Fortunately, the program came back and after a few days totally changed their investment plans. Currently they offer 1% for 30 business days ($20 minimum to invest), 1.3% for 60 business days ($1,001 minimum), and 1.8% for 100 business days ($5,001 minimum). As we can see, AlertPay has been removed from the list of accepted payment processors in ECashBroker while the investment minimum was lowered from $100 to $20. I’m not sure that it will attract more new investors as the payment options are now limited to only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Anyway, it’s good that the program resumed payouts and we will see what the future holds for its investors. Here is the latest newsletter where the members are given some instruction on how to access their accounts in case they are not able to do that after the completed maintenance:
We have successfully completed the maintenance.
Due to the updating of our database, you must access your account with the password “support321” and change it immediately for safety reasons, remember to check that all your details are correct.
We invite you to our new investment strategies and remain a part of this big family. In case of doubts or concerns please contact us.
Regards. ECashBroker Team

Another short-term program – ExtraIncome – has been added to Premium listing on MNO tonight but it can hardly be termed new because it has been successfully running for 6 weeks already. Its good payment record can be easily confirmed by a number of monitors watching them from day one. I will give you a broader description of ExtraIncome on my blog tomorrow but tonight will just introduce it briefly like I usually do. ExtraIncome pays on three investment plans with payouts processed on expiry – 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days. The minimum is different for each plan but the shortest one is only $5 and you are allowed to make deposits via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The program is running off a licensed GoldCoders script so the payouts should be requested manually and are processed within 24 hours. ExtraIncome has a decent enough layout and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection provided by DdosWiz. I also spotted three registered domains for the program and SSL-encryption in place for secure browsing. To me ExtraIncome looks like another established short term program and I will review it here soon.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me today: DollarCommerce, KlickWallet, AllianceAdvantage, OilCapital, Stanbec, InvestPlatforms, ECashBroker, BetBankFund, EasyCashGrowth, GoldenShoesVentures, ReProFinance, MutualTreaty, FutureTrails, Businex, FondosMayores, AccessTomorrow, GorgonProjectInvest, AseetManagement, Escaliva, UnicornInv, AmilloTrade and GainBucks.

That’s it for today, guys. Tomorrow you can expect two updates on MNO. The first will be the long-awaited Q&A session with the admin of SureFireSurf (reviewed here). Chris answered all your questions and I believe it will make for some interesting reading. The second post will include the usual news and views from the industry and a review of another HYI program. I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow, guys, but I hope to see you on the Live Chat first!

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