Jan 22nd, 2011 Archives

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Hi everybody! I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend again. I can hardly believe it’s Friday already, the week just seems to have flown past me after a couple of memorable evenings on with some program admins on the new MNO Live Chat Room. So thanks a lot to everyone who participated (too many names to mention, but you know who you are) and especially I want to congratulate all the prize winners. Well done on your contributions and let’s hope we have many many more nights like it for a very long time to come!

Moving on to business now the first thing I wanted to talk about before the news is a recent short term addition to the MNO monitoring page called ExtraIncome. I call it a recent addition but it’s not actually a brand new program. They’ve been running for about six weeks or so which you might think is a bit long for a typical short term HYIP like this one, but something else that needs to be taken into account is the fact that there’s been relatively little activity there so far. Or at least a lot less than with the main players in the short term market at the moment, so there could well be plenty of room left for ExtraIncome to grow if it’s the case that the admin is only starting to promote his program a bit more seriously from this point on. How long it can continue is a tricky question but given that it’s only going to cost you $5 to join, it’s one that’s probably worth taking a chance on. It doesn’t need to cost you any more than that so be sensible.

The plans themselves are pretty lucrative to say the least with ExtraIncome having three of them. They’re all short term and they all pay on expiry. What’s more they’ve all successfully completed a several cycles for all their plans and have a flawless payment record to date. So first up is The Basic Plan which runs for just 5 calendar days. This is the plan that costs just $5 to join but you are free to deposit anything up to a $5,000 maximum if you like your chances. What you are offered in return is a one time payment of 120% interest made as I said on expiry. This payment also counts your principal as part of it. So for example a deposit of $100 should get you back $120 five days later.

Following that ExtraIncome have what they call The Medium Plan which runs for a term of 10 calendar days, also making just the one final payout on expiry. The minimum required to join takes bit of a hike for this one with $100 being the basic asking price for membership, though if you can afford it you can join with anything up to a $15,000 maximum. Once you’re in ExtraIncome are then offering a single payment of 145% interest on expiry, principal included. So the same $100 spend here would get you back $145 ten days after joining.

The remaining plan runs for a term of 15 calendar days and will set you back a $200 minimum to join. No doubt that’s a pretty expensive bet to make at this stage but so far ExtraIncome‘s track record can’t really be faulted and if it pays off then the potential reward is a whopping 170%. Which means were you to just make the bare minimum deposit of $200 then you should hopefully expect a payment of $340 on expiry. That includes your principal so obviously the profit itself is 70%. It’s called The Premium Plan by the way and the maximum investment allowed there is $25,000.

Deposits to these plans are allowed via AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney which is a fairly reasonable spread I suppose. Payments are made manually so you will have to log into your members area and request them. Once you’ve done that the ExtraIncome admin requires you to allow him up to 24 hours to get everything processed. LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney users will also find a handy little built in exchange mechanism, though the commission rates are a bit on the high side to make it all that useful.

ExtraIncome has a decent enough layout, user friendly and easy to navigate, and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection provided by DdosWiz. They’ve also got three separate registered domains for the program so I guess they’re pretty serious about maximum uptime even in the event of the heaviest DDoS attacks. SSL encryption is also in place for secure browsing and safer transactions. For any further questions related to the program or to any support related issues for existing members you need to fill out the ticketing form found on the contacts page.

I think the name ExtraIncome itself sums up my own attitude to the program. And pretty much to all online HYIPs for that matter. They should be a supplement to your income and not a primary source. I mean there’s no doubt that some people have done well from them (I know I did) but it’s just not something you’d want to depend on. So don’t take anything referring to this program not depending on the incoming spends of new members to pay you or about being a financial services company too seriously. Even if it were true you’d need quite a bit longer than what ExtraIncome have been around for to prove it sustainable. So consider the age of the program before joining, don’t overestimate it however as there’s been a bit less activity therefore making it less of an issue (but still an issue nonetheless), and to be treated like any other online HYIP. That means sensible spending limits, spreading your investments around between different programs, and not being slow to think twice or get a second opinion and maybe look elsewhere if you don’t like what you see. But considering the entire industry is a gamble you could do a lot worse than ExtraIncome as it’s still very affordable and doesn’t take very much time to turn a profit.


As you might know the admin of AllianceAdvantage Jeff has been always quite active when it came to the promotion of his program on multiple sources and supporting his members via various methods. I must say that I was so impressed by his administration skills and his ability to run the program fairly and being a very communicative and even talkative person that I was not surprised at all seeing AllianceAdvantage (reviewed here) reaching the #2 spot on MNO ranking. Though I have to say its rise has been nothing short of meteoric. It’s no wonder that Jeff thoroughly supported my offer to him about holding a live chat conference with him on MNO Chat next week where he will be able to answer all your questions. For those still unfamiliar with his program I will remind you that AllianceAdvantage has been running for two months already offering three plans with daily payouts and principals returned on expiry: 1.7% for 50 days, 2.2%-2.4% for 60 days, and 2.5% for 90 days. There are four payment options accepted by the program currently: AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and Bank wires (for the deposits higher than $40K only). Today’s newsletter from AllianceAdvantage was quite long as I usually expect from Jeff so I decided to highlight some of the main points for you if you don’t want to read it all. So here are the main points:
1) Some personal issues from Jeff.
2) The recent success and growth of AllianceAdvantage.
3) The finale of the first referral contest the winners of which will be announced in a couple of days.
4) The announcement of the coming chat session on MNO the details of which are yet to be finalized.
5) Purchasing of a sticky topic on the DTM forum and a reminder of the forum threads where you can support the program.
6) The banning of Boxbe serviced email addresses from use by the members of AllianceAdvantage program in the future.
7) An answer about the possibility of compounding.
8) The important rule of verifying your email address on the support site for AllianceAdvantage.
9) Upcoming short maintenance which is to be on their support site which as you might remember hosted on a different site for security reasons.
10) The gratitude expressed by Jeff for the support the members of his program are showing to him in appreciation of his job as an admin.
I guess you get the idea of what the newsletter is all about but if you want to get more details then continue reading:
Hello. I have been working on getting this newsletter together for the last few days and am finally finishing it up now. I have been here all week but I had a visit with the dental surgeon for a wisdom tooth earlier this week and unfortunately I am still not up to full speed. To make matters worse, I had to go back to have a mistake fixed from the original visit. I forgot how much teeth can hurt!
I have been keeping up with the withdrawal requests pretty well but as AllianceAdvantage is growing, of course the W/R are growing as well. I check each W/R with our records myself and then approve them but as with most things, I have a system going and it seems to work good. All withdrawal requests are paid.
I’m sure a lot of you guys have probably noticed that the program has experienced a lot of interest and success lately. AllianceAdvantage has received several large deposits and that makes me glad that we have built up a level of trust with our members. Everybody has been really enthusiastic about AllianceAdvantage and it is growing faster and faster every day. With the amount of money that the website has already made, it has made a great footing and foundation for its future success. What an exciting thing!
The referral contest is going great and it will continue through Sunday, January 23rd. Keep up the good work. It has gotten close at times and it will be interesting to see who wins. Best of luck to everyone!
Our monthly banner advertising at Money-News-Online has undoubtedly become one of our best performers and AllianceAdvantage is in discussions of having a LiveChat at MNO soon. It is a new feature there where anybody that wants to be part of a discussion in a chatroom setting would be welcome. A set time and date will be announced when plans are finalized.
We have purchased a sticky topic in the forum at Dream Team Money for one month and it started last night. We should see some good things come out of this advertising and I think that we will increase the subscription to quarterly soon. It is our goal to increase the exposure to the program, continue to build the level of confidence and to grow and brand the site. To make it easy to post there, here are the links straight to the AllianceAdvantage threads:
Dream Team Money Link:
Money Maker Group Link:
Talk Gold Link:
I have a couple of other quick important announcements:
To those that use the program Boxbe to control their e-mail, please add AllianceAdvantage to your list of allowed sites to e-mail you. Boxbe bounces back every e-mail that our system sends unless the user manually adds us to the list. Those members do not receive any e-mail from us and if something important needs to be sent, the user is probably wondering why they know nothing about it. It is also a huge annoyance for the sender as they keep getting bounce notices and other notices from Boxbe that mail will no longer be allowed unless the user changes this.
I have been trying to contact user name Mourad009 without success. If you are reading this, please e-mail me.
I have had several users ask about compounding and if it is allowed. We do not have it activated in our software, but members are certainly welcome to do their own compounding. You can use your account to allocate your funds however you wish. If anyone has any questions about this, feel free to send me a support ticket/e-mail.
When signing up for our support desk, it is important to verify your e-mail address by clicking on the link that will be sent to you right after registering. If it does not come to your Inbox, please check your junk folder. The people that do not verify their address will have trouble in getting their support tickets to us. Those requests are not allowed to go in our queue of support tickets and are filed in a suspended folder. If you have not received a response and are wondering why, this is most likely the case.
ZenDesk, our support desk provider, has announced that they will have a half-hour scheduled outage on Saturday, January 22nd. This outage will allow them to perform maintenance on the primary database server used by Zendesk.
When is the maintenance?
(Pacific Time) Saturday, January 22nd from 10:00 to 10:30 Pacific Time
(GMT+0 Time) Saturday, January 22nd from 18:00 to 18:30 GMT
Feel free to use our e-mail address if you are in need of support during those 30 minutes.
I have received several phone calls with generous comments and e-mail letters of praise from our members and have befriended many members of our program. I swear I have got to have the best members of any of the programs out there. It has been great getting to know you all and I look forward to our continued friendship. I didn’t accomplish anything alone, we did it together!
I am aiming to be the best admin I can be and will put my members interests ahead of anything else. The well-being of the website and its members means everything to me and is always my focus.
I will send out another newsletter soon. I cannot wait to see the final results of the referral contest! The announcements will be coming to your e-mail Inbox next week. Have a great weekend everybody!
Best Regards, Jeff. AllianceAdvantage

Yesterday’s chat with the admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul proved to be very successful as well and we had another good attendance who were able to participate in the conference with Paul. After the session the admin chose three lucky winners who got free cash upgrades of $25 each invested into GorgonProjectInvest. Those of you who weren’t able to visit my chat room which by the beginning of next week should have a new look and more features by the way will be able to read the full transcript which was published on the MNO forum here. Actually the admin of GorgonProjectInvest updated this information on his site and you can find the following message in the news section:
GorgonProjectInvest Admin MNO Chat Transcript
Paul the Admin for the GorgonProjectInvest web site was grilled by Money News Online readers on 20/01/2011, read the transcript…
After the chat Paul asked me for an interview and I will be sending him some questions by tomorrow so the interview will be probably published on MNO next week.
I remind you that by investing in GorgonProjectInvest you have a chance to profit from the following plans: 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, and 2.2% for 180 days with the principal returned on expiry (read more on investment plans in my review published here). So far five payment processors have been accepted by GorgonProjectInvest – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, GlobalDigitalPay, Pecunix and the most recently added AlertPay. Today another might-be popular option has been added for those who don’t like to deal with payment processors. Bank Wires are now accepted for deposits starting at $1,000. Deposits are accepted with the help of the properly licensed firm Technocash which is probably familiar to many of you, and just like GorgonProjectInvest is located in Australia. Here are the details of Bank wires taken from the deposit page:
Minimum amount for bank wires is $1000. If you want to deposit less than this please use the e-currency (Digital Currency) options.
You MUST include the Details/Reference above.
Technocash is an Australian Government Licensed Financial Services Provider.

It looks like DollarCommerce (reviewed here) is doing quite well because the admin has upgraded his program to Premium listing on MNO today and purchased one more banner on my monitoring page. In addition, we were able to finalize the details of the upcoming chat conference which will take part in the MNO Chat room next Monday. The exact time and all further details will be reported by the admin of DollarCommerce Chris in his next newsletter. But I can already reveal that some free deposits and cash prizes can be expected as well. The structure of the chat will be different this time but more details on that will follow soon. If you’re interested to find out more about DollarCommerce please refer to my review published here. The program has been paying for nearly 40 days and after the upgrading it ranks #4 which is a very high position indicating the level of popularity DollarCommerce has gained among MNO readers. It pays on three short-term plans with payouts processed on expiry – 106% after 3 days, 115% after 5 days, 140% after 10 days – and accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors. I think we should expect also an interview with the admin of DollarCommerce on MNO soon, so I’ll keep you updated on when that’s going to happen.

Another very popular short-term program – KlickWallet – has been running for 15 days already and paying on three investment plans with payouts on expiry which rates totally depend on the amount deposited. The deposits to KlickWallet are accepted via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors and the returns promised to be paid are: 107%-115% after 5 days, 127%-140% after 10 days, and 170%-200% after 20 days. Today I was paid very fast from KlickWallet on my second expiry of 127% after 10 days and redeposited once again. The admin of the program already sent me the interview answers which I’m going to publish on MNO blog pretty soon (watch out for that). In today’s newsletter the admin Andrew reported on the first successes achieved by KlickWallet during its first weeks online. According to him they now have over 1,500 members at the moment and is striving to be on top of popularity ratings pretty soon. He also reported about some issues with PerfectMoney deposits which sometimes are not credited to your account instantly after the deposit was made (if this happens to you please contact him) but he was quite confident that the issue would be solved soon by either his hosting provider Dragonara or the script manufacturer GoldCoders. More news and improvements are coming in KlickWallet soon and will be reported on MNO as well, so please stay tuned for that. Here is the latest update from KlickWallet (reviewed here):
Hello dear investors,
This week was amazing for KlickWallet, its getting very popular and I am really happy with that. We have reached 1500 members just in two weeks time. Thats awesome. Thank you all for your support and I am sure that you all will be happy that you choosed KlickWallet. I am sure that in near future we will become #1 online investment program.
I would like to inform you that there is a little problem with instant PerfectMoney deposits and sometimes they are not credited instantly. Well, its quite strange problem because not only KlickWallet have this error, but all programs hosted by Dragonara. We are working hard alongside with both Dragonara and GoldCoders to fix this as soon as possible. I am sure that soon we will fix this. If you made a deposit via PerfectMoney and it was not credited instantly please contact me as soon as possible with your username, payment batch and I will credit your account asap. Please sorry for that, thanks.
In my previous newsletter I announced that Reviews & Interviews page will be up shortly. Unfortunately it was delayed little bit due some technical problems our design studio had. Anyway work is done and Reviews & Interviews page will be integrated on this weekend. There is more news and improvements coming soon so stay tuned. That’s all for today. I want to wish you a great weekend, enjoy your time with your families and friends. See you soon in my next newsletter.
Best regards, Andrew Bridge
KlickWallet Admin

Tomorrow you can read the full interview with the admin of the increasingly popular old-new OilCapital (reviewed here). The program has been reviewed on MNO here and offers instant payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on 3%-4% for 50 calendar days (please note that your principal is already factored into the payouts and will not be returned). Today some exciting news was submitted by the admin who unveiled multi-lingual telephone and Skype support for its members and provided them with the working hours when you can take advantage of this feature. The latest newsletter from OilCapital which announced those new features is being republished below:
Dear clients,
As a part of our ongoing effort to make our service the best, we have added telephone support and Skype support, so that you may talk to or chat with us live. The details of the telephone and Skype support have been given below.
English/Hungarian/German Languages
Skype ID: oil-capital.support
Call us at: 0036 21 572 5375
French Language:
Skype ID: oil-capital.support.fr
Call us at: 0033 158459548
Kindly note that the hours of operation during which we will provide the above mentioned services will be from 17:00GMT to 22:00 GMT on weekdays, and from 09:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT on weekends. The above mentioned services will not be available during any other time.

IncomeLadder which was only reviewed on MNO a couple of days ago received another review in Russian which might be interesting to read for my Russian readers. All the details about that including the reminder from the admin of IncomeLadder about the payments processed every calendar day including the weekends to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on the following plans: 1.3% for 60 days, 1.5% for 50 days, 1.7% for 150 days, 2% for 300 days with the partial return of your principal which will be different depending on whether you will choose the payment on expiry or on cancellation of your deposit with IncomeLadder (more info on that is available in my detailed review here):
Subject: IncomeLadder Review By Torrek.
Hope your week has been good and financially fruitful.
A couple of days ago we announced that IncomeLadder was reviewed by Money-News-Online. Today, an admin of a Russian review website informed us about the review made (in Russia) about IncomeLadder. And we feel our Russian speaking members might be interested to know this. We have added a link in our Monitors page to the website (http://torrek.ru/blog.html).
Note that with http://translate.google.com/?hl=en# you can always translate to any language of your choice.
Please note that IncomeLadder pays everyday, including weekends. And withdrawals are also processed daily too, including weekends. So do not hesitate to visit us this weekend to do your business as usual. Our support is also available too.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Best Regards. Admin. IncomeLadder.

Unfortunately I have to report that despite the published interview with Stanbec today I had to move the program to Waiting status on MNO and would advise you not to invest there until further notice. The thing is I noticed a Problem status on one of the monitors listed on the Rating page. So I have contacted the admin and asked about the reason both for that and about the complaint I saw on TalkGold. I’m afraid he chose to ignore my reasonable request and that is why I have a very bad gut-feeling about Stanbec‘s future. It’s very possible that the program is already scamming. I cannot say this for sure yet because my payment is pending for 12 hours only with a 24 hour timeframe on their site, but the fact that I couldn’t find any payment proofs for today makes me think that Stanbec didn’t process any payouts at all within the last 24 hours. So I might be mistaken but such a strategy of squeezing the last few pennies from unsuspecting investors is a familiar one and I assure you that I won’t allow admins manipulate my readers. That is why I contacted the admin of Stanbec and told him I was going to move his program to on hold until he resumes payouts or explains the reason for not answering my previous emails. Despite the cheerful email received from him today mentioning my interview I would not advise you make any further investments in Stanbec at this point. I might be mistaken of course and I will update you later on the further developments and news from the program. Here is the latest update issued today:
Welcome to Stanbec Inc
This is just a brief and weekend update for all members of Stanbec Inc, Our project has constantly climbed to becoming the 4th ranked program online, this is great for us the admin and for our members too, We would like to share the interview we had with Paul please you can read by using this link.
What makes us different from other program is our proficiency in this business, Stanbec is going to be making the wave for the next 12 months, we are so confident in our services and we want your full support, Make the best use of this opportunity while it last.
Regards, Marc
We hope you have a nice time participating in Stanbec Inc

Another program that might be in trouble today is PrestigRev which has been moved to Problem status on my monitoring page already on the grounds of delayed payouts accompanied by total silence from the admin. So there could be only one conclusion in this case – we have another fast scam here where not many members in profit at all. The admin of PrestigRev had a great promising program which he couldn’t promote properly and so failed miserably. This is what I called a loser-admin because he cannot manage his program properly. I hope that we will have less admins like this on MNO and more professional ones with good intentions and pay for many cycles.

I have been paid today from the following programs:
AllianceAdvantage, AmilloTrade, RevenueBuild, FxEconomy, IncomeLadder, BetBankFund, GoldenShoesVentures, FutureTrails, 144CashAds, OilCapital, ReProFinance, AccessTomorrow, ExtraIncome, InvestPlatforms, FondosMayores, KlickWallet, UnicornInv, DollarCommerce, GorgonProjectInvest, Businex, GainBucks, Escaliva, and AssetManagement.

That’s abot it today, guys. I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow when I’m going to properly introduce you to the admin of a program with huge potential in my opinion – OilCapital. Don’t miss out, as you will surely want to find out more about them. Have a good weekend everyone, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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