Jan 24th, 2011 Archives

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Hi guys! For the first of today’s two posts I have an interview with the admin of a short term online HYI program called ExtraIncome. The regular news update will be here of course a little later as it always is so do be sure to check back for that. But a bit more about the program we’re looking at today first.

They’ve been online since early December now, though due to a relatively slow build up and only a recent increase in both promotion and general interest in the program, so I guess the age of the program is less of an issue than it would for most shorter term programs. For more information on ExtraIncome you should first refer back to my original review of the program published here, and if you have anything to comment on them you can do so on the MNO forum thread dedicated to it here. Before we hear from the admin let me just remind you that ExtraIncome offers terms of 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days meaning they’ve successfully completed a good number of cycles already.

1. Hi Phil, please introduce yourself to the readers here. Tell us about ExtraIncome, about the nature of your company and about your personal role in running it.

Hi Paul, and MNO readers. I hereby take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Phil Whitaker, and I am the CEO of ExtraIncome. ExtraIncome is an online investment company, and people all around the world are welcome to invest and earn through our program, irrespective of their nationality. I handle the incoming deposits and payments, support tickets, advertisements, website related issues and security, and all other technical issues that matters to keep the smooth running of ExtraIncome.

2. Can you also give us some background information on the program? How long are you running? What are you hoping to achieve with it and are you running it alone or do you have a partner or assistant?

As I mentioned above, we are an online program, which offers a lucrative investment opportunity for people all over the world. ExtraIncome has been online for 46 days right now, and our main aim is to continue running the program for as long as we can. Needless to say, we are doing everything that is needed to achieve our aim. Besides me, I have a partner who is working with me, who handles the support tickets and payments, when I am offline.

3. So what exactly are you offering investors? Explain your investment plans to us in detail and tell us how profitable are they. What have been the most popular options so far?

ExtraIncome offers its members 3 different lucrative plans to choose from. The first plan, known as the Basic Plan, offers members to earn a total return of 120% after 5 days, and the minimum and maximum deposits are $5 and $5000 respectively. The second plan, known as the Medium Plan, offers a total return of 145% after 10 days. The minimum deposit to join this plan is $100, and the maximum deposit allowed is $15,000. The third and the last plan, known as the Premium Plan, offers a total return of 170% after 15 days, and the minimum and maximum deposits set for this plan are $200 and $25,000 respectively. Principal is included in the total return of every plan, which means, your profit for each of the three plans will be 20%, 45% and 70% respectively.

The most popular plan so far has been the Basic Plan, as it offers quite a good return within a short period of 5 days. We do have fairly good amount of deposits in the other two plans too.

4. What payment methods are available? What payment processors are you dealing with and which would be the most popular?

Currently, we accept deposits from the payment processors, Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, and AlertPay. We will also be adding SolidTrustPay quite soon to the list. We are just waiting to get our SolidTrustPay account verification completed. Once it is done, SolidTrustPay will also be added as an option for deposits and withdrawals.

The most popular payment processors so far have been Liberty Reserve and AlertPay, and deposits are coming in from both the processors almost in an equal amount daily.

5. What kind of advertising strategy are you using to promote ExtraIncome? I notice that you haven’t advertised much compared to most online projects. Don’t you think this has been detrimental to keeping your program in the public eye? Or is it a deliberate plan to stay low-key and build up gradually?

We have just started to advertise our program in the major forum, blogs, and monitors. Yes, we haven’t advertised much as the other online projects so far, but we will be starting some serious promotion in the coming weeks, to get ourselves noticed by the public, and grow at a very good rate.

6. What are the most efficient ways of getting in contact with you if a member has any questions or problems?

We currently offer support only through email. Members can contact us using the support form found on our website, and all tickets will be answered within a period of 24 hours, once we receive it. We are working on our way to add support system through Live Chat and Phone, and it will be done pretty soon.

7. To date what have been the most common problems or questions put to you by the members? Is there anything in particular you would like to address here in order for members to avoid having to contact you at all?

The most common questions so far have been related to the interest earning. A couple of them are, if the plans pay daily or after expiry, and if we pay only on business days, or on every calendar day. I would like to stress that, our plans have been set to pay upon expiry, i.e., your account will be updated with your earnings, only after the investment term, and not daily. Also, we pay on every calendar day, and not only on business days.

8. Can you tell the readers in detail about the security of the ExtraIncome website? Who is your hosting provider and how highly would you rate their services? Tell us also about the script and why you chose it.

ExtraIncome is hosted on a highly secure dedicated server provided by the anti-DDoS company, DDoSWiz, and I would give them full five stars out of five, for their excellent service. I have had a very good experience with them so far. ExtraIncome runs on the secure and most popular script of this industry, GoldCoders. The main reason why we chose it, is because of its ease of use and management, not only for us, but also for the investors.

9. You claim that ExtraIncome doesn’t depend on new deposits to pay existing members, but surely every business whether an online HYIP or not depends on cash flow? Whatever you claim to be doing to generate profits, surely you couldn’t do it if people stopped depositing?

We do not completely depend on incoming deposits to pay our members, but at the same time, we admit that we do agree on the incoming deposits, but only to a very small extent. The profits we offer are mainly generated from investing money in the Information Technology industry, as described on our website, besides doing trading in FOREX and stock markets.

10. Can you give us any statistics on ExtraIncome as regarding the membership, the deposits, and the rate of growth? Are you satisfied with the progress you have made so far? How would you like to see the program develop in the short term future, over the coming three months?

ExtraIncome has close to 2000 members right now, have gathered a total of over $70,000 in deposits, and have paid out close to $23,000 in profits and referral commissions. I am highly satisfied with the growth of the program, and I see that we have a very bright future in our way. I would like to see ExtraIncome being the topmost program of this industry in the coming three months, and I am sure it is not a difficult task for us, considering the high growth rate of the program right now.

11. And expanding on that, do you have any plans to further develop, expand, or otherwise improve ExtraIncome in the near future?

Yes, we do have plans to develop, as do every business has, for their continuous growth and popularity. A few of the things that we would be adding to our program will be Live Chat and Phone support, instant payments, and our very own forum for our members.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading the interview, and I will be looking forward to see those MNO readers who haven’t joined us yet, becoming our valuable members.

Thanks you, Paul, for spending your valuable time for interviewing me.

And thanks to Phil for taking the time to answer those questions. I hope you found it useful in making up your mind as to whether ExtraIncome is a suitable addition to your own portfolio or not, but let me wish the best of luck to those of you already in ExtraIncome.

That’s about it for now, guys, but fingers crossed I’ll see you all later this evening  with all the latest news from the most up to date source from anywhere in the industry. So stay tuned and see you all then!

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